Fluid-Mineral Interactions: A Tribute to H. P. Eugster © The Geochemical Society, Special Publication No.2, 1990 Editors: R. J. Spencer and l-Ming Chou Ironstones of mixed sedimentary and hydrothermal origin in the Archean greenstone belt at Bird Lake, Manitoba ALLAN C. TURNOCK and DAVID L. TRUEMAN* Department of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg R3T 2N2, Canada Abstract-This paper describes the forms and associations of aluminous ironstones in volcaniclastic comglomerates in a zone of proximal felsic volcanism, and from 14 bulk rock analyses and element correlations we assign Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, to a chemical precipitate-exhalative origin, AI, Zr, K, Rb, Si, to a clastic felsite origin, alkali losses to hydrothermal leaching, and variable Ti, Cu, Zn, Mo, Co, V, to unexplained diagenesis. Iron formations of three facies, chert banded silicate, sulfide ironstone, and aluminous ironstones, are found in an area 1 X 2 km of "Algoma-type" association, with clastic sedimentary rocks and felsic volcanics. The aluminous ironstones contain iron (as FeO) 16 to 47 wt%. They are garnet + cummingtonite + biotite + hornblende as staurolite-grade metamorphic minerals. They occur as (I) beds and lenses 2 to 60 em thick, I to 30 m long, interbedded in conglomerates; (2) matrix in bimodal conglomerates, i.e. mafic matrix to felsite fragments. The mafic matrix has a patchy distribution in conglomerates which have felsic fragments and felsic matrix; (3) filling fractures in a dome ofQFP (quartz-felspar- porphyry), that has intruded explosively into the floor of the basin, and, (4) veins (rare) that cut across psammitic beds in the area at the flank of the QFP dome. Types I and 2 are mixtures of Fe and the debris of the felsic volcanic rocks. Types 3 and 4 are deposition in fractures from hydrothermal solutions; their presence strengthens the theory of hydrothermal origin. INTRODUCfION and a detrital component. This is done by exam- ining mixing relationships and correlations in the IRON FORMAnONS are widely distributed in the su- chemical analyses of 14 ironstones and 4 ferrugi- pracrustal greenstone belts of Archean age of the nous shales from an area 0,5 X 1 km of an Archean Canadian Shield (GROSS, 1965; GOODWIN, 1973). greenstone belt, at a felsic volcanic center. The chert-banded-oxide-facies is most widespread, Following the generalized nomenclature of KIM- but the other facies (sulfide, silicate, carbonate) are BERLEY(1978), "ironstone" is a sedimentary rock found, especially in the proximal volcanic associ- which contains Fe> 15 wt.% (=FeO* > 19.3); and ation (SHEGELSKI, 1975; GROSS, 1980), Seeking to "iron formation" is a mappable rock unit composed characterize the basins of deposition, GROSS (1980) mostly of ironstone. An ironstone is here called defined "Algoma type" iron formations as those "aluminous" if Al20 > 4 wt,%, an arbitrary limit associated with volcanic and detrital rocks, and in 3 based on inspection, (Note: an asterisk (*) following the classification of KIMBERLEY(1978) they are type Fe* or FeO* indicates total iron as either element SVOP-IF (shallow-volcanic-platform iron forma- or oxide). tion). The source of the iron is attributed to the exhalative output of hydrothermal systems that go with volcanic processes (RIDLER, 1971; GOODWIN, GENERAL GEOLOGY 1973; SHEGELSKI, 1975; GROSS, 1980), All iron The Bird River greenstone belt is one ofthe east- formations, including the sulfide facies, are exhal- west trending belts of the Archean Superior Prov- ative components in the syngenetic theory of origin ince (Fig, lA). It is infolded into the English River of stratiform sulfide deposits (RICHARDS, 1960; subprovince between the Manigotagan-Ear Falls HUTCHINSON, RIDLER and SUFFEL, 1971; STAN- paragneiss belt and the Winnipeg River batholithic TON, 1976; STANTON and VAUGHAN, 1979). belt (BEAKHOUSE,1977), BEAKHOUSE(1985) noted The intent of this paper is to describe an "Al- only slight differences between the Bird River belt goman" association of iron formations, felsic vol- and other greenstone belts of the province, in greater canics, and detrital sediments, and, for the alumi- abundance of felsic volcanics and clastic sedimen- nous ironstones, to try to identify the origin of the tary rocks in the Bird River belt. elements as belonging to an exhalative component TRUEMAN(1980) has mapped the Bird River belt and discussed the origin of the major rock types * Present address: 5433 Collingwood St., Vancouver and their tectonic history. The supracrustal for- V6N IS9, Canada. mations (Fig, IB) include the Lamprey Falls me- 143 144 A. C. Turnock and D. L. Trueman A .:l' AI-IRONSTONE Booster Lake fm. Flanders Lake f rn, Bernie Lake fm. Peterson Creek trn. Lamprey Falls fm. Eaglenest Lake frn. Intrusive rocks not patterned / B km o 5 10 FIG, 1, A. Location of the Bird River Subprovince in the Superior Province of the Precambrian Shield of Canada. B. Map of the lithostratigraphic formations of the Bird River greenstone belt. tabasalts and the Petersen Creek metarhyolites, a canic rocks and thus mapped as Petersen Creek Fm. bimodal volcanic suite, and their disposition defines (Fig. IB), a major east-west synclinorium, The overlying At the Bird Lake locality, three types of iron for- Bernie Lake Formation includes conglomerates, mations are found interbedded in volcaniclastic psammites, iron formations, and minor interme- conglomerates and psammites, and felsic volcanic diate volcanics, All these formations were deposited rocks (Figs,2 and 3), They are: (1) Garnet ironstone, subaqueously, found mostly in the lower part of the section (Fig, These rocks have been complexly folded and re- 3) near the QFP dome, and described below; (2) crystallized at medium grade of metamorphism, and Sulfide ironstone, traced by magnetometer for 1,5 intruded by pre-, syn-, and late-tectonic granitoid km as the "SI ANOMALY" across the center of stocks and batholiths (TRUEMAN,1980), There is the section, in a bed 7 to 15 m thick (3 cored drill a dominant east-west S2 foliation, Refolded Fl holes, courtesy Tanco Corp.). Itis pyrrhotite, with folds are found in the north-east portion of Fig. IB, irregular inclusions of garnet-rich aluminous iron- and they are a complication in the study area, It is stone. (3) CBSIF = chert banded silicate iron for- here assumed that the primary compositions of cat- mation, found mostly at the top of the section in a ion ratios were not changed by metamorphism. bed 50 to 100 m estimated thickness, The outcrop section is thicker, but the individual bands, thick- THE BIRD LAKE IRON FORMATIONS ness 1 to 18 em, are complexly folded in the style Two localities of abundant iron formations have called "soft-sediment slump", and this is structural been found, both are in areas of mostly felsic vol- thickening. The silicate bands are mostly por- Sedimentary and hydrothermal ironstone of mixed origin 145 By association of the iron formations with vol- canics and clastic sediments, they are the "Algoma- type" of GROSS (1980). The felsite dome with brec- cia top, the tabular, stratiform rhyolite, and angular felsite-block conglomerates (Fig. 3), define a "prox- imal" and explosive volcanic environment. The FIG. 3, Detail of the area marked near the center of Fig. occurrence of multifacies of iron formations is also 2, CBSIF = chert banded silicate iron formation. SI a characteristic of proximity to volcanic centers = sulfide ironstone (anomaly location from magnetometer (GROSS, 1980). survey). QFP = quartz feldspar porphyry. GRID ORIGIN is reference OE, ON, for locations, distances in feet in text. The sedimentary rocks are mostly conglomerates, The map is oriented with north down, section facing up, with clast-supported frameworks and angular frag- based on intrusive structures ofQFP, and rare graded beds. ments, Sorting is absent, and bedding can be 146 A. C. Turnock and D. L. Trueman Table lB. Chemical composition of ironstones 2 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 wt.% Si02 50.67 36.41 38.95 46.52 65.59 45.98 40.96 27.09 49.94 56.62 45.65 38.80 46.16 45.72 54.58 A1203 9.18 6.85 13.03 8.07 6.60 2.33 0.55 4.84 13.51 9.85 15.20 8.54 8.48 0.72 14.25 Fe203 5.44 29.69 0.73 9.25 1.82 23.09 0.64 30.19 4.06 8.59 3.86 14.55 4.33 1.83 2.64 FeO 21.88 14.48 34.00 21.92 15.14 13.80 39.62 19.68 22.72 19.24 26.42 25.28 26.28 35.66 16.84 MgO 2.86 2.77 2.46 3.72 2.84 4.46 3.93 5.79 3.01 2.80 2.43 2.86 2.86 4.37 2.78 CaO 2.58 1.00 3.76 4.65 2.34 4.68 5.78 5.83 1.91 1.75 1.99 1.61 4.51 4.09 2.49 Na20 0.08 0.15 0.03 0.26 0.02 0.04 om 0.16 0.08 om 0.29 0.04 0.38 0.00 1.24 K20 1.82 0.92 0.12 1.38 2.36 0.63 0.03 0.01 2.36 0.34 0.64 1.68 0.90 0.05 1.14 H,o+ 2.37 1.78 1.40 1.82 1.44 0.92 1.73 1.30 1.53 2.78 0.91 1.66 1.36 1.94 2.20 CO2 0.44 om 1.41 0.50 0.12 1.00 0.66 0.54 0.54 0.34 0.29 0.18 0.25 0.02 0.35 Ti02 0.10 0.16 0.61 0.21 0.12 0.17 om 0.20 0.41 0.22 0.74 0.37 0.19 om 0.55 P20, 0.03 0.36 0.21 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.D2 0.08 0.07 0.01 0.06 MnO 2.35 2.81 2.00 1.80 1.04 2.44 2.17 2.87 1.01 1.54 0.75 2.37 2.21 2.60 0.47 S 0.35 3.49 1.25 0.47 1.03 0.64 6.56 0.04 0.007 0.05 0.124 3.62 2.74 4.72 0.205 ppm Zr 82 76 74 70 100 32 9 32 114 94 57 135 140 II 155 Li 24 13 19 19 35 15 7 2 47 6 39 19 12 5 19 Ba 158 169 157 65 122 60 119 184 99 160 235 124 64 240 Be <I 2 <I I <I <I 2 Co 6 42 42 4 3 4 7 41 6 47 25 14 7 17 Cu 18 21 76 73 95 46 31 34 17 101 120 38 37 41 182 Mo 6 II 3 3 12 7 9 7 II 12 <I Ni 26 71 75 12 51 30 18 82 13 88 43 29 18 41 Pb Rb 73 34 10 10 121 36 2 98 22 70 32 28 4 41 V 29 109 107 I 24 35 6 183 60 2 64 Zn 17 33 55 93 39
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