~~ E 0 S ' ..:·- ;;.. TULANE SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 ONE DOLLAR . - ~{ ~ ,., ~ ,-"r·.. t _. ......_..,, . , 1i ..,.\.... POSS' PII lllllllltll PIil WITHBA RBECl E SAUC WITHBARBEClJE SAUCE NETWT . 10½OZ . NETWT 10½OZ . A Teamfor 40 Years:Sanford Stadium and Poss' Famous Foods When Sanford Stadium was dedicated in 1929, Poss' was already serving popular-as-the-Bull­ dogs barbecue. Consistently matching the Bull- . dogs ' winning championships, Poss has come up with a complete lineup of all-star eating delights. Poss' latest All-American stars are pit cooked pork and pit cooked beef. Mmmmm, good. For your comp lete lineup, see your neighborhood grocer. ffl ~ whatnext? A little over three years ago, George McGriff, Jr. opened a new business in At hens. He faced risk, debt, chal­ lenge and speculation with little more than a tan Volkswagen ... and en­ thus iasm! From its modest outset, the company expa nded into every possible area of real estat e. And more recently, into the booming mobile home industry . On the move as far west as Texas, McGriff has no limits set on future expansion. With confidence in its em­ ployees and friends, the Athens firm is now leapfrogging into a multiple of markets . It 's a younger-generation company that believes in reaching for the moon. And getting there. REALTY & INSURANCEOF ATHENS moblle homesales, Inc. GEORGIA vs TULANE SEPTEMBER20, 1969 DeanWilliam Tate . 4 TwoDoctors of Toccoa. 8 GreatestDays of the SEC. 10 TwoMinutes Can Make the Difference...... 12 ScoutingReport: Tulane . 21 Georgia/TulaneSeries . 23 SECStandings . .......... 25 TulaneGreen Wave Squad . 26 TeamRosters, Georgia and Tulane ......... 28 TeamLineups, Georgia and Tulane . 31 StadiumInformation . ........ 37 GeorgiaBulldog Coaching Staff . ........ 38 GeorgiaBulldog Squad . 40 BulldogBasketball '69/ 70 . 53 Banday. 54 FromThe Editor . 64 Athletic Association Board of Directors Chairman: President Fred C. Davldson1 Treasurer: John Green, Jr.; Faculty Chairman: Dr. 110yd McWhorter, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Athletic Director: Joel Eaves • Faculty Members: Dr. Mark Hanna, Col­ lege of Business Administration; Dr. Joe laRocca, unmistakably meyer Pharmacy School; William T. Moss, Forestry: Or. Ira E. Aaron, College of Education; Dr. George Parthemos, John Meyer: a phenomenon connoting Vice-President for Instruction; W. E. Hudson, Director of Campus Development • Alumni Members: Cook 'withitedness.' Irresistibly translated into Barwick, Atlanta; W. T. Bradshaw, Canton; George Fesperman, Waycross; Thomas E. Greene, Macon; the wool wardrobe of coats, dresses, Thomas H. Paris, Gainesville; Dr. S. A. Roddenbery, jumpers, skirts, sweaters and slacks. Columbus; Harold M. Walker. Atlanta. Simply stated ... they're simply great. The Look-collected in toto Program Editor at our John Meyer Shop, Atlanta Loran Smith Special Consultants: Dan Magill, William A. Simpson, and Athens. Jack Needle, John Moore, Floyd Snoderly, Dick Bar­ stow, Jim Tate, Rowland Kraps, Otis Jones, Dan Kitchens, Bill Hartman, Jimmy Peacock. Photography Clate Sanders, Athens, Ga. Design and Printing The Stein Printing Company, Atlanta, Ga. Advertising local and Regional: Loran Smith, Athletic Department, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. National Advertising: Spencer Advertising Company, Inc., 271 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. This program is published by the University of Geor­ gia Athletic Association, Athens, Ga. The editorial matter in this program Is not copyrighted and can be reproduced In whole or in part. Please credit Uni• verslty of Georgia football program. NCAA ' ~--------. ... Member About the Cover ONE OF THE UNIVERSITY'S best known officials through the years bas been Dean of Men William Tate. Registra­ tion bas been a major responsibility DA-vISON'S of Dean Tate's, and today's cover shows him busy assisting students during a recent registration period. See story, page 4. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA 3 Vast and stunning cp.ange has ·appeared on the University of Georgia campus in recent years; a multi-million dollar science center, skyline of high rise dormitories, the biggest computer outside the government, new upper decks for Sanford Stadium in the heart of the campus, a collection of sophisticated faculty PhD's, shorter skirts and fewer and fewer parking spaces. Many of the campus landmarks remain the same: the chapel bell, which rings into the night following a Georgia victory; the arch, a main thoroughfare for many headed to the varsity; registration; Old College, the first building on campus and Dean William Tate. Tms CRAGGY-FACED, former cross gathered together to receive verdicts feeling for the University, the state country champion, stem but under­ by a judge appropriately surrounded of Georgia and Georgians. standing disciplinarian with the Santa by his collection of carved owls and Rare Story Teller Claus stomach, has, like most tradi­ history books, he has been no less Interviewing him can be painful, tional college deans, changed very dynamic. for in answering one question, he in­ little. He is legend. His decisions, his variably rambles on, endlessly, to an­ For the most part this has been manner and the good humor created other point and another time, to the good, because of his_unswerving loy­ of him and his ways will linger on extent that you have that intriguing alty and dedication to an institution the campus, long after he retires in Tateism that makes one worry that he chose over his mother's will. another year. he missed the plot. The freshman of today may find A poll of those who have matricu­ Being a rare story teller and own­ him to look and act exactly like his lated in Athens would likely reveal ing great memory of events, a ram­ daddy, Class of '46, said he would that he is remembered as the dean bling Dean Tate is never dull and and, in some instances, there is a of men, a disciplinarian. They will some of his best humor and thought grandfather who describes him simi­ probably remember a speech, or appear when he's sidetracked into larly; although in the latter case, something else unrelated to discipline, talking about people like his grand­ gramps remembers the days of record but the mass identify him as a keeper ma, who supposedly held a pistol on breaking distance runs and a smaller of campus peace and a decision a Pickens County man years ago, waistline. maker on University rules of conduct. forcing him to have scripture read at Through the years, Wild Bill Tate, It is indeed difficult to separate his common law wife's funeral. It was as he is often tagged, has performed this commonly known image from his against his will, because he thought memorably at football games, reg­ inward motivation for remaining a legitimate funeral service would istration, panty raids and pep rallies. Dean of Men for lo, these many give his illegitimate sons rights to At other non-public gatherings like years. his property. his office, where two or three are Emphasis should first rest on his His mother wanted him to go to UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA 5 Emory, but he chose Georgia. She tinguished himself broadly in campus at his alma mater, then be became University's ablest and most popular has endeared himself to thousands of lish him as one of the greatest run­ was unrelenting, but his strong willed life and activity, such as it was in the head of the English department and staff members. He is firmly convinced University of Georgia students, to ners to wear the Red and Black. grandmother advised that, "If Wil­ early twenties. was head track coach at McCallie that there is nothing quite so fine as whom he remains 'Wild Bill' Tate, "When I entered the University, I liam wants to go to the University "I've always been interested in School in Chattanooga. In 1938, he a Georgia boy with a Georgia educa­ because of his unwavering enthusi­ had no thoughts of participating in of Georgia, then it should be his people," be says, "and this is where returned to the University as Dean of tion. He devotes most of his working asm for college life; and he has like­ any sport," he says. "I did go to the decision." my devotion to the University de­ Freshmen and Assistant Professor of hours to personal conferences with wise earned the confidence of parents Athens YMCA all of my freshman He distinguished himself at Geor­ veloped. When I got to Georgia and English. He bas been Dean of Stu­ students, individually and in groups who. expect their boys to 'toe the and sophomore years, almost daily, gia, beginning with a sensational start saw what was taking place on the dents, Assistant to the President and, . from a broad background of ac­ line and like it' under his sage eye." and started jogging every afternoon." when an upperclassman shaved the campus, I began to realize that I since 1946, Dean of Men. tivity, he has steeped himself in the Alabama, the Far West In his junior year, he began run­ hair from his head the moment he wanted to teach and felt very much A biographical sketcl, on Dean experience and lore--and the pro­ He says emphatically that, "I love ning and got into two dual meets stepped off the train. attached to University life." Tate has this to say, and even if he found understanding of human nature the state of Georgia-I guess you . in track in the spring and placed He made Phi Beta Kappa, col­ From 1924-1929, he was an in­ had written it himself, it is profound­ -which can come only to a college could say I'm gung ho about the Uni­ fourth that fall in a cross country lected gold medals in track and dis- structor in English and Debate Coach ly accurate. "Dean Tate is one of the dean who literally loves his job.
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