NEWS June 17, 1949 Two THE PHOENIX JEWISH National Official Talks JNF Given Loan For Land Improvement Eban, Bunche Get Degrees Rabbis Speak At At Beth Israel Meet help mass settle- NEW YORK, (JTA) A $15,- Israel and to the Mr. S. Herbert Kaufman, Presi- 000,000 loan to the Jewish Nation- ment of Jews there.” dent of the National Federation of al Fund in Jerusalem has been Dr. Abraham Granovsky, world Memorial Rites Temple Brotherhoods, delivered an granted by the Bank of America Rabbis A. L. Krohn and Nathan address before 75 men the Beth Asso- president of the Jewish National A. of National Trust and Savings Barack were the main speakers Israel Congregation at an organi- Fund, in a cable Jerusalem, ciation of California, it was an- from at the fourth annual memorial ser- zation meeting recently. this week by Judge declared that granting the loan vice conducted by the Jewish War nounced here unanimously voted to or- Morris Rothenberg, president of would enable the Fund to “pursue |||Bp Veterans May 30 at Beth El Audi- It was in the United States. and amplify” its present large- torium. ganize the Men’s Club. Officers the J.N.F. for year were elected. They loan is for four-year per- scale activities, including acquisi- the The 388 BLv f Krohn spoke on “Man’s Ageless are: Alan Rosenberg, president; Judge Rothenberg said, ad- tion of large tracts of land, af- WSBsNfot. City iod, Quest and Dream of a of Harry Rabinowitz, vice-president; ding that the funds would be ap- forestation, development of water God,” based upon the writings of pur- resources and expansion of agri- Marvin Koolish, secretary, and plied immediately “toward the the Prophet Ezekial. Barack urged David improvement of land in cultural settlements. Milton Tauber, treasurer. chase and rediedication to the ideals and Kipnis is chairman of the member- principles for which the war was ship committee. Bakery Has Delicatessen fought. FOR^RENT The club will meet next Thurs- Provol, duplex newly dec- The new Krevits Bakery, 2414 Nate Spanish-American day, June 23, at Temple Beth Is- Two bedroom guest. orated. Furnished or unfur- E. Thomas Rd., also has a delica- War veteran, was a special rael, 122 E. Culver. nished; Best location. tessen section. It is owned by Ju- Other guests included officers and Krevitsky and his son, Sam members of the Phoenix detach- Rent a Month lius Say you saw It advertised in $70.00 Krevitsky. ment of the Marine Corps League. Apply 1702% W. McDowell prepared the The Phoenix Jewish News ?>— Maurice P. Chesler service. Members of the arrange- Say you saw It advertised in ments committee included Mes- The Phoenix DR. JOHN JACOB (left), permanent repre»entative of Israel Jewish News AUBREY S. EBAN dames Philip Sack, Harold R. Wol- to the United Nations, and Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, acting UN media- degree pert and Jack Landman, and ¦=n] HAUSMAN tor in Palestine, received the honorary of Doctor of He- Union College Messers Philip Sack, Max E. Geff- FELSHER brew Letters at the 65th commencement of Hebrew and Jerome N. OPTOMETRIST Saturday. ner, Leo Weiss at Cincinnati last Kutner. 4-3904 Prescription Pharmacy First Place Winner 36 N. Central Av«. Phone 0 Our Film Folk UNIVERSAL 650 North Ist Ave. the National COFFEE MAKER of Watch for Fadiman Has a New Show Completely Automatic Phone 3-2070 By Leon Gutterman Something new in coffee mak- Prescriptions Correctly Filled The Jewish Movie (Copyright, 1949, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) ing. Adjust to the brew you end Priced Council HOLLYWOOD—The brilliant Clifton Fadiman, host of the Colum- like and forget it. This coffee Vitamins, Drugs, Sick Room Supplies Safety variety bia Broadcasting System’s new hour-long show “This Is maker brews perfect coffee to Broadway,” caused no surprise in his wide circle of literary friends off in 1938,. he essayed to complement his facile your taste, then shuts itself pen with a witty tongue, as a top-flight radio mas- but continues to keep your Award tei of ceremonies. coffee warm. STAR The Fadiman following long had known the de- $24.95 KOSHER A buting emcee of “Information Pealse” as a brilliant For 8-Cup Size lecturer, teacher and raconteur, possessed of a knack for the apt phrase and the parrying thrust Meats and Delicatessen in the spoken as well as the written word. shortly GROSS S His ability in the rhetorical art was Strictly Kosher Quality borne out in the skill with which he developed and Electric Sales and Service | Hijjjl Foods maneuvered the devastating cross-play of erudition and banter by such mental giants as John Kieran, 438 E. Washington Ph. 3-7652 Our Poultry Killed FREE Swhen,Gutterman P. Adams, Deems Taylor, Oscar Levant Electrical Franklin Everything and on the radio program. DELIVER others * * * „ Terminal First St. at Monroe WE My favorite suit's ¦§! 611 N. Ist St. Ph. 4-0172 FADIMAN, in fact, started to mix his speaking and writing pur- been cleaned by / suits long before he flashed across the horizon of belles lettres as a youthful critic genius. He had talked on French symbolist poetry, top The New had taught English for two years, and for eight years was a lec- Insurance FOR BOYS turer. He had even been on the air, reviewing books, for six months. THE MODERN H A D s After 1938, with his reputation as a platform performer established Is Our Business CAMP ROOSEVELT £ .,®tT 5 nationally through “Information Please,” he was a popular target for private and public discussions on the story-telling profession. Representing Foremost Insurance VMETHODjyJf MOUNTAIN CENTER —RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIF. Thus, the distinguished critic-lecturer-writer-radio star brings to Companies Situated in the beautiful San Jacinto Mtns., near Idyllwild, 4,500 ft. eleva- Broadway” a compound of mellowed experience in the CBS’ “This Is scientific, ODOR- tion—Appr. 100 miles from L.A. All land and Water Sports. 30x60 Filtered for the task of guiding an ad Automobile Marine It’* the finest in Field, spoken art which admirably fits him cleaning! SEE the difference Swimming Pool, Sand Beach, Tennis Court, Baseball Diamond, Archery buisness. Burglary Public Liability LESS dry lib free-for-all on show difference. You'll Horseback Riding, Boating, Dramatics, Arts and Crafts, Nature, Scouting. refereeing sizzling —FEEL the His is the not too enviable job of pacing and the Fire Surety Bnods KNOW the difference I JEWISH CULTURAL ACTIVITIES DIETARY LAWS counseling panel Details, Los Angeles Office crossfire of comment and wit sparked by the of ex- Personal Property Floaters For Write or Call comedy 156 N. Arden Blvd. Directors: perts consisting of dramatist George S. Kaufman, writer-star Los Angeles 4, Calif. J. M. KARTZINEL Abe Burrows and their eminent guest co-advisors. HI 0072 ETTA SHAPIRO * * * ? TIP-TOP Member of Southern California Camping Association CLIFTON FADIMAN is a true product of the sidewalks of New York in the Horation Alger vein. He was born in Brooklyn on May 15,1904, the son of a Russian immigrant, Isadore Fadiman, who was CLEANERS and Grace Fadiman, a nurse. A bundle of ambition and DEAN S. DAVIDSON a druggist, St. WEEK END JUNE 16-19 WEEK END vitality, he jerked sodas at his father’s store, worked in a ship chand- Insurance Agency 1645 W. Van Buren hopped it as an office boy for ler’s shop, ran errands all over town, Phone 3-6485 a steamship company and helped his brother Edwin run a newspaper 517 N. Central Phone 4-8421 PICNIC SPECIALS in Forest Hills. At 16, he was a contributor to magazines. At Gross' Delicatessen Relatives Are Sought High Reverses . Court . FRESH The Jewish Social Service has You're Sure It's 1532 West Van Buren been asked to help trace relatives Sentence of Priest Buy From MERCADO'S of Leon Heilpern of Str. Traian If You iiSBL They (fMERCADO) 189, Bucharest, Roumania. Who Attacked Jews BARRACUDA Featuring Strictly Kosher Chicago Smoked Meats Anna Byrne, a SALMON F are a sister, and (JTA) Nm ggf nephew, Sydney Rotman, who is WASHINGTON, The HAUBUT Supreme last PERCH F.LLET Salami, lb. 75c engineer. If their whereabouts United States Court an week reversed the conviction of bass are known, Executive Secretary shrimp Bologna, lb. 75c Arthur W. Terminiello, a Florence G. should be con- Rev. Frankfurters, 75c Frank priest, who was charged lb. tacted at the Social Service. Catholic Knackwurst, 75c with breaching the peace by deliv- lb. speech in Full line of Fresh Water Fish—PIKE—’WHITE FISH—TROUT—CATFISH Beef, ering an anti-Semitic Corned Pastrami, lb $1.89 Jews' Plight Eased Chicago three years ago. Pressed Farmer Cheese from L. A., lb 35c NEW YORK, (JTA)—“Encour- The decision, based on the argu- meeting (Makes the best Blintzes!) aging progress” in the ment that free speech must be the Jews of North Africa Co-Op, pint 50c needs of maintained even when the speak- MERCADO SEA FOODS. INC Sour Cream—Bordens or —both transients crowding into words stir people to anger and 4-2264 hinterland er’s 20 N. sth St. Phone the port cities from the unrest, was reached by a five to Open Daily From 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. en route to Israel and resident four majority. reported this populations was Terminiello, who was un- by Joseph J. Schwartz, Rev. week Dr. suspension as a priest at the European Execu- der ALIGNING & DELICATESSEN chairman of the he his speech but WHEEL BALANCING AND GROSS GROCERY the J.D.C., at a time made was tive Council of later reinstated in a parish, spoke meeting of the J.D.C.
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