INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 15, No.3, September, 2001 151 A checklist of the Limnichidae and the Lutrochidae (Coleoptera) of the world P. J. Spangler, C. L. Staines, P.M. Spangler, and S.L. Staines Department of Entomology National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 Abstract. A checklist of the world species of Limnichidae (35 genera, 345 species) and Lutrochidae (1 genus, 11 species) is presented. The author, year of publication and page number, synonyms, distribution by country, and a terminal bibliography are given for each genus and species. Biological information is also reviewed. Introduction scribed the species and adult behavior of Lutrochus arizonicus Brown and Murvosh. Hilsenhoff and The Limnichidae Erichson (1847) and Lutro­ Schmude (1992) reported that adults of L. laticeps chidae Kasap and Crowson (1975) are small semi­ Casey (1893) were found in small to large, warm, aquatic beetles; adults of both families most fre­ calcareous streams; that adults oviposit on sub­ quently live in riparian habitats. Both families merged wood or on travertine rocks; and larvae were previously assigned to the superfamily Dry­ were aquatic and were collected on the travertine opoidea (Crowson, 1978); however, they are now rocks. placed in the Byrrhoidea (Lawrence and Newton, Previous world catalogs that included the lim­ 1995). From 1975 through 1993, D. P. Wooldridge nichids and lutrochids are by Zaitzev (1910) and published numerous limnichid descriptions and von Dalla Torre (1911) who recorded 11 genera and revisions but much systematic work remains to be 75 species. Blackwelder (1944) published a check­ done for the Limnichidae, especially in the tropical list of the Coleoptera of Mexico, Central America, regions of the Eastern Hemisphere. the West Indies, and South America in which he Not much has been published dealing with the reported 11 genera and 44 species of Limnichidae biology of the families. Paulus (1970) described the and 8 species of Lutrochidae in the nominate genus. larva of the European species Limnichus sericeus Wooldridge (1986b) published a catalog of the Lim­ Duftschmid (1825) and the larva and pupa of Pelo­ nichidae (including Lutrochus) of North America in chares versicolor Waltl (1838). Paulus also reported which he included 6 genera and 29 species of that the larvae of both genera are terrestrial and Limnichidae and the single genus, Lutrochus with live in the soil under the "Chlorophyceae-Bryophy­ 3 species. Some recent revisonary studies on the ta layers," and reportedly feed on those plants. Limnichidae are those by Wooldridge (1976, 1977a, Adults may be found near the waterline on 1977b, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981b, 1982, 1983, 1987b). branches and grasses hanging over stream banks Additional studies that have added to our knowl­ or in riffles, on driftwood, in logjams, and on rocks edge of the Limnichidae are by Darlington (1936), in streams; some are found in splash zones beside fauna of the West Indies; Wu (1937), China; Sato cascades and waterfalls and on dam breasts. Spec­ (1965), Formosa; Sato (1966, 1976, 1997), Japan; imens of at least five limnichid genera, Pseudeu­ Deleve (1968, 1974), Herando and Ribera (2000a), cinetus Heller (1921), Martinius Spilman (1959), Mrica; Deleve (1971,1973), Asia; Wooldridge (1975), Hyphalus Britton (1971, 1973, 1977), Throscinus Western Hemisphere; Piitz (1991b), Germany; LeConte (1874) (fide Wooldridge, 1981), and Mexico Mascagni (1995), Italy; Piitz (1998a, 1998b), China Spilman (1972) are known to live on coral reefs and neighboring countries; Ribera and Hernando (Sato, 1997; Hernando and Ribera, 2000b), coastal (1999), and Hernando and Ribera (2000b), Oriental lagoons, mangrove swamps, or edges of mud or Region. rocky flats along coastal areas. This checklist is an effort to bring the limnichid Brown (1965) discussed characteristic micro­ . and lutrochid names and pertinent taxonomic liter­ habitats of various dryopoids including Lutrochus ature into a single publication and was compiled by Erichson (1847). Brown and Murvosh (1970) de- examining the literature for descriptions, synonyms, 152 Volume 15, No.3, September, 2001, INSECTA MUNDI and distributional data plus examination of the biroi Pic, 1956:75 collection of the Smithsonian Institution. New Guinea bomansi (Deleve), 1968:245 A checklist of the Limnichidae Tanganyika of the world borneensis Pic, 1923b:7 Borneo ACONTOSCELES Champion, 1924a:27 boucardi Pic, 1923b:7 hydroporoides Champion, 1924a:29 Sumatra Taiwan [Formosa], India brevior (Pic), 1927a:65 tagalog Spilman, 1959:116 Sumatra Philippines convexus (Pic), 1923b:5 yorioi Sato, 1966:60 Philippines Japan (Ryukyus) cribrosus Champion, 1923:253 India, Sri Lanka AFROLIMNICHUS Deleve, 1968:259 curt us Pic, 1935b:471 brevicornis Deleve, 1968:260 Sierra Leone Congo densepunctatus (Pic), 1923b:6 oblongus Deleve, 1974:40 Ivory Coast South Africa (Cape Province) diversus (Pic), 1923b:5 Ivory Coast BABALIMNICHUS Sato, 1994:174 ellypticus Motschulsky, 1858:51 masamii SatO, 1994:175 India Japan (Ryukyus) euryaspis Champion, 1923:250 taiwan us Sato, 1994:174 India [Nilgiri Hills] Taiwan ferax Wooldridge, 1993b:359 Philippines, Borneo BOTHRIOPHORUS Mulsant and Rey, 1852:19 flavicornis Champion, 1923:251 atom us Mulsant and Rey, 1852:20 India (syn., ventetus Ferrari, 1864:108) formosanus Pic, 1935a:2 Europe Taiwan [Formosa] fuscus Motschulsky, 1858:52 BYRRHINUS Motschulsky, 1858:50 India syn., BYRRHININUS Pic, 1922:6 goldbachi Wooldridge, 1987b:310 syn., CYPHONICHUS Sharp, 1902a:679 Ecuador, Paraguay syn., NOTIOCYPHON Blackburn, 1896:272 gracilicornis Pic, 1922:5 syn., PELOCHEROPS Pic, 1923a:3 Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela amoenus Wooldridge, 1987a:310 grandis (Pic), 1956:74 Belize, British Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador New Guinea andamanus (Pic), 1935a:2 grossepunctatus (Deleve), 1968:249 Andaman Islands Congo angustatus Motschulsky, 1858:51 hargreavesi (Pic), 1935b:470 India, Thailand Sierra Leone antipodium Fauvel, 1903:348 hirsutulus Champion, 1923:250 New Caledonia India [Kumaon] apicalis Pic, 1922:5 hirsutus Pic, 1922:5 Katanga French Guiana, Trinidad atricornis (Pic), 1935a:3 hulstaerti (Pic), 1952:9 Congo, Sierra Leone Kinshasa [Congo] atrolucidus (Pic), 1923a:3 improcerus Wooldridge, 1987b:310 New Guinea Ecuador binhanus (Pic), 1923b:5 inlineatus Pic. 1923c:15 Vietnam India INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 15, No.3, September, 2001 153 irregularis Pic, 1922:5 plenus Wooldridge, 1987b:305 Philippines Boliva, Ecuador jacobsoni Pic, 1927a:65 pubiventris Lea:1920:277 Sumatra Australia latus Motschulsky, 1858:50 punctaticeps Pic, 1927b:49 Bangladesh, Burma, India, Sri Lanka Sumatra leleupi (Deleve), 1968:257 punctatus (Pic), 1922:5 Kivu [Zaire] Philippines leonensis (Pic), 1923b:6 punctulatus (Deleve), 1968:243 Congo, Sierra Leone Upemba [Zaire] maculatus Wooldridge, 1987b:307 reitteri (Pic), 1923b:6 Ecuador Ghana magnus Wooldridge, 1987b:307 rhomboideus Champion, 1923:253 Ecuador, Peru, India marginatus Champion, 1923:249 rufoapicalis (Pic), 1955:132 India [Kumaon], Pakistan Ruanda, Kiva [Zaire] maroniensis Pic, 1923b:7 rufus Pic, 1935a:2 Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Trinidad­ Thailand Tobago, Venezuela schoutedeni (Pic), 1952:9 mimicus Wooldridge, 1987b:308 Congo Colombia, Panama semirufus Pic, 1923b:8 misellus (Sharp), 1902a:681 Trinidad- Tobago, Venezuela Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, seydeli (Deleve), 1968:252 Panama Elisabethville [Zaire] monilicornis Champion, 1923:251 sikkimensis Champion, 1923:249 India [Kumaon] India [Sikkim] neoguineensis (Pic), 1956:75 subglobosus (Deleve), 1968:254 New Guinea Elisabethville [Zaire] niger Pic, 1922:5 subglobosus upembanus (Deleve), 1968:256 Vietnam Upemba [Zaire] nitidicollis Pic, 1956:75 subregularis Pic, 1923c:15 New Guinea Vietnam nitidulus Motschulsky, 1858:51 subtestaceous Pic, 1923b:8 India, Thailand Philippines noctivagus Lea 1920:277 tarawakanus Deleve, 1973:23 Australia Borneo [Sabah], Philippines (Tawi Tawi) oculatus Motschulsky, 1858:52 testaceicornis (Pic), 1923b:5 India Philippines olibroides (Sharp), 1902a:679 testaceipes Pic, 1922:5 (syn., celatus Sharp, 1902a:680) subregularis Pic, 1923b:7 Lapsus Calami Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico Sumatra orientalis (Sharp), 1902b:63 tschoffeni (Deleve), 1968:235 Taiwan [Formosa], Malaysia (Borneo) Boma [Congo] padangus Pic, 1927b:49 vatovai (Pic), 1953:113 Sumatra Ethiopia panamensis (Sharp), 1902a:679 vestitus (Sharp), 1902a:681 (syn., mollis Sharp, 1902a:681) Guatemala, Mexico (syn., rufipennis Pic, 1923b:7) vicinus (Deleve), 1968:248 Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Congo Panama wittei (Deleve), 1968:253 peguensis Pic, 1923c:15 Upemba [Zaire] India 154 Volume 15, No.3, September, 2001, INSECTA MUNDI CACCOTHRYPTUS Sharp, 1902b:63 nepalensis Piitz, 1998b:360 syn., MACROBYRRHINUS Pic, 1922:4 Nepal [Myagdi] compactus Sharp, 1902b:63 schillhammeri Piitz, 1998b:362 Borneo, Vietnam China [Sichuan] laosensis Pic, 1928:2 schuelkei Piitz, 1998b:363 Laos China [Sichuan] maculosus Pic, 1923a:3 sichuanensis Piitz, 1998b:365 Tonkin China multiseriatus Champion, 1923:224 subelongatus Pic, 1923b:4 India [Bengal] India [Sikkim] ripicola Champion, 1923:223 India [W. Almora] CHIBIDORONUS SatO, 1966:59 rouyeri (Pic), 1922:4 aureus Sato, 1966:60 Sumatra Japan (Ryukyus) testudo Champion, 1923:222 India [W. Almora], Nepal CORRINEA Wooldridge, 1980:69 admirandus (Sharp) 1902a:677 CEPHALOBYRRHINUS Pic, 1923b:6 Mexico brevis Wooldridge, 1986a:512 audax Wooldridge, 1980:75 Ecuador Mexico curticornis Pic, 1923b:6 aurata Wooldridge, 1980:71
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