Circulation 14,000 Free December 30, 2016 Eastville Family Uninjured, But Loses All in Monday Night Fire Story and Photo by Linda Cicoira Massachusetts. Between 40 and 45 been a recovery. We were extremely had been occupied. The renter was A woman and her young son were firefighters from Eastville, Cheri- lucky they were gone.” later identified as Jazmine Collins. left homeless late Monday night af- ton, Cape Charles, Nassawadox and “We were concerned when we first The owner of the house was identi- ter a fire swept through the two-sto- Exmore battled the fire, which took arrived on scene” that people were fied only as Ms. Johnson. ry wood-frame house in Eastville 30 minutes to control, Eder said. The in the house, he said. “There was Immediately upon arrival to the where they lived and burned it to units were on the scene for 2½ hours no car.” The sheriff’s office was con- scene, the firefighters put water on the ground. watering down the ashes and mak- tacted in hopes they would be able the fire. Eder said, “A space heat- “When we pulled out of the sta- ing sure hot spots did not reignite. to learn from neighbors if the house (Continued on Page 6) tion you could see the glow to the Northampton EMS and sheriff’s south,” said Chief David Eder of deputies were also there. US-13 Stretch Has Seen 6 Fatalities Eastville Volunteer Fire Company. “It was fully involved through ev- “The house was approximately a ery window and the roof” when the Since Mid-November half-mile from the station at 5215 firefighters arrived, Eder continued. Stumptown Drive.” “There wasn’t much of a house there By Linda Cicoira The incident happened at about The blaze was reported at about standing when we got there. If some- A Davis Wharf couple was killed in 10:30 p.m. Geller said the SUV hit the 8 p.m. by a passerby on his way to one had been inside, it would have a crash in Northampton County late side of a tractor trailer truck as the ve- Tuesday night, Dec. 20, according to hicles were traveling in the northbound Corinne N. Geller, the state police’s di- lanes of the highway and the truck was rector of public relations, bringing to six making a right turn into a parking lot. the number of fatalities in this stretch The driver of the truck, who was not of US-13 since mid-November. identified, was not injured. Robert L. Layne, 80, who was driving a “Based on the investigation of the 2005 Chevrolet SUV, and his wife, Marga- crashes by the fatal crash reconstruc- ret P. Layne, 59, died at the scene on Lank- tion team, there were no contributing ford Highway between Mattie Avenue and factors involving the roadway design,” Siding Drive in Capeville, Geller reported. said 1st Sgt. B.E. Jeff Jones of the state Their adult daughter, who was not iden- police. “Both crashes were a result of driv- tified, was sitting in the back seat. She was er’s actions. I cannot speak for VDOT, but taken to a Norfolk hospital and was treat- (Continued on Page 6) ed for non-life threatening injuries. Happy New Year! INSIDE Church News ....................... Page 20 The Eastern Shore Post Community Notes ............... Page 20 Classified/Legal Ads .............Page 22 will be closed Friday, Obituaries .............................Page 10 Dec. 30, and Monday, Opinion/Letters ....................Page 31 Post Times Calendar ...........Page 21 Jan. 2. Deadlines for Puzzles ..................................Page 19 The chimney is all that remains of a house that burned Monday night the Jan. 6 edition are Sports ...................................Page 12 in Eastville, leaving a mother and son homeless. Chief David Eder of the Tides ....................................Page 18 Eastville Fire Company said a space heater was suspected as the cause. unchanged. 2 • EastErn shorE Post • DEcEmbEr 30, 2016 Painter Residents Fed Up with Neighboring Hang-Gliding Business By Linda Cicoira McCarter flies outside the designat- now being delayed?” Joynes rhetorical- turbing when it is loud enough to be The Accomack Board of Zoning Ap- ed 1,200 by 100 foot runway, over hous- ly asked. “The residents of Coal Kiln heard over a vacuum cleaner or when peals (BZA) voted Wednesday to wait es and surrounding properties, said Road and the surrounding area … taking a shower.” rather than revoke the special use per- Joynes. “We have pictures and videos were let down by the BZA. … McCa- “There have been traffic concerns, mit that allows William McCarter to to prove it. He denies it,” Joynes said, rter's special-use permit should be re- with cars parked in neighbors' drive- operate Virginia Hang Gliding near adding, McCarter has brought larger voked without further delay.” ways, on Coal Kiln Road and even on Painter. aircraft to the site “at least four times Joynes said, “McCarter told the BZA Lankford Highway so that the occu- The item has been listed on the pan- that we know of, twice (it was) his own that he needed approval for his airstrip pants of the vehicles could observe el’s agenda about a half-dozen times. small Cessna four-passenger plane.” location from the FAA” and the state. the flight activities, disrupting traffic,” Members delayed making a decision “He said there would not be large “He did not wait for these approvals to Joynes continued. “Many neighbors are until the spring because the business crowds,” Joynes said, but 30 people at a be in place before beginning operations. concerned about the safety of their fam- is closed for the season. When it re- time have been seen there. “One of our McCarter started flying with paying ilies … homes have been seen in pho- opens, the plan is to have county staff neighbors counted 23 flights in one day.” customers at the airstrip on May 16, tos and videos on social media … there confirm non-compliance. “We are all baffled as to why the 2015. Approval from the FAA was re- has been camping taking place on the McCarter did not attend the ses- board is dragging their feet on this,” ceived on June 19, 2015. Approval from airstrip property, without the needed sion. Afterwards, Robert Joynes, whose Joynes said. Initially, he and oth- the Virginia Department of Aviation permit. A large fifth-wheel camper was family lives and owns property near- er neighbors did not seek revocation. was received on July 13, 2015.” parked … from April through late June by, said a petition signed by nearly 160 But now, Joynes doesn’t think McCar- After complaints were made, a dep- 2016, and used as a residence by Mr. neighbors is circulating. They com- ter will change things. “It’s just been a uty measured the noise level and found McCarter's hang glider pilot, Donnie plained about extended hours and to- nightmare for our family and some of it as high as 77.1 decibels at one point Guynn. McCarter's customers stayed tal takeoffs and landings, safety, noise our neighbors.” “far in excess of the county’s limit of there overnight on several occasions as and intimidation. “The determination has now been 65 decibels in an agriculturally zoned well. McCarter denied … anyone was The permit was awarded in 2015 for made by the BZA that there has not district.” But Joynes said because the living in the camper, and only after it property at 16620 Coal Kiln Rd. Ear- been compliance with the terms of the level was not for a duration a violation was proven that the camper was be- lier this month, the BZA determined special-use permit and a notice of vi- was not issued. ing used as a residence was it removed there was non-compliance with the olation has been issued to Mr. McCa- “Many of the neighbors would dis- from the property.” site plan. rter; why is the revocation process agree,” he said. “The noise is very dis- (Continued on Page 6) Jaxon’s & Let 2017 be the Jaxon’s Hardware Cape Center Happy New Year’s year that you 26507 Lankford Hwy. 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Call Janet 3HUGXH 7\VRQV· Wednesday ,QVXUDQFH today at 757/694-8102! Meatloaf & 2 Sides $999 Se habla español Thursday Timothy Fei, DDS Thinking about selling? Ask Janet about the Chicken & Dumplings w/ 1 Side $999 (757)665-7729 benefits of our HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM! Friday 99 Parksley, VA 4 Battered Fried Jumbo Shrimp $14 December 30, 2016 • eastern shore Post • 3 Accomac, VA Onancock, VA Chincoteague, VA Cape Charles, VA (757) 787-1305 (757) 787-1999 (757) 336-1999 (757) 331-3255 (800) 989-5852 (800) 637-8202 (800) 989-5854 www.cbharbourrealty.com An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc.
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