BODY, DISEASE AND LATE OTTOMAN LITERATURE: DEBATES ON OTTOMAN MUSLIM FAMILY IN THE TANZIMAT PERIOD (1839-1908) A Ph.D. Dissertation by TUBA DEMİRCİ Department of History Bilkent University Ankara February 2008 BODY, DISEASE AND LATE OTTOMAN LITERATURE: DEBATES ON OTTOMAN MUSLIM FAMILY IN THE TANZIMAT PERIOD (1839-1908) The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University by TUBA DEMİRCİ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA February 2008 I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. ----------------------------------------- Assistant Prof. Dr. Oktay Özel Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. ------------------------------------------ Assistant Prof. Dr. Selçuk Akşin Somel Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. ------------------------------------------ Assistant Prof. Dr. Aslı Çırakman Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. ------------------------------------------ Assistant Prof. Dr. Paul Latimer Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. ------------------------------------------ Assistant Prof. Dr. Berrak Burçak Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences ------------------------------------------ Prof. Dr. Erdal Erel Director ABSTRACT BODY, DISEASE AND LATE OTTOMAN LITERATURE: DEBATES ON OTTOMAN MUSLIM FAMILY IN THE TANZIMAT PERIOD (1839-1908) Demirci, Tuba Ph.D., Department of History Supervisor: Assistant Prof. Dr. Oktay Özel Co- Supervisor: Assistant Prof.Dr. Selçuk Akşin Somel February 2008 This study analyzes the development and transformation of Ottoman population policies and medical regulations together with their social impact in the Tanzimat Period. It also aims to document the transformation of Ottoman modern state apparatus in the scope of population policies, which characterized the era for their political, economic, moral, sanitary and military significance. Population and public health policies, diverse regulatory discourses related to these policy orientations, and finally literary works belonged to the Tanzimat period are evaluated to historicize the re-construction of power, and the emergence of Ottoman modern (Muslim) family and individual. Keywords: Body, Disease, Family, Literature. iii ÖZET BEDEN, HASTALIK VE SON DÖNEM OSMANLI EDEBİYATI: TANZİMAT DÖNEMİ OSMANLI MÜSLÜMAN AİLESİ ÜZERİNE TARTIŞMALAR (1839- 1908) Demirci, Tuba Doktora, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Assistant Prof. Dr. Oktay Özel Ortak Tez Yöneticisi: Assistant Prof.Dr. Selçuk Akşin Somel Şubat 2008 Bu çalışma Tanzimat Dönemi Osmanlı nüfus ve tıbbi politikalarının gelişim ve değişimini ve bu politikaların Osmanlı toplumu üzerindeki etkilerini ele almaktadır. Çalışma aynı zamanda Osmanlı modern devlet aygıtı ve bunun tarihsel evrimini Tanzimat Dönemi’ne ait nüfus politikaları çerçevesinde ve dönemin öne çıkan siyasi, ekonomik, ahlaki, sıhhi ve askeri meseleleriyle olan bağlantısı açısından belgelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Tanzimat Dönemi nüfus ve halk sağlığı politikaları, bu politikalara ilişkin olarak geliştirilmiş farklı söylemler, ve son olarak döneme ait edebi eserler değerlendirilerek son dönem Osmanlı toplumundaki güç kavramının yeniden kurgulanışıyla, Osmanlı modern (Müslüman) bireyi ve modern Osmanlı (Müslüman) ailesinin ortaya çıkışı tarihsel olarak ele alınmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Beden, Hastalık, Aile, Edebiyat. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all I must express my sincere gratitude for two personalities for the completion of this study; Selçuk Akşin Somel and Oktay Özel, for their invaluable guidance, constant encouragement and empathy towards me as supervisors. Their guidance helped me to clarify and organise my thoughts. Instead of acting exclusively as supervisors they were intimate friends who reflected their appreciation and acknowledgements about difficulties of working, thinking and living as a PhD. student. I owe special debt to Aslı Çırakman for taking part in my board meetings as a co-supervisor and during the various parts of drafting. Her invaluable comments and criticism enriched my study. My special thanks are due to Paul Latimer and Berrak Burçak for participating my defence examination. Their constructive criticism and valuable comments improved my study. I have to express my deep gratitude for American Research Institute in Turkey for awarding me a research grant to complete my archival research in Summer 2004. Couple of individuals merits my thanks for their help and emotional support during the completion of this dissertation. Bahar Şahin, a close friend and flatmate beginning from the undergraduate years, who did not leave me alone for the moments of despair. I discussed many of the questions which guided me to construct v this dissertation with her. She was always present to help whenever I needed her. Sinan Ciddi, a colleague from Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, helped me for variety of practical respects as well as supporting me with faith. I would like to thank Aysel Danacı Yıldız, a fellow PhD. student from Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, for her invaluable help to transcribe archival material in the initial stages. I am indebted to the staff of Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives of İstanbul, and Beyazıt and Millet Libraries, İstanbul. Without their help and guidance, it would be very difficult to complete the research this study is based on. My final acknowledgement is the most important: to my family. Without their endless encouragement it would be impossible to complete this dissertation. They always supported me with faith and tolerated many inconveniences I caused as a busy and tired daughter and sister. This work is dedicated to my mother, Müzeyyen, who has always encouraged me to go beyond: she was not lucky as I am to study and learn, but her passion for knowledge has always been a motive for me. My apologies if I have inadvertently omitted anyone to whom acknowledgement is due. Naturally, all mistakes are mine. January 2008 Calgary, Alberta vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT................................................................................................................ III ÖZET .......................................................................................................................... İV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................................... V TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................Vİİ LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................IİX CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER II: REFORM OF THE BODY ......................................................... .........23 2.1. Reform of the Body: Demographic Policies of the Tanzimat ......................23 2.2. Population Policies and Public Health .................................................................26 2.3. Anti-Abortion Regulation in The Ottoman Empire (1820s-1900s) ..........31 2.3.1. Anti-Abortion Regulation Between 1820s-1870s .............................................35 2.3.2. Anti Abortion Regulation and Discourse Between 1880s and 1900s .....70 2.4 Repressive Reform and Reorganization for the Sake of Progeny: The Reform of Midwifery During Tanzimat .......................................................................93 2.4.1. Reorganization and Reform of Midwifery ............................................................94 CHAPTER III: FIGHT AGAINST DISEASES ....................................................... 110 3.1. Public Health Measures for the Outfit of Population ....................................110 3.2. Ottoman Folk Medicine: Traditional and Counterfeit Healers in the Age of Modern Medicine..........................................................................................................111 3.3. Reorganization of Ottoman Medicine: The Reform of Pharmaceutics and Medicine................................................................................................................................119 3.4.Vaccination...................................................................................................................122 3.5. Fight Against Venereal Contagion: Syphilis Epidemics in the Ottoman Empire (1850s-1910s) ......................................................................................................135 vii 3.5.1. Short History of Syphilis .............................................................................................135 3.5.2. Syphilis in the Ottoman Empire ( 1850s-1910s).............................................148 3.5.3. Syphilis in Anatolia ........................................................................................................173
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