E1444 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2011 years later, The United States Honor Flag to a management position with Lee Optical in gram has been a catalyst for promoting ca- continues to pay tribute to those who have lost Dallas. Eager to start his own business he left reers in the fields of science, technology, engi- their lives in the line of duty protecting the the company in 1961 to open his first store. neering, and mathematics especially in the Af- freedoms we all hold dear. The United States More than 40 years and 675 company and rican-American, Hispanic, and Native Amer- Honor Flag has been to many places including franchise stores later, Pearle Vision remains a ican communities. The result continues to be Ground Zero in New York, the Pentagon, Na- trusted household name with locations across a well educated, well trained, and diverse en- tional Fallen Firefighters Foundation Memorial, the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. gineering and science workforce for NASA. the National Law Enforcement Officers Memo- His contributions to the world of optometry Minorities made up 23% of the 200 scholars rial, Presidential Libraries, VA Hospitals, and are world renowned. Dr. Pearle’s vision was to participating in the program this past year and to countless sporting events. The flag has change how people were fitted for their that number continues to increase. flown for more than 1,000 fallen soldiers and eyewear. Initially, eye patients would visit an Since 2006, the Virginia Space Grant Con- at funerals for police officers and firefighters. optometrist for a medical procedure but Dr. sortium has managed the LARSS program for Recently it went to Space! It traveled on board Pearle made it a more fashionable purchase NASA under a sub-award from the National the shuttle Atlantis’ final mission. and experience in a well-lit store with a vast Institute of Aerospace. This has allowed the It is one single flag. There’s a lot of security array of frames to choose from. Pearle Vision program to grow from a summer only program details involved in transporting the U.S. Honor has boasted that it is the first nationwide opti- to a year round program in the spring, sum- Flag. It is kept in a secure case. The Depart- cal retailer and it is all thanks to the vision of mer, and fall. The success of the LARSS pro- ment of Homeland Security has sewn Dr. Pearle himself. I knew his wife, Elsie gram has been recognized by the Langley and microchips into the seam of the flag to verify Cohen who was a dear friend of mine. Dr. Hampton Roads communities, and it was re- its authenticity. The flag is constantly traveling. Pearle is survived by three of his four children, cently ranked sixth on a national list of the ‘‘10 It is a national treasure that is respected and 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Best Internships for 2011’’ by Vault Career In- guarded. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join telligence. The betterment in our country often origi- me in paying tribute to Dr. Stanley Pearle. I As the world becomes increasingly relevant nates from the efforts of just one person. The appreciate the dedication and innovative on technology, the importance of the United establishment of the Honor Flag serves as an changes he made to optometry. He will truly States remaining technologically competitive important reminder of the daily sacrifices our be missed. and producing quality engineers and scientists Nation’s heroes make, and recognizes the f is vital. freedoms of Old Glory. In recognition of Chris Mr. Speaker, I am proud that 25 years later Heisler’s patriotism, in remembrance of the ON THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF we are able to recognize the importance of tragic events on September 11, 2001 and for THE NASA LANGLEY AEROSPACE this great program and the dynamic impact it those who continue to fight to preserve our lib- RESEARCH SUMMER SCHOLARS has made on American society. On this 25th erty, I am proud to salute Chris Heisler for his (LARSS) PROGRAM anniversary of LARSS, I commend NASA for loyalty to America, and to the United States the progress it has made to strengthen STEM Flag. HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT education, and I challenge it to continue to in- spire our youth to create new ideas, new prod- We should remember those that died, those OF VIRGINIA ucts and innovative solutions to solve our na- that got to live, and those that continue to fight IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for our freedoms today in places all over the tion’s problems. Friday, July 29, 2011 It is my hope that LARSS will continue to world in the name of liberty and freedom. provide NASA and our nation’s engineering And that’s just the way it is. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the 25th anniversary of and science community a pipeline of problem f the NASA Langley Aerospace Research Sum- solvers and innovators. I thank NASA Langley PERSONAL EXPLANATION mer Scholars program. for continuing the great legacy of the LARSS In 1986, under the leadership of Dr. Sam program over the past 25 years, and I look HON. SAM GRAVES Massenberg along with the support of senior forward to its continued success. f OF MISSOURI leadership from NASA Langley Headquarters, the Langley Aerospace Research Summer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN HONOR OF REV. DR. JOHN A. Scholars (LARSS) program was established. Friday, July 29, 2011 SEVERSON CELEBRATING FIFTY This program was designed to create intern- YEARS OF PREACHING THE GOS- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, on ship opportunities for undergraduate and grad- PEL Monday, July 25, I missed a couple of rollcall uate students and ultimately provide a pipeline votes. Had I been present, I would have voted of experienced graduates into NASA’s work- ‘‘yea’’ on No. 630 and ‘‘nay’’ on Nos. 631, force. Today, I would like to take this oppor- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. OF GEORGIA 632, 634, 635, 636. tunity to recognize and commemorate the pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f gram’s 25th anniversary. The LARSS program is NASA’s oldest year Friday, July 29, 2011 TRIBUTE TO DR. STANLEY round internship program providing high Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise PEARLE school, undergraduate, and graduate students today to honor of the Rev. Dr. John A. hands on research experience working side- Severson, who will celebrate fifty years of HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON by-side with NASA engineers and scientists. preaching the gospel this weekend. Through OF TEXAS This program was ‘‘the first of its kind’’ and these many years, Rev. Dr. Severson has re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has served as a model for other NASA cen- mained dedicated to spreading the Word of ters. Friday, July 29, 2011 God and striving to improve his community, During the 25 year history of the LARSS particularly those less fortunate. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. program, more than 4,500 competitively se- John A. Severson was born in Calhoun Mr. Speaker, I rise today to express my sad- lected students from all over the United States County in Edison, Georgia to the late Mr. ness over the passing of one of America’s and the U.S. territories have participated in the Lucious B. Severson Sr., and the late Mrs. greatest assets to the field of optometry, and program. The program began with a class of Annett H. Severson. He received his early one of my dear friends, Dr. Stanley Pearle. 20 in 1986 and has since grown to include education in the public schools of Calhoun The man behind the eyewear business Pearle more than 200 students annually. This year County, and in 1961, felt the call to ministry. Vision, passed away last week at the age of the program received its largest applicant pool Rev. Dr. Severson received his Bachelors & 92 in his home in Dallas, Texas. with nearly 800 applicants applying over the Master’s Degrees in Ministry from Bethany Pittsburgh-native Dr. Pearle graduated from fall, spring, and summer sessions. Theological Seminary, and he received his Northern Illinois College of Optometry in 1939 The LARSS program has been benefiting Doctorate of Theological Studies from the and relocated to Dallas to take his board ex- engineering undergraduate and graduate stu- Bethany Divinity College and Seminary, in aminations and later marry his high school dents for 25 years. Many of these students Dothan, Alabama. Since graduating, Rev. Dr. sweetheart, Elsie. He served in the U.S. Navy join NASA’s workforce and have taken a sig- Severson and has been proclaiming the good for a few years and after World War II he nificant role in preserving NASA’s leadership news of the gospel to this day, serving several worked for several eye care companies, rising in aeronautics and space science. This pro- congregations in both Georgia and Alabama. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:12 Jul 30, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.010 E29JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1445 Presently, Rev. Dr. Severson faithfully munity such as counseling, training, and job Dr. Chaudhuri and others continue to teach serves the Union Missionary Baptist Church referrals. Under the leadership of Ms. Chris- and encourage curiosity in the world of congregation, where he has given spiritual tina Curry, who heads the center, all disabled science, medicine, and beyond.
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