University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP The Prospector Special Collections Department 3-4-1966 The Prospector, March 4, 1966 UTEP Student Publications Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.utep.edu/prospector Comments: This file is atherr large, with many images, so it may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient. THE THE EulogiesEulogies For For InstructorsInstructors PI'SPICT'R PagePage 2 2 PIOIPECTOI..Assayer 01 Student Opinion" "Assayer 01 Student Opinion" VOL. XXXII EL PASO, TEXAS, MARCH 4, 1966 No.No. 19 19 voL. XXXII EL PASO, TEXAS, MARCH 4, 1966 Pop Singer ToPopAppear Singer 1Best Best Is Is Appointed Appointed To Appear March 18 SASA Vice Vice President President popular recording star Glenn John Best has replaced Bob Thomas March 18 replaced Bob Thomasas asvice vice president president of of Yarbrough will appear at Mem- the StudentJohn AssociationBest has and president of the Student Senate, the Student Association and president of the Student Senate, orialp Gymnasiwn0 pular recording Friday, Marchtar Glenn and Galen Starkey was elected president pro-tempore and Galen Starkey was elected president pro-temporere- re- 16Yarbroat 6 up.gh m,will appear at Mem­ placing Best. orialThe two~hourGymnas performance,ium Friday, March l placingBest was appointedBest. by President Fred Craft after receiv- Best was appointed by President Fred Craft after receiv- sponsoredJS at 8 byp. them SA,. will in- ingI Thomas' resignation p rio r to the Senate meeting on cludeThe comedian two-hour Biff Rose p and ri'ormance, Thursday,ing Thomas' February resignation 24. He was ••-----------~- prior to the Senate meeting on thesponsor Stanyaned Streetby Quartet.the SA, will in­ approvedThursday, by a majority February vote of24. He was-~­ Biff Ro e and approved by a majority vote of Ticketsclude co aremedian50 cents with an the senators present. IT. SAthe card, Sta $1nyan for high Street school Quartet. stu- Ithe Best senators was president present. of student TW .£J. OS tS dents,Ticke andts $2 forare all others,50 cents Tick- with an governmentBest was of Belpresident Air High of student TW Hosts etsSA may card. be obtained 1 for from high the chool stu­ Schoolgovernment and graduated of Bel third inA his i r ~ High Studentdents, Activitiesand 2 for Office, all others SUB . Tick­ School and graduated third in his hJe cl~~.TW he has been a member 306;ets Kurland-Salzman,may b obtained Melody from the class. .I.. I At TW he has been a member Teacherseac rs Shop,Student and Star Activities Disco record Office, SUB of Student Senate, secretary of ~ • 306; Kurland-Salzman, Melody theof Geology Student .Club, Senate, Parade Home-secretary of M4 • stores. Shop. and Star D' co record ccmmgthe ~eology Cbairman, _Club, co- Parade chatrman ~ome- eetingseet-.ng.•~ S, 0 0 WITH LIMELITERS of theconung Spirit Committee,Chairman, co - chall'lllanand a Instores.May of 1959, a chance meet- memberof the of SigmaSpirit Gamma Committee, Epsi- All and Tex Wa t C II ingWIT of YarbroughH LIMELITERS with Lou Gott- Ion.member He is a geology of Sigma major andGamma Epsi-cl All Texasas es ern. w t c 11 In May of 1959, a chance meet­ a biologicallon. He science is a minor.geology .~ and major and la es em_ 0 oege ege lieb and Alex Hassilov in a Los laboraton~ were Angelesing of nightYarbrough club launched with Lou Gott­ Followinga biological Best's science appointment minor. dis sed yesterdayc . everung~s and and . laboraton~ were Following Best's appointment clismis.cd yesterday evening and theselieb three and Alex Hassilov in a Los and Starkey's election, the seo- today to accommo~ate about 6,- young men to soar- and Starkey's election, the Sen- today to accommo~ate about 6,­ ingAngeles heights in thenight world ofclub folk launched ate approved Jon Weisheit's ap- 000 teachers attending ~e Trans- these three young men to soar­ pointmentate approved by Fred CraftJon toWeisheit's the ~ecos Teachers ap- 000 Association teachers meet-attcndm; tJ_"te Trans­ music. In 1962, organized as the pointment by Fred Craft to the ~ecos Teachers Association meet­ ing heights in the world of folk Supreme Court by a 2/3 vote. mg on the TWC Campus. Limeliters, this group broke the Supreme Court by a 2/3 vote. mg on the TWC Campus. all timemusic. attendance In 1962, record organized at San as the GLENN YARBROUGH Twenty eight senators were Dr. Jack Meadows was present,Twenty and twenty eight three senators were Dr. Jack Meadows wa in in Francisco'sLimelite:rs.Hungry this i,group a brokeclub the GLENN YARBROUGH CODSti- charge of all the physical ar- all time attendance record at San ---------------------------tutedpresent, a quorum. and After twenty threeWeisheit consti-rangements.charge of The all General the Sessionphysical ar­ frequented by such stars as the tuted a quorum. After Weisheit rangements. The General Session KingstonFrancisco's Hungry i, a club was approved. six to seven sena- was held yesterday evening Trio, Peter, Paul and torswas left theapproved, meeting; six to seven sena- was held yesterday eveningin in frequented by such stars as the therefore Memorial Gym. Presiding over Mary, and the Brothers Four. Miners Face 4-th no moretors furtherleft the business meeting; therefore Memorial Gym. Presiding over could the InKingst1963on Yarbrough Trio, Peter, decided Paul it and themeeting meetingwas was Jim JimC. C.Good- Good.­ be transactedno more andfurther the businessmeeting could man, President of wasMary,time andto movethe Brothers on, on Four.his Miners Face 4th be transacted and the meeting man, President ofTrans-Pecos Trans-Pecos In 1963 Yarbrough decided it had to be adjourned. District VI, TSTA. own. had to be adjourned. District VI, TSTA. was time to move on, on his The senators planned to meet The presentation of colors and CUT 5 ALBUMS Post-Season Play ~esday,The Marchsenators 1 planned to meet The presentation of colors and for the elec- pledge of allegiance was present- Thisown. past summer, he broke ,:uesday, March 1 .for th~ elec- pledge of allegiance was present­ Post-Season Play bon o~ new senators to fill the ed by the Texas Western ROTC CT 5 ALB fill the ed by the Texas Western ROTC the record at :he Hun~ i that By BOB JOHNSON vacanciestion of nownew present. senators . Cadets. to he hadThis establIShed past summer, while he broke vacancies now present. Cadets. the Limeliters. He has cut five post"xaswith eStemT W s astet t 's bai k ball .. Absent senators were: Karen . the record at ~he Hungry i t~at By BOBers ~egmOkthlahelrfourct~JOHNSON straight. Jones,A Susanbsent Johnson, senators Pat Peter-were The: Karen Invocation The was givenInvocation was given by albums with RCA Vietor and has . season ournamen. p ay l son, Carol Ann Robinson, Kay Rev .. L. C. Lange of the Ysleta by hthe haL_d e~tabhsHhedhwhilet wfiitb Texas Western's basketballersagainst beain theiroma fourthtty at Wi-straight Jones, Susan Johnson, P at Peter­ Rev. L. C. Lange of the Ysleta appearede onune a number1 i 1ers. of e as cuTV chita,ve tKans., Mondayt · e,• · Ray, Lin d a Shaffer,Ann Joe W.Robinson, K a y albums with RCA Victor and has po~ season ournamen~in the play openmg aga~t round ofOklahoma the NCAA City at Wi- son, Carol BaptistBaptistChurch, Church, and theand welcome the welcome Brown,Ray, Carl LindZaisa, a Shaffer,Dave Hun- Joe was W. presented by Dr. Jooeph showsappea as wellred ason made a personalnumber of TVtournament. chita1 Kans., Monday m the operung round of the NCAA was presented by Dr. Joseph appearance throughout the coun- And they'll do it with only a day's rest and, hopefully a sickerBrown, and Bob Carl Nelson. Zaiss, Ray. PresidentDave Hun­ of TWC.Ray, President of TWC. try. Heshows has recenUyas well recorded as made personal24-0 tournament.s~ason record. The Miners play Seattle tomorrow, then sicker and Bob Nelson. Special guest apeaker was Paul appearance throughout the coun- And they'll do it with only a day's rest and, hopefully a Special guest speaker was Paul the theme song for the movie will wmg to Wichita for the Harvey, nationally known Amer- try. He has recently recorded 2~0 s~ason r~o~d. The OCMiners ••-----------.:--- play S eattle tomorrow, then Harvey, nationally known Amer­ "Night of the Tiger" and has re- bout. ican Broadcasting Company news the theme song for the movie will wing to Wichita for the OCA .- look--- at the- Miners'------ team --­ ican Broadcasting Company news corded several commercials for Though Coach Don Haskins statistics verifies the balance that commentator. Mr. Harvey has a has a ''Night of the Tiger" and has re- bout. A look at the Miners' teamHealth Expert commentator. Mr. Harvey national brand companies. wants to "play one game at a the Border Bandits have been noontime news broadcastbroadcast five five Alsocorded appearing several on the commercials program time," hisforsecond-ranked Though Coach Miners D n.oted o n for.Haskins They've statistics shot at a .449 verifies the balance that Health Expert daysnoontime a week and eveningnews news- days a week and evening news­ withnation Yarbroughal brand will be Newcompanies. are expected to betterwants their to 1963- "play field one goal game percentage at a while the limit-Border Bandits have beenEvaluates Dept. cast on Sunday. shot at a .449 cast on Sunday. OrleansAlso born appearing Bit! Rose on Biffthe wonprogram 64 performance time," his in thesecond-ranked tourney ing opponents Miners to .386~oted from for. the They've Evaluates Dept. Today there with Yarbrough will be New are expected to better their 1963- field goal percentage while limit­ Today therewill willbe beover over 28 28 the All-Army talent contest and when the Miners captured third (Continued on Page A man often termed the "most section meetings which will be Orleans born Biff Rose Biff won 64 performance in the tourney ing opponents to .386 6):from the the "most section meetings which will be has risen to national prominence place respectedA man physical often educator termed in presented to teachers in their the All-Army talent c~ntest and whenIn the_the Midwest Min~ re~lOna1s.
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