Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. cxvi NO. no STORRS, CONNECTICUT THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 Dianne Rader Elected Editor Of Daily Campus Temporary Suspension Ended: Election To Be Ratified Marfuggi Refuses Resignation At Staff Meeting Today The Board of Directors of the brother of Phi Sigma Kappa. He On Monday afternoon at 3 ministrators, Connecticut Daily Campus elected is a resident of Meriden. p.m., the Connecticut Daily Cam- New Developments Dianne Radar as editor-in-chief Senior Associate pus Board of Directors convened "After the Board announced for the 1963-64 year, Evelyn Mar- A finance major from West to hoar testimony from suspend- its decision concerning tlie back- shak as managing editor and Hartford, and a brother of Tau ed C\1C editor, Joseph Marfuggi. ing of candidates, new develop- John Perugini as business man- Kappa Epsilon. McKiidy has been Mi- Marfuggi had been under ments made me question that de- ager. a member of the lay-out staff suspension since Wednesday. cision. I began to feel strongly Also elecled were Peter Kierys, since he transferred from the April 3. when the Board relieved that two of the candidates could, News Editor; Leigh Montville. Ilartlord branch. in my opinion, give the Senate Sports Editor; Andy McKiidy. Sporti i <iii'T him of his duties after he had Senior Associate Editor; Joni printed an editorial on eleotion the strength it so badly needs. Montville, a fourth semester day without their knowledge. Knowing that the Board, would Newpeck, Copy Editor; Bill Mc- English major was re-elected as not reverse its decision, I em- Govern, Feature Editor; Sandy j sports editor. He is a brother of The editorial backed Ron Cassi- King, Advertising Manager and Phi Sigma Kappa and a resident dento for the Student Senate ployed the editor's constitutional Bill Jose, Photo Editor. of New Haven. Presidency and Fred Wallace for right of ultimate authority over editorial policy. Editor-in-Chief Copy Editor the vice-presidency. Miss Radar is a sixth semester Miss Newpeck. is a branch Contradictory "I would not have printed the Taste Of Honey' English major from Westport, transfer from the Waterbiuy editorial if I did not have a sin- Conn. She has been a member of branch. She has been a memlier This backing was in contradic- cere conviction that the issues tion to the election policy that were of extreme importance to To Be Presented the Board had decided upon,! the student body. I still have Which was made public in the! that conviction." Thursday, March 28 issue of the By Theatre Dept. Request Resignation Daily Campus. A sensational theatrical success The suspension was to remaiii After hearing Mr. Marfuggi'* in London and on Broadway, A in effect until Mr. Marfuggi ap- statement, the Board held discus- Taste of Honey, was written by pealed before the Board to give sion and voted to ask him for his Shclagh Delaney at the age of some explanation of his action. resignation because they felt 18. The play prompted Graham He was asked to appear at the they could no longer work with Green to say that it had "all •netting this past Monday. him. Mr. Marfuggi requested a the (rashness of Mr. Osborne's At that time, Mr. Marfuggi day to consider the request l.iM>k Back in Anger, and a great lold the Board that he had given which the Board immediately maturity." hi., action considerable fore- granted. The play is the story of a thought and that he thought the On Tuesday at 3:30 p.m., the working-class adolescent girl and action he had taken would bene- Board met again. At that time a her relationship with the other fit not only the newspaper but motion to schedule elections for characters in the play: the Negro the entire student body. Tuesday night was passed. Elec- sailor who makes her pregnant: Marfaggl's statement tion of Officers for the coming the homosexual art student who year had originally been sched- He stated, "In my mind, the moves into her apartment to help uled to be held Monday but had her through her pregnancy; her recent Senate election was an been postponed in view of the especially crucial one. Student fun-loving, saloon frequenting special circumstances. This mo- mother; and Peter, her mother's government is rapidly losing the tion was passed. The ij-:ard then interest of the student body on newly acquired husband. And so the news staff, an associate editor of the lay-out and copy staffs A asked Mr. Marfuggi for his de- Jo moves, in a very detached the campus; the Senate is de- cision. and news editor. Slie is a real- t>t|i semester English major she teriorating into an ineffective or- way. within this economic and Request Denied : dent of Spenser A. lives in Alsop A. ganization with little power orj emotional whirlpool. Feature I ihl.it Mr. Marfuggi said that he did Leading Roles Managing Editor Suppoi t. not wish to resign. He requested "Student government cannot In the leading role will be A history major, from Water- McGovern, a resident of Strat- that he be allowed to remain as Marianna Paluse/.cwski who was ford is a sixth semester English Continue in this vein if it is to do Editor until the new elections bury, Conn.. Miss Marahak has major. He has been a member of more than 'exist' on this cam-; last seen as Sadie Burke in All been a mcnilier of the news fea- were held and to be able to eon- The King's Men. Malta Wimple. the feature stall and lives in New pus. The Senate needs qualified, \ duct the elections meeting. He ture and layout staffs, assistant Haven Hall. Capable leaders who will devote also in All The King's Men. will also offered to relinquish his i leature editor, an associate editor Advertising Manager themselves to the development of right to vote in the eevnt of a tie. play Helen, her mother. Portray- • strong governing body. To ae-j ing Geof, the homesexual. art stu- and Senior Associate Editor. Slie King has been assistant adver- After a short discussion, the tising manager. A brother ol Sig- eomplish that end. the Senate Board of Directors agreed to this dent .will be George Wallis who is a resident of Spanish House. ma Alpha Epsilon. he is a sixth leaders must work cooperatively , will be remembered for his role Business Manager With students, faculty and ad-1 Continued on Page 3. Col 1 Continued on Page •, Col S semester English major from A sixth semester economics ma- Stamford, Conn. jor, Perugini has been financial Photo Editor manager. A brother of Sigma Al- Jose, re-elected photo editor is pha Epsilon. he la a resident of a Tth semester English major and Waiei-bury. a commuter. News I tlii"i All elections must be ratified A former member of the lay- by the staff at a compulsory meet- out staff, news staff and assis ing this afternoon M 2 Two board am news editor, Kierys is a sixth members at large will also i>e semester English major and a elected. April 19th Deadline For Filing Plans For Junior - Senior Work Students entering their 5th advisei and the student together semester must file a Plan For work .'in a plan ot studj lor the Junior-Senior Work on oi before student's remaining two years *>f April 19th. This applies to stu- t-ollt ge work. dents in all schools and colleges A student must file a Plan for except Engineering, Nursing and Junior and Senior Work except in Pharmacy. schools oi Engineering, Nursing Copies of the Plan for Junior and Pharmacy. This Is to he done .md Senior Work are obtained bj during the latter pan of die ihe student at the Coordinator fourth semester Counselors ad- of Academic Counseling Office vising sophomores are aaked not (Administration Building, l TT » to sun registration cards for fifth The student receives enough semester registrations before the sheets to satisf) the various ol Plan lor Junior and Senior Work lux's needing copies. He or she is has been completed. The major luncheon. Or. Bahhhlgc then went on to ex- issigned a major adviser by the advisei signs the registration card At tlie close »( Wednesday's Knnrd ot Coordinator or is Sen! to the De- for the fifth semestei and above. Trustee* meeting;. Hr. Homer Babliidge sur- plain to the members oC the Board IIMI there partment Head for assigning de- Copies are prepared for the fae> prised the members of the Board with the an- were plans for remodeling the rather old dining pending on the practice followed | ulty counselor. Division of Stu- ■mincement Uutt thejr would all be praneeding hall which were presently ander consideration by the school or college in which dent Personnel, and students to the ■wUrtoti.s Whitney Dining Hull lor by Ute State Legislature. (Caiiiptu PUoto) the student is enrolled. The major own copy. PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAiLY CAMPUS THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: ment, council troubled students, and make At this time, in behalf of myself, the dormitory life more profitable and enjoy- ISO Executive Board, and all the can- able, then they have drastically failed in didates, I would like to thank the many their task! Connecticut people who contributed their time and The most humorous portion of the arti- effort in making the recent campaign the cle was in regard to the chief complaint success that it was.
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