New book for Alton author See page A5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2011 COVERING ALTON, BARNSTEAD, & NEW DURHAM - WWW.NEWHAMPSHIRELAKESANDMOUNTAINS.COM FREE Committee gets renovation numbers for Alton Central Numbers presented to the Buildings and Grounds Committee later found to be inaccurate, new numbers to be discussed BY TIM CROES mittee met on Thursday,Oct. Chip Krause of CMK Ar- which was later found to be tion, but plans to meet in the moval of flooring tiles that Staff Writer 6, to discuss the cost esti- chitects was not at the meet- inaccurate, and cost of a new next couple of weeks and is may or may not contain as- ALTON — Members of the mates for the proposed reno- ing, but the committee pre- school, which was also found scheduled to present the Al- bestos, card access to each Alton School Board and the vation of Alton Central sented an estimated cost of to be inaccurate. ton School Board with an ac- door, a new elevator to the Buildings and Grounds Com- School. the proposed renovation, The committee took no ac- curate estimated cost of both lower level of the 1972 wing, the proposed renovation and water storage for irrigation, the cost of a new school no a solar hot water family of later than Oct. 24. four project area that will be The estimated cost of the used by the school to teach renovation of the existing the students and the removal building was presented with of additional materials. a range, but again, those Krause also provided an numbers were discovered to estimate for a new school that be wrong. could house up to 850 stu- The numbers range be- dents. cause of two variables. The This estimated costs, in- cost per square foot of new cluded an estimated $750,000 structures has a range of $150 to purchase new land. to $175 per square foot, and Members of the commit- the cost per square foot of tee stressed that were would renovating the existing be several new parts of the school has a range of $100 to school with the renovation, $150 per square foot. and it shouldn’t be looked at The committee reviewed as simply a renovation. the estimated site work costs Included in the renovation and the additional soft costs would be the construction of (30 percent). a new gym and two addition- The estimated cost of the al levels on a portion of the installation of a geothermal school to provide additional heating system and the budg- classroom space. et for mechanical equipment The committee agreed JOSHUA SPAULDING was also included in the cost that many questions couldn’t Gorgeous afternoon estimate. be answered without Krause The estimate doesn’t in- in attendance to answer Visitors take a moment to relax at Alton Bay on Saturday afternoon as the setting sun shines off of homes across Alton Bay. clude several items: the re- SEE ACS, PAGE A9 Planners approve radio shop in Barnstead BY TIM CROES viewed approved the applica- deal with a lot line adjust- and explained that the house clear title. ary lines are settled, and that Staff Writer tion for a local radio repair ment at 28 and 30 Dustin Dri- on lot 4A is encroaching the Cote pointed out that that the issue with the septic isn’t BARNSTEAD — The shop in town at its meeting ve. lot on 5A. the septic system would be an issue for the planning Barnstead Planning Board on Thursday,Oct. 6. Bernard Cote, an agent Cote pointed out that it separate issue, and that an board. approved a pair of minor lot Pat Gallier and Jane Pow- from Gemetres Blue Hills, needs to be done so that Gal- easement would be needed Cote suggested that a sep- line adjustments and re- ers came before the board to LLC came before the board lier can sell her house with a and agreement between the tic design be done. two parties would need to be The board accepted the ap- recorded into the deed. plication as complete, and the Powers said that she was approved the application New teachers’ contract approved in favor of the lot line, but not unanimously. the easement. John Bartolin came before BY TIM CROES done. in salaries and benefits to the It’s important to note that Chris Carazzo pointed out the board and talked about Staff Writer “It’s enpowering to be teachers for the 2011-2012 fis- the state recently handed that Dustin Drive is owned by open up a shop in the old ice ALTON — It took four working under a ratafied cal year, with new hires not down a mandate that re- Locke Lake and is not town cream place at Blueberry sta- tries, but voters in the town contract, rather than the sta- being elegible for this one- quires that the teachers pay owned. tion. of Alton finally approved a tus quo situation of the last time raise. an additional two percent of Cote said that the bound- SEE BARNSTEAD, PAGE A9 new master’s agreement for few years,” Brown said. Brown is already hard at their base salary into their the teachers of Alton Cen- With the passing of the ar- work in negotiating a new retirement fund. tral School. ticle, a total of $23,523 will be contract for next year be- A special vote was held on raised and appropiated, and tween the Alton Teachers’ Tim Croes can be reached Tuesday, Oct. 4, and the arti- the monies will be used to pay Association and Alton at [email protected] cle approving a new master for the increased one percent School District. or 569-3126 agreement and one-time one percent raise for the teach- ers passed by a vote of 270 for and 173 against. Two spaghetti suppers on the calendar With only 443 voters show- ing up out of registered 3,573 ALTON — Those who love Italian restaurant atmos- expenses. All are welcome to voters on the town checklist, spaghetti will be able to get phere. Families can enjoy a attend and help support the this breaks down to a more than their fill this week salad buffet while being Class of 2012. turnout of 12.4 percent. in Alton. served their choice of home- Join the Boy Scouts of Richard Brown, the Pres- Tonight, Thursday, Oct. made lasagna, macaroni and Troop #53 of Alton and New ident of the Alton Teachers’ 13, the senior class at cheese, and of course Durham on Saturday,Oct. 15, Association is pleased that Prospect Mountain will be spaghetti. Following the from 4 to 7 p.m. for a spaghet- the article passed, but knows hosting a spaghetti supper at main course, guests can help ti supper to help the Scouts there is a lot of work to be the high school from 5 to 8 themselves to a wide array of raise funds for summer p.m. desserts that will be offered. camp. INDEX The cafeteria of Prospect A portion of the proceeds The supper will feature ▼ Mountain High School will will go to the class gift, sen- homemade spaghetti sauce, be transformed into a formal ior class trip, and graduation homemade meatballs and homemade desserts. Tickets Volume 7 • Number 41 can be purchased in advance Business......................A7, A10 from any Scout or they can Churches.............................A8 be purchased at the door.The supper will be held at the Classifieds ...................B6 - B9 Community Church of Al- Editorial Page......................A4 ton on Church Street. John Harrigan ...................A11 The troop has grown re- Letters.................................A4 markably over the past cou- ple of years and the troop ex- Obituaries ...........................A8 pects that growth to contin- Public Notices .....................B7 ue. Summer camp is a fun JOSHUA SPAULDING Sports..................B1 - B5, B10 and valuable experience for T-Wolf power every Scout who attends. 22 pages in 2 sections There will be a table with pic- Prospect Mountain’s Jake Biscoe works to keep the ball away from a Farmington defender during action on Wednesday, Oct. 5. The ©2011, Salmon Press, LLC. tures from last year’s camp Timber Wolves rallied for a 5-3 win over the Tigers. See the story Call us at (603) 569-3126 and awards the Scouts have on page B1. email: [email protected] won. www.salmonpress.com A2 THE BAYSIDER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2011 COURTESY PHOTO COURTESY PHOTO SAMPLES of Meeting House Soda was given out all weekend at the SANDY GUARINO deals with a customer, as Don Guarino gets ready to dish out some more ice-cold soda at the Sandwich Fair. Sandwich Fair. Gilmanton company captures the local flavor BY TIM CROES away from root beer and go ly.” even split between the six fla- chilled bottles for $2 a pop. da.com. Staff Writer towards more local soda that Guarino can’t make the vors. The soda can be pur- One of the more interest- ALTON — Looking for a incorporated local crops. business run smoothly alone “Each year, I think one is chased locally at Likin’ ing locations, is an “honor local refreshing soda without Meeting House Soda of- and has the support of his going to break out, but it nev- Bikin’, which is located in system” farm stand that is lo- high fructose syrup poured fers six different flavors in- family, including his wife, er happens,” Guarino joked. downtown Alton. cated on Route 140 in Gilman- into it? cluding: rhubarb, maple Sandy, his daughter, Megan Over the weekend, he For more information ton. Look no further than creme, wild blueberry,peach and his son, Justin.
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