An Informational Bulletin from December 31, 2010 ADOT-MPD-Aeronautics Group Volume 2, Issue 1 2012-2016 ACIP ~ Document Quarterly Contract/Agreement & Public Meetings Scheduled Based Aircraft Reports Reviews, 30% Plan Re- views, & 100% Plan The draft Five-Year Transportation Facilities We have achieved the best results for a Reviews Construction Program includes all of ADOT’s single quarter of Quarterly Based Aircraft planned projects for the years listed. In calen- Report submissions that we can remem- WE ARE MAKING SOME FRE- dar year 2011, for example, we are developing QUENT COMMENTS DURING ber. All but 6 airports submitted their 3rd the 2012-2016 Program. It includes both pro- REVIEWS AND WOULD LIKE TO Quarter 2010 Based Aircraft Report to SHARE THESE WITH YOU. gram funding levels and lists specific projects for Arizona’s highways and their related subpro- ADOT on time. • ENSURE YOUR PROJECT grams, freeways, and airports. We were happy to have a lot of first time DOCUMENTS ARE NOT UNDER ANY COPYRIGHT The draft 2012-2016 Airports Capital Improve- airports submit a report—thank you and TO THE CONSULTANT ~ ment Program (ACIP) portion of this document keep it up! THESE ARE PUBLIC DOCU- is incorporated in its entirety directly into the These reports are a grant agreement as- MENTS. Five-Year Program document in March each surance and regular submission to ADOT • ENSURE A REFERENCE TO year and will also be available separately on the THE STATE ADOA fulfills part of your grant compliance. TRAVEL POLICY RATES IS ADOT website at: Don’t forget ~ 4th quarter ends on INCLUDED ~ WE CANNOT http://www.azdot.gov/mpd/ 12/31/10 and reports are due to your REIMBURSE YOU FOR Airport_Development/index.asp MORE THAN THE ADOA The State Transportation Board has tentatively ADOT grant managers by 1/15/11. AMOUNT. scheduled the following public hearing dates to • INCLUDE THE GRANT # ON ALL DOCUMENTATION. present this document and to receive com- • 100% PLANS INCLUDE ments. THE SPECS, ENGINEER’S • MARCH 18 ~ SAHUARITA ESTIMATE, AND THE FINAL ENGINEER’S REPORT. • APRIL 15 ~ GILBERT • MAY 20 ~ FLAGSTAFF Comments may also be submitted via the ADOT Aviation Fund & Grant web link: Reimbursements https://wwwa.azdot.gov/Contact_ADOT/ WE HAVE MADE PAYMENT ON index.aspx GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS AS THEY COME IN TO ADOT SINCE OCTOBER. ADOT Arizona Airport of the Year ~ Nominations Due Soon THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO The Aeronautics group is anx- Will it be you in 2011? DEFERRED PAYMENTS DUE TO iously awaiting submissions for Past winners include: ARIZONA AIRPORTS. PLEASE Arizona Airport of the Year. To 2010—Mesa Falcon Field Airport KEEP YOUR GRANT REIM- date we have only received one 2009—Flagstaff Pulliam Airport BURSEMENT REQUESTS COM- nomination. There is still time to ING IN MONTHLY FOR ACTIVE get a nomination package from 2008—Phoenix Goodyear Airport PROJECTS. WE DO NOT KNOW our website and send in praise 2007-Show Low Regional Airport WHAT THE BUDGET FUTURE and support for your favorite air- 2006—Tucson International Airport HOLDS ONCE LEGISLATURE IS port (click on the link and scroll 2005-Page Municipal Airport BACK IN SESSION. EARLY down~ the 2011 form is on the 2004-Williams Gateway Airport DECEMBER AVIATION FUND bottom of the page). The selec- 2003-Kearny Airport BALANCE WAS $7.8M. tion criteria used by the commit- tee includes accomplishments 2002-Kingman Airport with community relations, airport 2001-San Manuel Airport management, airport mainte- 2000–Benson Municipal Airport http://mpd.azdot.gov/mpd/ nance, and innovative programs. 1999–Glendale Municipal Airport airport_development/index.asp Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 2 Nondiscrimination is Standard for All ADOT Grants Whether the Grant is Also Federally Funded or Not ADOT Aeronautics complies with nondiscrimination whether the grant or program is feder- ally funded or not. ADOT grants are all issued requiring compliance with Arizona Executive Order 75-5 as amended by Arizona Executive Order 99-4, relating to equal opportunity. ADOT is committed to full compliance with Title VI as stated in the ADOT notice below. We are assessing our own performance and preparing to join the rest of ADOT in improving our delivery of Civil Rights programs required with the use of public funds. Although FAA funding goes directly to the airports, not through ADOT to the airports, and although Civil Rights, including Title VI, compliance is reviewed by FAA Western Pacific Region, we are also responsible for our own efforts with State/Local Grants. With that in mind, we would like you to review ADOT’s notice. You can also call ADOT Civil Rights if you have any program questions related to Title VI, ADOT DBE, or any other Civil Rights program area. Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 3 Airport Pavement Management System (APMS) 2011 Preservation Projects ADOT has updated the de- http://mpd.azdot.gov/MPD/ Park Airport—RW 3/21 Z&H will be contacting air- sign contract for APMS pro- PDF/ • Phoenix Deer Valley Air- ports directly to coordinate jects. We are now in the AZ_APMS_Summary_Report port—RW 7R/25L & TW C field work and to facilitate process of working with air- _2010.pdf • St. Johns Industrial Air- agreements. If you have any ports to design and con- Confirmed participants for park—TW B questions about the sched- struct the first round of rec- the first round of projects These projects are expected -ule or the process, please ommended Airport Pave- include: to be designed by spring of contact Holly Hawkins, the ment Preservation Program • Casa Grande Municipal 2011 and constructed in State Airport Engineer at (APPP) projects resulting Airport—RW 5/23 summer and fall of 2011 (FY [email protected]. from the Arizona Triennial • Eloy Municipal Airport— 2012). Due to the time for APMS update. The pro- Apron & TW A design, all APMS projects that posed projects for the APPP are recommended for 2011 program are listed beginning • Eric Marcus Municipal will be entered into the 2012 on page 28 in Table 9 2011- Airport—RW12/30 & TW A program year of the ACIP for 2018 APPP of the 2010 Ari- construction. Z&H Engineer- zona APMS Update State- • Gila Bend Municipal Air- ing is the consultant on board wide Summary Report. port—RW 4/22 performing the design work. • Grand Canyon National Environmental Requirements ~ NEPA and ADOT ~ Federal and State State of Arizona Environmental Guidance the second year, and construction in the third year. A copy of the approved environmental documents should be sent to All airports in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Sys- the ADOT Grant Manager. We will not be able to issue a de- tem (NPIAS) shall follow the requirements of the FAA with sign/construction grant without it. compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Guidance can be found in FAA Orders 1050.1E For the Arizona airports not in the NPIAS, ADOT Environ- and 5050.4B. Regardless of the funding source, environ- mental Planning Office is developing an environmental de- mental requirements must be completed. termination form. The form must be completed and submit- ted to ADOT prior to design or other work. The ADOT Environ- Compliance with NEPA and FAA environmental orders will mental Planning Office will review and make an environ- satisfy the State of Arizona environmental requirements. mental determination. This environmental determination will Early coordination with the FAA and State will greatly as- satisfy the State of Arizona environmental requirements. We sist in your project proceeding smoothly. Remember, plan will assist you in completing this form. to perform environmental work in the first year, design in Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport Celebrates Terminal Expansion Less than a day after its con- tory. "It's a major milestone By early next year, the airport struction was completed, a for us and almost doubles will have boarded 2 million new $9.5 million wing of the the size of the passenger passengers, a mark set in a Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Air- terminal," said Lynn Kusy, little more than three years port passenger terminal was the airport's executive direc- and an achievement that took celebrated early November tor told nearly 300 business many of the nation's airports as a barometer of the air- executives, federal and state much longer to reach. Con- port's phenomenal success aviation officials and politi- gratulations Phoenix Mesa and a place that will accom- cians gathered for the late- Gateway. We look forward to modate more dates with his- morning festivities. completion of the next phase. Quarterly Thanks Contact Contact Us: Us! ADOT MPD Aeronautics Group Michael A. Klein, A.A.E. Airport Development Program Administrator: 602-712-7647 [email protected] Holly L. Hawkins, P.E., M.P.A. Tammy Martelle State Airport Engineer: Airport Grants Manager: 602-712-8333 ADOT MPD Aeronautics 602-712-8386 [email protected] [email protected] Group Kenneth S. Potts, A.A.E., M.B.A. Nancy Wiley, C.F.I., M.B.A. 206 S. 17th Ave, MD Planning Grants Manager: Airport Grants Manager: 602-712-7597 426M 602-712-8173 [email protected] Phoenix, Arizona 85007 [email protected] Phone: 602-712-7333 Fax: 602-712-3838 http://mpd.azdot.gov/mpd/airport_development/index.asp *** Let ADOT staff help you keep your New Year’s resolutions to stay on top of your grant paperwork . Follow the updated grant checklists. http://mpd.azdot.gov/MPD/Airport_Development/grants.asp Submit Grant Reimburse- ment Requests Monthly (Same link as above ~ lots of good stuff there!) And last, but not least, call us and follow up with an e-mail as soon as you know about a needed change to get prior approval for any changes.
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