aNV saimx haouo Nvaoo an.r. It Pays Family To Advertise ewspaper |j In The Times | — and of the independence of the Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 6 NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE. NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1063 United Slates of Amcrlcn thn'IHfith year, SEVEN CENTS Nazarencs Plan Utility To Spend Vote Wednesday Forecast 13^ Hike Pastors Meeting 3 Million In ’63 On School Costs In Ocean Grove On New Facilities NEPTUNE TWP.—Wednes­ In Rea! Estate Taxes day, Feb. 13, is Election Day JCP&L-NJP&L Construc­ for the 1963-64 school budget, NEPTUNE TWP.—A 13% Sewer Meeting Planned New York District Of for the resolution authorizing tion Budget 22% Higher increase in the towpship real Mayor WardeU announced that a , 37 Churches To Meet transfer of funds front the un­ meeting with Wall Township, Avon,' Than Last Year’s Total estate tax rate was the ac­ Here Feb. 18 to 20 expended balance of the high Neptune City and.Belmar officials ' school bond issue account, and countant’s forecast this week, will be scheduled the week of Feb. MORRISTOWN — Jersey for three members, of the based on a 31-cent hike for OCEAN GROVE—The an­ 25 to review reports of. engineers Central Power & Light Com­ hoard of education. , - : v : to wnship . schools and a 2-cent and sanitarians on the township’s nual New York district Naza- pany-New Jersey Power & The budget is a record $3,- increase for county govern­ proposed new sewer plant. •. rene Preachers’ conference Light Company will spend $43.3 million during; 1963 018,688 and the amount to be ment. The rate for municipal During public, hearing, several . ■will be held here Monday 011 raised by taxation, $2,037,379, new and increased power facil­ government remains, the same residents called for the dumping of • through Wednesday, Feb. 18- is an increase of 8462,381.97 the plant's effluent in the ocean ities to.keep ahead of an ex­ over the current year. This in­ as last year, following exten­ 2 0 . panding demand for electric­ rather than in Shark River. This crease is an additional 31 cents sive efforts of the township Nearly all of the 37 Naza public fear; of treated discharge has . ity. ’ ' ■ : per $100 valuation-oh the real committee to “hold-the-line.” necessitated a continued study of William H. McElwain, president rene churches on the New estate tax bill. the plant, even though state depart- : of the company, said.JCPL-NJPL’s . The budget for. municipal, York, district will- be repre­ The three separate fund ment. of health officials, have de­ construction budget for .1963 is 22 services in; ’63 w as submitted transfers have been, packaged clared that the discharge would not sented. • per cent higher thnn their 1962 Tuesday night, ' showing a into one $135,000 resolution. pollute the river. Residents have '■ budget. He said this construction $34,780 increase. Additional The items are; $54,000 to ac­ pointed out that the contemplated program is necessary because of employees in the police and the quire a future school site on discharge . area does not have higher customer demands based on road and refuse department Jumping Brook road, $10,000 enotigh tidal flow to carry the ef- . increasing uses of electricity, by ex­ underlay a major share of the to purchase approximately. 10 fluent to sea. isting customers and addition of budget increase. acres Iof Mt. Prospect Cem e­ THE BIG IF — Freeholders Charles I. Smith, left, and Marcus new customers. Frank G. Fluhr, township The mayor, then pointed out to Daly, iiext to sign, watch as Park Rangers Edward Hall and Frank tery land to “square off” the the Tuesday night attendants at present high sdhool acreage auditor, pointed out that the Magee, on knee, measure thickness of ice on Shark River County tax rate fof all purposes ex­ the township meeting that “all ave­ Park lake. The ice is checked each day and if it is found thick and $41,000 to build athletic nues of approach’* will be explored enough, the “OK” sign goes up. If not, a “No Skating” s ig n is cept fire protection will be fields behind the high school. and that the township “will not do substituted. When the ice is ok, skating is allowed both during $2.68 for each $100 valuation th e day and at night, >hen lights are turned on at the lake. Shark Three members of the board a jump of 33 cents for schools anything detrimental to our own R iver County P a rk is on School House Road. Wall Township. of education are seeking re- and county, as outlined above. people nor to the neighboring mu­ election without opposition. The municipal rate will be 58 nicipalities.” . The mayor added that, They are Mrs. Jennie Nicol, cents; the school rate, $1.68, a joint sewer line, to the ocean, Albert E. Catley Ray H. Misner, Jr., and Otto and the county rate, 44 cents. with other , municipalities partici-’ G. Stoll, J r. pating, is also being considered. - Ground Breaking Public hearing on the municipal Polling places are in the fol­ budget .will be March 5 at 8 p.m. Present Five Ordinances Sunday At 2 Files For Board lowing schools: Ocean Grove, This budget will be published in Several ordinances were received B rad ley Park, Whitesville, next week’s issue of The Times. on first reading: ^ NEPTUNE TWP. — Albert Seeks Fire Commissioners Summerfield and Shark River Public hearing on the county No. 624—Makes a. technical cor-, Schneider, chairman of the Seat, One-Year Term, . H ills. budget will be February 20 at 2 rection in' No. 623, which was board of education's Public Re­ In: Feb. 16th Election p.m. This budget is published in turned down, and. provides for the lations Committee,, announced D r. G. B. W illiam son this issue of The Times, pages 9 improvement of Milford road from today that special ground OCEAN GROVE—Albert E. Cat­ and 10. ; ! Riverside drive to Benton place in G uest sp eak er "will be U r. G. B. breaking ceremonies for the ley, a member of Washington Fire The school budget will be con-' Shark River Hills, at a cost of $20,- Williamsoni Kansas City, Mo., who Green Grove School will be Co. for over 20 years, has filed as Summer “Tenter” sidered by the township voters. 000. .... ..l-lj'- has served continuously since 1946 conducted at the school site on candidate fo r th e board of fire, Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 4 to 9 No. 625—Vacates a portion of as a general superintendent, the Green Grove Rotid, north of commissioners, seeking the one Receives Honor highest elective office in the de­ West Bangs avenue, this Sun­ year unexpired term of Gilbert P.m. I , Lakeside avenue, in the site of the William H. McElwain nomination. A n author of note, day afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Twelves, resigned. Scouts Observe Meeting 'projected senior citizens housing Dr. Williamson is widely known as Mrs. Evelyn Shepherd m- • . , ... , m project just east of Fitkin Hospital. A cordial invitation is ex­ He also said the companies an The municipal committee's Tues- - a “preacher to . preachers,” Awarded 50 Year tended *o all citizens of the ticipatc spending an additional O.E.S. Membership Pin. day-night meeting was opened with ^°* Expands the Shade Tree : The conference will be in charge township to attend the formal $112,5 million liy the end of 1965 the Flag Salute led by young Dan- Commission from three members to of the district superintendent, Rev; ceremonies which will signify to stay ahead of this demand. “Our BARNEGAT—Mrs. Evelyn Shep­ iel’ Prideaux, a Scout in Neptune’s five. ; Robert I. Goslaw, Staten Island. that the construction for the engineers forecast a continuation herd, of G5 E. Bay street, Barriegat, Explorer Posti#95.‘ "Mayor Joseph No. 627—Changes the name of • Hamilton road to Essex road,' a The annual program is planned new 24 classroom elementary of the residential, commercial and a past Matron of Arlington Chap- Wardell then proclaimed the week small street at the westerly line of for inspiration and fellowship, and school is underway. growth which, our serv- tre J66 ,0,.E.S., was presented with of1 Feb. 7 to 13 as Scout Week and to-, bring a. challenge to Christian have been experienc* her 50 year membership pin by f,he welcomed the other Scouts who a t-: ^umP’ng Brook road which leads to Essex road in New Shrewsbury. workers, Rev. Goslaw said. ing since the early 1950’s. Today Most Worthy Grand Matron, Sister tended the municipal sessiori^-Paul you cannot have growth without No. 628 — Designates Mayfair The New York district is one Gertrude Smith, at a meeting and Dowkon11, : James Hogan^ Dayid electricity, and we must plan our lane in the Gables as a through of 76 districts into which the church reception for Sister Caroline Moel­ Roszel,; ; Kenneth ‘ Meyer, ., Micliael inner building programs so that -the fa street anji authorizes “Yield Right has been divided for administrative ler of Tuckerton Lodge. The meet­ Devlin, M ichael, S.trally.; and Rob-; cilities are there when they are of Way” signs at the intersections purposes in the United States, Can­ ing was held in the Tuckerton High ert VanDyke.. •'".••• needed by our customers,” the util of Mayfair lane, with Surrey lane, ada and the British Isles. Businessmen, Inc. School on Friday evening, Jan.’ 11. Building Inspector Wiiliam H. head said. Mrs.
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