.rrn 26 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, L889. PRICE 5 CENTS. justness Gfants. lousiness Guards. TIHIE, jjB DAILY TABLE Aitotrfistmtnts. or TUB FASHION COMMENTS. ,.B.ial Advertiser THROUGH STEAMERS 8. n. castle. j. b q. p. castle, - PRESSES. Anstraliar Mail Service atherton. ft IIJUIU1V- FILTER w. a. bowen. edw. d. tenney. Some Pretty Dress Materials for Spring or THE and Early Summer Costumes. OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. Floral rather than arabesque printing? Paajejhac Plantation, appear to be favored by the man ufact Sundays, Hawaii, March 9, 1888. J CASTLE & COOKE, or,ing Except wrers this season, and only time will Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran- FOR SAN FRANCISCO. St. cisco. determine whether the latter will su- .a urchant Gentlemen We have used two of your persede leaves, tendrils and blossoms Filter Presses this season. They Shipping and Commission Merchants, are convenient, easily handled and are working The new and nn Al steel steamship Due at Honolnln from San Francisco, upon the summer stuffs. entirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend on or about. Satins in one color, ornamented by no improvement on them. -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN-- a nn Very respectfully yours. 99 alternate plain and brocaded Vtfkes, (signed) A. Moobb, Manager Paauhau Plantation, ZEAANDIA Alameda August 3 are anions: the novelties for evening Mariposa August 31 and visitinr costumes. With pale ' flAJK on T ear .....5 00 Of tn t Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland Zealandia September 28 Greneral Merchandise. primrose and heliotrope striped satins These Presses are made extra heavy for on or about 26 comes a of the same 1 1 Alameda October Florentine net tint high pressures, occupies a floor space of x -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR-- 4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of 240 Mariposa November 23 beaded with pearls to match. These square A limited number in stock .i. Advance. feet. in Zealandia December 21 will make in Honolulu and are sold at very low prices. Grove Ranch Plantation, Kohala Sugar Co., beautiful dresses for dancing Risdon Iron & Loco. Works, Aug 24, 1889, R. HalBtead's Plantation. Haiku Sugar Co.. or for bridesmaids. demi-toilette- San Francisco. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, Paia Plantation, For s, white camel' s-h- For particulars enquire of G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Papaikon Sugar Co. woolen surahs, Imperial serges and ai-toatr- GAZETTE CO.. And will leave for the abve port with mails and Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, on HAWAUAS JOHN DYER Honolulu passengers on or at., . about that date. or about. cloths are made up in plain 46 Merobft t Room N 3 Spreckels' Block: For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR Union Fire and Marine Ivsurance Co., of San Francisco. H. E. 82 1234 W. G. IRWIN & Co., Agents. ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to tailor fashion and ornamented with Honolulu, Etna Fire Co, llDXW. Insurance of Hartford. watered ribbon, which is applied in rows The New England Zealandia August 24 Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. V) the skirt and across the bust, or Wm. (j. Irwin & Co., D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The Liverpool and Lon- Alameda September 21 looped and f'-o- shoul- The New York and Honolulu Packet Line knotted the left AGENTS. side-fron- Mariposa October 19 The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. der to the right t. For young don and Globe Zealandia November 16 Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebnted Medicines. 'adies a broad width of ribbon is ar- Alameda December 14 ranged in a sash-bo- w at the back. & & iEWERS & COOKE, For Sydney and Auckland. Wilcox Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler Wilson A pointed waist and full skirt, or a trained skirt without drapery, is the re- :SaccM.or.toLewer8&Dick8on) INSURANCE CO ceived TIME TABLE OF INTERMEDIATE SEWING MACHINES. way to make up faille Francaisc, and Dealers In Lumber ESTABLISHED 1836. tf plain satins or satins having stripes of brocade. A ribbon, of ,11 Kinds of Building Materials. broad a width The new and fine Al steel steamship plush-dotte- d A Assets 8 4O,OtO,0O0 pearled, beaded, or plain IREET. Honolulu. Steamer Australia NO. 66 KING STREET 1100 Net Income 9.0T,000 lace webbing, or, perhaps, a small psl-jer- n Claims Paid 112.5(00,000 6 CO., Honolulu, Hawn. Islands 99 WOLFE & of Spanish netting three yards ALAMEDA IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN T. WATERHOUSE, Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fire long, is folded or bunched at its center JOHN on Buildings, Machinery, Sugar MillB.Dwellings Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be Leave San Francisco for Honolulu at 12 and fastened to the right shoulder under and Furniture, on the most favorable terms. due at Honolulu from San Francisco o'clock noon, on Importer and Dealer In or or about GROCERIES and PROVISIONS a brooch or a butterfly bow of ribbon. Pale copper-colore- d cotton, silk and Bishop Sd Co. Friday August 16 New Goods Received by Late Arrivals. MERCHANDISE. 1188.6m m wool goods are by lllilt Aug. 3, 1889. Friday September 13 worn ladies whose complexion refuse, even in gaslight, to Friday 11 Buffalo 15- Honolnln. Haras and Bacon. Herring, Cheese, Beef -1 Queen Street, ltf Smoked Mild Cala. Smoked and So. Sausage, Sauer Green be sympathetic with any of the many will have prompt dLspatcn an Kraut, Corn, Sugar Peas, Table and Pie Fruits, Dried Apples, a.nd with malls - shades of heliotrope. SUN FIRE OFFICE, assengers for the above ports. Prunes, Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Corn Meal, Germea, Etc., Etc.- fi, HACKFELD & CO., For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC -- O It is said that turc satins will prevail COMMODATIONS, apply to Leave Honolulu for San Francisco at 12 OF LONDON. o'clock noon, on FRESH GRAPES picked every day. Grapes for shipment to the other islands again, and it is to be hoped they wil picked right from the vines, gg Orders solicited. 112-2- m WOLFE & CO. for in black especially they wear ex- aural Commission Agents Wm. GL Irwin & Co., ceedingly well. wraps Established 171Q. Friday August 2 For street a AGENTS Friday August 30 Parisian authority says that turc satin Cot. Fort Queen Sib., Honolulu, ltf Friday September 27 will be arranged with one of its sides Insurance effected upon every description of Friday October 25 B. F. EHLEES & CO.'s out for sleeves and the other for the property at currt ut rates of premium. body, and mixed silk lringes of the two BEAVER SALOON, Total Sum Insured In 1886 327,333,700 colors for trimming. nltreet, Opposite Wilder dc Co.'a, Clans Spreckels Wm. G. Irwin. Cotton embroideries were never so Claims arranged by Local Agents, paid H. J. NOLTE, PROPRIETOR. the and beautiful and inexpensive. with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- Grrand Opening of Llui Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO. Plainly made costumes of faille Frail-tais- e, Water, dinger Ale or aniK. n, satin or gros-grai- are trimmed at Ilpa From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. G. W. Macfaiiane & Co. GARDNER K. WILDER, the bust and wrists, and sometimes in KBsken' Requisites a Specialty. ltf & lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. BANKERS. European American plastron fashion over the front of the Attorneyat-Law- . bodice, with silver, steel or gilt passe- HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS menterie. GERKANIA MARKET. Some of C. BREWER & COMPANY, Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. the new silks hare enough 77 1264-l- y W&aiGy silver embroidery woven upon each 1UUPP, - . PROPRIETOR, Dry GroocLs Exchange on principal parts o the and Draw the dress length to border all the edges that Fort Street, Honolulu. (Limited). world. -- :o;- require trimming. MUTTON AND VEAL. For gi. and matrons the one Will receive deposits oh open account, makf-collection- waistin GENERAL MERCANTILE ALFRED MAG00N, N. B. Ou and after May loth, MISS CLARK will have charge ol of its diany stylish shapes will often be fresh KanHg, Fork, Etc., and conduct a general banking and J. our Dressmaking Rooms. 1-- tf exchange business. of or raspberry red, claret, prune, it'.j o.i Land. Shipping served on short Attorney and Counselor at Law and ecarlet. Pompeian, cardinal, cactus, COMMISSION AGENTS. Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav Notary Public. tc., to wear with skirts of quiet colors. lags Department subject to published rules ano Office 42 Dinner and dancing dresses of wool regulations. 17oc3tf Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I. &, 121-l- m goods and satin helio- fc&UJ IRON WORKS CO., H. E. Mclntyre JBro. combined show LIST OF OFFICERS: trope of a medium shade, with apricot IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN accessories. bteam Engines, P. C. Manager Jones. Jr President and Pinked ruchings in several tones fr. Mills, J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary of aar Coolers, Brass Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor CHR. GERTZ, one color are aad Lead fastings. iNTEKPEIS increasing in favor forth Importer and Dealer n Groceries, edges of und raped skirts. Sometimes 'wchinery of everv deRcrintlon made to DIRECTORS: Provisions and Feed hrticular attention paid to Bhips' black- - planing mill, they are used as plastrons or for a oo wort executed on Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. n. Waterbouse Gents', Ladies' and Children's side-pane- l. the shortest ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. single Delineator. ltf aa-S-H t Sheridan and Sherman. 174 Telephone 55. toots, Siloes a d clippers New Uoods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe ?resh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the 'New York Cor.
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