August 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1141 Mr. Speaker, the circumstances in which we In addition to providing meals, Crystal also being a profoundly influential figure in revital- find ourselves today do not call for pettiness. provides students with healthy recipes that izing Santo Domingo pottery, Helen sought to Nor do they call for twitter politics and spec- they can prepare for themselves. elevate it to an exquisite art form. tacle. I am proud to represent her and all of the Helen’s designs come from her Santo Do- They call for leadership; a recognition that a teachers of central Arkansas who are making mingo heritage. Her elegant pieces are well respect for the rule of law and holding our a difference in the lives of our young people. known for their signature bird designs from leaders accountable for their misdeeds is a f pottery found in the Bandelier National Monu- fundamental democratic responsibility. ment. In August 1974, the vigilant and tireless ef- SUGAR LAND RECEIVES DISTIN- forts by law enforcement, journalists, and our GUISHED BUDGET PRESEN- Mr. Speaker, I applaud Helen Bird for being nation’s leaders led President Nixon to yield to TATION AWARD a part of the Pueblo Pottery Mug project. This the rule of law. project has given the community, as well as The saving grace of Richard Nixon is that, HON. PETE OLSON visitors to New Mexico, an opportunity to ap- at the end, he put the interests of the nation preciate usable pieces of art that. are inspired OF TEXAS by Native culture and traditions. I look forward ahead of himself by resigning his office. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arthur Schlesinger’s 1973 essay appears to seeing this project continue to flourish and prescient in its prediction that ‘‘corruption ap- Friday, August 10, 2018 support talented Native artists from Pueblos pears to visit the White House in fifty-year cy- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to throughout New Mexico. cles.’’ recognize my hometown, the city of Sugar As Professor Schlesinger wrote, ‘‘If the trails Land, TX for receiving its 22nd consecutive f are followed to their end, many, many years Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for CELEBRATING THE BIRTH ANNI- will pass before another White House staff its Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget. VERSARY OF THE 52ND DAI AL dares take the liberties with the Constitution Sugar Land was recognized for strong finan- MUTLAQ, HIS HOLINESS DR. and the laws the Nixon White House has cial leadership, transparency initiatives, contin- SYEDNA MOHAMMED taken,’’ which ‘‘suggests that exposure and ued financial resiliency, including fiscally con- BURHANUDDIN RA, AND THE retribution inoculate the presidency against its servative budgeting and proactive planning. BIRTHDAY OF THE 53RD AND latent criminal impulses for about half a cen- The city has also maintained one of the state’s PRESENT DAI AL MUTLAQ, HIS tury.’’ lowest tax rates while still providing quality city HOLINESS DR. SYEDNA Professor Schlesinger also offered a warn- services. To obtain this award, Sugar Land MUFADDAL SAIFUDDIN TUS ing that ‘‘corruption appears to visit the White met national guidelines for effective budget House in fifty-year cycles.’’ presentations assessing how well the city’s Mr. Speaker, on this historic day, let us re- budget serves as a financial plan, an oper- HON. PETER J. ROSKAM member that Congress is a co-equal branch of ations guide and a communication device. government and has a duty to hold the execu- Independent judges measured Sugar Land’s OF ILLINOIS tive accountable for misconduct, abuse of standing in these four categories and said the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES power, and ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors.’ budget was ‘‘proficient’’ in all and met or ex- Friday, August 10, 2018 As Congresswoman Barbara Jordan de- ceeded 14 mandatory criteria. clared: ‘‘My faith in the Constitution is whole; On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to it is complete; it is total. And I am not going sional District of Texas, congratulations again celebrate the birth anniversary of the 52nd Dai to sit here and be an idle spectator to the dim- to the city of Sugar Land, TX on receiving its Al Mutlaq, his holiness Dr. Syedna Moham- inution, the subversion, the destruction, of the 22nd consecutive Distinguished Budget Award med Burhanuddin RA, and the birthday of the Constitution.’’ for its Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget. Thank 53rd and present Dai Al Mutlaq, his Holiness And today, Mr. Speaker, let me affirm that you for your commitment to making Sugar Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin. The Dawoodi my faith in the Constitution is whole, complete, Land an amazing place to live, work and raise Bohras’ patriotism and commitment to the and total. a family. United States and their recognition of Inter- Our nation is founded on the principle that national Women’s Day should serve as an ex- all are equal under the law, and that one can f ample for all. only delay—never escape—the swift sword of TRIBUTE TO HELEN BIRD justice. The Dawoodi Bohras mostly reside in India, We must always be faithful to the duties im- HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM Pakistan, Africa, Europe, USA, South East posed upon us by the Constitution. Asia and Australia. Their name, ‘Bohra’ comes OF NEW MEXICO f from the Gujarati word ‘vehru’ which means IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trader; as the community has always main- CONWAY HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER Friday, August 10, 2018 tained a strong and robust business commu- CRYSTAL CERTAIN nity. The late Dr. Syedna Burhanuddin RA had Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New a profound impact on this as he unceasingly Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratu- encouraged his adherents to start their own HON. J. FRENCH HILL late Helen Bird of Santo Domingo Pueblo in OF ARKANSAS business. New Mexico for her role in the Pueblo Pottery IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mug project and her success as a Native art- In addition to fostering a robust business Friday, August 10, 2018 ist. community, the Bohras are loyal and law-abid- ing citizens throughout the world. They have Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recog- The Pueblo Pottery Mug project started as maintained cordial relations with all levels of nize the efforts of Crystal Certain, an art a collaboration between five Pueblo artists and government with an aim to foster harmony and teacher at Conway High School, who is com- the first Pueblo-owned Starbucks in New Mex- goodwill. They embrace technology and equal mitted to making a difference in central Arkan- ico. The mugs were first sold in 2016 at the opportunities, and consider patriotism a reli- sas. Starbucks store in Albuquerque. Each mug Crystal partnered with the Community Ac- was hand-crafted by a different Pueblo artist gious obligation. The Dawoodi Bohras are a tion Program of Central Arkansas to provide to celebrate the opening of the new store and sect within Shia Islam and follow the seven food to hungry children in our community. to symbolize the collaboration between New pillars of Islamism: guardianship of the faith, She started by funding the project out of her Mexico Pueblos and Starbucks. After quickly purity, prayer, alms-giving, fasting, pilgrimage own pocket and the practice grew into a class- selling out of the unique mugs—selling over to Mecca and struggle. room food-pantry project. Her students named 6,000 mugs—the Shumakolowa gift shop col- Mr. Speaker, and distinguished colleagues, it the ‘‘Certain Little Free Class Pantry’’. laborated with the artists to sell mugs at their please join me in celebrating the birth anniver- Nearly 400 children at her school get nour- location in the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. sary of the 52nd Dai Al Mutlaq, his Holiness ishing food from her pantry project. Growing up in the Pueblo of Santo Do- Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA and The Community Action Program of Central mingo, Helen learned traditional pottery tech- the birthday of the 53rd and present Dai Al Arkansas is providing meals during the sum- niques from her great-aunt at a very young Mutlaq, his Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal mer months and is operating the project from age and has been making pottery profes- Saifuddin TUS and wishing the Dawoodi inside the agency’s pantry. sionally for nearly 30 years. Widely credited as Bohras a year of peace and prosperity. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:32 Aug 11, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AU8.016 E10AUPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 10, 2018 CONGRATULATING CHRIS JEFFERS tomer relationships throughout the community displays. One off-duty officer working at a ON HIS RETIREMENT and expanded its operations to six locations nearby store was alerted to the commotion across the southwest region of Texas. and immediately went to appraise the situa- HON. JUDY CHU I am proud to represent the hardworking tion. He then approached the active scene men and women of Pecos County State Bank with the assistance of an off-duty Pharr Police OF CALIFORNIA and celebrate the 90 years of economic pros- narcotics officer, an off-duty McAllen Police IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES perity it has experienced. I want to thank the lieutenant and off-duty McAllen Police officers. Friday, August 10, 2018 dedicated employees of the Pecos County Together they arrested the suspects and se- State Bank for their service to the community cured the scene. Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. Speaker, Thanks to the brave actions of these offi- I rise today to congratulate Chris Jeffers, a and look forward to continuing my work with them moving forward.
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