--1 tt -*pr¿-.à-+g Hydrological Research Miscellaneous Publication No 10 A Catalogue of Hydrological Resea rch in Progress in N ew Zealand 19 71 Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) New Zealand Ministry of !'lorks,'Water and Soi I Division Miscålianeous' ' Hydrological Publications: No. 1: Streamf low correlation in the Vlanganui basin. C. A, A. Smyfh, k re68. # Þ No. 2: Measuring stream discharge using the dye:dilution method (chemical gauging). Hans M. Kel ler, 1969. No. 3z A study of stream behaviour in the Cante¡bury foothills, New Zealand. Hans. M. Kel ler, 1970. No.4:' Hydrological regions of New Zealand. C. Toebes and B. R. Palmer, 1969. No. 5: Field testing of the IAEA portable radioisotope sediment concenlration gauge. W. B. Morrissey, 1970. No.6: The relationship between summer low flows and geology ín Northland, New Zealand. J. R. Waugh, 1970. No. 7z Representative basins of New Zealand, 1970; n.a., 1970. ! No. 8: A catalogue of hydrological research in progress in New Zealand, f ¡ ta 1969; tr.â.r 1970. No. 9: A catalogue of hydrological research in progress. in New Zealand, 1970 n.a., 1971. p i t i I t Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) MINISTRY 0F l^loRKS - IIATER AND SoIL DMSI0N MISCELLANEOUS HYDROLOGICAL PUBLICATION NO. 10 A CATALOGUE OF HYDROLOGICAL RESEARCH IN PROGRESS IN NEl,l ZEALAND l97L ldellington, New Zealand ' 1972 Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) This publ icatîon is Produced as a New Zealand conlribution to the I nternational Hydrological Decade, 1965-75, estab I i shed bY UNESCO to furlher infernational co-operation and studY in the science of hYdrology. published for the National V'laler and SoÎl Conservalion Organisation By the Water and Soi I Division, Ministry of Works Wel I i ngton, New Zea land Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) INTRODUCTION This catalogue, the fhird in this series, has been prepared because of an original request by lhe Coordinating Councîl for the lnternational Hydrological Decade, UNESCO, Paris to report annually on hydrological research in progress on a prescribed form. The New Zealand National Committee for the IHD subsequently requested the Ministry of Works to publish an annual catalogue in terms of the Coordînating Counci I fs request adding local information concernÎng: (i) The name and address of the leader or correspondent for each p roject. (i i ) Any other New Zealand agencies, as wel I as those abroad, col I ab-rati ng i n the Projecl. ln selecting the principles to be included, the following guidelines were adopled: (¡) A research project is any projecl that may be considered as an individual work or study, whelher large or smal l. (¡i) Projecls must be in progress and have a reasonable chance of continuity, or have been carried out and completed since the starl of the lnlernational Hydrological Decade on 1 January 1965. (¡ i i) The work must be of an acceptable standard. The annual reports are prepared by lhe Hydrological Survey of the Water and Soi I Division under lhe direction of Mr C. Toebes, Chief Scienlif ic Hydr-ologist and lhe projects have been classif ied under headings in line with the scientific aroupings of the Hydrological Survey viz.: Processes and Methods Environmental Studies Water Resources Water Qua I ily. One hundred and twenty-one of the projects listed in the 1970 catalogue have been continued and forty-nine projects have been added for 1911. Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) CONTENTS Page I ntroduct i on Code PROCESSES AND METHODS I PROCESSES Governmenl Depa rtments (Winchmore) Agriculture 1 Projects 46, 49, 96, 146 D.S.l.R. (Planf Physiology Division) 2 Projects 97-8, 147-8 MOW (Water and Soil Division) 3 Projects 18, 21 , 26-7, 29-35, 37-42, 99-103, 116, 149-153 Universities Auckland (Civi I Engineering Department) 12 Projects 74-76, 79 Canlerbury (Geography Department) 13 Projects 72, 104, 106, 15 Lincoln Col lege (Agricultural Engineering lnstitute) 14 Projects BB-89, 90, 91, 155 Lincoln Col lege (Tussock Grasslands and Mountain Lands 16 I nst i tute ) Project 156 Otago (Botany Department) 17 Project 157 Otago (Geography Department) 17 Projects 158-161 Victoria (Botany Department) 18 Projecf 108 Wa i kato 19 Projects 162-3 I I METHODS Government Depa rtments D.S.l.R. (Applied Maths Division) 20 Projects 109, 110 MOW (Waler and Soi I Division) 20 Projects 28, 111, 112, 164-5 Universities Auckland (Civi I Engineering Department) 21 Projects 77,81 Canlerbury (Civi I Engineering Department) 22 Projects 82, 85, 113, 114, 115 Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) Page Canterbury (Geography Department) 23 Projecf 166 Lincoln Col lege (Agricultural Engineering Department) 24 Projects 86-87, 167 Wai kato (Mathemati cs Department) 25 Project 168 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES I GOVERNMEN i DEPARTMENTS D.S.l.R. (Soil Bureau) 26 Project 9 Forest Service (Rangiora) 26 Project 20 Forest Research lnstitute (Rotorua) 26 Project 169 MOW (Water and Soi I Division) 27 Projects B, 10-14, 19, 52, 117-119' 170-1 I I UNIVERSITIES Canterbury (Geography Department) 31 Project 71 Li nco I n (Tussock Grass I ands and ltttrcunta i n Lands 32 I nst i tute ) Projecf 172 Massey (Geography Department) 32 Project 120 Olago (Botany Department) 32 Project 5 Vicloria (Geology Department) 33 Project 175 I I I OTHER Cawthron I nstifute 33 Project 6 WATER RESOURCES I GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS Agri cu I ture (Wi nchmore) 34 Projects 47, 121 D. S. I . R. (Geo I og i ca I Survey ) 34 Projects 122-133 MOW (Water and Soil Division) 3B Projects 22, 43, 50, 53-60, 134-5, 174'5 I I UNIVERSITIES Lincoln (Agricullural Engineering Department) 42 Project 176 I I I OTHER Norlh I and Calchment Commi ssion 42 Project 136 Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) 43 49 49 49 51 51 52 53 Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) CODE For fhe sake of brevity the following code has been used for the entries under each project number: A Brief description of project. B Address of organisalion carrying out the projecl with name of the correspondent or project leader in brackets. C Summary of work carried out to the end of 1971. D Publ ications during the period under review. E Work to be carried out during 1972. F Name of other organisations col laborating in the project (bolh in New Zealand and abroad). With the exception of the omiss¡on of the number of the resolution of the Coordinating Council, these are predominantly the same, and are in the same order, as those on the IHD form. Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) I PROCESSES Pro iect No. 46 A. Hydrological characterisfics of soi ls' B. Winchmore I rrigation Research Stalion, Department of Agriculture, Pri vate Bag, Ashburton. (D. S.'n¡ckard, G. G. Cossens, P' D' Fitzgerald)' C. Completion of field and laboratory studies of 135 soi ls from olago irrigaf ion areas. Soi ls are analysed for f ield capacity, bulk ¿enãity, tãxfure, moisture retenlion curve, moisture equivalent, specific gravity'and o.guni c carbon. From these, total and avai lab le moislure, porosity and macroporosity are calculated' D. Cossens, G. G. et al 1971: lrrigation investigations in Otago, New Zealand. vl I I Physical properties of soi ls of the Lower Waitaki Plains. Neu ZeaLøtd Jouv'naL of AgrLeuLtutaL ReseaPeh L4 : 539-51. E. Extension to Canterbury i rrigalion areas' Pro.iect No. 49 A. Soî I moisture/paslure producfion study' B. Winchmore I rrigation Research Stalîon, Department of Agriculture, Prî vate Bag, Ashburton. (P. D: Fitzgeral d, D. S. Rickard). C. A long term Projecl comPrÎsing: (1) Measurerent of dry matter produclîon under differenl i rrigalion regimes. days of e) Corre I alion of pasf ure p roducti on w i lh number of drought during lhe growing season. (3) Correl afion of- î ntegraled moisture stress wi th pasture production under various i rrigation regimes' and D. Rickard, D. S.; Fitzgerald, P. D. 1911 : SoÎ l moisture pasture growth iñ Cantárbury. PtoeeedLngs Siæth Neu ZeaLutd GeograPhY Conference : 20L-208' E. Continuafion of programme, exfension to crops' Pro.iecf No. 96 A. Relalionship befween infi ltration and soi I physÎcal properties' B. winchmore Research statîon, Deparfment of Agriculture, Private Bag, Ashburfon. (P. D. Fitzgerald, G' G' Cossens, D' S' Rickard)' C. Correlation of one and three hour accumulated inlake rates from ring infilfrometers (wet runs) and the parameters in Philiprs and. Kosi¡akovrs equations, with soi I physical properties of Otago soi ls' Miscellaneous hydrological publication no. 10 (1972) -2- D. Fitzgerald, P. D. et al 1971: lnfiltration and soil physical properties. JoumaL of HydroLogy (N.2.) 10 (2) : LZ0-i.26. E. Project comp leted. Pro.iect No. 146 A. Use of methods of deficit estimation to determine water requirernents of rostered i rrigation schemes. B. Winchmore lrrigation Research Station, Department of Agriculture, Pri vale B.ag, Ashburton. (P. D. Fitzgerald, G. C. Arnold). C. Us i.ng Thornthwa ites method of ca I cu lati ng soi I nro islure def i cits, a means has been devised of determining the water requirements of roslered schemes. D. None. E. Pub I icatîon of results. Pro.iect No. 97 A. Measurement of evapotranspiration of crops and pasfures. B. Microclimate and Crop Physîol.ogy Section, Plant Physîology Division, D.S. I.R., PaInersfon North. C. Measurement of evapolranspiration rales of lucerne, maize and paspa I um. Energy balance approach used. Emphasis placed on seasonal changes i n evapotransp I ration rate. D. None. E. Continue evapotranspi ration measurements.
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