E1222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 14, 2017 the services of the Senators and Representa- The Equal Employment for All Act would However, this did not stop the residents of tives, shall take effect, until an election of right this wrong by amending the Fair Credit the central coast from achieving their long- Representatives shall have intervened.’’ Reporting Act to prohibit the use of consumer held dream. In 1988, Congress voted to re-au- A decade prior to the irregular ratification of credit checks by employers as part of the hir- thorize the Sanctuaries Act, and the Monterey the 27th Amendment, one of my constituents, ing or firing process unless the job involves Bay was included in the bill as a proposed Gregory Watson, was a 19-year-old student at national security, Federal Deposit Insurance sanctuary. It was an important step, but much the University of Texas at Austin tasked with Corporation clearance, or significant financial work remained to make certain that the Sanc- writing a term paper for a course in American responsibility. tuary would be large enough to ensure the Government. Through his research, Watson With the passage of the Equal Employment protection of the coastline from offshore oil stumbled upon a still-pending proposed con- for All Act, some of our most vulnerable, drilling, and other practices that would harm stitutional amendment that the First Congress ‘‘credit challenge’’ citizens including students, the delicate ecosystem within the Monterey had offered in 1789, pursuant to Article V, to recent college graduates, low-income families, Bay. Finally, on September 18, 1992, Con- the State legislatures for ratification pertaining senior citizens, and minorities, would be given gress authorized the designation of the Mon- to the compensation of Members of Congress. the opportunity to begin rebuilding their credit terey Bay National Marine Sanctuary through Despite the intriguing nature and depth of re- by obtaining a job. legislation proposed by Congressman Leon search of his paper, Watson earned a grade I also want to thank Senator WARREN for her Panetta. My father has referred to this many of ‘‘C’’ on it, and in the class overall. That leadership and partnership on this important times as one of his proudest moments, and it grade stood for 35 years until May 2017 when piece of legislation. certainly stands as one of his greatest accom- the overall course grade was officially raised I urge my colleagues to help pass this bill. plishments. to an ‘‘A’’ by UT–Austin upon formal petition of f Of course, the thanks for the establishment Watson’s former professor. IN HONOR OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH of the Sanctuary should not go to just one Unfazed at the time by the original low ANNIVERSARY OF THE MON- man. Rather, it was the culmination of dec- grade on his paper, Watson began in the TEREY BAY NATIONAL MARINE ades of tireless work by hundreds of citizens Spring of 1982 reaching out to seek sponsor- SANCTUARY and public servants. Their determination pre- ship of the proposed constitutional amendment served a living postcard to pass on to the fu- in state capitols across the United States. In HON. JIMMY PANETTA ture generations. The endless hours dedicated 1983, the Maine Legislature became Watson’s to this monumental achievement stand as an first success story. After that, in 1984, Colo- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enduring testament to what is possible when rado’s lawmakers gave their approval at Wat- citizens take an active role in our democracy. Thursday, September 14, 2017 son’s urging. And from that point forward— When Americans put their minds to some- with Watson pressing every step of the way— Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to thing, anything is possible. the proposal’s momentum strengthened until it recognize an important milestone in my district Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me officially became the 27th Amendment to the on the central coast of California. This week- in taking a moment to recognize the value of Constitution on May 5, 1992, when the Ala- end will mark twenty-five years since the es- conserving areas like the Monterey Bay. Pre- bama Legislature approved it, just over 10 tablishment of the Monterey Bay National Ma- serving our nation’s natural beauty has a long years after Watson first learned of it. Later that rine Sanctuary. Referred to by many as the and storied tradition spanning over a century, month, both Houses of the 102nd Congress Serengeti of the Sea, the National Oceanic with champions from both political parties. Let voted to accept the 27th Amendment’s unor- and Atmospheric Administration designated us now, then, commit ourselves to the contin- thodox path to final ratification. the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary ued preservation of our nation’s public lands, In closing, Mr. Speaker, I would say that the in 1992. Twenty-five years later, thanks in now and forever. story of a determined student should serve as large part to this designation, the central coast f a reminder of how much influence average of California has become a vibrant inter- citizens can have if they will step up and get national tourist destination. Millions of people CONGRATULATING THE ALLIANCE involved in the political process. from all over the world now travel to my dis- TO SAVE ENERGY ON ITS 40TH f trict to enjoy the pristine natural beauty of this ANNIVERSARY EQUAL EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL Sanctuary, creating not only cherished memo- ACT ries for visitors, but also thousands of jobs for HON. ADAM KINZINGER local residents Among these destinations is OF ILLINOIS the Monterey Bay Aquarium, a world-re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. STEVE COHEN nowned aquarium where thousands of visitors OF TENNESSEE every year learn about the rare and diverse Thursday, September 14, 2017 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ecosystems that thrive within the giant kelp Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Thursday, September 14, 2017 forests of the Sanctuary. to recognize the achievements of the Alliance Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in While several generations on the central to Save Energy on its 40th Anniversary. support of a bill I introduced earlier today: the coast of California have always known the Founded in 1977 following the oil embargo, Equal Employment for All Act. A companion Monterey Bay to be a place of protected nat- the Alliance has been dedicated to improving bill was introduced in the Senate today by ural beauty, a sanctuary designation was a the energy efficiency of the United States. It Senator ELIZABETH WARREN. long-delayed dream for many. While a Marine was established by Senators Charles Percy, a According to a recent report, an increasing Sanctuaries Study Bill was first proposed in Republican from Illinois, and Hubert Hum- number of employers have been using credit 1967, it was not until the Marine Protection, phrey, a Democrat from Minnesota, reflecting reports, specifically consumer reports bearing Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 that the organization’s deep bipartisan roots and on the consumer’s creditworthiness, credit the Environmental Protection Agency was au- commitment to practical approaches to policy; standing or credit capacity, as part of their hir- thorized by Congress to regulate commercial a philosophy that guides the Alliance’s work ing process. However, unless the job position activities in offshore areas. Thus, Congress today. involves significant financial responsibility, the delegated power to the Executive Branch to The benefits of energy efficiency are broad. use of a credit check for employment raises create federally protected marine sanctuaries. Not only does using less energy save money the obvious issue that a person’s credit history Unfortunately, despite tireless local efforts to for American families and businesses on their has little to do with his or her qualifications for achieve this designation for the Monterey Bay, utility bills, it allows our nation’s valuable re- a job. the Reagan administration dropped the area sources to last longer and produce more for Far too often, employers turn down ‘‘credit for consideration as a sanctuary in 1983. The our economy. When we can power our nation challenged’’ applicants because they have er- Congressman at the time recalled recently that with domestic resources, we don’t have to rely roneously linked credit scores to potential job when he approached then- Interior Secretary on foreign sources and the risks that accom- performance. Even worse, the ‘‘credit chal- James Watt to lobby for the designation, he pany them. For this reason, energy efficiency lenged’’ have fallen victim to deceptive mar- pointed out a picture on the wall of the room and energy security are just as intricately keting practices by credit report companies or of a beautiful coastline, using it as an example linked as they were in 1977. credit counseling services that charge out- of the kinds of areas worthy of conservation. Improving energy efficiency in federal build- landish fees that supposedly rehabilitate credit Secretary Watt allegedly replied, ‘‘Looks like a ings remains one of my top priorities, particu- scores to help with employment. good place for an oil rig.’’ larly when it can be done through common- VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:08 Sep 15, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K14SE8.004 E14SEPT1 September 14, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1223 sense, public-private partnerships and per- THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY AND 97-year sentence back in Florida for his role in formance contracts that save taxpayer funds. GOVERNANCE IN LIBERIA human rights violations carried out by the Each and every time the energy efficiency of ATU.
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