?< -/V'11/155; ' ' ” '155 ‘•55S- SAij : ' 1 C e f i n l e s - :Tw in Falls,, Idaho/92ndI< year, N o S a t u r dJay, a M arch 8,1997 5 0} ccntsc ( G o O D . My i O R N I N G j W eather Fish, cSame overhlauls eilk hur T o d a y : Partly dquiqudy. West winds i n nt rule 10-20 mph. H ighs:hs near 50 ft' degrees. Lows nealearSO. PageAZ K U S P H i GlChanges in efFciFeet M agic VallL L E Y I ILiili-All , for>r 1998 seasonn By WilVilllam Brock Tlmes-N»New» writer___________________ TWIiVIN FA L L S - T h u re w o n:’t ’t b e a n y Iges this year, Imt elk huntiu n tin g in I Id ah o0 will chaiiRc substantially in I99fi] - n h u n te rs u-iil h a v e to choose)ose w hai of0 elk thty want to kill andn d w\ here th e y w-ant 10 do it. Tough on teens: A state■ bill H le Idaho Fish and Game Commmmission vvould Open up juv<uvenile courts, H J Thursday to carve the statete intoir 26 I M d one judge isn’t rent elk-hunting zones ondd requirere • I n ’t sure that’s H h u n teers r to buy either an “A-tag” or the best idea. Page B l ■ forfc a single zone. H unters wi ta g s will be restricted to immaturature, or I <e” bulls and, possibly, antle J o b l e s s : Unemplpy]pyment rate B l ntlerless I 31 smaHerS num ber of B-tagss willwi be I increasesinTWinFi1 Falls County. H I 2d for any bu ll in e a c h zone. P a g e B l ■ T h e idea behind the changesies is to I b o o st the1 number of m atuiee b u lls , I ed as 3 years old or older, in a2 re as I Sports 0 they’ve declined alarminglingly in: I r e c e nIt t years - particularly*ly t h r I 800 record: Wilson:3n Kipketer set C Icanv:w ater R iv er d ra in a g e . a world record FVidjidayintheSQO' “T hle e real crux of the problem is a bio- I m eters, docking 1 n |h|hrV j|M |H i| logical1 one( - we’re killing too manylany e ^ I 1 m inute, 43.96 I in som e ie areas," said commission mmen em ber I seconds attheW orlJrld ™ F re d \V Wood, a Burley emergency::y roomn I Championships. d o c tor who1 voted against the newnew e lk PageB 4 kzm:il»nl Hurt of Hb jCb HiinUnE SUppJlM WTiAwtp/Twti-M^ ^ system , fl 1. ______ liles.doflsn't lIKs new R sh and Qamt:me re fla tio n s that ora deslgnM t to movo'more huntefi to'tfiefocalocal area. Homets face Piratestes: Oakley and Please see ElK,,PageA2 Pag I ^ g e r m a n s t ^ aliveive in the Class I J A-4bo;^’ state baslasketball cham- X _ j pionships, earningZ a date with Batt o f ffe t rs G o nn p r o m i each other in the corconsolation l i s e o n gamingi g i s s u e ch ^ p io n sh ip today.ay. Page B5 ^ove troubles for Idaho’s tribes, who1 hadh; fought the 'T X U original legislation with a s . Dull debirt: Seattle pi a slick television I O Dbacco access bi ; pitcher Randy I advertising campaign, lobbyistslot in the bill I I Jolmson looked anytlything but win Falls senatator t C a p ito l a n d a public d e fe n s shaip in his spring\ trainingtr debut By Kar siz ed th e hum an sid e o f gan es amendmeni Karen Tolkklnen 'T m pleased,” CoeilrSS.""'”’" d face R i d ^ . r d’Alene tribal , Page B8 ^ c h a irm a n E rn est S te n sg a r s By Karenen Tolkklnen ;islature N oh Fridoy called th e■ videovii machines ewi writer______________________ ; • ____ , _ BOEOISE - Gov. P M B att‘ F rid a yroffered o f ' , "the crack cocaine of gam R e lig io n - a'seal - i f e ammg. He said ------------- :«lea-1iaclc pSiE igii'ol bfflsrdn'tlie— b'l «sirtst«pdTJf-casBshr-i='cs'T!VtrdaS-5,*'trlbal ::- he m sn:t sure why BattJucJiad altered his . BOISE 3E - A b ill'to r e s tric t y o u th accessoco H mn gaming issue, a move thatlattrou- drums echoed thrhrough A e Capitol build­ position, but suspectedd thatt it p_ardy ' to tobacc I B S S H I Tear8amlngup:st. Sf?; ICCO vending m nrhinA nnr4;.tobac --------- H i-ono-local-Iegislatoi-who hadad been— “»8-*t^membera's ofi tribes across Idaho resulted from-public com ommcnt urging co stuTgg operationsi by law enforcemc li"---------- 3w ard5“ worJdcking on the issue, g a th e re d to opposiose th e le g isla tio n . !h im to com prom ise. :em ent H w ill b e aar m en d e d on th e S e n a te floor, ■ Catlith o lic Church Battatt’s last-minute legislationon wilt **^ 3 surprprise move Friday, the “It puzzles a lot of people >ple,” h e said. “ I A n aiccompanying c. bill permittii ism:: m aking some "undeidtffcut the legal position of theh ^ < Z Senate State y^ftffairs Committee pulled p1 re s u m e they’ll b e ex p lain ir ming diat.” counties.:s and cities to pass tobacco0 ordi^or char iaho" in restricting Indian gam t that biU and subjibstituted two bills with Batt spokesman Frank U langes. m ibhng, s o fte r language. Tl : Lockwood said nances aas s long M th e y d o n ’t c o n fliartw wi ith Sen. Laird Noh, R-Kimberly. They voted unanimously Batt1 was responding to law lawmakers' con- state laiaws gained the committee ■ Page C l ,f,«T7c to send both direcectlyto.the Senate floor, c< e m s. Dh had authored a bUl to ask methe u.i. bypassing the sta approval.al. itandard public hearing “Some lawmakers are m Justice enforce gar ! more comfon- The lejlegislation already has clean gammg process, £ e a re d offtiff to Vietnam: ‘“'"i”1 in Idaho, a co m p an io n p ie c e to £ able with this wording,” he said, “They f the Housiuse over the objections of Tw to abdi Ono bill calls foror Ban to appoint a com- feel^ it’s less eonfrontationd Assesemblyof . I ^Batt s office to ban casino c nal in tone. But ' Falls sururgeon David M cClusky, thtl e 10 pm - mittee to studyf gamblingI issues. The it» definitely gets the job don g, video lottery or video pull d o n e .... O ur jo b Id a h o Par*arent-Teachers Associationn andar P H i H H c o d1 p pastor focus- games lull-tab other eliminatess language1: about casino isi- to stop the pi^liferation of es or any electronic sim ulatio 1 o f ga m b lin g in th e A merican e r Cancer Society, who sa es on mission. ‘^‘0” of . gambling, video) lotteriesh or electronic I d a h o .” 0 said ^fl Page C l bling w ithin Idaho. it w ouldI allowa m inors to se ll to b a cc o ar nbling, a n d sa y s only th e T h e s e bills will pass th e Lc u>and le biU was targeted at gamblinj ! L eg islatu re , h e u n fairly hah: m p e r stin g op e ra tio n s, linson s S t „ r = &■ “lotto ‘ games, scratch saS' id . falsclpllne today: josei in reservations, which offer cas T h e aimendments, m proposed by'Sei seph W alker “ “ ‘no- tic k e t ga m es a n d: paPi p e r puU -tab g am es.” “The other legislation woi machines that dispense paper i would cenainly Mel Richchardson, R-Idaho Falls, wi .a-nck. Friday's dedslotion was.a major victory dtes.some problems.s. Page C l Please seo QAMINQ,QM\ Page A2 ' Please see TOBACCO, Page/S I C ommunity Needs noted: Someoneane out there Clinton ‘not‘j sure’’if he needs some help. Findnd out who. EsfflS H H ^ PageC 4 B B i S v S lg * * called( forir campaig§n monev C om ing SuND/D A Y 8 h The AMoclnteJ PteM _________ Ttio cost of dying: JTie;ie TimeS‘News WASHINGTON - Afterter a week of looks at a big business!ss -th e em barrassing disclosuress aal b o u t W h ite funeral industiy - and ioffers | r H HHousei fund raising. Presidesident Clinton , ■ advice to consumers. said Friday that ‘Tm not sure,sur frankly” ' w h ^ e r he also made callss fo r c am p a ig n ’ c a sh . f ■ S e c t io n by sE' But he insisted that nothingling h a s under- ; £ C T l p N H cut his pledge to have the hi^fiighest ethical s ta n d a r d s ever.
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