mrntator Official .Undergr ate Newspaper of Yeshiva College VOL. LXXIII NEW YORK CITY, Thursday, March 25, 1971 No. 4 �232 Teachers Air Issu · Butler Elected President At Council· Meeting ·s··, • ,rr· · ,,.apzroL an d Be 1· i,·t z k y rr in By LEONARD·DAVIS In -a ratherd hard fought elec­ tion Davi . o (Dov) Butler defeated · , Arn ld Waldman. for · the presi� . dency of Yeshiva College Student-d Council. Mr. Butler receive 490 (64%) to d . votes Mr. Wal man's 273. o In other elections Elli t Jay d Shapiro defeate David442 Merzel for the vice-presidency votes o (63%) to 259.' Mr. Shapir has beend very active in YCSC spon� sore Jewish affairs. Despite a strong write-in campaign for. Yussie Ostreicher, Joe Beiitzky o easily won the office fo secre­ Beej tary-treasurer with 538 v tes. Professor Le\'y 11oing a. 1mrfect job mldresslng . of the student oowt- o Mr Butler, running on his rec­ eil '!leeting. rd as YC senator and THE Beej . r d COMMEl\"TATOR News Edito:, President-elect Dov Butler By ROBERT BENEDEK Levy emarke that, "the o o faculty pledged to w rk for the imple- and administration o o The alleviation of problems in- o d not argue mentati f� than to work for the students." THE COMMENTATOR were not o o n ofr re rms based n r ·v lved with faulty, inc herent or from fixed positi ns" as was sug- . C election day platforms and sufficiently "c usading" - were o o the Teache ourse Evaluation By r d o .n n - existent dial gue between gested by THE. COMMENTA- and for utilizing. the student plans we e clouded by ridiculous answere before polls pened. A d r stu ents and faculty and admin- TOR. by the students; statement by YC student sen­ council as the .driving force fo issues debatedr istration, was the main topic of Dr. Levythen st-ated that Dean the senate and as liaison. between personalities, ather than ideas 1Jtors attested Mr. Butler's active o . r r o •discussi n at-the. March 22 meet� Bacon has had a very progressive the ma- .• contributi n to the senate and o(Ycsc: o students ,snd their senators. M . and past reco ds, became r 'ing In -addition, a mo-· outl ok toward the restducturing Butler's platform also suggested jor considerations. Mr. B.utler ecalled two recent senate pro� tion was passed unanimously by of .particular courses,. specifically, the abolltih� or· the faculty veto, ws. accu� of coU-aborating with posals initiated by Senator But- : Cotmcil : to .Jt�ye. tll� Pres!�nt• of : , 11)':'sic courses;,,To 4:!Xl!niplify t_hJs , : involv�t-:. of/'Yeshiva College the . �an; . Mr. Waldman was la- _ ler. · A_ndrew (;eller, · E<m,or - in J' .· ... · · sembly meetmgs.- · n Butler, · every one·-of his . m1,.1s1�courses; the·esta�llshm�nt of new student Mr; Wald,maO:isstied a. campaign • didate,o ·� swered_�hat,�rt_- . r w �ld have been f1r� . 1f his �ew Also unanimously , passed· was · and Dean. Bacon. backed me all services 1�cludmg a cultural pro- paper, later . eferred to as · a r _ o . ,� a moti n requiring the·subjective the way.". gram series. shnder she�t, accusing Mr. But- a ticles ha� �en · -�rusadmg r r r ,;a o r remarks made on the cu riculum · He further noted that sever-11 dm · )! -a .. -and not "ob.1ect1ve and mtellectu-o o r o r r r M . Wal an a s c n- le of "not delivering" andr "liv- , eV'aluation inte -depa tmental cou ses have � ally honest." Mr. Gelle als a�k­ d t be p esented t the cerned student -'- not as a pol- ing off the fat of· the pat on ge d � been established, and Dean Ba- nowledge Mr. Butler s service ·dean an to the heads of the par- o itician" and "an independent and• · system." · Other accusations -� o o o THE COMMENTA OR g v ticular departments involved. con backed these inn vative t tf that "there is n t a single senate n o T - d o no a puppet." In his pla orm o President Weiss opene the c urses as well. On a more per- paper Mr. Waldman claimed that pr posal that he (Mr. Butler) erning b ard and editori_al staff. · sonal level, Dr. Levy said "As a Mr. Waldman later d�rued t�at meeting by introducing three (Continued on Page 6, Col., 3) YC politicians "have been run- could sign his name to" and that d . members of the faculty and one ning to st-ay in power, rather Mr. Butler's news articles for he had ha any part m writmg o the sheet but nonetheless apol- of the administration wh were o o ·invited to attend the meeting and V .. Powa · gizcd to Mr. Butler for all wing present their points of view to S ,a:;;na tors Evaluate ,a:;;t o ,a:;;r , its publication. d .. the stu ent body. · Thus, with st-:J.tements and ro 0 rd o w e ult g Results c unterstatements being issued "th: !�!� \a!��; m��r �� D ar F ae y Meetin o by both camps, the paper pollu- speak. He opened his remarks by By RICHARD SCHIFFMILLER shiv:1 to ask questi ns about stu­ time the vote was taken, thus d o r o o d r tion was at its height whe/1 the ecJ.aring that his opini ns we e The pr posal t abolish the fac­ ents here was t ue. .He ex- they were lacking a quorum. He d o o o o ·not ne_cessarily indicative r rep­ ulty assembly's vet power was · concluded that ,all actio taken polls opene . Rum rs that Je- d d plained,o h wever,o that the pur­o o n r o resentative· of faculty opinion on hotly ebate by members of the p se was to c mpile informati n after the loss oi a qu rum was ome Kretchmer, Commissi ner 18 o o o the whole. After declaring that senate at their March meeting. ab ut those applying for "sensi­ invalid, and that the proposal in of the Environmental Pr tecti n o d r o d (Contin·ued on Page 5, Col, .'J) (Continued on Page Col. he was c ncerne with mis epre­ Prior to the discussion, Dean tive" government positi ns, an o o o 7, 3) sentati ns" found in THE COM­ Bacon reported that the rumo rs that the only informati n re­ MENTATOR articles, Professor of an FBI agent coming t Ye- leased was statistical. Chairman Kirschbaum then USSR Encourages Relocation Rav . Lectures Student Body; read the results of the .faculty assembly'sr latest meeting.o A th ee year requirement f resi­ Of Jews In Eastern Siberia d Will Analyzes Contemporary Man ency for the "exceptionally the Soviet Union "Revive" d The American Jewish Commit­ gifte " student and the estab­ Jewish Cult-ure!, B o o tee recently reported that at­ Jerry Goodman, y LEONARD DAVIS trayed in his relationd to ¼he vasto Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's cosmic scheme an in his p si­ lishment f a committee t ex­ tPmps to "encourage" Jews in the Committee's European spe­ d d ,:,imine individual cases were ap­ o o d annual shiur edicated to the tion as a skille and wise crea­ d d o the Soviet Uni n t settle in the cialist, pre icted that such ef­ o proved. Tim i n't allow c n­ memories f his wife an brother ture striving to rule his environ­ d e so-called Jewish Autonomous Re­ forts, if they were made, would d d d o was h<!l Sun ay evening, March n,ent.· In Genesis II, however, si eration of a measure12 permit­ gi n of Birobidzhan rather than fail. o ting students to take credits 7 in Lamport Audit rium. The o o emigrate to Israel might emerge Mr. Goodman asser'ed · that , d man is viewedo as the centralo fig­ o in summer school t be c nsid- at the twenty-fourth C ngress "usually reliable sources in Pa1·is shiur, entitled "The Sabbath an ure ford wh m the w rld was o ered. of the Communist Party of the ins'st that a number f tacticians the Contemporary 'Human Situa­ create . He is viewed as "history. o d Soviet Union, scheduled for the in the Communist Party wish to tion' " was heard by over one making man," infuse with spir­ The faculty did find time, h w­ d o · d ever, to veto a measure passed by en f March. discuss the possibilities of Jewish thousan peopleo in theo auditor­ it, and with positive and nega­ d o d ium and ,an verflow f several tive characteristics. the senate which woul all w There Is some in ication, the migl'ation to Birobidzhan at the dr d o o o o Committee added, that there may Party C ngress." hun ed in the belt medrash. The r Greek an Christian philosophy upper seni rs t takeo all f their d o also be some iscussion at the Such a move, if it sh uld take shiur was an epistemologicao l and egiard this duality in mano as a courses,o r exceptr d th se in their ma­o o o Congress fav ring t ken revival place, would be a revival of un­ ontological analysis f contem­ conflict of body and s ul,d phy­ j r or equi e for a degree, f r o sical and spiritual.
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