AustralianGovernment Ilepar*neat ofthe Enviro:rmentand tleritage Ms Kate George Martinick BoschSeI Pty Ltd ln]trGtrE\7tri[]] Cook strcet ill z z srpzoos l!.J !!EST PERTH WA 6005 -t /q /{ Dear Ms George Murchison Metals Limited/Mining/Mu.hison region/WA.{a& Hills Iron Ore Mine and crushing and sceening plant and transport to Geraldton Port - EPBC 2O051227a Thank you for the above referral, received on 22 August 2005,for decision whether or not approval is needed under Chapter 4 of the Ea"ironment Prctectionand Biodioersity ConserustionAct 1999 GPBC AcO. fhe referal has now been considered undei the EPBC Act and I have decided that the action is not a controlled action. Approval is therefore not needed under Part 9 of the Act before +lla r-ti^n .^n nr roo.l Pleasenote that this decision only relates to the potential for significant impact on the specific matte$ of national environmental signficance protected by the Australan Covemnent under the EPBC Act. There mav be a need for separate State or Local Covemment envhonmental assessmentand approval to address potential impacts on State, regional or local environrnental values. A copy of the document recording my decision is attached for your inJormation. I have written separately to Mr FranL Sibbel of Murchison Metals Limited to advise of my decision (copy attached). aecic+>n+ qo.ro+,fl| EnvironmentAssessment Branch )5 September2005 GPO Box 787Canberra ACl 260| lelephone(02) 6274 l111 F acsimlle (02) 6274 1666 Internet:www.deh.gov.au COMMONWEALTHO! AUSTRALIA ENI,GOA,\4'Ar PRoTEcTIoN4^? BIoDIt.ERsTy C'NSERVATI1NAcT 7999 DDCISIoNTHAT ACTIoN Is NoT A CoNTRoLLEDAcTIoN I, ALEX RANKIN, Assistant Secretary, Envioffirent Assessment Bmndr, Department of the Enviro{:,$rent and Heritage, a delegate of the Minister for the Environment and Heritage for the purposes of section 75 of the Enoironnmt Protectirrftahd Biodioercity ConsetuatiotlAct 1999,decide that the proposed actiorL 6et out in the Schedule, is not a controlled action. ScHEDULE The proposed action to construct and operate an open cut iron ore mine and associated "the infrastructure lQown as Jack Hills Pro1ect",including transportation of orc to ihe Geraldton Port, located in the Mwchison Regiory about 100 kilometles east of the town of Meekatha:rr4 in Central Western Aushalia, and as descdbed in the referral and associated docnnentation received lmdet the Act on 22 August 2005 WBC 2O0S/n78\. Dated this l5{$ dayof * ?,e,^Vg 2005 ASSISTANT SECRETARY ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENTBRANCII DEPARTMENT OF TIIE ENI14RONMENTAND HERITAGE Wesdrlia Squm. j i 41 St GeorgesTeme, Penh WesremAutralia 6000. EnvirorunentalProtectionAutliority Telephone:(08) 9222 7000, Facsioilei(08) 9222 ?155. PostalAddEss: PO Box K822, Pelrh,wesren AusFalia 6842. websiter wv3pa.wleovau r::L>' -:.:::.l:- . ':-4.: ; ': t) .i ,... rn. illl ' I ,r , r il I'i.lo i' B'i:----='----''-''----' Mr PaulRokich EnvironmentalConsullant MadinickBosch Sell Pty Ltd 4 CookStreel OurFef CRN215358 WESTPERTH WA 6005 E gulles Tjm Gentle DearMr Rokich PROPOSAL: Jack Hills lron Orc Prolect(Stage 1), Mining Lease20/506 LOCATION: 100km east ot Meekathaffa LOCALITY: Shireol Murchison PROPONENT: MurchisonMetals Limited Thankyou for reforringthe aboveproposal to the EnvkonmentalProtection Authoriv (EPA). The EPAhas lookedat the informationprovided by you andconsiders lhai ihe proposalhas the polential 10be assessedunder the expeditedassessment process as an EnvironmentalProtection Statement (EPS). Thegazetted Administrative Procedures provide information on lhis levelof assessm€ntand areavailable on the EPAWebsite, wlvw.epa.wa.gov.au. To participatein this expeditedprocess the proponentis requiredto consultwith the staftof the EPA ServiceUnit and other identitied stakeholders (including lhe public),undertake any studies requested bythe EPA,and prepare an EPSdocument, in accordancewith the AdministrativeProcedures. The EPA wilf advediseits intentionswith regardto this proposalin Monda\fsWest Austalian newspaperon 23 January2006. Thereare no appealrighis at this time,however lhe proponents contacldetails will be advertisedso thatyou andany interestedmembers oi the publiccan discuss withthe proponentany environmental concerns. When the aboveconsultation and documentationprocess has beencompleted lhe EPSdocument shouldbe tormallyreferred for environmentalassessment. The EPA will considerthe information providedbyihe proponentand lhen either: 1. Confim that an EPSis the approprialelevol of assessmenllor the proposal,advertise il at thal level and publicly reloase the proponent'sdocumeniatjon and ihe EPA'S Repon and Recommendationsat the sametime. Appealrights exist at this stagefol anyoneto requestlo the Ministerfor lhe Environmontthat the proposalbe assessedmore fully and/or more publicly (ie PublicEnvironmental Review (PER) or EnvhonmentalReview and ManagementProgram (ERMP)or appealagainst the EPA'Sadvice contained in its report;or 2. Decideto assesslhe proposalmore fully and/or more publicly, if thisis considerednecessary, on the basisol addiiionaliniormation related to the proposal,to enablethe EPA'Senvironmenial objectivesto be met. Inihis case, the levelof assessmentwill be set at eiiherPER or ERMP The projectofticer lor this proposalis Tim Gentleand can be contactedon telephonenumber 9222 7085. Yourssincerely .4, KJ llayl Dk+tor Enviionmentallmpact Assessment 23January 2006 @ LIAN austratia m lvlrLance Bosch l\,48SEnvironmental ]D 4 CookStreet lu1 5 NOV2005 WESTPERTH WA 6005 DearLance JACK HILLSIRON ORE PROJECT:SHORT RANGE ENDEMTC TNVERTEBRATE FAUNADISCUSSIONS Thankyou very much for yourletter of 7 November2005 regarding our discussionson the short-Engeendemjc invertebrate fauna on theJack Hills Range. As previouslyindicated, I am of the viewthat SRE invertebrate fauna are likelyto occur on the JackHills Range but individualspecies are unlikelyto be restrictedto the Jack Hills projectarea. Examplesof SRES that may be found in the area and of most importanceinclude native millipedes, snails and trapdoor spiders. Habitats prefened by SRE invertebrateinclude slopes and gullies that retainsome moisiure and are at least partiallyprotected irom northerlyand north-westerlysunshine. Thus, the southemand south-easternfacing aspects of the rangeare likely to harbourpopulations of SRE's. My inspectionof the maps shownto me highlightingthe extentof the proposed developmentindicate that thereare no southernand south-eastemfacing slopes are currentlyincluded in the proposal,thus minimizing the impacton SRE'sof the region. Surveysior SRE invertebratefauna should include a varietyof techniquesincluding handcollecting and pltfalltrapping during the coolermonths of the year,autumn and winterbeing the optimalperiods. Given the locaiionof the proposeddevelopment in rela$onto suspectedSRE habitrat,it is probablynot necessaryto conductsurveys for SRE'sat thistime. However, anyfuture plans to extendthe minefootprint or impactarea shouldincorporate extensive surveys to establjshthe impactthat the minemay have on thesehighly specialized and relictual fauna. Yourssincerely DR MARKS. HARVEY SeniorCurator Head,Department of TerrestrialInvertebrates 14November 2005 WESTERNAUSTRALIAN MUSEUM Lock€dBag 49, Wetshpoot DC, Western Ausrratia 6996 49 KewStreet, Welshpool, Western Australia 6106 . ABN:9524 S51 7733 Telephone:+61 8 94272700 . Facsimile:+61A94721151 . Web:wwwmuseum.wa.gov_au WELSHPOOL. PERIH . MARITIME. FREMANTLE. cERALDTON. KALGooR lF-RolrrnFp l0.A|rc.2005 N0.0333P.2/14 a2- RESOURCEI'IAPFING A s32I0l 40 DeDartmentof Envlronrnent 'ffit cwa151131 cr.h r6by ca!4t97€ Mr K Walzok MenegingDireclor POBox 541 MountHaMhom Pedh6915 ISSUEOF A !'CEIVCE fO CA STRUCTOR ALTER!fELL PROPERTYTMurchi6on Metalo LTD Mining Tenement Numbel E20l535 Pleasellnd enclosedyo,lr Licence,authorising you to Constructor Altef a WEll. subjert to certaintems. condilloruor resridions. It is importanllhat you re:d the condhionsof your lic€ncacarefully. lf you dOnot understand yOLJrlicence, please contact ths CohmigsionaE soon as possible,as ther6are penaltiesfor fallhg fa comp'y$1ith eff of your liccnoecondltions. Under Sedion 26Gl of lhe RJghtsin Water and lrigation Act 1974,you have a rlght lo appty to the Stale AdministrativeTribun€l to. 6 reviee,of the decisionto lssuea Lrb€nceto Construct or Altef a We . You have2E davs from the date you rec€lvedthis l9tt6rto requestthat th€ decislohbe reviewed Forturther idomation please conlact the Siate Administrativc Triblrhal: sbte Adninistfative T.ibunal 12 St GeorgcsTerrace PER1HWA 6000 GPOBox U1991 PERTHWA 6845 TeleFhono:(08) 9219 3111 Toll-free:1300 306 017 Facsimlle:(08) 9202 1180 www-sat.iustice.wa,ogv.au Md*st iiig(qrM l{a4ior @@ !l Fon6t 59e.1 ' Gedldbir w6t rn A6trarid 6tto Po aox 73 6.r'ldiol W6tlrn Arrt dlji 65tt re{lohone (o8t 996i 5t7B flsihiL (08) 9t6a 59s} Ilo.6 3l3 P.3/1 0 e2-10.ALrc.2005,15r54r RESOURCEIIAPPING A 9l2t0t4c Underr6cl|on219ftheste|gAdm'nistrativeTibuna|Ac|2001,youhavc-adgl*toreque$a for ttrc oecleionto lcauca L'icencelfoCondruct ot.Akor a We ' ;il;;;i";t"t ; ;isons 28 dayE iil'" iii'rlii i"riil" mide,in *rtting,to tt" waier"na RMerscommi8€ion withln aftarlis dsyen which you Gceived thie l'tt€r' qf completingthe welt vou ar6 requk'd to $ubmii Form.L-- P {lcuhl3 of VMthlnane monih A genaltvof coiiirlt"J i"*mr" to irrew;ater ano aivers comrnission ofrice in Geraldton $1so'appllesfor lallure to submitthis forrh ''!?sled G harmful lf the wdter frgm thls well i5 being impftrPeriyused, Is b6ihg or having a htormation Dleaseread *nJ, if'J-cotai""lon mdyd'recihe cb;ing of this well'
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