The Loddon Valley Link Church and Parish Magazine for Sherfield-on-Loddon, Stratfield Saye and Hartley Wespall with Stratfield Turgis November 2011 Issue 441 Services for November 2011 Sunday 6th November 3rd before Advent 10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield 10.00am Family Service St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 4.00pm Evensong with St Mary’s Hartley Wespall Holy Communion Sunday 13th November 2nd before Advent Remembrance Sunday 10.00am Remembrance Service St Mary’s Hartley Wespall 10.45am War Memorial Service Sherfield 10.45am Church Parade St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* Friday 4.15pm Messy Church Sherfield Park Community Centre Sunday 20th November Next before Advent 10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield with Children’s Sunday Club 10.00am Matins (BCP) with Communion by Extension St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 4.00pm Evensong St Mary’s Hartley Wespall Wednesday 4.00 pm Toddlers St Leonard’s Church Sunday 27th November Advent Sunday 8.00am Prayer Book Communion St Mary’s Hartley Wespall 10.00am Family Toy Service St Leonard’s Sherfield Weds 11.00am Advent Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield Sunday 4th December Advent 2 10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield 10.00am Family Service St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 5.00pm Advent Carol Service St Mary’s Hartley Wespall *Drive up close to the white gates, which will open automatically . Children are welcome at all our services. Services in italics are particularly geared to children and families. BCP = Book of Common Prayer. Page 2 Cover photo by Sheena Archer “We’re all doomed, I tell ye, doomed!” … was the iconic catch-phrase of Corporal Fraser, the dour Scottish undertaker from ‘Dad’s Army’, written by David Croft who died recently. Corporal Fraser would have had a wonderful time today if he were able to comment on the current political and Revd. Bob Politt economic mess facing our country at the moment. On the study wall of a colleague of mine I recall seeing a poster which read: ‘One day, as I sat musing, sad and lonely and without a friend, a voice came to me from out of the gloom saying: “Cheer up, things could be worse.” So, I cheered up and sure enough, things got worse.’ Are things so bad? Well, the crisis facing our nation and the world economy at this time is very serious and at the moment nobody appears to be able to see a way out, at least not one that is acceptable. As we turn on the radio and TV and hear yet more discouraging news let’s be aware of the effect this is having on our own lives. Many people live with crisis every day and sometimes the unthinkable happens. Then what do we do? At our recent Men’s Breakfast we met Christine and Brian, now retired from AWE, who visit three little villages in Uganda each year to help build facilities for local schools which are made mostly of mud. The villagers have next to nothing materially, yet are people rich in joy and hope which is the opposite condition of so many people in our own country, who appear to be experiencing spiritual poverty. Jeremiah is the Corporal Fraser of the Old Testament prophets and with good reason for in 597BC his city, Jerusalem, was about to be destroyed by the Babylonians. At which point God told him to go and buy a piece of land as a sign of hope because one day God would restore all that was about to be lost. At the darkest moment in his life he wrote these memorable words about God: “Your love comes new every morning” from which we get one of my favourite hymns, ‘Great is Thy faithfulness’. After the storm comes the calm, as it always does Christian greetings, Page 3 Percy Sims We would like to thank everybody from the village, and those near and far, for their participation in the Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate Dad's life - it was really overwhelming to see so many people at St Leonard's and to hear all the tributes paid to Dad. Dad's faith, the Church and Sherfield village were the cornerstones of his life. and we are really pleased that an amazing sum of just under £700 was raised in Dad's memory which is going to a project very close to his heart - the St Leonard's Church Extension Fund. We would particularly like to thank the Revd Bob Politt for his help and guidance during this difficult time for us all. Valerie, Chris, and Mick Percy Sims Daisy and the family would like to express their sincere thanks for the kindness shown and messages of sympathy received, on the loss of Percy. We would also like to offer our appreciation to all those who attended the funeral and for donations given to St. Leonard’s Church in Percy’s memory Thank You. Daisy and the family St. Michael’s Hospice Make a Will Fortnight 14th to 27th November 2011 This November St. Michael’s Hospice is providing a great opportunity to get your affairs in order whilst helping raise valuable funds. Seven local Solicitors have agreed to waive their usual fee for writing or changing a simple Will in exchange for a donation to the Hospice. For more information please contact the fundraising department on 01256 848848 Page 4 Beat officer’s report: Mandy Jewell. Mobile 07554 775617 Speed enforcement: I was out on September 26th & 28th. The results were: Bramley Sherfield Silchester Mortimer V/Warn 4 3 10 6 DAT 0 0 1 0 FPN 0 0 1 1 RFS 0 0 0 0 (V/warn = verbal warning, given up to 40mph; DAT = driver awareness training, given up to 45mph; FPN = fixed penalty notice, given up to 49mph and RFS = reported for summons, given for 50mph and above). Crime prevention: The residents of Mortimer West End are showing interest in setting up schemes, which will be progressed over the next few weeks. There is also interest for two more schemes within Silchester and Bramley Incidents in August: The number of incidents across the area ranged from 144 in Tadley down to an average of 56 for the other beats, with my beat having 82. In relation to the number of crimes Tadley had 44 with the rest of the patch ranging from 9 to 26, with us having 21. The number of calls in relation to ASB ranged from 1 to 22, we had 12, and of those, most related to the travellers at Bramley. Countrywatch: The area now has a Countrywatch team who will look at poaching, ASB on rural land (misuse of footpaths/ fields, raves) and fly tipping (illegal dumping of waste). Incidents to be reported as any other incident: 0845 045 45 45 or 101 Page 5 Special Advent Communion at St Leonard’s Once again we will offer three short mid-week communion services during the weeks leading up to Christmas. Advent means ‘coming’ especially a ‘coming’ that is awaited. It has a double focus, past and future. We affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and we are reminded that He will come again in power. The rich symbolism and meanings of Advent will help us challenge, as well as value and enjoy, the world Christ comes to save. During the business of Christmas use these brief services to think about the why of Christmas. Wednesdays at 11.00 - 11.30am 30th November, 7th December, 14th December Church Toddler Time for Babies to 5’s The next ‘Toddler Time’ will be... Wednesday 23rd November 2011 4.00 - 4.20pm At St Leonard’s Church on the Red Carpet Nursery Rhymes, Story, Prayer. Healthy refreshments. All welcome Contact Bob Politt for more information 01256 882209 Page 6 www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk Renowned for delicious food, great ales and a warm welcome www.whitehartsherfield.co.uk White Hart, Reading Road, Sherfield on Loddon, Hants, RG27 0BT 01256 882280 Wellington Farm Shop - 01189 326132 www.wellington-farm-shop.co.uk Located on the A33 at the Riseley roundabout between Reading and Basingstoke Page 7 www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk SHERFIELD 0-5’S Every Tuesday 10.00am to 12 noon Sherfield Park Community Centre Climbing frame, toys, parachute games, singing, juice and biscuits, tea and coffee. A great place to meet new people and make new friends – everyone welcome! Come and join us! designed to wear out your children! Contacts: Louisa 01256 881229, Beccy 880894, Kerry 880167 BRAMLEY ART CLASSES Antonia Dewhurst is teaching classes in Drawing & Painting. Monday 10.00-12.00am, 12.45-2.45pm and 7.00-9.00pm £90 for 10 weeks. £80 OAPs Situated in Cufaude Lane, Beginners & Improvers welcome. Tel: 01256 883876 [email protected] Page 8 ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH Saturday Open Days On the 5th and 19th of November from 10am until 4pm. A list of all the Open Day dates for the year is displayed in the Lych Gate at the Church. Everyone is welcome to visit for quiet reflection, a prayer, to study the architecture and history of the church or to view with a wedding in mind. Parish Registers Baptisms Sofia Morris 02.10.11 Stratfield Saye Gill Stringer 23.10.11 Sherfield Adam Stringer 23.10.11 Sherfield Benjamin Taylor 23.10.11 Sherfield Robyn Taylor 23.10.11 Sherfield Christmas Tree Festival at St Leonard’s Church 9th – 11th December 2011 Come and join our festival! Offers of help to Rody Politt on 01256 882209 See enclosed brochure for details of events over the weekend.
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