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Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Hydraulics Laboratory l~4 P. 0. Box 631, Vicksburg, Miss. 39180 _____________ It. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE IM U SArmy March 1982 Office, Chief of Engineers, U.. Amy1. NUMBER OF PAGES SWashington, D. C. 20314 265 CI 4. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(Of dI11i.,eet hkm Controlinhdoffice) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (ofifi1e por) 10-B-1Unclassified 730. DEELASSI FICATION/ DOWNGRADI N G SCH EDULE 146. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of Ohio itom) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. T. DISTRIOUTION4 STATEMENT (of the. a.fteci meteed in Block O.It diftentw~from. R.eot) IS. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal >. Road, Springfield, Va. 22151 Cie 19I. KEY WORDS ('Coolaue anmroeree aide it neeeep and IdSef 67 Mock2 mone) Dredging equipment LLU Dredging operations -..J Dredging procedures 241,ABSTRACT (Cbs~bw So eevuo S N neve mi i~oAitr F blok numiker) C.3 This report is a fully annotated bibliography of references on dredging 4 9 operations, equipment, and processes. Dredged material disposal and environ- mental aspects of dredging are not included. Bibliographic listings with annotations are arranged alphabetically by author, with separate section for anonymously authored articles. Keyword index at end lists references by title and reference number. Report is furnished in loose leaf form with binder and is issued in several installments, each with cumulative keyword index.- DO, W miscmo Nov Ois6111 OWDLET Unclassified S~CUIT CLASIICATION OF INIS PAME (ObbeDOS lA~ 84 02 02O 001 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O BOX 631 VICKSBURG. MISSISSIPPI 39180 TO: Report Recipients Please replace original pages 1 through 4 with the new pages 1 through 4. Place Installment 2 (pages 181 through 324) in p binder after Installment 1. Discard Keyword Index 1 (original pages 181 through 269) and replace it with Keyword Index 2 (new pages 325 through 453). • __ __ LE .TF. CO'-.'5 FEB 2 1984 _ U' HYORAULICS OLOTEC#NICAL VIUSVIRONd IENTAL CSAL %10i16 LABORATORY ATORI ASIANC 0 MRTOAASOATOfl LABORATORY. PREFACE This bibliography was begun under the Improvement of Operations and Maintenance Techniques (IOMT) research program, sponsored by the Office, Chief of Engineers (OCE). It is being continued, using funds provided by the Water Resources Support Center Dredging Division and the Operations Division, Civil Works Office. Installments I and 2 of this bibliography were prepared in the Hydraulics Laboratory of the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) under the general supervision of Messrs. H. B. Simmons, Chief of the Hydraulics Laboratory; F. A. Herrmann, Jr., Assistant Chief of the Hydraulics Laboratory; R. A. Sager, Chief of the Estuaries Divi- sion; and E. C. McNair, Jr., Chief of the Sedimentation Branch. Mr. T. W. Richardson of the Research Group was the project engineer, and Mr. E. W. Flowers supervised the acquisition and compilation of bibliographic material. Recognition is made of the following persons who worked at different times on the bibliography: Ms. P. C. Habeeb, Ms. A. Y. Williams, Mr. J. J. Duffy, Mr. M. P. Alexander, and Mr. S. D. Kiger. Mr. G. R. Clark and Mrs. C. J. Coleman are also recognized for their editing and keywording contributions. Commanders and Directors of WES during the preparation and pub- lication of this bibliography were COL Nelson P. Conover, CE, and COL Tilford C. Creel, CE. Technical Director was Mr. F. R. Brown. Destroy this report when no longer needed. Do not return it to the originator. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an ( official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. I The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval o! the use of such commercial products. 701 I CONTENTS Page PREFACE....................... .. ...... .... .. .. .. ..... GLOSSARY .. .............................. 3 PART I: INTRODUCTION. ... ..................... 5 PART II: USE OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY. .. ................ 6 PART III: REFERENCE LISTINGS AND ANNOTATIONS .. ........... 9 INDEX. .. .............................. 325 2 i: "GLOSSARY The following abbreviations are used in the reference listings of this bibliography: Abbreviation Complete Name AICE American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurigical, and Petroleum Engineers ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASLE American Society of Lubrication Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers BHRA British Hydromechanics Research Association Dl Dusseldorfer Messegesellschaft mbH EPA Environmental Protection Agency IADC International Association of Dredg- ing Companies IAHR International Association for Hydraulic Research 3 L1 - i |l lI I1 ,, . ... .. ,[[',- , .. 17 Abbreviation Complete Name IEEE Institute of Electrical and Elec- tronics Engineers IVI Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging MTS Marine Technology Society PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses SAE Society of Automotive Engineers SUT Society for Underwater Technology UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific USDA United States Department of Agriculture II 40 15 DREDGING: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON OPERATIONS. " - EQUIPMENT, AND PROCESSES PART I: INTRODUCTION I. The objective of the New Dredging Concepts project is to de- velop procedures and techniques for applying recently developed dredging equipment to estuarine, riverine, and reservoir shoaling problems. A compilation of dredging literature in certain technical areas was needed to support this objective and serve as a data base for other equipment- related research. This bibliography is a direct result of that compilation. 2. The bibliography covers portions of the broad field of dredg- ing. Included are publications dealing with: (a) excavation and trans- portation of dredged material; (b) equipment, both primary and ancil- lary, used to perform or enhance these functions, (c) physical processes involved in performing them; and (d) planning and execution of dredging projects. Excluded from the bibliography are publications which cover primarily dredged material disposal or environmental aspects of dredging. i 5• PART II: USE OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY * Organization 3. The main body of the bibliography contains reference informa- tion issued at different times in a series of installments. Each in- stallment presents reference listings together with their annotations, I' arranged alphabetically by author. References without authors are lo- cated in a separate section. 4. Each listing is assigned a unique reference number. Refer- * ences with authors are identified by a four-digit number; those without authors are assigned a four-digit number preceded by the letter "A." 5. The bibliography index, which is updated with each new in- stallment, is organized by keywords. A list of keywords used is pre- sented at the beginning of the index as an organization chart. Listed in the index under each keyword are publication titles and their refer- ence numbers. Many references are found under more than one keyword. Explanation of Index 6. The most important part of a useful bibliography is the index. The indexing system must be detailed enough to provide meaningful dis- tinctions. However, a complex indexing system may be difficult to use and is often unnecessary. The keyword system used in this bibliography was constructed by grouping the general areas covered into an organiza- tion chart. Mloving down in the chart, each successive level gives a more detailed breakdown of the previous one. Therefore, the key to in- terpreting a particular keyword is to trace the path down through the organization chart leading to it. For example, the keyword "effects" has little meaning until it is placed in the context of: OPERATIONS; * Execution: effects. Then, it becomes apparent that it refers to the effects of executing dredging operations. 7. Keywords were assigned to each reference using information from the annotation. In most cases, keywords could be assigned at the 4A lowest level of the organization chart. However, if the publication appeared general in nature or covered a broad range of topics, the key- words used were at higher levels. Thus, the keywords provide some in- formation on the focus of a publication in a particular
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