I’ACK TWKNTV - KVKNING HKRALD. Mun . April 2, 1979 Mayor^s Work Is Never Done in South Windsor ___ ________________^ _____________________ _____anrvInilDn tliA t l , . _______________ji.t . .. •• • applause from the youngster as she fic would rim smoothly. "Possibly some day," answered much work it would be." I K .111)^ K i ......... entered the nxim, came armed with "Can we have a bike path from the mayor, “ I would hate to see it “ Are you going to run for gover­ Ilcriilil Uitrrcn|ioii<lciit |K)sters. copies of the town charter Sand H ill Road to the new library so close ij o u s e it's a real nice school, nor?" asked another. .SOUTH WTND.SOR - A mayor s PZC Needs Deep Thought New Managers Improve District L eit^ Protest and a copy of this year s proposed we can ride our bikes and not have to but vwooh't have as many children Mayor Caffyn assured her Whalers* Dineen Not work is never done! budget. use Sullivan Avenue or Ellington going to sch(X)l.in South Windsor as audience that 'her political On Liquor Rule Changes Beechwood Apartments Rev-Share C^e^Sewer Fee Or .so it appeared when .South Win- Fired hut Reassigned The classroom teacher, Mrs, Road. " asked another youngster, we used to have, so we don't need as aspirations djd not include state dor s Mayor Nancy Calfyn took time Dorothy Kaezynski, had asked the Page 2 Page, 3 Page 8 "We have thought about that,” many schools.” government, however one child — so Page 9 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. 1 ...... out Irom pending budget children to each prepare five answered Mrs. Caffyn, “ but there is “ What are you going to do with the impressed with the mayor's L ^ deliberalions to accommodate a (|iiestions before the mayor's some land there that the town doesn't old firehouse on Ellington Road?” appearance suggested. "Why don't nine-year-old Avery Street School appearance. (jwn. We are giving it a lot of thought, “ A lot of people havf- expressed in­ you run for president — which would yoinigsler who [ilioned the mayor to 1 . * "There's a lot of traffice behind though." terest in the building,” explained you rather be mayor or president?” iisk her help in delivering a report on my house from Gerber Scientific," "Are you thinking about a building Mayor Caffyn. “The VFW, for in­ Previously scheduled “ Flute-a- iDlaurh^alrr .South Windsor to his fourth grade complained one young citizen. "Can a now police station?" stance, has asked to have the phone" lessons for the class put an (lass. vou please do something about it." “ No,"' answered the mayor. building. It's very old-, though, and end to the interview “ just in the nick ^ Cloudy Tonight Mrs. Caflyn. who explained to the The iiiayor explained that she felt "There is a lot more room in the needs a lot ol work. It may just have of tim e," but one disappointed WHArS police station now since some ol the sliidenls Itial she "has six children badly that the traffic was disturbing, to be us^ for storage.” youngster confided later she hadn't and knows how important reports but that the area was zoned for com­ other departments have moved into And then came the “ toughies.” had a chance to ask the mayor “ the NEWS are." admitted to the class that mercial and. unfortunately that there the new Wapping Community Center. "Why did V'.''.. want to become most important question. " was nothing she could do. She would, "Is Ellsworth School going to be mayor," asked one little girl. "I wanted to ask her how old she '•.TflSBHBPli)/'' .<1/ lough" but ilial she had had fun. however, make sure that a closed?" asked one concerned “ I don't know," laughed Mavor was. She looks too young to be a realy Niiiict 4'iifr%ii The mayor, who was met with lioliceman was there so that the traf­ youngster. Caffyn. “ I guess 1 didn’t know how mayor," said the little girl. ! Sinai Meeting CAIRO. Egypt lUPl) — Prime Vol. XCVIII, No. 155 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, April 3, 1979 I A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 » jo t Single Copy > 15$ Home Delivered Lecture Minister Menacheni Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, ignoring Arab opposition to their Series peace treaty, agreed . today to meet in the Sinai next month and Slated to open, their borders and es­ EASTER Pick up your copy tablish air links within two Even Critics Like Budget MANCHESTER - The months. Educational Community of our colorful netw circular Begin vowed to rpake Egyptian- and R o ckville General Israeli cooperation a “ shining Hospital will co-sponsor a at your nearest But Usual Caldor store. example" to others — presumably Spring Lecture Series in the hard-line Arab states who April, May and June with SHIHIIS EXCITEMEIIT have condemned the peace treaty Objections 'D r, Everett Shostrom, Dr and voted sanctions against Egypt Penelope Russianoff. and — and boasted that real friendship Dr. Albert Ellis. Beautiful had begn achieved between the Air Again Dr. Shostrom, author of Egyptian and Israeli peoples. “ Man the Manipulator" Nottingham Lace 100% Cotton Sadat made it clear that Arab By SUSAN V AUGHN will begin the senes April opposition to the pact, which he Herald Reporter 27, 7 to 9 p.m., April 28, 9 Soil-Release described as nothing new, will not M AN CH ESTER - The annual a.m. to 4 p.m,, and April Tablecloths deter him. 29, 9 a.m. to noon. His town budget hearing at Waddell topics w ill include Ac­ Qlrls’ Ea>t0f-Pr«tty All School Monday night brought out the tualizing therapy, anger D fM tM A Skirt Sets 9.88 Sizes Missile Study usual objections to higher taxes and Our Reg. excess spending, but even the peren­ and love. The presentation 14.991017.99 WASHINGTON (UPI) - Pen­ will allow for audience par­ tagon sources said a just- nial critics who dominated the sparesely-attended two-hour hearing ticipation. 7.1 9 ..11.99 completed Air Force study on the Our R*g. 8.99 to 14.99 CHOOSE FROM iiad some praise for Town Manger Dr. Shostrom, •70”x90” M-X missile concluded an air­ recognized by the Califor­ Lovely selection with touches Robert Weiss's limited budget in­ Imported French Glass Tableware by Durand Oblong borne fleet would be workable, nia Psychological Associa­ ol smocking, lace trims. Some but would cost between $30 billion crease. vest-looks, even some western •70”x108” Weiss has proposed a $28.1 million tion for distinguished • 20-Pc. Dinnerware Set • 7-Pc. Salad/Dassert Set and $40 billion, instead of the designs In group. Sizes 4-14. Oblong town budget for the 1979-80 fiscal achievement in psy­ about $20 billion it would take for 7 n Service lor4 year, with 5.9 percent increase com­ chology, has authored or Our Reg. 7.99 •70” Round a graound-based system in which e f W Our Reg. 13.99 5.76 pared to 12 percent last year. co-authored .seven books. the missile locations are constant­ Ideal8 tor Easter or Passover. 1 large, 6 small bowls. The Board of directors, which Dr. Russianoff. a well- Elegant 'Savannah' pattern ly changed. known psychotherapist in Sprklin g tableware In oreak-reslst lace In permanent press, The study results were requested the 6 percent increase glass. Versatile 'Roc' pattern • 24-Pc. Tumbler Set New York City, will pre­ machine^«rashable 100% cotton. presented by the Air Force last limit for all town departments this blends with other china, accents year, 'ft'ere also praised for its efforts sent “ Risking Change: your table. Set Includes 4 each: •Crochet Place Matt weekend to a high-level Pentagon 8.70 ’ Our Reg. 12.99 even by such budget watchdogs as Becoming Your Indepen­ plates, salads, soups, cups, saucers. Our R«g.1.39.................. review panel which now is There were many more empty chairs than people at Mon­ 8 ea: tumblers, rocks, juice. Betty Sadloski, president of the Gunderson (standing at the podium at the rear). There were dent Self," May 19, 9 a.m. GIFT DEPT. assessing the findings. day night’s annual town budget hearing at Waddell School. only 16 residents who spoke during the rather brief two-hour to 4 p.m. She received her Manchester Property Owners Association. Here, The Board of Directors and the residents, which hearing. (Herald phpto by Pinto) doctorate in Clinical Price Ceiling Psychology .from After offering a long list of areas numbers only about 125 at the peak point, listen to Lee Ann Men’s L.C.D. she called government waste in use ol Northwestern University Boys’ No-Iron Knit The Lundberg Letter, a private Chronograph or newsletter specializing in oil labor, equipment, gasoline and and is a recipient of the Sport & Dross Shirts crease. entertainment course," sewing in the town departments, especially Alarm Watches market analysis and statistical education, Mrs. Sadloski concluded preparing the budget. Smith offered Dorothy Hughes Memorial Shelley Aronson, co-chairwoman of courses for boys and others. John CETA (ComprehensiveEmployment gasoline data, said Monday its by saying, “ 1 told the directors’ his financial expertise to the direc­ Award for Distinguished Our Rog. 3.99 the PTA Council's budget study com­ Tucci of the Manchester Property Training Act) positions. Weiss has .97 1^ latest survey indicated more than you're doing pretty good job.’’’ tors during their upcoming Service. mittee, said that the committee was Owners Association said the Board of proposed six new positions in the For dress-up or casual wear.
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