COVERNMENT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION, ASSAM KAHILIPARA::;:::;::::::CUWAHATI-19 No.DHE/PtsNA,tisc/17 7 I 2019 I 1 3 Dated Kahilipara the 06/05/2019 From:- Smti Citimoni PhukarL ACS Director, HiBher Education, Assam Kahilipara. Guwahati-19. To The Prin.ipal, Cachar College, Gurucharan College, Karimganj College, Srikishan Sarda College, Nowgong College, MariSaon College, B.N. College, P.B. Collegg Chilarai College, flalakura College, Bongaigaon College, Pub Kamrup College, Dakshin Kamrup College, Rangia College, Suren Das College, S.B.M.S. College, Bajali College, Barbhag College, Uttar Kampith College, Kamrup Collcge, North Bank College, North Lakhimpur College Bikali College. Sub Regarding Provincialised Colleges for holding Centr€ of Traditional Sanskrit Examin.llion 2t)19. Rr:f Letter N o.KBVSSASUITSI Eram-3/2018/125-70, daled 12 04 2019 St,A{atlam, With relerence b the subject cited above, I would like to forward herewith a copy of tlre letter No.KBVS&ASU lTslExall].-3120781'125-70, daled 12-04-2019 along with its enclosures (copy enclosed) received from the Registrar, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Nalbari regarding allotment of Centre of Tiaditional Sanskdt (including Pali) Exanination-2olg going to be held by 2 halfofJuly,2019 in your colleges which is self explanatory. In this re8ards, this Directorate has no objection for allotment o( Centre of Traditional Sanskrit (including Pali) Examination-2019 in your college premises without hampering regular classcs and rcquest you to take necessary action in this regards from your end. Yours faithfull v, 4 5 r1 I)i of Higher Edu ti , Assam Kalili Memo No.DHE,/PEN Misc/171/2019113- A Dated Kahilipara the 0610512019 Copy forwarded to: 1) Ihe ReSistrar, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Nalbari. Namati-781337, Assam for information. Director of Higher Education, Assam Kahilipara,Cuwahati 19. (, KUMAR BHASKAR VARMA SANSKRII-AND ANCIENT STUDIES UNIVERSIY NAIAAN] NAMATi 781337, ASSAM EmaaLld Dr, Hemendra sarma Registrar Ref. No.- KBVS&ASU/r/E,€',r-3/2O1a/ 125-7 o Da.e- 12/4/2Ot9 To, I The Oirector of Higher Iducation \l Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati - 19 Sub:- Provincialised Colleges for holding Centre of Traditional Sanskrit Examination- 2019 Madam, ln inviting a reference to the sublect cited above, I am directed to inform that as per direction of the Statutory Bodles, the University has decided to re- allocate the centres for Traditional Sanskrit (including Pali) Examinationa-2019 including Provincialised Colleges as far as possible to control malpractices in examination. As such. a Iist of Provincialised Colleges for holding Traditional Sanskrit Examination- 2019 going to be held by 2"'r half of luly, 2019 has been attached herewith for your kind approval and giving necessary directions to the mentioned Colleges by your good office. This is for your kind information and necessary action. With regards Yours faithfully r(, Registrar KBVS&ASU, Nalbari . n d!. rsS t KUMAR BHASKAR VARMA SANSKIiIT AND ANCIENT STUDIES UNIVERSITY NALBARI ]\AMATI- 781337 ASSAM tmarLld- Dr.Ilemendra Sarma Traditional 5anskrit Exam inatio n-2019 List of Provincialised Colleges for allotment oI T.5. Examination Centre I sr. District Cantre L*o No CACHAR I CACHAR COLLEGT s rc|AL 1 t- 2 GURI]CHARAN COTTIGT SIICHAR l2 I(ARIMGAN] 1 KARIMGAN] COLTEGE -J KARIMGAN] 1 HAILAKANDI 1 SRI(I5HAN SARDA COLLEGE HAITAKANDI 4 NAGON 1 NOWGONG COt-t-tGt ruaenot'r 5 MARIGAON 1 MARI6AON COLLEGT MARIGAON 1 q N !9L1EG! DHUBURI 2 P.8. ANCHAXX COLLEGE GAI]RIPUR 1 DI] BURI I I CNILARAICOTLEGE GOLAKGANJ t HALAKURATOTITGE BONGAI(iAON COLLIGE BON6A6AONCOLTTGE lr -EONCAIGAON pUB (AMRtlP COtLtGt SAIHATA CHARIATI orilrrr xavnuc cirriidr MIRZA 8 I KAMRUP RANG IOLLEGE RANGIA SI] REN DA5 COTIE6E l-rAJo 58MS COLLIGE - SUAL(U{HI BARPETA I EAIAI' COTLEGT PATHsAtA 1 8AR8I]AG COTLEGT- l BARBHAG 10 NALAARI 1 UTTAR (AMRUP COLLEGT NALEARI :t (AMFUP COTLEGE CHAMAIA iL\onrt IAKHIM P UR 1 e,\Nx coltEGE c t-t tL,q vanl NCRTH LAKHIMP(]R COLTTGT NORTH LA(HIMPUR L EIKALICOTTEGT DHUPT)HARA (Dr. Hemend.a sarma) ."r,li;;.y$" \,.\.
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