THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Tuesday, October 27,1992 Vol XXV,Number 32 Senate confers with administrative reps Senate lunch with trustees. as well Iby .JOHN WAGLEY 1)dlly t:dllollol Road as individual trustee visits to the Sunday ‘s Tufts Coinmunit y Medford Campus. Union Senate meeting featured a According to Dixon. the trust- visit by two Trustee rcprescnta- ees highly respect student opin- lives. Linda Dixon. Secretray of ions. “I hope that you are asking the Corporation of Tufts Univcr- your trustee representatives to sity. and Mary Harris. Adminis- report to you atid you are gather- trative director of the Board of ing up your interests and letting Ovcrsccrs. came to discuss the the Trustees hiow what they are.” tlulics of the Trustees arid their she said. A further message to the relationship to the rest of the Uni- Tufts coininunity was that the versity. Trustees read a wide variety of Di xon. wtiosc dut ics inc I udc Tufts publications. so “write let- serving ;I liaison between the ters to the [Xdts Daily] editor.” Trusiccs aid vxious University Mary Harris thcndescribedthe depart inc n Is. first out I incd the role of the Board of Overseers. composite of the body. Conven- There are cuiwitly 14 inembers ing as ;I whole in February. No- ofthe Board, about three-quarters vember. and May. the Board of of whom are involved with Arts Trustccs aidinits two or three new aid Sciences.There is an Interna- mcmhcrs each year as the same tional Board as well as one for Photo by Tabbert Teng number departs. she explained. Members of the Jumbo Marching Band blow their horns at Saturday’s Homecoming game. each graduate school. Each board, I Less Ihan one half of the 29 pcr- created and headed by a Trustee, cent feindc body represents New is primarily composed of alumni. England. Seven oul of ten mem- paraits. and friends of the Uni- Alumnus seeks reform in office bers eartied Tu lis degrces and over versity. “They are there to advise a third arc Tufts parents. The deans and other administrators...to Aiello cites his 20-plus-year ten- C~UI CXPC- by CAROLINE SCHAEPER “I feel that 1 use the median Trustee age is 54. serve as ambassadors,” accord- ureasabusiiiessinanandalawyer ricnce that I have gained in these Daily 1‘:ditorial Rciard Explaining that 19 percent of, ing to Harris. Virgil Aiel10 has a vision: re- as his qualification to serve as a itreas to represcnt the citizens of the nicmbcrs arc involvedin busi- “Two Boards are ones [stu- form. public official. the Conmon wedth ol‘Mass;1chu- ness, 22 percent in finance, arid dents and senators] should espe- As a candidate for the Sixth Aiello graduated from Tufts in sctts on the Governor‘s Council.” 39 percent in law. education. cially keep an eye on -- those of District Governor‘s Council, 1963. where he served asaincm- Aicllo said. health sciences. and others. Har- the library aridathleticfacilities,” Aiello w<antsto put his experience her of the track and football teams Currently six of the eight Couli- ris feels one of the goals of the she said. in law, business and in the mili- and the Delta Upsilon fraternity. cil representativesare Dernocrats. Board is to be as diverse as pos- Students will have a chance to tary to use to help represent Mas- From Tufts. he advanced to Bos- If elected, Republican Aiello will sible. meet Trustees in the mid-Novem- sachusettscitizens and their view- ton University Law School where enter mto a body that has been According to Harris. “It is up ber meeting of the Student Life poinls to Governor Weld. hc grduiIted in 1966. atid later traditionally occupied by Demo- lo the T~USICCSto establish a mis- Board. of which more infonna- “I’m running for Governor’s bccarne a lnclnber of the Massa- cratic members. sion lor Tufts. This iiicludes who tion will be available. Council because 1 believe I can chusetts Bar Association and the If elected. Aiello plans to ein- we we. what we do. and how we Dixon added some words about inalie an impact on our judicial Bar of the Unilcd States Supreme phasize judicial reform and man- wish to be perceived.” the current issue of school spirit at systein.“saidAiello,a 1963Tufts Courl. aging the state expenditure, Ac- Also mentioned were ways in Tufts. “There seems to be a gen- graduate. In the business field. he is a cording to Aiello, the responsi- which TCU Senators could meet eral sense that school spirit is not The Governor‘s Council is a partial owner of DeLuca‘s Mar- bilities of a council member are with Trustccs. Some ofthe formal what it should be. Most of the body of eight elected Massachu- ket. a family-run business where crucial. methods of contact include com- Trustees who graduated 20 or 30 setts citizens who meet weekly he has worked for 30 years. “The Governor’s Council has inunication by the student repre- years ago seem to have a wonder- with the Governor in a forum Aiello is also a veteran of the the power toapproveallthejudges sentatives the Trustee Com- ful memory of University tradi- chaired by Lieutenant Governor on United States Marine Corps, in in the Court system and all of the mittee as well as Seiiarc contact tions.”Sheadded,“Someofthem Paul Cclucci. Members of the which he served in active duty clerks of court, as well as other with the Board of overseers for are downright corny.” Council must run for re-election from I967 to 1969. He is the minor court officials,” he said. S t udcn t Life. One Senator agreed with this every two years. reserve assistant ~iavalatrachc to He detailed the approval pro- Some informal ways for the notion and responded that it ap- Although he hasiieverheld the Ita1 y, ha*; previously served in and Scnatc to let the Trustccs in position of ,an elected official. Soinalia iuid Israel. on see AIELLO, Page s their conceiiis is at the February see SENATE, Page 2 Latest polls show Clinton’s support shifting to Perot by STEI’HICN AKUUTHNOT shifting of support from Clinton Times Mirror Center for The and Bush’s support fell by me around 10 percent. This counters Daily 1:ditcrial Ucartl to Perot rather lhan any upward People & The Press showed point. Thcpol1,zlsoshowcdPer~~t’spolls released last week which According to the most recent inoveinent by Bush. Clinton with 44 percent support. support climbing by 1 1 points. Of showedclinton’sleadasbetween national polls. Governor Bill The polls also donot take uito Bush with 34 percent, and Perot Perot’s 19 percent support. six 15 and20perceiitagepoints,with Clinton‘s lead over President account reactions to Pcrot’s new with 19 pcrcciit.Thcpollre-inter- percent were former Clinton sup- Perot at less than 10 percent sup- George Bush has becn decreasing assertions in The Boslo?~Ilemld viewed registered voters who had porters. while four percenr were port. Variations in the wording of due to augmented support for In- and 60 Miriutes as to why he becn polled before the debates. fonner Bush supporters. questions and other factors are dcpendcrit candidate H. Ross withdrew from the presidential The new poll indicated that Combined, the latest polls Perot. race Julv 16. He said last week- Clinton‘s sunnort fell four mints show Clinton’s lead over Bush as see page The latest polls, all taken last end. without hard evidence. that All polls were conducted in the days after Bush Clinton Perot week after the third presidential the Bush/Qua~ylecampaign was the third presidenbl debate and results 0 0 debate and released Sunday and planning todoctor apicture of his Recent Polls were released on Sunday and Monday. yesterday. show a closing of the daughter and release it tonational Newsweek Harris NBC Wall Street Journal gap between Clinton and Bush. tabloids preceding her August - This change reflects more the wcddinn. Pcrot also alleged that I 30%I l--zq the Buih campaign was going to disrupt her wcddhig ceremony. I Inside Politicnl analysts are unsure 1 22%1 I lS%l Viewpoints ...................... p. 3 whether Perot‘s supporters will Thedangers ofa diversecampus, why view this development as another CBS - New York Times Washington Post ABC News Perot conspiracy theory. thereby to vote Libertarian next week, and Nick I 37%I 34%1 I 34%I on the Perot phenomenon. compromising his support. or whether this will be viewed as Features .......................... p. 5 Perot holding the security and Public access cable TV begins its run well-being of his family above 1 17%] 1 20%) on the Hill, and Mike’s, er, Billy’s, re- his political ambitions. flections on Holloween. Clinton‘s lead has been mea- Time - CNN U.S. News & World Report Times Mirror sured as low as seven percentage I 31%1 31 %I I . 34%1 Sports ............................. p. 9 points in a poll by CBS News- Men’s and women’s soccer both fall NPM’Yo14 Timrs. to as high as 19 Homecoming Saturday, a baseball on poinls in a poll by NBC News- 19961 [quiz, andSheinken,Sheinken,Sheinken. WuII Slrect Joional. I A poll released Sunday by the Graohlc bv Lam Azt page two THE TUmS DAILY Tuesday, October 27,1992 THETUFTS DAILE Letters to the Editor JumboTel customers the JumboTel bill with an AT&T bill from and Chinatown is the largest Asian com- Patrick Healy April. 1992. We discovered that a 45- munity outside the Orient. Unlike Paris. Editor-in-Chief in South not happy minute call on AT&T at 1152 p.m.
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