Wilmington public- JAbrary . ' Mrs Clara P Cbipman, Librarian, 206 Andover Street, RED Uortb Wilmington, Maaa. The Wilmington Crusader VOL. 18 NO. 4 WILMINGTON, MASS. - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26,1955 PRICE 10 CENT] Fifty-Two Entries For Silver Skates Wilmington, the skating mad town of Massachusetts, has a total Miss Evelyn Shepherd, of Chestnut of fifty two entries. In the Silver street will be another contestant Skates, to be held In Boston Gar- to watch. MOTHERS MARCH THURSDAY NIGHT den, next Sunday, From Jean Ash- It will be the first time that the Thursday, at 7 p.m., Wilmington worth, North American Champion, pretty lass from Chestnut St. has will have its annual Mother's down. In every class. Wilmington appeared on the Ice In Boston, but March Against Polio. Porch lights will be represented. those who watched her perform- will be lit, all over town, as house- One out of sixteen of the contest- ance at the Wilmington Skating holders signal the ladies that there ants appearing on the ice will be Carnival, last Saturday and Sun- is a contribution awaiting within. from Wilmington. A total of 822 day, believe that she is ready to About 80 ladies, in charge of a have been registered, according to take home a prise. committee headed by Mrs. Nicho- the Boston Record, but is doubt- Also appearing wiU be Officer las De Felice, Mrs. John Tautges ful if any town has as many repre- George "Boo" Shepard, of the Wil- and Mrs. Anthony Meads, will sentatives as has Wilmington. mington Police Department. participate in the march. Head- As In previous years, Wilmington "Boo", a graco'til skater, Is to quarters for the March will be the -will also be represented by social take pir'- '— the )ld Timers Race, American Legion Hall, on Adams blocks of fans, cheering for their and he will h v. his work cut out street, and ai number of Leglon- champions. 800 Wilmingtomtes for h'■..., .or one of the contestants alrres have volunteered to act as have faithfully reported every will ne A. ~ ...ers, of Cambridge, escorts for the ladles, If needed. year, and indicatloons are that a u. W. Greer employee, one of They will be on call, at Legion there will bo at least that many the better contestants, who has Hall, OLiver 8-4461. In the stands this year. George been appearing in the Silver Skates The committee emphasize that Spanos, the unofficial Mayor of for many years. I>E FELICE ANNOUNCES if no one has called, by 8 p.m., Wilmington, has sold about 500 CANDIDACY when the March will be theoretic- tickets at his restaurant. ally over, the housuhoMer should MRS. BRANSCOMBE HOME Nicholas De Felice, t Common- continue to keep his porch light There will be a couple of "dark Mrs. Irene Branscombe, of Main wealth Avenue, has announced bis hones" this year, from Wilming- burning, for, they say, someone street, has returned home, after a candidacy for the Board of Select- will surely calV. ton, akaters who have never ap- sarlea of operations at the Massa- men, in the coming March elec- peared on the Ice In the Garden Wilmington has always had a chusetts Genearal Hospital. Mrs. tions. generous history, with respect to before, bat who are proving their Branscombe is recovering rapidly. A resident of Wilmington since abilities elsewhere. One of the dark the Mother's March. Every year 19*0, and married ^to the former has seen Wilmington go over its horses to watch will be Clyde Mc- Louise, Babine of Lowell Street, JEW MOORE IS CANDEBATK Kaba, of Woburn street. He win quota. The committee hopes that FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE , GERALD R. FAGAN Mr. De Felice has been active in 1956 will be a banner year. appear In the juvenile Boys race. Gerald R. Fagan, son of Dr. town and veterans affaire. He was James B. (Jim) Moore has an- / a member of the committee that and Mrs. Gerald Fagan of Clark HOUSE OF CORRECTION HEAD nounced his candidacy for School Street, Is home after having spent built the Wildwood School. TO ADDRESS LOCAL LIONS Committee in the forthco-.iing town the past 18 months in California. He is a partner and half owner The regular weekly meeting of elections. • Mr. Fagan, an electronics engi- in the firm of Brooks and Eaton I the Wilmington Lions Club will be Mr. Moore was born in Wake- i WANTED • neer, expects to be assigned to Express, a 130 year old trucking business. Mr. De Felice is the held at the East Wilmington Im- field 35 years ago, but lived most Girl with experience at assist- I Germany soon, in a civilian capa- provement Association hall Wed- of his life in Lawrence until he ant bookkeeper, also steno- city with the United States Army. father of five children, three of nesday evening. Following the whom are now attending Wilmlng" enlisted in the Navy early in 1942. meeting Deputy Master In charge While stationed in Australia dur- grapher, with experience in ton schools . machine transcribing. JOHN CHINN AND John F. Brockleeby of the Middle- ing the war he met and married PETER LEPORE HOME sex County House of Correction his wife, Joan. After his discharge COMBINED MEETING AGREES will speak. Brockleeby will be as- Apply: l John Cfalnn, and Peter Lepore, ON ROUTE 28 PLANS in 1945, Mr. Moore returned to Wilmington youths, have returned A combined meeting of the sisted by Deputy Sheriffs John B. Australia to study at Melbourne RAFFI and SWANSON home after serving tour years in O'Lougblin and Edward Ryan. University under the G.I. Bill. He Boards of Selectmen of Wilming- Persons who wish to attend may 100 lames Street :he United States Navy. The two ton, Reading, -and North Reading, graduated in 1951 with a Law come as a guest of one of the local Degree and a Diploma in Business Wilmington young men were discharged In in the Town Hall, last night, California, and after buying a car agreed: Lions. Further information may Administration. Early In 1962 Mr. drove across country to Wilming- be obtained by dialing OL 8-5272. Moore returned to this country That Reading should, in essence, J-28 ton. with his wife and three children make no attempt to alter the pre- and a short time later they bought sent plans for Route 28. their present home on Truman Rd, That North afteadlng and Wilm- •SPECIAL* Hathaway Acres. Since moving ts> NO HONEY DOWN! ington should attempt to have part Wilmington, both Mr. and Mrs. of Route 28 shifted eastward, so 1947 PACKARD Moore have been active In local as to afford better access to the religious and civic groups. Last route from North Reading. The year Mr. Moore was appointed an two boards agreed that they would $200. Associate Member of the Board of like to have the Junctions of Route Appeals and he Is Publicity Chair- NEW AND USED CARS 28 and Route 62 at the point where NO DOWN PAYMENT man of St. Thomas Holy Name Martin's brook now crosses Route ! Society. BOUGHT - SOLD and TRADED •2. ' An alternative to the above was Arnold Ford Sales After his graduation, Mr. Moore 3 Years to Pay • Guaranteed 10,000 Miles also agreed upon. If the proposal •oaten M. • Binaries Ctr. worked for about a year In public does not carry, the two boards will MOntrose 3-3M2 accounting and la now employed as a Tax Accountant by the Gill- work to have access to Route 28 OLiver 1-3175 at Concord street (In a "half" ette Safety Razor Co. In Boston. GLADSTONE BROTHERS cloverleafi and to ensure that ROUTE a — MOnireee M167 — MNtWURST there will be accese at some future time from both the Andover Street and Ballardvale street crossings ot V Route 28. I WALLPAPER SALE urTo°£. Attending the meeting, in addi- — 25c and 39c per Roll — tion to the Selectmen, were Repre- sentative Frank Tanner, and Mr. (Vhlteomb. State Engineer. Ceiling Paint Special $2.75 per Gal| One Coat WALLPAPER White Enamel $2.98 per Gal I mir.un. Kynnizi Painti JGrav Paint - Excellent for Over 15.000 rolls in Slock 1 Inside or Outside - Reg. $4.95 Bradbury's - Woburn SPECIAL... $?.98 per GaL 318 Mnn .1 ' V. j 2-2747" Headquarters Por . Wallpsner Edges Trimmed TOURAINE and DUTCH BOY PAINTS F » ee i 100% Steel Venetien olmo% ALL SirtS IN STOCK SLVER LAKE HARDWARE 16" x M" Thru 38' » M MAIN A GROVE WILMINGTON At Traffic Lift-hrs OL 8-2992 • $2.99 • OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26.19SS_ PAGE TWO went an operation early Sun- As Lew Aa tot. in Wilmington. \ subdivision In this town - I- tools and we donjt have the REAPTBAISAL day morning. $11.95 per set BEAS8ES.-.MKNT TALK Mr. Calabre.es talk was shall m.t name it. On^ group maps. »e ha" ™" He is now reported aa DRAWS COMMENTS approximately in the follow- of lots of land belong, to down on^ o bjms so "comfortable" and is ex- CITT pected to be out of the hos- AUTO SEAT J*ed Calabrese, Principal ^hT^sment picture J haTof" tlT"earned K S^ — pital In about 10 days.^ COVER CO. Thorndike St. DAV WHIST GL 2-3336 Rotary Club had a number it could be, and there is l still more lots, including„«■■«»- h-.t— and miss. A Benefit Whist Party and oTquLtlons. when he spoke reason for this. W-.toout try- wfire Kfted „„„ whUe I have^ painted the Penny Sale, sponsored jointly there last Wednesday, ques- ing to place any blame on.
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