bindex.qxd 2/22/08 8:32 PM Page 211 Index A Almighty One, 66 Abolition of Man,The, xiii, 91, Ancient Greece and Rome, 108 120, 123 Ancient philosophy, academic Absalom, 165 background in, 17 Absolute, the, 17–18 Andersen, H. C., 33, 160 Accidents versus substance, 126 Andrew Ketterley, 10, 58–59, Achilles, 139 62, 92, 95, 98, 99, 101, 123, Acknowledgment, Day of, 82 133, 157, 158, 165 Adam, 34, 38, 45, 74, 89, 112, Androcles and the lion, allusion 130 of, 169 Adept (noun), defined, 164 Anglo-Saxon language, 141 Advertisement, government by, Animal rationale, meaning of, 112 73 Aeschylus, 66 Animals from lumps of earth, Aesop’s fables, 55, 166 164 Alambil, 124 Anodos, 13, 32 Albatross image, 72, 81 Anradin, 51 Alcestis, 52 Anscombe, E., 30 Alice’s Adventures in Wonder- Antichrist, 55, 164 land (Carroll), 35 Anticipation, 109 Allah, 159 Apocalypse, 126 Allegories: biblical parallels ver- Apologizing, 94, 102, 105, sus, 71; supposals versus, 113 64–65, 70 Apothegms, defined, 167 AllegoryCOPYRIGHTED of Love,The, xiii, 16, Apple, MATERIAL temptation involving an, 20, 108 75, 76 Allusions, 15, 163, 164, 166, Applied science, 123 168, 169, 170, 172; names Aquinas,T., xvi, 108 as, 131–135. See also specific Arabian Nights’ Entertain- allusions ments, or The Thousand and 211 bindex.qxd 2/22/08 8:32 PM Page 212 212 Index One Nights (Lane, trans.), 69, 124, 140; as judge, 49–50, 51, 131, 159, 166 82–85; learning about true Arabs, 159 nature of, 49; loving, view- Aravis, 48–49, 101, 102, 155, point on, 85–86; Lucy called 160 by, in the night, 168; as lumi- Archaic language, use of, 118, nous, 68; meaning of the 170 name, 49–50, 131; mice nib- Archenland, 48, 49 bling cords of, 166; mysteri- Archetypes, 34, 52, 59, 123 ous workings of, magic Aristocracy, 114 associated with, 121, 123; Aristotle, 126 nine names of, 171; as a Ark, defined, 171 numinous being, 65–68, 69; Arsheesh, 130, 136 orchestrating the end of Nar- Arthur, King, world of, 108, nia, 55; other name for 114, 152, 164 knowing, alluding to, 65, 80, Arthurian romance, 107, 115, 87; playing part of counselor, 117, 118, 119, 120 96–97; preparing to slay, Arthurian Torso, 117 141; presence of, many Asgard, 131 forms of, 70–72; prince Ashe, G., 45, 46 learning about, 6; reaching Askins, J., 17 country of, intention of, 47; Aslan: absence of, 40; aid of, 40; as redeemer, 75–80; renam- Calormene belief about, 51; ing a winged horse, 139; as comforter and guide, response to, meaning of, 80–82; commissioning a res- 94–95, 100; rewarding trust, cue, 52; and continuation of 104; sacrifice of, 77–78; the series, 39; as co-sufferer, singing his new song, 164; 74–75; as creator, 73–74; sound of the name, 137; and defining responsibilities, source of image for, 33; 114; and dismissal of idle speaking face to face with, curiosity, 102–103; experi- 160, 172; Stone Table of, 46; ence in the ways of, 123; first as supremely good, 68–69; sight of, 117; first to symbolic desecration of, 99; approach, 113; God por- two Signs of, 161; and the trayed in, 63, 86; hearing undragoning, 145; using the about and meeting, 66–67; name, as a synonym, 86–87; and the Holy Grail, 119; how and violence, 155–156; of, 168; imposter of, 54, 55, wanting to seek country of, bindex.qxd 2/22/08 8:32 PM Page 213 Index 213 remissness in, 113; weeping Belfry, defined, 171 over Caspian, 171; “Well Benjamin, 79 done” comment by, 165; as a Beowulf saga, 108, 141, 148 witness, 82 Bercilak, 134 Aslan (of Arabian Nights), 50 Bergson, H., 18 Astrolabe, defined, 169 Bern, 111 Astrology, 124–127 Berries like live coals in the Atheism: belief in, period of, mouth, allusion of, 170 10, 11–12, 23; moving away Betrayal of kindred, 92, 97 from, 17 Between Yesterday and Tomor- Atonement, 77, 78, 79 row, 61 Attics, from childhood, 3 Bevan, E., 67, 72 Augustine, 146 Beyond-World, 60–61 Austen, J., 161 Bible, the, portrayal of dreams Azaroth, 159 in, 81 Biblical elements. See specific B biblical elements Bacchus, 109, 166, 168 Biblical parallels/overtones, 64, Bad characters: depicting, 105; 71, 78 names of, sound of, 137. See Biblical passages, drawing from: also specific characters about creation, 73; about the Bad choices, making, 93, 94 end of times, 54–55 Badge/Badger, nickname of, Bickernocker, 129 129 Bios (physical life), 71 Bailey, G., 21 Bism, 135 Balder, 7, 47 Bivouac, defined, 171 Baptism, symbolic, 145 Black magic, 121 Barfield, L., 143 Blackwood,A., 59–61, 62 Barfield, M., 35 Blake,A., 159 Barfield, O., 16, 18, 22, 31, 35, Bleheris, 115–116 143, 157 Boarding schools, childhood Bastable children, the, 30, 57 years spent in, xv, 9–11, 20, Bastables, the, 163 56, 57, 92, 144, 156, 157 Baynes, P., 78 Bobaunce, defined, 171 BBC radio talks, series of, xiv, Boethius, 42, 108 22–23 Boxen tales, 4 Beaver, Mr., 66, 67, 89, 94 Boy/boyhood, connotation of, Beaver, Mrs., 67, 89, 94, 157 20, 92 bindex.qxd 2/22/08 8:32 PM Page 214 214 Index Bradley, F. H., 18 Carroll, L., 35 Bravery, 103, 105 Caspian, 46, 52, 90, 104, 111, Bree, 48, 49, 71, 95, 138 113–114, 122, 125, 138, Bricklethumb, 130 139, 171 Bridge Builder, 170 Castle, from childhood, 6. See Bridge of Beruna, 169 also Cair Paravel British Broadcasting Corpora- Cat image, 49, 72, 81 tion (BBC), “Broadcast Talks” Catholics and Protestants, ten- for, xiv, 22–23 sions between, 5 Bromios, Bassareus, the Ram, Celtic altar stone, 45 168 Celtic folklore, 167 Brontë, C., 164 Celtic language/names, 130, Brother of C. S. Lewis. See 166 Lewis,W.H. Celtic mythology, 52, 141 Bullies, 156 Centaurs, 124, 139 Bulwarks, defined, 170 Change, secret of, 145 Bunk (verb), defined, 164 Charitable fund, contribution Bush, D., 107 to, 23 Charlemagne, 114 C Charn, 59, 74, 77, 97, 113, 142 Cain, mark of, 164 Charnel house, 142 Cair Paravel, 6, 40, 90, 104, Chartres cathedrals, 107 152, 166 Chatelaine, defined, 166 Call it Pax, defined, 164 Chaucer, G., 115, 135, 171 Calomene names, choosing, Cherbourg House, 10–11 based on sound, 136–137 Chervy, 136 Calormen, 48, 49, 50, 51, 136 Chesterton, G. K., 18, 154 Calormenes, 51, 54, 68, 84, Chicago Sunday Tribune, review 132, 133, 140, 155, 159 in, 161 Camelot, fragment on, 117 Child within, writing for the, Camillo, 130 xv, 163 Campbell College, 10 Child/childhood/childish, con- Canterbury cathedrals, 107 notation of, 6–7, 20, 92 Cantrips, defined, 168 Childlike qualities, xiii, xvi Capron, R., 9, 10, 57, 58, 165 Children’s literature, literary Carnegie Medal, 28 artistry applied to, 147–148, Carrack, defined, 169 150 bindex.qxd 2/22/08 8:32 PM Page 215 Index 215 Children’s names, significance success of, xiv, 147; period of, 142–146 spent writing, and publica- Chiron, 139 tion of, 1, 28–29; question- Chivalry, 114–120 ing political correctness of, Choices, moral, facing, 91, 93 153–160; reviews of, Choriambuses, 170 160–161; serving as faithful Chretién de Troyes, 119 guides, 90. See also specific Christ. See Jesus Christ books Christendom, 108 Chronoscope, defined, 169 Christian doctrines. See specific Church, male headship in, 157 doctrines Church of Ireland (Anglican), 2 Christian elements, continuity Churl, defined, 172 between: and classical ele- Circe, 34 ments, 110; and pagan ele- Cistern, defined, 164 ments, 108–109 Clapperton, C., 4 Christian era, 108, 109 Classical and medieval ele- Christian eschatology, 55 ments, discussion of, Christian faith: abandoning, 10, 107–127 11–12; embracing, 19; jour- Classical elements, continuity ney back to, 17–20, 23; between Christian elements saved by grace through, 83 and, 109–110 Christian ideas, one of the Classical era, 108 great, 119 Classical languages, names Christian, meaning of, in com- from, 135–136 mon usage, 109 Classical mythology, 139, 141 Christian morality, 83–84 Classical myths, 109–110 Christian worldview: express- Classics: academic background ing, means of, 30; informing in, 17; love of, 109 the chronicles, xv, 16 Climbing the wall, 165 Christianity: conversion to, 146; Clodsley Shovel, 134 early views on, 10, 12; lec- Cloudbirth, 139–140 turing on, xiv, 22; view of, Coalblack, 139 109; and view of the under- Cock-shies, defined, 171 world, 52 Cog, defined, 169 Chronicles of Narnia,The: Coiner, defined, 164 depth of, xvi–xvii; images Collected Letters, 166, 171, beginning, 63–64; ongoing 172 bindex.qxd 2/22/08 8:32 PM Page 216 216 Index Colney ‘Atch, 164 Curiosity, idle, dismissal of, Comfort and guidance,Aslan 102–103 providing, 80–82 Curvet, defined, 165 Commonplace names, using: for familiarity to young readers, D 143; warning against, 129 Dais, defined, 168 Compassion, 100 Daniel, 81 Consolation of Philosophy Dante, 92, 107 (Boethius), 42 Dark Ages, the, 108 Copernican model, 126 “Dark Island,The,” 154–155 Coriakin, 46, 113, 122, 125 “Dark Tower,The,” 41 Corin, 49 David, 165 1 Corinthians 10:4, 172 Davidman, J., 23–24, 87, 157 Cornelius, 122, 124, 125, 133, Dawn Treader (ship), 46, 47, 135 159 Day of Acknowledgment, 82 Cornelius Agrippa (Christian Day of Judgment, 82, 83 scholar), 133 Deep Magic, 77, 79, 121 Cosmic order/hierarchy, 112, Deeper Magic, 121 125 Democracy, view of, 111–112, Cosmologists, medieval, 125 114 Cosmos, the: different world- Desecration, symbolic, of Aslan, views of, 126–127; outer- 99 most sphere of, symbol for, Destrier, 139 125 Devil, the (Satan), 78, 79, 121, Co-sufferer,Aslan as, 74–75 165 Courage, moral, 103 Dickens, C., 134 Cowan, R., 158 Digory Kirke, 3, 36, 37, 39, 54, Creation story, 73 55, 56–57, 62, 74, 74–75, Creativity, idea of, and belief in 76, 77, 94, 97, 101, 113, an ultimate Source, 32–33 123, 144, 152, 157, 158 Creator, the: allowing for free Discarded Image,The, 21, 108, will, 74;Aslan as, 73–74; as 109, 125, 126, 171 beyond time and space, 42; Divine goodness, 69 as tragic, 74 Divine waters, 73 Creek, defined, 167 Doctor Faustus (Marlowe), 121 Criticism, 32, 78, 153, 157, 160 Doyle,A.
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