Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Agenda October 2, 2018 Page 1 AGENDA MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2018 – 6:00 P.M. 125 E. SECOND STREET MONROE, MI 48161 (734) 240-7003 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Commissioner Hoffman IV. OPENING PRAYER V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (09/18/2018 Regular Meeting) VII. PUBLIC COMMENT VIII. RESOLUTIONS, SPECIAL TRIBUTES & PRESENTATION 1. Presentation by David Thompson, Drain Commissioner, Annual Report 2. Presentation by Tim Lake, President, Monroe County Business Development Corporation Summary Annual Report 3. Presentation by Brian Egen, Chairman, Historical Commission and Andy Clark, Director regarding plans for North Custer site improvements 4. Resolution Declaring October as United Way month in Monroe County IX. FINANCE MATTERS 1. Approval of the 10/3/2018 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $406,452.44 X. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Non-Claims a. Check Register dated 09/21/2018 in the amount of $705,214.73 b. Check Register dated 09/28/2018 in the amount of $447,710.23 2. Operations Committee Report of the Chairman from 09/27/2018 Meeting: The Operations Committee recommends to the Board of Commissioners: A. Approve filling a vacant Deputy Drain Commissioner position and approve a change to the budget allocation from 20% County Agency to 100% General Fund. Annual cost to General Fund ranges from $16,301 to $30,170. Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Agenda October 2, 2018 Page 2 B. Approve Probate Court-Juvenile Probation Officer requests to: i. Reclassify and fill a vacant Juvenile Probation Officer position to an Intensive Juvenile Probation Officer. ii. Reclassify an existing Juvenile Probation Officer position to an Intensive Juvenile Probation Officer. iii. Authorize the Finance Office to amend the budget to reflect the changes in the cost sharing between General Fund (GF) and Child Care Fund (CCF). Currently 100% GF change to 50% GF & 50% CCF. Savings to the General Fund range from $95,756 to $119,432. C. Approve converting the Monroe County Mental Health Recovery Court Coordinator position from a part-time position to a full-time position with funding from the Mental Health Court grant. D. Approve the staffing recommendation plan for the Planning Department and shared leadership position with Commission on Aging with savings re-allocated to programs within each department/agency. General Fund portion re-allocated to GIS initiatives $52,974 annually and Commission on Aging portion re- allocated to Senior Citizen programs $42,188 annually. XI. COMMUNICATIONS Board Action: 1. Letter dated September 27, 2018 from Hon. Jack Vitale, Presiding Judge, Monroe County Mental Health Recovery Court (MCMHRC) requesting approval of a supplemental appropriation $15,000 to cover the expenditure for drug test kits as an operational expense of the MCMHRC. Requesting $3,750 be appropriated from within the 1st District Court’s 2018 budget and $11,250 appropriated in the 2019 budget. 2. Letter dated September 24, 2018 from Mr. Michael Bosanac, Administrator/Chief Financial Officer recommending to the Board of Commissioners to amend policy #422 Retirement and provide for an actuarially neutral withdrawal of member contributions for employees in the Benefit Group Management and Benefit Group Non-Union. XII. PUBLIC HEARINGS—None XIII. OLD BUSINESS XIV. NEW BUSINESS 1. Reappointments of Board/Commission members distributed for information only at this time. No action to be taken until the October 16, 2018 meeting. A. Monroe County Planning Commission i. Memo dated September 13, 2018 from Mr. Robert Peven, Planning Director requesting the reappointment of Mr. Dan Brooks and Dr. Patrick Miller for 3-year terms to commence on January 1, 2019 and Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Agenda October 2, 2018 Page 3 end on December 31, 2021 and advising of the resignation of Ms. Mary Webb. In addition, the Road Commission appointee, Scott Assenmacher resigned in 2017 and a replacement is being sought. ii. Planning Commission Roster B. Monroe County Employees Retirement System i. Letter dated September 12, 2018 from Mr. Michael Grodi, Chairman requesting the reappointment of Mr. Bob Neely as the Citizen-At-Large member for a term to commence on January 1, 2019 and end on December 31, 2021. ii. Monroe County Employees Retirement System Roster C. Economic Development Corporation i. Letter dated September 25, 2018 from Mr. Tracy Oberleiter, Chairman, requesting the appointment of Mr. Timothy Janssen in the category of Agriculture to fill an unexpired term left by Mr. Randy Mielnik who is resigning. Mr. Janssen’s term would end on December 31, 2020. ii. Resignation from Mr. Randy Mielnik iii. Economic Development Corporation Roster XV. PUBLIC COMMENT XVI. ANNOUNCEMENTS XVII. MEMBERS TIME XVIII. ADJOURNMENT The County of Monroe will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the learning impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting to individuals with disabilities at the meeting upon one week’s notice to the County of Monroe. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the County of Monroe by writing or calling the following: Human Resources - 125 East Second Street, Monroe, MI 48161 - Voice (734) 240-7295 and TDD (734) 240-7300 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Page 1 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 I. CALL TO ORDER The Monroe County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting in the Board Chambers in the City of Monroe on Tuesday, September 18, 2018. Chairman Henry Lievens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Roll call by Clerk as follows: PRESENT ABSENT David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant Gary Wilmoth Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro Henry Lievens Jason Turner A quorum being present, the Board proceeded to conduct business. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Lievens led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. OPENING PRAYER Deputy Clerk, Lisa Sanders, led the Opening Prayer. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Hoffman, supported by Commissioner Moore to approve the September 18, 2018 amended agenda as presented. Roll call by Clerk as follows: AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant Gary Wilmoth Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro Henry Lievens Jason Turner Motion carried. Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Page 2 VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (09/04/18 Regular Meeting) Motion by Commissioner Turner, supported by Commissioner Jondro to approve the minutes as presented for the Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Regular Meeting and waive the reading thereof. Voice vote taken. Motion carried. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT—None VIII. RESOLUTIONS, SPECIAL TRIBUTES & PRESENTATIONS— 1. Discussion with State Representative Jason Sheppard. Highlights of the discussion included the following topics: DTE/Fermi seeking tax cuts and State Tax Tribunal Infrastructure and Roads Revenue sharing to Counties Unfunded mandates Nestle and water withdrawal from the Great Lakes Bringing new jobs to the County and to the State Bringing more dollars to Monroe County Economic Development in Monroe County State of Michigan should use sales tax dollars and not property tax dollars Reducing Auto Insurance premiums in the State IX. FINANCE MATTERS 1. Approval of the 09/19/2018 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $664,151.69 Motion by Commissioner Brant, supported by Commissioner Turner to accept the 09/19/2018 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $664,151.69. Roll call by Clerk as follows: AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant Gary Wilmoth Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro Henry Lievens Jason Turner Motion carried. X. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Non-Claims A. Check Register dated 09/07/2018 in the amount of $425,737.49 B. Check Register dated 09/14/2018 in the amount of $589,274.48 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Page 3 Motion by Commissioner Moore, supported by Commissioner Turner to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Roll call by Clerk as follows: AYE NAY EXCUSED ABSTAIN David Hoffman Jerry Oley Mark Brant Gary Wilmoth Dawn Asper Greg Moore, Jr. George Jondro Henry Lievens Jason Turner Motion carried. XI. COMMUNICATIONS Board Action: 1. Letter dated September 14, 2018 from Hon. Jack Vitale, Presiding Judge, Monroe County Mental Health Recovery Court, requesting approval to accept an operational grant award in the amount of $150,000 from the State Court Administrative Office for the grant period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 with a funding obligation of $7,128 to pay probation officer staff time, with the 2018 amount of $1,685 to be appropriated from within the 1st District Court’s budget and the 2019 amount of $5,443 requested as additional funding in the 2019 budget. Chairman Lievens read the request into the record. Mr. Michael Bosanac, Administrator/Chief Financial Officer explained that the grant has been awarded and this is for the Board of Commissioners to approve the acceptance of the grant. Motion by Commissioner Oley, supported by Commissioner Hoffman to accept the communication, place it on file and approve the operational grant award in the amount of $150,000 from the State Court Administrative Office for the grant period beginning October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 with a funding obligation of $7,128 to pay probation officer staff time with the 2018 amount of $1,685 to be appropriated from within the 1st District Court’s budget and the 2019 amount of $5,443 requested as additional funding in the 2019 budget. Further to authorize Finance Department to amend the budget to recognize the grant revenue and expenditures.
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