11101UGK"Aa I ti, MIILLfi CV) Ln z LEVEL INVENTC LnMW,$ H/r' 0y/9 1e/0~. 8 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION bw.. pikn x" MIS mtmo W DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT ACCESSION FOR "NTIS GRA&I DTIC TAB UNANNOUNCED DTIC E EcTE JUSTIFICATION s 5 98AN0 BY OA DISTRIBUTION AVAILABILITY CODES "fi DIST . AVAIL AND/OR SPECIAL, ' DATE ACCESSIONED DISTRIBUTION STAMP UNAN.O E Best Available Copy DATE RETURNED 89 25 044 DATE RECEIVED IN DTIC REGISTERED OR CERTIFIED N PHOTOGRAPH THIS SHEET AND RETURN TO DTIC-FDAC DTIC PORM 70A DOCUMENT PROCESSING SHEETSTOCK MAR 86 ISEXHAUSTED. D C M N R C S I G S E TPt..I U D T O A ; HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES MILITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND, VIETNAM APO SAN FRANCISCO 96222 COMMAND HISTORY 1970 ZAA VOLUME IV-ME EXCLUDID FROM AUTOMATIC KERADING jw IDODDIR S100.10 DO[S NOT APPLY~u~up NNW CJPY MO. Of200 COpiEi MOM" UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) REOTDCMNTTO AEREAD INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE •BEFORE COMPLETING FORM . RERT NUMBER olume IV, 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER HQ USMACV COMMAND HISTORY, 1970 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) S. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Command History, 1970, Volume IV Final - 1970 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER None 7. AUTHOR(e) -. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(a) Militar: Hi:.-ory Branch. Office of the Secretary JointL Staff Headquarteis, USMACV, APO San -- Francisco 9622'2 kSaigon. Vietnam) 9. P.RFO'IMI|G ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS None I. CONTRc.LLING OFFICL N 01 4,ND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Department or the Army (DAMH-HSR-D) 1970 Center of Military History 13. NUMBER OF PAGES Washington, DC 20314-0200 204 & 8 Index Pages .4. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & AODRESS(II different from Controlling Office) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report) Historical Resources Branch, Historical Svcs Div, Center of Military History, Rm 4128, Pualski Bldg, UNCLASSIFIED Washington, DC 20314-0200 ISa. DEcL ASSI FICATION/DOWNGRAUING SCHEDULE N/A 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of tle Report) Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the ebettact entered In Bloc* 20, If dIfferent o,-. RoP"e) Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. tO. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES This the fourth Volume of the 1970 USMACV Annual Command History, seventh in a series of Histories covering the years 1964 thru Marck 1973, prepared in accordance with CINCPAC Instructions for Unified Commands. 19. KEY WORDS (Continue ut rterotoe ode It necsseiwy snd Identify by block numnber) Chlico, Air Operations, Titles, Number/Classification Index, Chronology, Glossary of Acronyms, Index A-Z 20L A6S"ACI.'m ("a.o• ,e~ w e /b #hif cv~ mdEIdewItw bt block n.ee) This Volume IV, Command History, 1970, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam contains Letter of Promulgation, Title Page, Table of Contents, and Annexes 11, I, J, & K: Annex H - Reference Sources (Piag; H-1 - H-64), Ainex 1 - Chrunology (Page I-i - 1-58). Annex J - Glossary of Acronyms (Page J-1 - J-18). Annex K - Index (Page K-1 - K-64). DO , 'A 103 EovnlwsoFImov es isoLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECUMIT"Y CLASSIrICATtON OF TNIS P'AGE (h.Ae Dole E•ntwod) HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES MILITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND, VIETNAM APO SAN FRANCISCO 96222 MACJ031 19 April 1971 SUBJECT: Promulgation of the USMACV 1970 Command History (RCS CINCPAC 5000-4) SEE DISTRIBUTION 1. The USMACV 1970 Command History is promulgated in response to CINCPAC Instruction 5000. 5C, 9 Mar 71, subject: Historical Reports from Unified Commands in the Pacific Command. 2. This document contains information affecting the security of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S. Code Sections 793 and 794. Transmission or revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law . The material contained within this do~unlent is to be treated with the utmost discretion. Under no circumstances shall possession thereof be transferred, or the information contained therein be imparted Wopersonnel other than those whose duties specifically require knowledge thereof. Information provided any individual will be the mininum required in the performaiace of his duties. 3. The overall classification of the Cormmand History is TOP SECRET - NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS. The Secarity classification of this volume is CONFIDENTIAL - NOT REI.EASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS. The security classification for each page is that of the highest classified paragraph thereon. Reproduction of TOP SECRET portions of the 1970 USMiA(C'" Command History is prohibited except with the parmission of COMUSMACV or higher authority. 4. This document will be translxirted, stored, safeguarded, and accounted for it, accordance with instruc-tions contained in the current edition of the security regulations for handling classifie•d rtdte r by the military service of the holder. FOR THE COMMANDER: W. G. DOI.VIN Major General. USA Chief of Staff SPER "" A r GRno " 0DEU MAC J031 SUITFcT'I: lPromulgation of the USMACV 1970 Command History DISTR III 11TION: COPY NUMILER (S) CINC.IAC I thru 25 J.CS OsID AMEMB, SAIGON 26 DEPT OF THE ARMY 27 thru 36 DEP'T OF THE NAVY 37 thru 46 DEPT OF 'iiE AIR FORCE 47 thru 56 COMDT, USMC 57 thru 61 COMI)T, USCG 62 CINCEUR 63 CINCAT. 64 CINCSTRIKE 65 CIN*CSAC 66 COMUSJAPAN 67 ' COMUSMACTHAI 68 COMUSKOREA 69 CINCUSARPAC 70 & 71 CINCPACFLT 72 & 73 CINCPACAF 74 & 75 CG, FMFPAC 76 & 77 COMSEVENTHF LT 78 COMDT, NATIONAL WAR COLLEGE 79 COMDT, INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE OF THE ARMED FORCES 80 COMDT, US ARMY WAR COLLEGE 81 PRESIDENT, US NAVAL WAR COLLEGE 82 COMMANDER, AIR UNIVERSITY 83 & 84 COMDT, ARMED FORCES STAFF COLLEGE 85 COMDT, USA C&GSC 86 COMDT, USMC C&SC 87 SUPERINTENDENT, USMA 88 SUPERINTENDENT, USNA 89 SUPERINTENDENT, USAFA 90 CC, USCONARC 91 CC, USACDC 92 CDR, 7AF 93 7AF (DOAC) 94 CG, USA'"V 95 8:96 COMNAVFORV 97 CG, XXIV CORPS 98 CC, I FFORCEV 99 CG, II FFORCEV 100 C(,, DMAC 101 IIQ USAF (SAMID) 102 ii HQ MACV STAFF: 1. TOP SECRET Supplement and SECRET volumes: MACJ2 103 MAC J3 104 & 105 MAC J4 106 MAC J5 107 MACCOV S 108 'MACSO(" M.AC MA' tlU MACJ031 (MILITARY HISTORY BRANCH) 111 thru 115 2. SECRET volumes only: MACJI lib MACJ6 117 MACCO 118 MACOI 119 MACAG Iz0 MA C IG 121 NIACJA 122 MACMD t13 MAC DC 124 MAC T l?5 MACSA 12t, MAC PM 1• 7 NIACEA 1-8 MAC D\tA u ME-D t, lo• ,W\MAO l1; MAC.1031 tMIl.ITARY HIISTORY fWRAN\VIt IQ th,'u 150 IIHIS PAGE NO I' USED V 4 '1 UNITED STATES MILITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND, VIETNAM COMMAND HISTORY VOLUME IV 1970 Prepored by the Militury History Branch Offire of the Secretory. Joint Staff Hcodqt~orters, USMACV. APO Son Francisco 96222 509i)on. Vetnonm FI'RS 1'ACE NO F USE[) UNCLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS (Volumv IV) lIage L.etter of P romulgation .................... ........................ i Title ]Pagw. • . v "Table of Contents ...................... .......................... vii Anne.xes REFERE•NCE SOURCES ................. ..................... H-i CHRONOLOGY .............. ..................... ... I-I GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS .............. .................... J-1 INDEX ........................ ... ............................ K-1 UNCLA SIFIED 'IJ UNCLASSIFIED IH S['A,, K .'\U UNCLASSiFIED UNCLASSIFIED ANNEX H REFERENCE SOURCES (U) The annex was prepared to assist personnel doing research on activities in Southeast Asia (SEA). It is a pioneer attempt at listing "caches" of reference sources which are considered to bc of significance to serious researchers and historians. It is hoped that this listing will lead to finding other "caches." If so, this annex will be updated and redistributed during the year. Contributions and suggestions are encouraged. (U) Most of the printed documents are widely circulated and it is considered unnecessary to reproduce the voluminous distribution lists. Figure H-i provides a listing of the documents and shows key reference centers which are on the distribution lists. Air Operations (U) Air operations in SEA are well documented in written reports and in data from automated sources. CHECO Reports (U) The largest contributor of written reports is Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations (CHECO), a division of the Directorate of Tactical Analysis of the 7th Air Force (7AFI. The CHECO reports are written in the field, staffed by 7AF Headquarters, and published by the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF). (U) CHECO is the oldest continuing USAF function in SEA and dates back to 1962. The basic approach to most studies is to document how a'a operation was conceived, how it is executed, and whether oi- not it succeeds. After the draft report is written, all supporting documents are microfilmed and kept as a package. By the end of 1970, CHECO had over 1 1/2 million pages of documents concerning operations in SEA. (UJ) Although the reports focus un close air support and interdiction, there are reports on numerous rubjects. Reports are distributed to every wing and air division in the USAF, all service headquarters, service schools, all unified commands, and to the Secretary of Defense. ( ) (U) Following is a listing of CHECO Reports. UNCLASSIFIED H-I UNCLASSIFIED KEY RESEARCH LIBRARIES ON DISTRIBUTION I.ISTS OF REFERENCE SOURCES 4-- 0 i ir 0. >-U > <) u Air University X X X X Armed Forces Staff College x x X X Army War College x x x x Figure H-2,s 3, 4, and 5 IB= X Industrial C ollege or the A rm ed F :'orces x x X Marine Corps Development and Education; Cýnter X X x National War College X X X X -avy War College x X x X 0SAC&GS College X X X X White Oaks Naval Ordnance Laboratory X Silver
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