Guadalupe Jazz, News

Guadalupe Jazz, News

Frech, mus dir; Marcy Stein, opns mgr; Susan (93227). Goshen Educational Broadcasting Founda- California Radio Dembitz, news dir; Jim Carlson, chief engr. tion. Garden Grove Grass Valley 94.9 mhz; 16.4 kw. Ant 847 ft. Stereo. (209) 237 -9361. KJFA(FM) Radio Fresno Inc. Net: CBS Radio. Format: CHR. KIKF(FM)-June 21, 1961: 94.3 mhz. 3 kw. Ant 245 ft. -Not on air, target date unknown: 99.3 Stereo. 2 City Blvd East, Suite 183, Orange (92668). mhz; 3 kw. Ant 325 ft. Box 2269, Fort Bragg (95473). KKDJ(FM) -Dec 8, 1979: 105.9 mhz; 2.4 kw. Ant (714) 835 -1300. FAX: 714- 937 -1262. Orange Broad- (707) 964 -5729. Wade Axell. 1,960 ft. Stereo. 1525 E. Shaw Ave. (93710). (209) casting Corp. Group owner: Astor Broadcast Group. KNCO(AM) -Oct 1, 1978: 830 khz; 5 kw -U. 1155 E. 226 -5991. Pacific Quadracasting Inc. Rep: Durpetti. (acq 7- 21 -76). Net: AP Format: Modern country. N. Main St, Suite A (95945). (916) 272 -3424. Nevada Format: AOR. Spec prog: Jazz 2, Blues 2 hrs wkly. Arthur Astor, pres; Michael Means, VP & stn mgr; Joe County Broadcasters Inc. Net: ABC /I. Format: Light Target audience: 25 -49. Wallace A. Heusser, pres Cochrane, nati sls mgr; Jeanette Medrano, loc sls adult contemp. News staff 3; news progmg 10 hrs & gen mgr; James Rowten, stn mgr; Chris Bowlby. loc mgr; Don Jeffrey, prog dir; Laura Neubrand, prom dir; wkly. Target audience: 25 -54; adults of western sls mgr; Art Farkas, prog dir; Gail Gingold, prom & Ken Guerrero, news dir; Paul Sakrìson, VP engrg. Nevada County. Spec prog: Christian hrs news dir 8 wkly. Carroll E. Brock. owner; Steven E. Brock, pres & gen KRZR(FM)-See Hanford. George mgr; Jay Cooper, VP & gen sls mgr; Richard Brock, assistant prog dir; Mike Dobbins, news dir; Tom KMJ(AM) -June 1925: 580 khz; 5 kw -U. Box 70004 KATJ(FM) -June 29, 1989: 100.7 mhz; 850 w. Ant McWilliams, chief engr. (93744); 1110 Olive (93722). (209) 229-5800. Henry 1,548 ft. Stereo. Box 1428 (92393); 15494 Palmdale Broadcasting (acq 11 -87). Net: NBC, NBC Talknet. Rd., Suite 190, Victorville (92392). (619) 245 -8635. KNCO -FM-Sep 7. 1982: 94.3 mhz; 290 w. Ant 980 ft. Rep: Katz. Format: News, talk. News staff 13; news Victory Valley Broadcasting. (acq 10- 12 -89). Format: Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Easy Istng. Target progmg 44 hrs wkly. Target audience: 25 -64. Country. audience: 35 plus: older adults of western Nevada Charlton Buckley, pres; Al Smith, gen mgr; John County. Broeske, prog dir; Roy Isom, news dir; Joe Mauk, chief engr. Rates: $125; 85; 85; 50. Gilroy Green Acres KAZA(AM )-September 1957: 1290 khz; 5 kw-D, DA. KFYE(FM) -Co -owned with KMJ(AM). 1946: 93.7 'KAXL(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 88.3 mhz; 68 kw. Ant 1,912 ft. 2980 Stevens Creek Blvd No. 355, San Jose (95128). Stereo. Prog sep from AM. mhz; 360 w. Ant 133 ft. 10130 Rosedale Highway (408) 984 -1290. Radio Fiesta Corp. (acq 5-14-73). (209) 225 -9494. Format: Adult contemp. Dave Butler, (93308). Green Acres Educational Broadcasting Founda- Rep: Caballero. Format: Spanish. Albert prog dir; Joe Mauk, news dir. S. Rodri- tion. quez. pres & gen sls mgr; Victor Mata, prog dir; KOJY(FM) -See Dinuba. Filiberto Arteaga, mus dir; Ignacio Alvarez, news dir; KRAB(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 106.3 KOGO(AM) -See Clovis. John Higdon & Dave Williams, chief engrs. Rates: mhz; 2.25 kw. Ant 374 ft. M.S. Donna Hutchinson, $69; 61; 69; -. 256-B, Mariposa St., Mountain View (94041). Rose KOOO -FM -March 15, 1948: 101.9 mhz; 2.25 w. Ant Marie Ramirez. 1,948 ft. Box 25095 (93729); 1590 Alluvial, Clovis KWSS(FM) -Jan 1, 1970: 94.5 mhz; 1.15 kw Ant (93612). (209) 298 -7102. FAX: (209) 298-7812. GKC 2,580 ft. 1589 Schallenberger Rd., San Jose (95131). Broadcasting Inc. (acq 10-1-88). Rep: Caballero. (408) 297 -5977. Nationwide Communications Inc.; Greenfield (group owner) Net: AP, CNN. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: Spanish. Target audience: 18 -49. Edward KOKZ(FM) -Not on air, target 107.9 Format: CHR. News staff one; news progmg 4 hrs wkly. date unknown: C. Distel, gen mgr; Manuel F. Gonzales, bus mgr; mhz; 50 kw. Ant 492 ft. Target audience: 18 -34. Steve Berger. pres: Kevin 212 11th St., Hoboken, N.J. Antonio Rabago, prog dir; Scott Dean. chief engr. (07030). Q Prime Inc. Rates: $70; 50; 60: 45. Mashek, gen mgr; Mark Durkin, gen sls mgr; Mark St. John, prog dir: Rick Auborn. mus dir; Michele Allen, KSUR-FM--Aug 7, 1989: 99.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 492 ft. 'KSJV(FM)-July 4, 1980: 91.5 mhz; 16 kw Ant 870 prom mgr; Schelby Sweeney. news dir; Jim Duncan, 1500 Cotner Ave,, Los Angeles (90025). (213) 478- ft. Stereo. 1111 Fulton Mall, Suite 700 (93721). (209) chief engr. 5540. Mount Wilson FM Broadcasters. Rep: Concert 486-5174. FAX: (209) 264 -9309. Radio Bilingue Inc. Music Broadcast Sls. Format: Class. Saul Levine, (group owner). Format: Ethnic, bilingual, Latino. Spec pres; Bret Werb, prog dir; Barry Walsh, chief engr. prog: Jazz 19 hrs. Hugo Morales, exec dir; Keith Glendale Frady, bus mgr; Samuel Orozco, prog & mus dir; Steve KIEV(AM) -1931: 870 khz; 10 kw -D. 1 kw -N, DA2. Weber Jr., chief engr. Grover City Stereo. 5900 San Fernando Rd. (91202- 2791). (213) KTHT(FM)-Jan 6, 1962: 102.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 245 -2388. Southern Calif. Broadcasting Co. (acq KWCD(FM) -July 4, 1984: 107.3 mhz; 4.2 kw. Ant 807 ft. Stereo. 2775 E. Shaw (93710). (209) 294 -1234. 6-1-61). Net: AP Format: Talk. Target audience: ft. Stereo. 1303 Grand Ave., Suite 229 (93420). (805) KOSO Inc. (acq 8- 15 -84). Rep: Christal. Format: Adult General. Fred Beaton & Ron Beaton, gen mgrs: Ron 437-1073. Westcom Communications Inc. (acq 7 -8- contemp. Target audience: Adults 18 -49. Randall L. Beaton, gen sls mgr; Dick Sinclair, prog dir; Judy 89). Net: AP. Format: Adult contemp. News staff one; Pale, gen mgr; Patricia Hixson, gen sls mgr; Tim Pope, dir of talk progs; Karen Goodman, prom mgr; news progmg 35 hrs wkly. Target audience: 18 -44; Maranville. prog dir; Jim Fox. mus dir; Shane Benway, George Putnam. news dir; Harold Williams, chief engr. emphasis on 25-34 year olds. Joe Bayliss, pres, gen prom. mgr; Theresa Carlson, news dir; Scott Dean, & gen sls mgr; Jeff Bell, prog dir; Jenny Lampman, chief engr. KLIT(FM)-March 1951: 101.9 mhz; 2.36 kw. Ant prom mgr; Ken Giglio. news dir; Bill Bordeaux, chief 2,848 ft. Stereo. 5858 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles engr. Rates: $16; 14; 16; 12. *KVPR(FM)- October 15, 1978: 89.3 mhz; 2.45 kw. (90028). (213) 460-5672. Golden West Broadcasters. Ant 1.890 ft. Stereo. 745 P St. (93721). (209) 275 -0764. (group owner; acq 12 -85). Rep: Durpetti. Format: Adult White Ash Broadcasting Inc. Net: NPR. Format: Class, contemp. Gene Autry, pres; Bill Ward, gen mgr; Sue Guadalupe jazz, news. Mariam Stepanian, gen mgr; Jim Meyers, Hinsche, gen sls mgr: Lawrence Tenter, prog dir; KOHD(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 105.5 prog dir; Scott Dean, chief engr. Robert Lyles, prom mgr: Steve Blodgett, chief engt. mhz; 160 w. Ant 1,341 ft. 979 Oliver St. (93434). Rates: KXEX(AM)-September 1962: 1550 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 $240; 160; 200; 100. Armando Garcia kw -N, DA-2. Box 12223 (93777); 2247 W. Church (93706). (209) 233 -8803. FAX: (209) 233 -8871. Atlas Goleta Broadcasting Inc. Rep: Spanish Broadcasting System. Hanford KMGO(FM )-Jan 30. 1982: 106.3 mhz; 365 w. Ant 879 Format: Sp. News staff one; news progmg 6 hrs wkly. KCLO -FM-Listing follows KIGS(AM). ft. Stereo. 1221 Chapala, Santa Barbara (93101). (805) Target audience: 18 -49. Vic Hernandez, sls mgr; 962 -8700. Radio Santa Barbara Inc. (acq 6- 28 -86). KIGS(AM) 1, 1948: khz; 1 -U, DA-N. Jaime Castro, prog & news dir; Alfredo Sosa, mus dir. -Feb 620 kw 6165 Rep: CBS Radio Reps. Format: Adult contemp. Alex Highway 198 (93232). (209) 582 -0361. P &C Broad- KYNO(AM)-October 1947: 1300 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, Sheftell, chmn bd; Burke Kaplan, chief operating off; casting (acq 6- 26 -89). Net: ABC /E. Format: Sp. Bob DA-N. 2125 N. Barton (93703). (209) 255-8383. FAX: Jim Olerich, pres; Stephen J. Meade. prog dir. Sillof, gen mgr; Joaquim Corria, stn mgr; Carlos (209) 453 -1313. Brown Broadcasting Co. Net: AP, Alexandre, sls mgr; Paco Martinez, prog dir; Juan US2. Rep: Banner. Format: Oldies. Trini Amador, gen Rodriguez, news dir; Bob Dahlquist, chief engr. mgr; Tim Leary, gen sls mgr; Dave Case, prog dir; Bill Gonzales KCLO -FM-Co -owned with KIGS(AM). September Bird, news dir; Andy Pavao, chief engr. KKMC(AM)-Sep 22, 1984: 880 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N, 1976: 107.5 mhz; 20.3 kw. Ant 784 ft. 4991 E. DA-2. No. 8 East Alisal St., 501. KYNO -FM--May 15, 1970: 95.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 320 Suite Salinas (93901). McKinnley Ave., Suite 105. Fresno (93727). Format: (408) 424 -5562. Monterey ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Format: Top -40. News County Broadcasters Inc. Classic rock. John Barry, prog dir; Scott Dean, chief Net: USA, IBN. Format: Relg. News staff one. Target audience: 18-34. John Clay, prog progmg 5 -7 hrs engr. dir; Kevin Carter, mus dir; Shelley Brogan, prom mgr.

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