■/} V-' ■■ A ': / ■ Y' ’ THURSDAY) DECEMBER «, 195« P A G E TWENTY-FOUB JKani*b?0t(r lEtt^nina^ IS^ralb Open for Christmas Shoppers Tonight Until 9 o^Clock Royal Black Preceptory, Star of ' St. John’s Church teenagers Fellows.hall Tuesday evening. Her ■East, No. 13. will meet tomorrow will hold a singing, rehearsal to­ Garden Gliib Sets associate officers also elected are Emblem Members About Town night at 7:45 in Orange Hall. Of- morrow evening at 6:30. and the as follOwg: ^ fieers for 1957 will be. installed. senior choir will rehearse at 7:30. Christinas Sale Mrs. Meric Lkuro, past presi­ Hold Jewel-Parly Average I^ily NeiT^reas Run The Weather Mrs. Thomas Freebum. Ular ^oth groups are, under the direc­ 35 Refrteshments will tie served. dent; Mrs. M ae’ Rowe, vice presi­ Forecaat' of O. 8. W w tlM r BufWUi 8t.' and Mrs. Elmer J. Johnson, 42 tion of Organist Walter Grzyb. ’ For the Week Knae«( The Manchester Gardei Club dent; Mrs. Hazel Fahey, record­ • Manchester Emblem Club, No. Dec. 1, 1656 Holl St.,, received minor Injurle.s ing secretary; Mrs. Julia Raw- Members of Anderson Shea Aux­ will hold Its annual sale of (Christ­ 251. held a siicces-SfuI Jewelry Toggy, ahowera occaalonany yesterday whexi they were thrown' iliary. No.' 2046, VFW. are re­ Trinity College will present a son, financial secretary; Mrs. moderate tonight, mild. Low m full length Spanish film. “ D o n a mas decorations and anangemen'ts l^aily following its meeting last from the car in which they were minded of the annual banquet of Grace Howland, chaplain and wel­ the upper 40a. Saturday clondy, Barbara," with Elnglish sub'titles, Our Company Btore Will Be Open To The PuWi® 12,439 passengers in an, accident at Prov­ the Hartford County Council, of dried materials, Friday. Dec. H, fare supervi.sor; Mrs. Belle Schors. night in Tinker Hall. rain, not no warm. High In based on the Spanlsl>- American SATURDAY MORNINGS FROM 9 A. M. until 12 NOON Member of the Audit idence, R. I. ve.sterday. Mrs. Alex­ VFW., Saturday evening at 7 in Center (Church Hou.se, beginning lady of ceremonies; Mrs. Irene La The demonstration was con­ 4«a. ander Glrelli, 33 Lilac St., the o'clock in the ballroom .of the Ho­ classic by Romulo Gallegos on I’ almo. sergeant; Mrs. Ruth Sta- Bureau of Circulation al 10 a m. Tea will he seAeil to ducted by Mrs. Doris Steibertz, Manchester—-A City of Village Charm driver, received no apparent in­ tel Garde, Hartford. Reservation's Dec. 11 at 7:30 in the chemistry ple.s. inner hoslc.ss Mrs. Della Far­ featuring the exquisite Sara Cov- Available are fine hand-knittinR yarns in Lambs Wool, juries. No arrest was made. Prb\'i- should bo made through Charles auditorium. , the public from .3 to 5 p.m . and the rington. oulo'r hostess; Mrs. Ruth ehtry jewelry, with -several of the Cashmere and Fur Blends in a wide range of colore,' at dence police termed the Girclli Mirth. 79 Hollister St., before closing hour is set for 6 p.m.' Wilson, pre.ss correspondent Mrs. club members acting as models. attractive prices. From time to time also— Seconds of MANCHESfteR»^CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 195fi (Claaatned Advertinlng on Page 22) PRICE FIVE CENTS car a total loss.' ■, Saturday. William Duncan.‘Vieaman recruit. Mrs. Charles Le.sperance. 21 St’ Edith Mc.Mullcn, musician; Mr.s. Iris Vacantl and her social com­ Fine Fabrics will be offered at prices substantially b ^ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 58 (TWENTY-FOUR. PAGES—TWO SECl'IONS) 8 Little St., graduated last Sat­ I’ auljne Bcrrelt, officer of the mittee served dainty sandwiches, Advertisement-- John St. general ihainuan will be Chapman Court. No. 10. Order urday from U.S; Naval Training day; .Mrs. Oglore White, captain cookies and coffee from an attrac­ low market. of Amaranth, will meet in the Ma­ Center, Bainbridge, Md. His par- as.sisted b.v Mrs. Frank Bicknibre of the giiards; Mrs. Rose Lovett, tively appointed Chri.stmas theme InaUll clean, dependable Ga.s enLs and his grandmother, Mrs. R. and Mrs. Eugene Spicss'who will Why Not Plan To Visit Us This Saturday? Heating, and forget sen-iCe and sonic Temple tomorrow at 7:45 cn.sign No. 1; Mrs. Betty Sobiski; table. D. Wilson, attended the exdbciscs. be in charge of greens. Mrs. Alex­ delivery problems. Rent- a Gas p.m. The busine.ss session will be ensign No. 2; Mrs. Helen Tiillcr, Prizes donated by the Commu­ He is expected home this Saturday ander Mannella is chairman of the color bearer No. 1: Mrs. Christine President Protests Conversion Burner— $2.95 monthly followed by. a Christmas party and nity service committee were won tea committee, with Mrs. Arthur —'Buy a Gas Conversion Burner refreshments w ill be served by on a 14-day leave. Wilson, color bearer No. 2. by Irene Ellis and Ann Laliberte. ALDON SPINNING MILLS CORPORATION S'.hiilthels, co-chairman. $285.00, less $50.00 allowances for Mrs. Hazel T. Anderson and her The meeting Was preceded by a The jewelry prize of a beautiful TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. Old eqxtipment. Guaranteed heat­ I committee. .Members a r e re- Principal Edson M. Bailey of Mrs. Charle.s E. Croeker Jr,, and potlurk supper, followed by an pin was awarded to Memo Blan­ Manchester High School will at­ Brush to Purchase ing estilhate. The Hartford Gas j quested to provide 50-cent gifts Mrs. Robert Coe will preside at the amusing While • BUephapt Sale. chard. About ‘Leakage’ on Co., tel. M l 9-4503. < I for the grab bag. tend the 71st annual meeting of Table of novelties, and Mrs. Roland the New England As.sociation of Miriford, advertising. '_____________ ______ :________ Colleges and Secondary Schools tomorrow at the Hotel' Staticr in rr Boston, Maas. Mystic Review . King David. Lodge, No. 31. \ IOOF„ will meet tomorrow night Elects Officers Augusfa, Ga., Dec. 7 (A’ )---- during the fiacSl year starting OU at 7:30 in Odd Fellows Hall. First I h a l e ' S - j nomination of officers for 1957 w ill Mrs. Aldca Gulzmer, 43 Mather Secretary of Defense W n . s b i i j diaruaaion about! be held. A social hour will follow St., was elected president of Mys­ said today it ‘‘certainly looks | “ leakage'' of Pentagon data in ad- ] YOUR FRIENDLY CHRISTMAS STORE ... ^ the bussiness meeting. tic Review, No. 2, Women's Bono- 'N as though military spending vanre of any official release for fil A.ssn., at its meeting in Odd incre... in Ihe ne.t (in.nl' Due to xinforcseen circximstanr.s ,111 Ike W eighs $ 4 Mill] m Chcne.v Bros. Athletic Assn.'s din­ abo^e csliniatcd 6xp€nd- newsmen assigned to cover the ’’SanJtaiu 9{suul! —\ ner-dance Christmas party origin­ iture rtf $.36 billion for this President. ally scheduledto be held at the PRESCRIPTIONS ' year. And the cabinet officer James.C Hagerty White House D ollar A id teen American Legion Home Dec. 12 I j j j r. ..1/ press sA-retary, said the confer* Plant Added after a 2/j-hour budg- ppj-g quarters at the Augusta Na- TONITE FROM 7 to 9 f .M. has been changed to the Arm.v and •TREE PICK-LP . et conference with President tionai Golf Club were too smati to Navy Club on the same night. AND DELIVERY” * FRIDAY FROM 7 to 9 P.M. Ei.senhower that he does not permit all newsmen to be on hand To E urope Innk fo r “ an v snhstantial parley. PINE PHARMACY im K lo r an> sunsianuai So thev rest were represented by 664' CCNTER ST.— Ml 9-9814 SATURDAY FROM 2 to 5:30 F.M. K of C to Sijjnal change lA the level of mm- Charle's Roberts of Newsweek Washington, Dec. 7 (/P)— By jfiWELL JACKSON tary manpower, now at about Magazine and John Kdwards of the The Treasury today an- Anir RON DEVINE Start of Building 2,800,000 men. American Broadcasting Co. NAM’s Choice They later reported that Wilson i nounced a new borrowing o f ; HALE’S Self Serve and Meat Dept Ernest G. Swigert is the Reports that Fuller Brush ^ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING first brought the matter of "leak- B.v MARVIN U ARROWSMITH $1 billion to he used in part Ground breaking ceremonies will age" of budget data and manpower , president-elect of the National Co. of Hartford, will-locate a be held Monday at 8:30 a.m. to H EINZ or BEECHNI’T Augusta, Ga., Dec. 7 (A*)— plans, talking in general terms. He I Association of Manufadturers to defray the cost of possible new $4,000,000 factory in the ^ REAR OF OUR STORE... mark the beginning of construc­ SALADA STRAINED President Eisenhower com­ obviously was referring to informa- ! which is meeting in New York. financial aid to Britain. Manchester area gained im­ tion of the new Knights of Colum­ lion obtained by newsmen and later ; Swigert is from Portland, Ore. petus today as stJurces- close bus Home on Main St. TEA BAGS BABY FOOD plained to Secretary of De- " ‘;S,,X'’d' By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER . OPEN Joseph Dyer, chairman of the fense Wilson today that Show* Invitation Washington, Dec. 7 (/P)— to the firm revealed that the Campbell Council Building Assn, “ leakage” of military budget Alluding to budget and manpower The Eisenhower administra­ well-known brush manufM planning, Wilson said: TONIGHT and FRIDAY board of directors said arrange­ figures and manpower jilans Nuri’s Rule tion i.s beginning a major pol­ turer will exercise opti6n» ments are incomplete, but that he for .
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