WHC as at 11/10/2020 Winchester Hockey Club - Fixture Card Programme 2020-2021 Season All Data correct as at 11th October 2020 - please check website - www.winchesterhc.co.uk for latest information Team Day Date Home team v Away team Push Back Venue* Mens 1st XI M1 Saturday 29-Aug-20 Winchester 1 v Bournemouth 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 05-Sep-20 Winchester 1 v Basingstoke 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 12-Sep-20 Winchester 1 v Swindon 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 19-Sep-20 Winchester 1 v Oxford B Uni 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 26-Sep-20 Trojans 1 v Winchester 1 13:30 away - Trojans 1 M1 Saturday 03-Oct-20 Winchester 1 v Wimbledon 2 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 10-Oct-20 Tunbridge Wells 1 v Winchester 1 11:30 Tonbridge School Sports Centre M1 Saturday 17-Oct-20 Winchester 1 v West Hampstead 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 24-Oct-20 Banbury 1 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Banbury 1 M1 Saturday 31-Oct-20 Winchester 1 v Guildford 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 07-Nov-20 Surbiton 2 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Surbiton 2 M1 Saturday 14-Nov-20 Winchester 1 v Milton Keynes 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 21-Nov-20 Winchester 1 v Indian Gymkhana 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 28-Nov-20 Hampstead & Westminster 2 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Hampstead & Westminster 2 M1 Saturday 05-Dec-20 Winchester 1 v Oxford University 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 12-Dec-20 spare league date M1 Saturday 19-Dec-20 M1 Saturday 26-Dec-20 xmas break M1 Saturday 02-Jan-21 xmas break M1 Saturday 09-Jan-21 Winchester 1 v Trojans 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 16-Jan-21 Wimbledon 2 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Wimbledon 2 M1 Saturday 23-Jan-21 Winchester 1 v Tunbridge Wells 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 30-Jan-21 West Hampstead 1 v Winchester 1 TBC away - West Hampstead 1 M1 Saturday 06-Feb-21 Winchester 1 v Banbury 1 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 13-Feb-21 Guildford 1 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Guildford 1 M1 Saturday 20-Feb-21 Winchester 1 v Surbiton 2 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 27-Feb-21 Milton Keynes 1 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Milton Keynes 1 M1 Saturday 06-Mar-21 Indian Gymkhana 1 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Indian Gymkhana 1 M1 Saturday 13-Mar-21 Winchester 1 v Hampstead & Westminster 2 14:00 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M1 Saturday 20-Mar-21 Oxford University 1 v Winchester 1 TBC away - Oxford University 1 M1 Saturday 27-Mar-21 spare league date M1 Saturday 03-Apr-21 Easter M1 Saturday 10-Apr-21 Men's 2nd XI M2 Saturday 05-Sep-20 M2 Saturday 12-Sep-20 Hamble 1 v Winchester 2 13:30 Hamble - Hamble School M2 Saturday 19-Sep-20 Andover 1 v Winchester 2 12:45 Andover - John Hanson School M2 Saturday 26-Sep-20 Winchester 2 v Trojans 2 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 03-Oct-20 Southampton University 1 v Winchester 2 13:00 Eastleigh - Wide Lane M2 Saturday 10-Oct-20 Winchester 2 v Winchester 3 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 17-Oct-20 Gillingham 1 v Winchester 2 14:00 Gillingham (Dorset) - Gillingham School M2 Saturday 24-Oct-20 Winchester 2 v Basingstoke 2 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 31-Oct-20 Fareham 3 v Winchester 2 16:30 Fareham - Henry Cort School M2 Saturday 07-Nov-20 Winchester 2 v Bournemouth 2 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 14-Nov-20 Poole 1 v Winchester 2 11:00 Poole - Ashdown Leisure Centre M2 Saturday 21-Nov-20 Yateley 1 v Winchester 2 16:30 Yateley(Eversley) - Eversley Sports Association M2 Saturday 28-Nov-20 Winchester 2 v Salisbury 1 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 05-Dec-20 Havant 3 v Winchester 2 14:30 Havant - Havant College M2 Saturday 12-Dec-20 M2 Saturday 19-Dec-20 M2 Saturday 26-Dec-20 xmas break M2 Saturday 02-Jan-21 xmas break M2 Saturday 09-Jan-21 Trojans 2 v Winchester 2 TBC Eastleigh - Trojans Club M2 Saturday 16-Jan-21 Winchester 2 v Southampton University 1 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 23-Jan-21 Winchester 3 v Winchester 2 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M2 Saturday 30-Jan-21 Winchester 2 v Gillingham 1 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 06-Feb-21 Basingstoke 2 v Winchester 2 11:45 Basingstoke - Down Grange Pitch 2 M2 Saturday 13-Feb-21 Winchester 2 v Fareham 3 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 20-Feb-21 Bournemouth 2 v Winchester 2 12:00 Bournemouth (Dorset) - Chapel Gate (Near Airport) M2 Saturday 27-Feb-21 Winchester 2 v Poole 1 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 06-Mar-21 Winchester 2 v Yateley 1 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 13-Mar-21 Salisbury v Winchester 2 13:00 Salisbury (Wiltshire) - South Wilts Sports Ground M2 Saturday 20-Mar-21 Winchester 2 v Havant 3 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M2 Saturday 27-Mar-21 M2 Saturday 03-Apr-21 Easter Men's 3rd XI M3 Saturday 05-Sep-20 Club Day M3 Saturday 12-Sep-20 Hamble 2 v Winchester 3 15:00 Hamble - Hamble School M3 Saturday 19-Sep-20 Fareham 3 v Winchester 3 13:30 Fareham - Henry Cort School M3 Saturday 26-Sep-20 Bournemouth 2 v Winchester 3 12:00 Bournemouth (Dorset) - Chapel Gate (Near Airport) M3 Saturday 03-Oct-20 Winchester 3 v Poole 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 10-Oct-20 Winchester 2 v Winchester 3 13:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M3 Saturday 17-Oct-20 Winchester 3 v Salisbury 1 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 24-Oct-20 Havant 3 v Winchester 3 15:00 Havant - Havant College M3 Saturday 31-Oct-20 Winchester 3 v Trojans 2 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 07-Nov-20 Southampton University 1 v Winchester 3 10:00 Eastleigh - Wide Lane M3 Saturday 14-Nov-20 Winchester 3 v Yateley 1 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 21-Nov-20 Winchester 3 v Gillingham 1 12:00 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End AC 1 WHC as at 11/10/2020 Winchester Hockey Club - Fixture Card Programme 2020-2021 Season All Data correct as at 11th October 2020 - please check website - www.winchesterhc.co.uk for latest information Team Day Date Home team v Away team Push Back Venue* M3 Saturday 28-Nov-20 Basingstoke 2 v Winchester 3 13:30 Basingstoke - Down Grange Pitch 2 M3 Saturday 05-Dec-20 Winchester 3 v Fareham 3 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 12-Dec-20 M3 Saturday 19-Dec-20 M3 Saturday 26-Dec-20 xmas break M3 Saturday 02-Jan-21 xmas break M3 Saturday 09-Jan-21 Winchester 3 v Bournemouth 2 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 16-Jan-21 Poole 1 v Winchester 3 11:00 Poole - Ashdown Leisure Centre M3 Saturday 23-Jan-21 Winchester 3 v Winchester 2 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 30-Jan-21 Salisbury 1 v Winchester 3 14:30 Salisbury (Wiltshire) - South Wilts Sports Ground M3 Saturday 06-Feb-21 Winchester 3 v Havant 3 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 13-Feb-21 Trojans 2 v Winchester 3 TBC Eastleigh - Trojans Club M3 Saturday 20-Feb-21 Winchester 3 v Southampton University 1 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 27-Feb-21 Yateley 1 v Winchester 3 10:30 Yateley(Eversley) - Eversley Sports Association M3 Saturday 06-Mar-21 Gillingham 1 v Winchester 3 14:00 Gillingham (Dorset) - Gillingham School M3 Saturday 13-Mar-21 Winchester 3 v Basingstoke 2 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M3 Saturday 20-Mar-21 Fareham 3 v Winchester 3 13:30 Fareham - Henry Cort School M3 Saturday 27-Mar-21 M3 Saturday 03-Apr-21 Easter Men's 4th XI Academy M4 Saturday 05-Sep-20 Club Day M4 Saturday 12-Sep-20 Trojans 4 v Winchester 4 14:00 Eastleigh - Trojans Club M4 Saturday 19-Sep-20 Winchester 4 v Wizards 15:30 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M4 Saturday 26-Sep-20 Winchester 4 v Portsmouth 2 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M4 Saturday 03-Oct-20 Isle of Wight v Winchester 4 13:40 Ryde (Isle of Wight) - Smallbrook Stadium M4 Saturday 10-Oct-20 Winchester 4 v Trojans 4 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M4 Saturday 17-Oct-20 Salisbury 2 v Winchester 4 14:30 Salisbury (Wiltshire) - South Wilts Sports Ground M4 Saturday 24-Oct-20 Winchester 4 v Gosport 1 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M4 Saturday 31-Oct-20 Southampton 2 v Winchester 4 14:15 Southampton - Sports Centre - Pitch 1 M4 Saturday 07-Nov-20 Winchester 4 v Haslemere 3 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M4 Saturday 14-Nov-20 Andover 2 v Winchester 4 12:45 Andover - John Hanson School M4 Saturday 21-Nov-20 Aldershot and Farnham 2 v Winchester 4 14:15 Farnham (Surrey) - Heath End School M4 Saturday 28-Nov-20 Winchester 4 v Swanage and Wareham 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M4 Saturday 05-Dec-20 Fareham 4 v Winchester 4 10:00 Fareham - Henry Cort School M4 Saturday 12-Dec-20 M4 Saturday 19-Dec-20 M4 Saturday 26-Dec-20 xmas break M4 Saturday 02-Jan-21 xmas break M4 Saturday 09-Jan-21 Portsmouth 2 v Winchester 4 12:30 Portsmouth - Langstone - University of Portsmouth M4 Saturday 16-Jan-21 Winchester 4 v Isle of Wight 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M4 Saturday 23-Jan-21 Trojans 4 v Winchester 4 16:30 Eastleigh - Trojans Club M4 Saturday 30-Jan-21 Winchester 4 v Salisbury 2 13:30 Winchester - Winchester Sports Stadium, Bar End M4 Saturday 06-Feb-21 Gosport v Winchester 4 12:45 Gosport - St Vincent College M4 Saturday 13-Feb-21 Winchester 4 v Southampton 2 10:15 Winchester - King's School,Romsey Road M4 Saturday 20-Feb-21 Haslemere 3 v Winchester 4 15:30 Haslemere (Surrey) - Woolmer Hill S.G.
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