Annual Report 2017 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited evsjv‡`k Kgvm© e¨vsK wjwg‡UW Annual Report 2017 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited ANNAUL REPORT 2017 01 Annual Report 2017 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal 03 Notice of the 20th Annual General Meeting 04 Vision & Mission 06 Our Strategic Priorities 07 Company Milestones 08 Corporate Directory 09 Ownership Composition 10 Composition of Board & It’s Committees 11 Director’s Profile 12 Message from the Honorable Chairman 18 Message from the Managing Director & CEO 20 Shareholder’s Information Five Years at a Glance 23 Graphical Presentation 25 Credit Ratings of BCBL 30 Value Addition Statements 31 Report of the Board Audit Committee 32 Director’s Report 34 Corporate Events 2017 40 Report on Corporate Governance 42 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 52 Report of the CRO 53 Market Disclosure on Risk Based Capital under Basel-III 56 CEO’s & CFO’s Declaration to the Board of Directors 74 Our Products 75 Financial Statements of BCBL Independent Auditor’s Report 79 Consolidated Financial Statements 82 Bank’s Financial Statements 87 Notes to the Financial Statements 93 Financial Statements of CBSIL Independent Auditor’s Report 134 Financial Statements 136 Notes to Financial Statements of CBSIL 140 BCBL Network 158 Form of Proxy 163 02 Annual Report 2017 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL All Shareholders of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited Bangladesh Bank Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission (BSEC) Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms Annual Report of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited For the year ended 31st December 2017. Dear Sir, On behalf of the Board of Directors of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited, it is our pleasure to transmit the Annual Report for the year ended 31st December, 2017 along with the Audited Financial Statement (Statements of Financial Position as at December 31, 2017, Statement of Comprehensive Income), Cash Flow Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity and Notes thereon of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited for your kind information and record. Analysis in this report, unless explicitly mentioned otherwise are based on the financials of “Bank” not the consolidated financials. I would like to convey my cordial heartiest gratitude to all concerned. This is for your kind information and record please. Yours Sincerely Md. Salim Hasan Company Secretary 03 evsjv‡`k Kgvm© e¨vsK wjwg‡UW K‡c©v‡iU Awdmt BDbym †UªW †m›Uvi (†j‡fj 22) 52-53, w`jKzkv ev/G, XvKv-1000, evsjv‡`k 20Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi weÁwß GZØviv evsjv‡`k Kgvm© e¨vsK wjwg‡UW Gi m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìviM‡Yi ÁvZv‡_© Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, evsjv‡`k Kgvm© e¨vsK wjwg‡UW Gi 20Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv AvMvgx 11-08-2018Bs ZvwiL ‡ivR kwbevi mKvj 11t00 Uvq wb‡gœv³ Kvh©vejx m¤úv`‡bi wbwg‡Ë Kzwg©‡Uvjv Mjd K¬ve, Kywg©‡Uvjv, XvKv †mbvwbevm, XvKv-1206-G AbywôZ n‡et- Av‡jvP¨m~Px t 1| 31 wW‡m¤^i-2017Bs mgvß eQ‡ii e¨vs‡Ki wbixwÿZ wnmvevejx, H Zvwi‡L w¯’wZcÎmn Z`wel‡q cwiPvjK I wbixÿK‡`i cÖwZ‡e`b MÖnY I Aby‡gv`b| 2| 2018Bs mv‡ji Rb¨ AwWUi wb‡qvM I cvwikªwgK wba©viY| 3| e¨vs‡Ki †g‡gv‡iÛvg GÛ AvwU©‡Kjm Ae G‡mvwm‡qkb Ges †Kv¤úvbx AvB‡bi weavb †gvZv‡eK ÔMÕ †kªYxi 02 (`yB) Rb cwiPvj‡Ki Aemi MÖnY I Z`¯’‡j cwiPvjK wbe©vPb/cybtwbe©vPb| 4| mfvcwZi AbygwZµ‡g Ab¨ †h‡Kvb wel‡q Av‡jvPbv| ZvwiLt RyjvB 08, 2018 cl©‡`i Av‡`kµ‡g XvKv| ¯^v/- (†gvt †mwjg nvmvb) †Kv¤úvbx mwPe we‡kl `ªóe¨t 1| †Kv¤úvbxi 20Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv Dcj‡ÿ¨ †kqvi n¯ÍvšÍi ewnt AvMvgx 17-07-2018Bs †_‡K 19-07-2018 ZvwiL (Dfq w`bmn) eÜ _vK‡e| 2| 20Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq AskMÖnY I †fvU cÖ`v‡bi †hvM¨ †Kv¤úvbxi †h †Kvb m`m¨/m`m¨v Zvi c‡ÿ mvaviY mfvq AskMÖnY I †fvU cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ cÖw· wb‡qvM Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| 3| cÖwÿ dig A_ev cvIqvi Ae GUb©x ev ÿgZvcÎ ev †bvUvix cvewjK KZ…©K mZ¨vwqZ ÿgZvcÎ GwRGg-Gi Kvh©µg ïiæ nIqvi Kgc‡ÿ 72 N›Uv c~‡e© †Kv¤úvbxi †iwRóvW© Awd‡m Rgv w`‡Z n‡e| hw` cÖw· dig h_vh_fv‡e c~iY I 20/- UvKv g~‡j¨i †iwfwbD ó¨v¤ú ms‡hvMc~e©K wba©vwiZ mg‡q Rgv †`qv bv nq Zvn‡j cÖw· dig ˆea e‡j we‡ewPZ n‡ebv| 4| AÎ e¨vs‡Ki msNwewaÕi 112 †_‡K 114 aviv Abyhvqx evwl©K mvaviY mfvq ÔMÕ †kªYxi m¤§vwbZ cwiPvjKM‡Yi g‡a¨ †_‡K †R¨ôZvi wfwˇZ 02 (`yB) Rb cwiPvjK Aemi MÖnY Ki‡eb Ges D³ k~b¨ c‡` 02 (`yB) Rb cwiPvjK wbe©vwPZ n‡eb| D³ 02 (`yB) Rb cwiPvjK c‡` wbe©vP‡bi Rb¨ AvMÖnx cÖv_©xMY wb‡R A_ev cÖwZwbwai gva¨‡g e¨vs‡Ki †iwRóvW© Kvh©vj‡q wbe©vPb Kwgk‡bi wbKU †_‡K AvMvgx 01-08-2018Bs †_‡K 02-08-2018Bs ZvwiL ch©šÍ Awdm PjvKvjxb mg‡q g‡bvbqb cÎ msMÖn Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| g‡bvbqbcÎ Rgv †`qvi me©‡kl ZvwiL 05-08-2018Bs weKvj 4t00 NwUKv ch©šÍ| 06-08-2018Bs Zvwi‡L g‡bvbqb cÎ evQvB I cÖv_©x‡`i ZvwjKv cÖ¯‘yZ Kiv n‡e| 07-08-2018Bs ZvwiL weKvj 4t00 NwUKv ch©šÍ g‡bvbqb cÎ cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv hv‡e| P~ovšÍ I †hvM¨ cÖv_©©x‡`i bv‡gi ZvwjKv AvMvgx 08-08-2018Bs Zvwi‡L †Kv¤úvbxi †iwRóvW© Kvh©vj‡qi †bvwUk †ev‡W© Uvwb‡q †`qv n‡e Ges 11-08-2018Bs Zvwi‡L evwl©K mvaviY mfv AbywôZ n‡e| evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Ab¨vb¨ Av‡jvP¨m~Pxi ci 02 (`yB) Rb cwiPvjK wbe©vP‡bi Rb¨ †fvU MÖn‡Yi Kvh©µg ïiæ n‡e Ges †fvU MYbvi ci wbe©vPb Kwgkb KZ…©K djvdj †NvlYv Kiv n‡e| 5| mvaviY mfv Abyôv‡bi w`b †iwR‡óªkb KvD›Uvi mKvj 09:00 NwUKv †_‡K 11:00 NwUKv ch©šÍ †Lvjv _vK‡e| †iwR‡óªk‡bi Rb¨ e¨vsK KZ…©K g~w`ªZ G‡U‡ÛÝ w¯øc Dc¯’vcb Avek¨K| 6| evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b-2017 I 20Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi m~Pxmn †bvwUk WvK‡hv‡M h_vmg‡q m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i wbewÜZ wVKvbvq †cÖiY Kiv n‡e| mfv Abyôv‡bi c~‡e© †KD evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b, ‡bvwUk/cÖw· dig bv †c‡q _vK‡j e¨vs‡Ki website: www.bcblbd.com ev †iwRóvW© Awd‡mi mwPe wefv‡M †hvMv‡hvM Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv n‡jv (‡Uwj‡dvb- 0961-322-1070)| 7| wVKvbvi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡j AvMvgx 16-07-2018Bs Zvwi‡Li c~‡e© evsjv‡`k Kgvm© e¨vsK wjwg‡UW-Gi †iwRóvW© Awd‡mi mwPe wefv‡M wjwLZfv‡e AewnZ Kivi Rb¨ m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìviMY‡K Aby‡iva Kiv n‡jv| 8| myôfv‡e mvaviY mfv Abyôv‡bi myweav‡_© wkï ev †kqvi‡nvìvi bb Ggb KvD‡K mv‡_ bv Avbvi Rb¨ m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìviMY‡K Aby‡iva Kiv n‡jv| 9| evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgk‡bi wb‡`©kbv Abyhvqx †Kvb wMd&U ev Lvevi cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e bv| 04 Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited Corporate Oce: Eunoos Trade Center(Level-22) 52-53, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Notice of the 20th Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given to all the Honorable shareholders of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited that the 20th Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 11th August, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at the Kurmitola Golf Club, Kurmitola, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206 to transact the following business: Agenda: 1) To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended on 31st December, 2017 along with the Report of the Directors and Auditors’ thereon. 2) To appoint Auditor(s) & fix up their remuneration for the year 2018. 3) To retire and elect/re-elect two Directors from ‘Ga’ Group as per Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Bank and Company Law. 4) Any other Business with the Permission of the Chair. Dated: July 08, 2018 By order of the Board of Directors Dhaka. Sd/- (Md. Salim Hasan) Company Secretary Notes: 1) The Register Book of shareholders of the Company shall remain closed from 17-07-2018 to 19-07-2018 (inclusive both days) and no shares will transfer during this period. 2) Any shareholder of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint any person as his/her proxy to attend and vote on his/her behalf. 3) Proxy Form or Power of Attorney or Authorization Letter or Authorization attested by Notary Public is to be submitted to the Registered Office of the Company at least 72 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting. If Proxy Form duly filled in along with revenue stamp of Tk.20.00 is not submitted within the stipulated time, the Proxy will not be treated as valid. 4) 02 (two) Directors will go on retirement on the basis of seniority and 02 (two) Director will be elected from the shareholders of ‘Ga’ Group as per Article 112 to 114 of the Articles of Association of the Bank. Interested candidate him/her self or by Authorized person can collect Nomination Papers for election of 02 (two) Directors from shareholders of ‘Ga’ group which will be available and collectable from Election Commission at Bank's Registered Office from 01-08-2018 to 02-08-2018 during office hours and Nomination Papers will be received up to 4:00 p.m.
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