Monmouth County's Great All the News of Market Place MSB BANK - Tho Roplslrr's < lasides d and Surrounding Towns Department— Where the Seller J Told Fearlessly and Without Bias. "inds RED BANK REGI tho Buyer. laiued Weekly. Entered as Second-Class Matter r.t the Post- Subscription IMca: One Year 51.SO VOLUME LV, NO. 40. office at Kcd Bank, N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1STD. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1933. Sijc Months SI.00. Single Cocjr 4c. PAGES 1 TO 8, Public Matters (Democrats Aid FISH HAWKS BACK, jArgiiment Over , Rumson Willing j HKLO LT AT NEW VORK. |Fair Haven to ilarbliigers of Spring Make Their i Edward W. Woodward of Rccb-Jlank! Bandits Hold Up In Middletown Bank Movement Appearance Here. Gasoline Sign To Assist Banks i Robbed in tho Clty.;,,/^ j Give Tax Discount Trio in Grocery ! The fish hawks or American os- Edward \V. Woodwar<-l,v service, prcys have been seen by a number of New Ordinance to be Drawn for Committee to Aosist Second Na- local residents within the last day Martin Griffin Was Obliged to One Resolution Urges Residents :s Paid !n Advance to Re-j Manager, Daughter and FriemS 1 Vacatfng Street at Edgebrook | tional Bank Re-Organization 1 or so, although they usually return Blot Out Prices for More Than to Do Their Share and An-hold-up in the Harlem section of New ceive Discount of VV ^ Per Locked Up By Thieves Who Park Near Leonardo—To Re- Committee Named by Local a week or no earlier. They were seen One Gallon—Say* Law is other Gives Treasurer Author- York early Sunday morning. When Month—To Subscribe Twenty Make Off With $163 and serve Space for Sidewalk. Democratic Organization. lover the Manasquan river the early Foolish and Outrageous. he and a friend entered his c'ir af- I part of last week but apparently a ' ity to Act for Borough, ter emerging from the Cotton club, Per Cent for Bank Stock. Then Disappear in Car. After a long discussion lant Thurs- The regular monthly meeting of I few stragglers arc all that have re- Martin Griffin, who conducts an A i c:-:o!ution expressing confidence i they were surrounded by throe hfi^ti Mnancial matters worn the center j Armrd bandits late Saturday night day afternoon tho township commit- the Ked Bank Democratic league turned locally. The fish hawk still automobile service station at the coi- I:i tl UinUs nnd urging thn colored men who searched through interest at Mundtiy night's meet-1 entered a James Butler store at tho and the women's auxiliary of that remains one of the few birds whose f tee of Middletown township voted to ner of Maple avenue and Bergen 1 ..-i<.len;:- of Rumson to do their their.pockets, taking about M> in uf Lin; Fair Haven coininii;::ionerH. corner of Prosp "ct avenue and Me- instruct Itn counsel, William E. Fos- organization, which wan to have been winter whereabouts have never been place at Red Bank, had an experi- j/M't lo a:^i';L in reopening these in- change and a valuable wri^t wutcii. 1 re-solution offered by Srely 1>. La re ii SUXTI , \^( HI up the manager ter, to prepare a now ordinance va- Jir;id last Friday, wa:> postponed until discovered by ornitholi^ists. Every ence last week which has firmly con- Mr. Woodward had to burrow fifty and two ofh^rv ] autumn, they disappear suddenly and f.tiiution:; wan ntlopted at a meeting Tuthill, chairman of the finance com- in thn, store and cating as public property the former tomorrow night, March 3(J, in order vinced him that the laW regulating of ttic rium.son mayor and council cents for tunnel tare to get back 10 mittee, the borough treasurer was made off with trolley right of way in front of Edge- to allow the memberd to attend the j do not reappear until about March 21, signs on which the price of gasoline rash amounting to* ! but no one has ever discovered where Thursday nizht. Another resolution New Jersey. '1-1 a states that be usual.-f authorized to subscribe twenty yp brook Park on thc LeonardviHe road, depositors' meeting of the Second Na- ia advertised should be repealed. He l d i i th J h tional bank and Trust, company, they migrate to. Other migratory :;tntpfl that in the event the pro-ly spendp s evenings on tho Jersey cent of the borough's funds in the Thc ma nagor, William Allen oi near Leonardo. The properly in says Ym believes that most other peo- posed state law is adopted giving" Marlboro, hi.-' <1- question appears on the map of which was held that night. bird.s winter in Florida, Mexico, the jplc would agree with him if they be- shore and,after .Saturdad y night':-; ex- iiecond b;uik and Trust R, Misiss ViolaViolR, ! Cairibt-an islands and South Amer- municipalities the authority to, aid periencc, the local resorts noaicr! company fur preferred stuck in that Allen, a friend, Kidney VanSchoick Edge brook Pnrk :>r, a road,' but it Former Mayor William 11. H- Icame familiar with thc regulations. home look more attractive u, him i institution. has never been u^ed for that pur- I ica but traces of - the winter habitat with public funds on deposit - in of Shrewsbury, were in the store at White, president of the club, hay ap- One of thc agents of the state mo- closed banks in any scheme for re- than ever. Another resolution gives a dis- thh e time VanSchoick had left pose. It is 20 feet, wide and 1,650 pointed a committee consisting of I of the osprey still remains a mys- tor vehicle commission stopped at J fext lonp. I tcry. Another 'peculiarity is that opening such hanks, tb'i treasurer of couiit of -j per cenl per month un j few minutes earlier but. had returned Edward Von Kattengell, Harold A. Mr. Orifnn's service station and told Rumson is authorized to co-operate l;tx".s for the ^coond half of thc year, (to warn Allen that the occupants of Ail ordinance wio'it ing (he proper- Hendricksun, Frank Hcaccia, George I they always return to the same nest Mr. Griffin that he would be liable to 1 ty has pusjcd itn first, reading and it F. Wilson, Charles II. 1). Foxwcll, year after year. They live to be many be fln^d if he continued to use a with other municipalities to this end. Hospital Worthy when paid in advance. The .-cheduU . j an automobile outt-irle wcrrj acting was due for rt. hcurin^ la:;i week. James A. Curley and Charles Le- j years old and like humans ^et more sign which advertised the price of Tho following ai c tlm resolutions vf discounts as prepai-rd hy Percy V. j in a suspicious manner. Tho. car, rm Jamen If. Loekwoud, nt a previous MaiBtre to co-operate with the depoq- gray headed an they ^row older. gasoline in larger quantities than pertaining to the banking situation: Knnnntt, borough eolloctur, U a.-, [ol- Uiid, WHS b^ing driven up find down meeting, :ipolie for about anhourand one gallon. The agent found no I Whereas, the banks in our neigh- Of More Support luws: Tnxfv p.iid prior to May 1, «'j Mho ritroot, and thr occupants seemed itorii' rc-organization coipjiiiUce of I boring towns of Red Bank and Sea- per cent: prior to June 1, :\ \>^v i-cnt; | to Im wiitohinr; the store. one-half against (he ordinance and that bank. Messages from Assembly- \ fault with the appearance of thc ho occupied about, as much time for, sign, but he said it was illccal for bright are temporarily closed caus- Councilman J. Albert Van- prior u> July 1, 2-j prr cent; prior tu j ,]u^ ;);- Vaiischoirlf rrcniercd tho man Thcron McCampbell and Theo- ing great, financial hardship to thc AUK11?!. 1, U per cent; prior to rio|i- i store thr two bandits rmde their en- thn same purpoaa last week, claim- dore Lnbrr.cquc, a member at the re- J. Schwartz, Inc.) ! the reason mentioned above. | Schoick Wants Red Bank and ing amonjj other things that thc ! According to all accounts an argu- citizens of this and neighboring com- W-mbcr J, l'-j prr cent; prior to Of-1 try. Ijravin^ -uns they told tho organization committee, of the, Mci - : munities; and Everyone Else to Know What tuner 1, 1 per cent; prior to Novcm- finer to rai^o (heir arm? The faces minutes should be enlarged po an to chants' Trust company, urged this ' ment ensued, during which Mr. Grif- include more of his remarks and Renews Its Lease fin stated that he could i^j.e no more Whereas, it. is within thc power a Fine Institution It Is. ber 1, ', percent. Of the bandit? ,wore covered wi'tU more other faclr* about thn matter. BtOJi. Mr. Tuthill repurted that through In appointing the committee, Mr. , reason why a service station proprie- of our citizens to cooperate in bring- v.'lvit resembled handkerchiefs. His icquest for • enlarging the ! Large Furniture Store to Con-tors sign should be subject to such ing about thc opening of these banks Rivcrvicw hospital at I'.od Rink tilt* efforts of thc collector there w;i:s Mr. Allon was engaged in check- White said, "There is no time like has no more ardent supporter than eiiuuprh money on hand to pay t ho minutes wan granted.
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