I •' “.I A !■. ■&— •> 1» \ r } FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1968' (■ -A FACfe SIXTEEN ■■{' I Arerage Daily Net. Prem Run Tha Wtatlitr [anrljpBter, Ifpralb Faracaat *f U- E. WanBiar. ■Miy For tha Waak Fudad February 8, 1U4 Enow beginning In lata nner- King David Lodge, lOOF, will BUtned. the duties of . executive di­ Band Will Play noon, eentinning tonight. Law nanr meet tonight at 7130 In Odd' Fel­ Zing! Brrr! . Council Director rector of, the Council in Sejltem- OF MANCHESTER 12,627 20, Snow ending Snndffy • after­ A ^ u t Town low* Hall. The meeting will be in b*r 1957. He'announced last nikht FLETCH ER 6 L A S S GO. Mitchell noon. High batwaan 28-80. OeMar the charge of Vice Grand Gilbert That 'mythical boy with the Addresses MAHRC that headquarters, of the Coun^l At M£A Bazaar 9-7879 Mecttbar of tha Audit Sunday night. In pl«c« of theif rejulnr Fobni- Parks. A social hour will follow bow and no clothe* on—Dan will be located In newly acquired BOMM of Circulation office space at 29 Pearl St.^-Hart­ 188 WEST MIDDU TURNPIKE City of Village Charm *r>':'meettnf the member* of the the meeting. Cupid by name— represent*' a The Connecticut Council for Re­ ’.Three' prqfeesional clown* re- WSCS of the North Methodiet lot more than a aymbol of love ford. He ex])ect* the office to be tarded Children la gradually un­ Uy pictured In., the prese,.' and CORNER DURANT ST. Church have been Invited to at­ An American flag was presented ; as those with a romantic turn open soon, when decorattom and dergoing a change,” said Dr. Har­ repair* are' completed. muAic by one of the high achool \ MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1958 (ClaanifleE Advartlalng an Fng* 10) PRICE FIVE CEN'fs tend the program, at the South to Girl Scout Troop 11 yesterday of mind would have u* believe. old J. Bingham, executive director . NEW L ^ G E R QUARTERS. ^ VOL. LXXVII, NO. 116 (TWELVE PAGES) Methodlat WSCS meeting MoriSay afternoon at the Rogers Corp. hall : According to statistics. New of the Council at a meeting of the bandi^, under the direction of Rob­ night at the South Church. The on Oakland St. by members of the | Englander* will spend approxi­ Manchester Association for the Youth Service Set ert Vater, will enliven the bazaar PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING North Methodiat women are aaked DAV Auxiliary. Carol Ann Verge I mately 15 million in Valentine's Help of Retarded ■ Children last eponsorM by the ME)A tomorrow to meet at their own church at received the flag for the troop and Day tributes in the form of night. ‘ ' in the hli(h school cafi^erla from 7:30, and tran.*portatlon will he cards, caijdy and coraages. For SA Citadel 10. a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds will be AUTO GLASS INSTALLED Space Man Mrs. Inez Mahoifey. Americanism Dr. Bingham went on to enlarge Indonesia available from there to South chairman, made the presentation With all that money floating upon this theme a* he pointed out used to award scholarahips for GLASS FURNirURE TOPS Snow Due Tonight Church. on behalf of the auxiliary. The aceund, you’d think aomebody the various ways he hee sought to A special youth service will be prospective teachers. Scouts served refreshment* they would at least hmy the poor bring the Council into closer con­ he held at the Salvation Ajptiy Offerings at the many boiotha in­ MIRRORS (Firsplac* ond Door) Nears End en ic Mi*i Anne Burr, daughter of had made themselves. Mrs. Doris child a pair of trouser* for this tact with heads of State Depart­ Citadel tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. clude uaed clothing, plants. Jewel­ Mediation Mr. and Mr*. Charles Burr, 102 Manter is troop leader. chilly weather! ments and Commis*iona. H* stated The Rev. Kenneth Gustafson, ry, baked goods, needlework, sal­ To End Tomorrow Adelaide Rd„ waa a member of that there must be greater cooper' pastor of Calvary Chapel and sec­ ads and b a k e d beans, . candy, PICTURE FRAM IN G (oH typos) the queen’* court at the recent The Men's f'ellowship of the James R. Nelson, son of Mr. and ation between the Council and local tional director of the Christ’s Am­ canned gooda and Jellies, toys and O f Travels winter carnival held at Williams Church of the Nazarene will enter­ Mrs. 'James R. Nelson, 61 Avon­ groups in the areas of publicity, bassador*,. says that about 15 As­ children's books. A white elephant WINDOW ond PLATE GLASS By THE AESOOtATU) PRESE btinent today, and widely separat- College. Willlamstown, Mass. She tain their wives and friend* at a dale Rd., has been elected house fund-raising, legialatlve action and semblies' of God churches in Great­ booth and a grabbag la also Snow w»8 expected to over­ ed 'sections of the country were scholarships for teacher* of the er Hartford » and western Maa- planned. Hotdogs, hamburgs and CONTRACTORS: WTE HAVE IN STOCK ' plastered with their heaviest snow-’ San Antonio, Tex., Feb, 15 1* a etudent at Simmons College. Valentine banquet at the Davis manager of Goodrich Club at Al­ spread all of New England ex­ (/P)— Airman Donald G. Far­ Memorial' Youth Center at 6:30 bion College. Albion, Mich. He Is mentally retarded. He said each aachuaetts m il be represented. The coffee will be sold at the snack Singapore, Feb. 16 (fP)— fall* of the season, bar. MEDICINE CARINETS and SHOWER DOORS cept northern Maine today as ■tomorrow night. a Junior. parent of a mentally retarded child Hartford Gospel Tabernacle or­ Rebel military leaders in Cen­ The latest frigid blast ended a rell today faced only one more In D€;ad Man’s axis Palm readings will be given at has a responaibillty to make thi* chestra will play and the sermon OPEN SATUBDAVS—OPEN THUBS0AV EVENWaS tral Sumatra tonight pro-< bitter cold held the region brief respite of warmer tempera­ weary, lonesome day and Charge The Catholic Graduates Club of Gerald M. Donahue, 90 Cooper great program succeed. will be delivered by the Rev, Dsvtd the fortune telling booth by Marl­ firmly in its grip. tures In many areas, and the U.S. Tour . Dr. Bingham is a professor of Flower, pastor of the Bethany As­ on Casey, Mary Taylor and Faith ESTDIATES GLADLT GIVEN claimed a provisional gov­ Weather Bureau said the cold night in the sealed steel barrel Greater Hartford will hold a cos­ Hill St.,' haa been named a first The U.8. Weather Bureau said where he is trying to prove Preecriptl’m* tume party, "Les Beaux Arts,” on lloutensnt in the Army ROTC at history at Teachers’ College of sembly of God in Sprlngfleld. The Fallow. Laurence Perry will take ernment for all Indonesia, temperature* may reach 25 t o '30 wave would once more drop tem­ Ileie Tuc.sday at the K of C Home, the University of Vermont, Burl­ Connecticut, New Britain. He aa- public is invited. H candid snapshots. Padang (Sumatra) Radio re­ in some secUons, but would hover peratures below freezing in north­ that man can survive spac< Tickets may be obtained front any ington. ported. in the upper teens in most area*. ern Florida by nightfall. travel. * Take Body PINE PHARMACY member or’ at the door. There will Increasing cloudiness wa* fore­ The mercury settled well below Despite growing signs of / ‘Teal M4 Center S t—Ml 9-S8U be a social hour from 7:30 to 8:30 Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb. 15 cast for this morning with snow the zero mark this morning from fatigue,” ' apace acientiata aV near­ and dancing until midnight. Music likely over southern New ICngland the northern Rockiea eastward in­ by Randolph Air Force Bkae were will be furnished by Tiny Quinn Four Will Attend (ff>)—All major Indonesian po­ to northern Minnesota as temper­ confident the 2 3 -y ea r-^ native of O f Banker by late afternoon and northern atures fell more than 30 degrees and his band. litical parties except the Com­ New England by tonight. the Bronx would f i r ^ his 7-day AL Unit Dinner munists today offered parlia­ from Friday readings. stint at 9:35 a.m. Sunday. SHOP TONIGHT TILL 9 AND ALL DAY SATURDAY FOR , The forecast, , for Connecticut—. __. Grand Forks, N. D., reported a ; Ml.ss Judith Ann Broverman, mentary mediation between International /recognition and I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Increasing cloudlnea* and not ■ fading of 20 below, and Huron, glowing pralm from Air Force In Stamford The annual Department Nation­ quite M cold with snow beg^nlng 1 s o . had an early morning low of 'Broverman. 120 Green Manor Rd.. al Security conference and dinner the central Sumatran rebels military aiuF^ scientific leaders BAKE SALE and Premier Djuanda's gov­ late afternoon or tonigift. Cloudy 15 below zero, compared with 16 ! has been elected president ■ of of the American L«gion unita will and not as cold tonight with snow. await the blond, 6-foot volunteer Stamford, Feb. 15 (/P)— Po­ ' Bates House, a freshman dormi- be held at the Hotel Taft, New THESE TERRIFIC VALUES DURING HALE'S FEBRUARY above a day earlier. Miles City, if he sucg^ssfully sweats out the Sponsored by ernment. Cloudy and little change in tem­ lice reported today an investi­ ' tory of Pembroke College on Brown Mont., shivered In 15 below tem­ KEHl-ER CIRC1.E OF Haven, tomorrow at 6:30 p.m.
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