Published as a Service of The Memphis Gay Coalition Memphis, Tennessee Volume 10, Number 3 March 1989 May Delete Crimes Against Nature Law Legislature Considers Sentencing Commission Report Nashville-Tennessee is one other meeting would be held energy prosecuting. step closer to decriminalizing before he gave his full support "Our ultimate goal is to have homosexual conduct. A bill to passage of the recommenda­ the sodomy laws taken off the introduced in the state senate tions by the legislature. books," said Deborah Burks, Feb. 3 reportedly would elimi­ Observers indicate that pas­ chair of Advance, the political nate the state's "crimes against sage of the massive bill win not action committee of the Ten­ nature" law, but would substi­ - be an easy chore. The recom­ nessee Gay and Lesbian Alli­ tute misdemeanor statutes for mendations of the commission ance (T-GALA). "There is a engaging in sex with a personof cover hundreds of laws and feeling among some peoplethat the same sex. sentences. the reduction to a·misdemeanor The bill is based on the fmd­ The proposed change would is better than the law as it now ing of the state's sentencing reduce homosexual crimes stands," Burks said in a recent commission which is under the against nature to a Oass C mis­ issue of Dare. gunto revise sentencing for state demeanor punishable by a sen­ Local legislators co-sponsor­ crimes to eliminate overcrowd­ tence of not more than 30 days ing the bill areKaren Williams ing in the state's ·penal institu­ and/or a fine of not more than (R) and Lois DeBerry (D). tions. $50. The current felony statute Williams is a member of the In commenting on the sen­ (5-15 year sentences) is rarely house judiciary committee tencing commission's report, enforced. Insiders indicate that which is not considering the Astor Named Tsarus' Gov. Ned MeWherter indicated as a Class C misdemeanor, local commission's report. that he was pleased with the district attorneys would be Man of the Year report generally, but that an- unwilling to spend the time and On Monday, February 13 at proceeded to lay out the pro­ some. He never went swim­ known causes. After the inci­ an A wards Banquet held at noun problems involved in talk­ Newsnotes ming with his sons; he never dent, the press disclosed that WKRB in Memphis, Tsarus . ing about Vincent "Lady A". gave his social security number Sipple was Gay and his family announced Vincent Astor as the Astor. Kelly spoke of her cour­ to his agent, and he never, ever ostracized him. recipientof the 1989 Manof the age in Marching in Washington Christian To saw a doctor - even when he Year Award. The fifth annual in fulldrag and with. equal ease Give $$ to AIDS became seriously ill. After his awards dinner was held in lov­ donning chiffonchaps and tour­ Where There's Marc Christian says he'll give death in earlyFebruary, the truth ing memory of Tsarus mem­ ing 8 bars on New Year's Eve. many millions of the $21.7 became known - one of the Hope... bers Mike McAdory, Mike Then without hesitation, open­ million he won from the Rock reasonsfor Tipton's odd behav­ While Bob Hope is no one's Sandin, Harold Miller, and a ing her home to friends and ac­ Hudson estate to AIDS chari­ ior was the fact that he was in idea of a Gay activist, he does fourth person, all of whom had quaintanceson NewYear'sDay. ties. "What the hell am I going fact a woman. appear in a 30-second TV spot died of complications from In closing, Kelly expressed to do with $21 million?" he said A gifted saxophonist and denouncing Gay bashing. The AIDS. Astor joins Gaze editors thankfulnessfor Lady A as well iri People magazine. "No one pianist, Tipton apparently be­ spot is the result of being taken Allen Cook and John Stilwell; as thankfulness that there was needs that much money." Chris­ gan masquerading as a man to task by the Gay & Lesbian Aphrodite, honored for their only one of her. tian who still tests negative says during the Big Band era when Alliance Against Defamation fund raising efforts; A TEAC Allen Cook talked abour he has been celebate since woman sang, but were seldom (GLAAD) for a remark Hope president,Tommy Stewart; and Vincent's long commitment to Hudson's death in 1985. allowed to play instruments. made on The Tonight Show. Human Response Council the Memphis Gay Coalition, Associates of Hudson were According to his son, Scott Looking at Ed MaMahon's tie, Founder Bettye Griffmas Tsarus serving for the last two years as shocked at the amount of the Miller, "Mentally he was a fa­ Hopesaid it would have labeled honorees. the Coalition's vice president; award saying that it was "un­ ther. He was always there for Ed a "fag" 10 years ago. Chas­ Following dinner, which was serving faithfully as a Gay fair." Insiders say the jury award us." tised in a tape narrated by Har­ prepared and served by Tsarus Switchboard volunteer; and will be appealed. Christian re­ vey Fierstein about such care­ members, Carolyn Kelly, rep­ chairing the Gay Pride Com­ portedly doesn'texpect to get a less remarks, Hopeagreed to do resenting Women of Leather, mittee in 1987, when Gay Fest Oliver Sipple, cent for three years. the spot He even added some of stepped to the mike as a table first came into being. Vincent Hero his own words to strengthen the center piece burst into flames. has been involved in fundrais­ Oliver Sipple, 47, the man message. GLAAD's Karin "Well, I never expected my ing events, either as the organ­ Jazz Musician who saved Gerald Ford's life by Schwartz is negotiating with opening remarksto set theworld izer or as a participant, for such Keeps Secret on fire,"she quippedas theflame deflecting Sara Jane Moore's networks to air the spot. Said Continuedon page 16 Jazz Musician Billy Tipton was extinguished. Kelly then arm as she fired a .38 revolver Hope: "I felt that it was a very was considered eccentric by died in San Francisco of un- important thing to do." Of course,our enemies have and Lesbians won't tolerate such ing of key legislation. We've their own agenda, too. They bigotry. We won't accept such won respect in the corridors of want to sabotage the Hate limits on our freedom. power. Crimes bill, subject people with In the twenty years since And we will continueto fight HIV- infection to criminal pen­ Stonewall, our movement has against the relentless threats to alties, legalize discrimination become part of the mainstream our security and rights. Twenty against peopJe with AIDS, American political ·process. long years after the rebellion widen mandatory HIV antibody We've gained access to key that changed what it meant to be Tough Fight Ahead, But testing, and insert anti-Gay lan­ decision makers on Capitol Hill Gay or Lesbian, much remains guage into every AIDS and civil -powerful allies in the House to be done. We'll do it, we'll We're Not Goin Back! rights bill that passes through and Senate who fight for us, win. Because we're not going g Congress. support our bills, and keep our back. ever, as discouraging news But they're going to have a enemies in check. We have an by Vic Basile quickly came across my desk. tough fight on their hands. Gays impact on the shaping and pass- Executive Director, Human As you may have read by Rights Campaign Fund now, a Dallas judge recently Twenty years ago the mod­ refused to impose a life sen­ ern Gay rights movement burst tence for the cold-blooded forth onto the streets of New murder of two Gay men be­ York City. In reflecting on this cause the victims were "queer." milestone and the progress Gay Judge Jack Hampton ex­ men and Lesbians have made plained. his rationale to a re­ since the historic Stonewall porter: "Some murder victims Rebellion in 1969, I paused to are less innocent than others. I aze month.lncidentally,for those of savor the triumphs we've en­ Dear who do not wish to believe as put prostitutes and gays at about you who are unaware of it, the joyed on Capitol Hill andaround Do you notice anything Mr. Tracer would have them the same level. And I'd be hard staffof Gaze has madea pact to the country. missing from your name? It is believe. put to give somebody life for quit publishing as soon as the It was a short pause, how- the same"G" that you leftout of MarkFranceschini killing a prostitute. I don't much my personal ad in the February first perfect paper hits the Houston, TX care for queers." issue. Instead of a proud GAY stands. Watch for it at your Stories like this remind us White Male, I was demoted to favorite neighborhood bar! The Bible •.. The why more than ever we must being merely a White Male. Editor.) intensifyour effortsin the battle Some might even think I was Source of Gay ..fonlignity and respect. It's a having doubts about my sexual G ayR ap N 0 PI ace battle that began 20 years ago orientation or even be a Bisex- Problems outside a neighbomood bar on ual (yuhk,gag me with aninde- for Religion Box 3038, Memphis, Tennes­ Christopher Street and has now As a member of the Mem- cisive ambiguity). I commend John Stilwell in see 38173-0036.
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