Year 1, Number 3 The Newsletter contains data and information HeraNews as of 12th December 2006 Shareholders Newsletter Disclosed 2006 first nine months results: message from the Chairman of the Board Dear Shareholders, The Group results of the first nine month of the year, approved on the 15th November, fully meet our expectations both in term of quality of services delivered and in term of economic and financial results. Contents EBITDA signed an increased by 36% on last PAGE 1 year nine month results. This growth was un- derpinned by all core businesses which record Message from the Chairman double digit increase in the period. PAGE 2 These results confirms, once again, the success Focus on first 9 month 2006 of our business model able to combine internal growth together with perimeter expansion Procurement agreement of Algerian gas through M&A activities. Hera within top 10 of Italian website ranking The internal growth was underpinned by 3 main PAGE 3 drivers: Interview 1. Synergy exploitation made possible builiding authorisations. This option will, thanks to the integration of activities of once again, assure further stability to gas PAGE 4 merged companies, procurement in future at competitive condi- tions. Hera Stock 2. Tariffs increase in water and waste Financial Calendar businesses in accordance to industry We are facing 2007 challenges with a strong law provisions commitment to reach the target set in the last Shareholdings business plan disclosed last September and 3. Volumes expansion reached thanks to Share price we are ready to consider even further growth higher market penetration and cross opportunities that should emerge on the mar- Services to shareholders selling activities mainly concentrated ketplace. on business clients. The Chairman Last 16th November a further step towards a more diversified, competitive and secure pro- Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano curement policy to assure reference market gas The management presentation of first needs: through Galsi gas pipeline project—in 9 month results is available on the which Hera held a 9% stake– the Group has website: assured the procurement of 1 billion cubic me- ter gas per year from Algeria. www.gruppohera.it area Investor Relations/Presentations While the opportunity to merge Enia (a multi- utility company similar to Hera) is progressing, we are taking into consideration further oppor- tunity to integrate upstream in gas business through the acquisition of a minority stake in one LNG plant which is in progress to obtain HERA SPA Revenues Ebitda Head quarters: Viale C. Berti 1.639,3 289.7 Pichat, 2/4 2000 350 1,257.0 213.0 40127 BOLOGNA 1500 250 1000 150 T.+39 051 28.71.12 500 50 F.+39 051 28.14. 030 0 -50 www.gruppohera.it 9 M 0 5 9 M 0 6 9 M 0 5 9 M 0 6 Page 2 HeraNews 2006 First nine months results (mn di €) Focus on 2006 first nine months results Revenues1,639.3 (+30.4%) Ebitda 289.7 (+36.0%) Interim results higher depreciation charges by 26,4% affecting Pretax Profit 118.0 (+26.4%) partially the Operating profit which increased Capex 336.5 (+29.8%) The Group economic and financial results of first nine months of 2006 highlight a trend fully from 123.5 to 156.1 million Euro. Net Financial Debts 1,143.9 in line with the budget: a positive sign that Net Financial Debts move from 974 million further comforts the ability of the Group to Euro of the beginning of the year to to 1,143.9 reach year end target. Revenues increased by million Euro as of 30th September 2006 af- 30,4% compared to the first nine month of last fected by the capital expenditure program year and EBITDA (earnings before tax, Depre- which was by 75% funded by cash generation ciation and Amortisation) record an even better from operations. Hera Group financial sound- trend (+36%) sustained by a significant contri- ness is confirmed both in the debt to Equity bution from all the core businesses; the increase ratio and in the high incidence of long term of EBITDA amount to 76.7 million Euro which debts on the total financial Debt (88%) reached Strategic procurement agreement of was reach despite the adverse trend signed by at the end of the period. gas from Algeria energy commodity prices. EBITDA increase was related by 62% to the In line with the announced gas upstream enlargement of Group perimeter which include EBITDA as of 30th Sept. 2006 integration strategy Hera has signed on 3 new entities: Meta – the multi-utility of the 16th November 2006 a relevant gas Modena fully integrated in the beginning of procurement contract with the Algerian 2006– the electricity network in Modena prov- Ot her Sonatrach. ince (covering 18 municipalities) acquired by 6% Gas Wast e Enel and, at last, Geat Distribuzione Gas of 25% 37% The Group has guaranteed the Riccione; the remaining part of the growth was procurement of 1 billion cubic meter/per underpinned by synergies, organic growth, Elect ricit y year gas for 15 years, through a new efficiency gains and the effect of tariff increase 6% Wat er pipeline “Galsi” connecting Algeria to Italy in waste and water businesses. 26% (through Sardinia and Tuscany) which is In the first nine months of 2006, the planned expected to enter into operation starting capital expenditures were executed producing from year 2010. Hera held 9% stake in Galsi project together with Sonatrach (34%) Enel, Edison Hera among top ten Italian companies in online financial communication and other companies. TOP TEN WEBRAN- KING 2006 1 Telecom Italia 2 Edison 3 Unicredit Hera reached the 8th position in the national Hera 8th positioning is even more significant 4 Eni Hallvarsson & Halvarsson webranking, success considering that it gained several 5 Pirelli & C. which examines the quality and the transpar- positions from the 21st position obtained in 6 Autogrill ency of the online financial communication the raking of last year. 7 Benetton of listed companies. 8 Hera Hera website is now ranked among the large The 2006 Webranking, the fifth edition of caps which have significant budgets for the 8 Snam Rete Gas H&H Italian ranking, has analysed the web- website management. This achievement is a site of the 83 largest (in term of market capi- Alleanza Assi- further incentive to continue the ever im- talisation) companies listed on the Italian 10 curazioni proving process in place to better Hera com- Stock Exchange. munication with stakeholders. Several financial analysts, fund managers and journalists have been interviewed in Investor Relations section of the website order to identify their information needs and www.gruppohera.it is dedicated to “Retail the scope of their online researches to which Investors” and makes available information a corporate website need to give an immedi- on the Group and a calculation program to ate and clear answer. This year a protocol of determine the returns on the investment 126 criteria was set by H&H that has been held by Investors in Hera Stocks. used to evaluate each website and to realise the ranking. Year 1, Number 3 Page 3 The Interview In this Newsletter we interviewed Mr. Stefano Venier, Responsible of Hera Strategic Planning, Business “In Strategic planning we Development and Risk Management. develop a business plan Mr. Venier, you are part of the management the targets set out in the plan. on the basis of targets set team which has brought Hera to a significant growth in these last years. Which is your by top management professional background? Where do you see differences between Hera and the other Italian multi-utility? involving every I was is the Strategic advisory service industry; a good training field to face the current tasks I I would like to point out that Hera plan is not organisational unit manage here in Hera. performed una tantum: it sets target for 3 years “rolling”. That means that every year Hera following a bottom-up updates the business plan extending time hori- approach” To which areas is the strategic planning ap- zon by one year. We have adopted a bottom-up plied? approach involving all main the organisational In Hera we have a strategic planning system units. We, at last, include expectations on our focus primarily on the growth of all core busi- investments which expected returns most meet nesses in a balanced manner. Hera business our thresholds. model is based on an ever sustainable improve- ment to increase satisfaction of all main stake- How do European companies face strategic holder. Strategic planning also focus on effi- planning processes? ciency optimisation and on operating effective- ness through the development of innovation and I would say that they usually cover more than 3 rationalisation initiatives. years, they often have a top-down approach and , as a consequence, they have less details of results and breakdown by businesses. Is strategic planning process complex? Strategic planning process carried out in Hera is Which challenges does strategic planning a straight forward process which is complex face today compared to the one faced in the Stefano Venier –Head of Strategic Plan- because of the involvement of all main depart- ning of Hera Group past? ments of the Group organisation. Two main issues are our main focus: the uncer- The first phase of the process, lasting on aver- tainty of regulatory framework (which is age one and a half months, my department of becoming more and more complex due to po- Strategic planning, Business development and litical factors and due to the increasing attention “...Our planning is mainly Risk Management define the main scenario to financial returns), and the creation of value focused in guaranteeing a assumptions of all main value drivers, such as to stakeholders since Hera is a listed company.
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