Insight Mission Science: Exploring the Interior of Mars Insight

Insight Mission Science: Exploring the Interior of Mars Insight

InSight Mission Science: Exploring the Interior of Mars InSight Interior exploration using Seismic Investigations , Geodesy and Heat Transport Bruce Banerdt, Suzanne Smrekar, Philippe Lognonne, & Tilman Spohn JPL USA, IPGP/CNES F, DLR IPF D October 26, 2017 InSight (2.0) Mission Summary •! InSight will fly a near-copy of the successful Phoenix lander •! Launch: May 5-June 8, 2018, Vandenberg AFB, California •! Fast, type-1 trajectory, 6-mo. cruise to Mars •! Landing: November 26, 2018 •! Two-month deployment phase •! Two years (one Mars year) science operations on the surface; repetitive operations •! Nominal end-of-mission: ! November 24, 2020 ! 19 September, 2017 Exploring the Origin of Rocky Planets – The InSight Mission to Mars 1 A Mission 35 Years in the Making… Over the 35 years since Viking and Apollo, despite many proposals, several mission starts, and even a couple of launches, there have been no further geophysical investigations of the interior of any planet! =4#>?@)A& <0>?-@@A-!:*0?0+)B! 45(6!L$#! ;C-3DE!(2++203!6.FGE! <-*J-*F+! BCC,+D(5&!>//>+4&E)(:C+,.,><FGH& "6+!.,/789:;+<5)& 3.94I@(5&!>//>+4& 45(6!7#8! '()3.45(,& K#LM& 9((:;<=!7&'! 9((:;<=!7&8! 93.-*()*+,-.! J>->4?& <H96:I()*+!7&'! !"#$%&'()*+,-& !.,/&012& ()*+,-.! ()*+!,-./0*1!(2++203! $&KK! $&'#! $&'%! $&&#! $&&%! "###! "##%! "#$#! "#$%! 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 2 Mars is Key to Understanding Early Formation of Terrestrial Planets, Including Rocky Exoplanets Terrestrial planets all share a common structural framework (crust, mantle, core), which is developed very shortly after formation and which determines subsequent evolution. <*F+.! <*F+.! <0*-! <*F+.! <*F+.! <0*-! <0*-! <*F+.! ()3.B-! ()3.B-! ()3.B-! ()3.B-! ()3.B-! Mars is uniquely well-suited to study the common processes that shape all rocky planets and govern their basic habitability. Crust Questions •! From orbital measurements we have detailed information on variations in crustal thickness (assumes uniform density). •! But we don’t know the volume of the crust to within a factor of 2. •! Does Mars have a layered crust? Is there a primary crust beneath the secondary veneer of basalt? •! Is the crust a result of primary differentiation or of late-stage overturn? •! These questions and more can be addressed by a simple thickness measurement. ,-F>)33!-.!)BMN!"##O! 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 4 Mantle Questions •! What is the actual mantle density, which can be related to composition (e.g., Mg#, mineralogy, volatile content)? •! To what degree is it compositionally stratified? What are the implications for mantle convection? •! Where are the polymorphic phase transitions? •! What is the thermal state of the mantle? How much of the heat escaping is primordial, how much is from radiogenic decay? •! All can be addressed to a greater or lesser extent by basic seismic and heat flow observations. 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 5 Core Questions •! Radius is 1600±300 km, density is uncertain to ±15% •! Composed primarily of iron, but what are the lighter alloying elements? •! At least the outer part appears to be liquid; is there a solid inner core? •! How do these parameters relate to the start and stop of the dynamo? •! Does the core radius preclude a lower mantle perovskite transition? •! Without radius and shear measure- ments we are stuck with a family of possible core structures, each with significantly different implications for Mars origin and history. 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 6 How Will InSight Impact Our Knowledge About Mars? !(./9,(:(4)& N9,,(4)&$4I(,).>4)F& =4#>?@)&N.C.;><>)F& =:C,+D(:(4)& <*F+.)B!.V2D13-++! 8%PR%!1>!W23T-**-GX! P%!1>! K^! <*F+.)B!B)E-*23C! 30!23T0*>)@03! *-+0BA-!%Q1>!B)E-*+! ,-/! ()3.B-!A-B0D2.E! 'P$!1>I+!W23T-**-GX! P#M$R!1>I+! KM%^! <0*-!B2YF2G!0*!+0B2G! ZB21-BE[!B2YF2G! ?0+2@A-!G-.-*>23)@03! ,-/! <0*-!*)G2F+! $K##PR##!1>! PK%!1>! O^! <0*-!G-3+2.E! 8MOP$M#!C>IDD! P#MR!C>IDD! R^! \-).!]0/! R#P"%!>SI>"!W23T-**-GX! PR!>SI>"! '^! 6-2+>2D!)[email protected]! T)D.0*!0T!$##!W23T-**-GX! T)D.0*!0T!$#! $#^! 6-2+>2D!G2+.*2JF@03! 30!23T0*>)@03! B0D)@03+!U$#!G-CM! ,-/! (-.-0*2.-!2>?)D.!*).-! T)D.0*!0T!8! T)D.0*!0T!"! R^! 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 7 InSight Payload Configuration =KB&E%+;+SI&B,:H& Q,(//9,(& PO='#& =4<()& %=#"&E!TBH& =KN&EN+<+,&'.DI.:H& #I++C& & =VT&E!.?4()+:()(,H& T,.CC<(& #"=#&P()@(,&[+6& =NN&EN+<+,&8.UI.:H& 8QR& #"=#&EOP#H& =4/),9:(4)&"<(I),+4>I/&W&=4/>5(&#7N& Q,(//9,(&#(4/+,&W&=4/>5(&#7N& #I>(4I(& %.5>+:()(,&W&X)@(,&/>5(&+Y&#7N& P()@(,& N.:(,.&N.<>;,.S+4&P.,?()&W&X)@(,&/>5(&+Y&5(I-& 3.%%=&E3./(,&%(),+,(Z(I)+,H&W&X)@(,&/>5(&+Y&5(I-& '.:(/&)+&!.,/&N@>C&W&X)@(,&/>5(&+Y&5(I-& !+<(& 19 September, 2017 Exploring the Origin of Rocky Planets – The InSight Mission to Mars 8 ATLO ! M. Grott HP! Science Team Meeting 9 SEIS Qualification Model Under Test in Toulouse #(4/+,&8(.5&& B//(:;<F& OP#7%O"[& ";+6& P()@(,& 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 10 SEIS Qualification Model Under Test in Toulouse #(4/+,&8(.5&& B//(:;<F& OP#7%O"[& ";+6& P()@(,& 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 11 Martian Seismology – Single-Station Analysis Techniques Background “Hum” Normal Modes Surface Wave Dispersion Arrival Time Analysis Receiver Function 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 12 Event Location and Seismic Velocities from a Single Record 3+I.S+4&.45&J(<+I>)F&K()(,:>4.S+4& # # # # # _J.)23!%!>-)+F*->-3.+`! ?!N! +!N! H$!N! H"!N! HR! H$! a-.-*>23-!%!?)*)>-.-*+`!$H!N!! N##!N$?!N$+!! $ %! # # :! !!b! H!c!" IW HRd! H$X! 6! !b!!!c!%!"d$HW#H"d#H$XI"! ! # # $ !b! #!c! H$d!I H! !" !b!$?!c!"!!+23W!I"!XIW#?d##X! "&"$+!c!"!!+23W!I"!XIW#+d##X! _J.)23!)e2>F.V!T*0>!H)EB-2CV!/)A-! ?0B)*2e)@03N!:!f*+.!>0@03! H"! HR! 19 September, 2017 Exploring the Origin of Rocky Planets – The InSight Mission to Mars 13 36 Earthquakes Used to Simulate Single-Station Analyses :)3323C!-.!)BMN!"#$%!! 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 14 Recovery of Earth Structure Using 7-Event Subsets g?! g+! P%h! :)3323C!-.!)BMN!"#$%!! 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 15 SEIS Sensors gii! 6-3+0*!\-)G!;++->JBE! 6:! $"!D>! 6?V-*-! jgj! 19 September, 2017 Exploring the Origin of Rocky Planets – The InSight Mission to Mars 16 Auxiliary Payload Sensors •! Environmental monitoring –!Because a seismometer measures almost EVERYTHING better than it measures seismic waves, InSight will carry a sensor package to characterize the atmospheric and electromagnetic noise environment: •! Pressure Sensor for minute barometric fluctuations •! Anemometer and thermometers for wind speed and direction, air temperature •! Radiometer for ground temperature •! Magnetometer for ionospheric magnetic fluctuations 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 17 Seismometer Frequency and Noise SEIS has a 3 comp SP and VBB sensor Subsystems noises input of the instrument, SCIENTIFIC MODE - VELocity output - MARS -6 10 INSIGHT specification Total noise of VBB sensor ADC - Velocity Gain = 10 -7 10 Integrator corrector DCS Derivator corrector Phase and Gain corrector -8 Output gain 10 Brownian Noise $!\e! /sqrt(Hz)) ! -9 10 $#Q&>I+"I\ek! -10 10 ASD acceleration (m/s acceleration ASD -11 10 -12 10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 Frequency(Hz) 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 18 Seismometer Sensitivity •! Acceleration noise req. over -9 2 # 1 Hz: "10 m/s /Hz (" –!For oscillatory motion, x = a/!2 = a/4"2f 2 '" ⇒!SEIS is sensitive to displace- )" ments of ~2.5x10-11m This is about half the Bohr *" radius of a hydrogen atom 6-2+>0>-.-*! Subsystems noises input of the instrument,6596!,02+-!iFGC-.! SCIENTIFIC MODE - VELocity output - MARS -6 10 6-3+[email protected]! INSIGHT specification Total noise of VBB sensor ADC - Velocity Gain = 10 -7 8& 10 Integrator corrector DCS Derivator corrector Phase and Gain corrector $!\e! -8 Output gain 10 Brownian Noise /sqrt(Hz)) ! -9 10 $#Q&>I+"I\ek! -10 10 ASD acceleration (m/s acceleration ASD -11 10 -12 10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 Frequency(Hz) 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 19 Martian Seismology – Multiple Signal Sources %.)(&+Y&#(>/:>I&BISD>)F& Magnitude 3 4 5 6 Faulting Atmospheric 5l?-D.-G! Excitation H)3C-! i0GE! S)A-+! Phobos Tide 6F*T)D-! S)A-+! ,0*>)B!(0G-+! 9362CV.!! Meteorite Impacts j)3G23C!;*-)! a)FJ)*!-.!)BM+""#$R! 19 September, 2017 Exploring the Origin of Rocky Planets – The InSight Mission to Mars 20 Precision Radio Tracking – RISE •! First measured constraint on Mars core size came from combining radio Doppler measurements from Viking and Mars Pathfinder, which determined spin axis directions 20 years apart –! Difference of spin axis direction gives precession rate and hence planet’s moment of inertia –! Constrains mean mantle density, core radius and density, although only 2 parameters are independent. :*-D-++203!W=c$8%N###!E*X! •! InSight will provide another snapshot of the axis 20 years later still, providing stronger constraints on precession. •! In addition, nutation amplitudes can be determined after 2 years of tracking with sub-decameter precision –! Free core nutation constrains core MOI directly, allowing separation of radius and density. ,F.)@03!W=U$!()*+!E*X! 14 January, 2015 InSight Flight School – Arcadia, CA 21 Heat Flow Measurement !! Heat flow provides InSight into the thermal and chemical evolution of the planet by constraining the concentration of radiogenic elements, the thermal history of the planet and the level of its geologic activity !! Surface heat flow is measured by determining the regolith thermal conductivity, k, and the thermal gradient 9362CV.!B)3G23C! dT/dz: +2.-! !! Key challenges: !!!! "#$%&$'(Measuring the thermal gradient disturbed by the annual thermal wave !! Accurately measuring the thermal conductivity in an extremely low conductivity environment 6F*T)D-!\-).!mB0/!(0G-B!W>SI>"X! ! !! 4*0n!)3G!i*-F-*N!"#$#! The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S.

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