For the queen bee!!! Beeswax Honey Comb Sheets in assorted colors to create your own candles!! 15 beautiful colors to choose from! Carton of 1 0 sheets with wicking and 5 lbs. of assorted honey candy $ 2 0 . 0 0 ! ! ! It’s a sweetheart of a deal! - Careon of 5 CM hive with 5^ ftames & 5^ sheetA of plasUcelL. Sweeeheart Special - $99.50 # 2 - Carton of 5 CM 6 518" Supers with 50 frames & 50 sheets of Plasttcell^. Sweetheart Special - $80.00 # 3 - Carton of 5 CM 5 ttlt6 '' Supers with 50 frames &50 sheets of Piasticel^. Sweetheart Special - $75.00 # 4 - Plas^ Helmet & Folding Veit and Leather Gloves - $28.00! # 5 - Budget ^^!versib(e Cedar Bottomd - $3.80 each/f W ESTEEINBB Serving the commercial beekeeper and the hobbyist for over 40 years. PO Box 190, Poison, MT 59860 Call Toll-Free 1-800-548-8440 Montana/Canadian Residents call 406-883-2918 or fax us at 406-883-4336. www.westernbee.com - order online!! We ship UPS, USPS and by common carrier. Orders over 200# can be shipped at reduced rates. February specials good through 3/10/2010. 'W Volume 150 No. 2 February 2010 Email [email protected] Web ontents www.americanbeejournal.com Editor-Joe M. Graham Advertising Manager-Marta Menn Samuel Wagner: Publishing Department- Dianne Behnke & Amy Hill First ABJ Editor — 127 • Samuel Wagner - The First Editor of the American Bee Journal Kent L. Pellett................................................................................................127 • The Home of the Honey Bee Has Changed Over Time G.H. Cale........................................................................................................ 131 • The Savvy Sideliner’s Guide to Selling Honey Kirsten Traynor............................................................................................143 • Strategies to Lower Your Tax Liability Howard S co tt................................................................................................147 The Savvy Sideliner’s Guide To Selling Honey — 143 • Managed Pollinator CAP Coordinated Agricultural Project: Sustainable Beekeeping Letters to the Nancy Ostiguy..............................................................................................149 E ditor..................... 109 • Survivor Drone Project— Dispersing Honey Bee Genetic Diversity Joseph S. Latshaw, PhD............................................................................. 157 Newsnotes.............115 • The Economy of the Hive, Part II Randy Oliver..................................................................................................161 The World • Mortality in Tracheal-mite-infested Colonies and the Role Honey Market........ 123 of Thermoregulation John McMullan, PhD.................................................................................... 165 Classified • The History of Beekeeping in Alaska Advertising.............189 Stephen Petersen....................................................................................... 171 • Honey Production in Guinea - Part II - Bee Product Production, Advertising Processing and Marketing in Guinea Q Index....................... 192 Conrad Berube..............................................................................................177 Columns Honey Bee Biology The Traveling Beekeeper Wyatt A. Mangum 135 Larry Connor.............. 153 The Classroom The Other Side of Beekeeping Jerry Hayes........ 139 George S. Ayers.................. 183 February Cover Picture The American Bee Journal ISSN 0002-7626 THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL (ISSN 002-7626) at moderate prices by writing to National Archive Pub­ Rebecca Eldridge of Orleans, IN took this beautiful photo is published monthly at American Bee Journal, 51 S. 2nd lishing Co., 300 N. Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 998, Ann Arbor, Street, Hamilton, IL 62341. Periodicals Postage Paid at Michigan 48106. 1-800-420-6272. ©Copyright Dadant of a honey bee on a chicory blossom. She says, “I am 14 Hamilton, IL and at additional mailing offices. POST­ & Sons, Inc., 2010. All rights reserved, printed in USA. MASTER: Send address changes to American Bee Jour­ The Publishers cannot guarantee advertisements in this years old and a beginning beekeeper. I completed a 4-H nal, 51 S. 2nd Street, Hamilton, IL 62341. In the United magazine, but we ask that any advertising complaints be project entitled Safe Handling of Bees this year that re­ States, $26.00 a year; two years, $49.30 and three years, made known to us, so we can further check the com­ $69.55. Canada $31.00 a year; two years $59.30 and pany’s reliability. Opinions expressed in articles are not ceived a grand champion award at the county fair and a blue three years $84.55. Foreign $44.00 a year; two years necessarily those of the publisher. American Bee Journal, ribbon at the Indiana State Fair. My dad kept bees when he $85.30 and three years $123.55. Subscriptions stop at ex­ 51 S. 2nd St., Hamilton, IL 62341. (217) 847-3324. Fax piration date printed on label. Available in microfilm form (217) 847-3660. was younger and now the entire family enjoys it.” February 2010 103 N€UJ SUP€R B€€ IK totallu redesigned D0"'^ bee stun9 bv • Bolt-on loader option rated at 8^,000 Ibs^, rugged M cKENNA The Honeyman’s Boiler • 2 to 125 H.P. • Vertical and Scotch Marine Designs • NG/LPG/OIL Fired • 80 Years Experience Write for Prices and Information McKENNA BOILER WORKS 1510 No. Spring St. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90012 (323) 221-1171 Fax (323) 221-7427 104 American Bee Journal H um nterbee. F o r k U f t s Designed To Improve Your Productivity 2 Models Available XL: 16001b Rating Turbo: 1800 lb Rating Turbo Tipping Load Straight; Over 3000 lbs Hummerbee XL Hummerbee Turbo with Clamp Turbo Features: 43 HP 4 Cylinder Diesel, Extra Cooling, Hydraulic Foot Pedal is “Very Smooth”, Large Floatation Tires Exceeds All ANSI Certifications At Rated Weights 800- 943-8677 m F o r k l i f t \nnmhummeritee.com Manufacturing More New & Handling More Used ForkUfts Than Anyone! Trust the company with 25 years manufacturing and 35 years commercial beekeeping experience Attachments: Hive Clamps - Drum Handlers - Mowers - Buckets - Brooms - Augers - Snow Plows Mann Lake Bee Bucks Whether you buy feeds, medication, woodenware or extracting equipment, with your Bee Bucks membership, every dollar you spend earns points! Every purchase you make with Mann Lake earns you money back to trade for the products* you need. It is our pleasure to reward your loyalty with something tangible that you can use along with our sincere thanks. Your See Buclts are applied twice a year to your account where they accumulate until you decide to spend them. As long as you are an active customer, your See Bucks never expire. Save them up for a rainy day or spend them twice a year, it’s up to you! PURCHASES BEE BUCKS POINTS Total Bee Bucks Points 2,563 = 2 Growing Apiary Kits $380 950 $9.50 $25.63 Credit to your Account! Medications/Feed $100 250 $2.50 A $10,000 tanker toad of syrup Honey Maker^ Suit $ 140 350 $3.50 Containers $165 413 $4.13 earns 25,000 Bee Bucks points Miscellaneous $200 500 $5.00 =$250 credit to your account! Bonus Special Promotion Points 100 $2.50 Minimum purchase may be required ‘some products excluded, call for details 106 American Bee Journal February 2010 107 N ew A m e r ic a n B ee J ournal WEBSITE VIOITAL EDITION WWWnAMERICANBEEJOURNAL.COM r . , P A LOOK AT OUR VALUE PAC/^rn l o u O f ALL ^ ♦ L o w e r Subscription R ate EvtNTi ♦ N o W a it in g for P elive ry o f I ssues ✓ C u r r e n t N ew s ♦ N o F o r e ig n Sh ip p in g C harges ^ L atest B U Z Z N ew sle tte r ♦ A djustable P a g e Z o o m L evel D ig it a l A B J ^ Su b s c r ib e r & A p v e r t is in o Se r v ic e s ♦ P r i n t P ages ^ C o n ven ie n t Lis t o f I m po rtant C ontacts F ollow us o n F a c e b o o k & T w itte r ♦ E asily L o cate A rticles 8t A d vertisers ♦ C lick able L in k s to A d ver tise rs 8, W eb R eferences ♦ T ran sla te A rticles I nto M a n y D if f e r e n t Lang u ag es ♦ B o o k m a r k U s in g T op S o c ia l N e t w o r k s ♦ Search Current or Archived Issues 8, m u c h Send your letters to the editor, Attn: Joe Graham, Dadant, 51 S. 2nd Street, Hamilton, IL 62341, Fax: 1-217-847-3660, or email: [email protected]. Due to size and content, we may be unable to publish all information received. Thank You! BEEKEEPERS’ SURVEY to all Board representatives for an endorse­ No. 62, December 2003, pages (22-23) ment they could present to the state legisla­ telling about the negative effects of Imida- I, along with Wendy Schweigert and a ture in the upcoming March 2010 session. cloprid. team of her students from Bradley, will be In an email, dated March 5th, the Execu­ Instead of “bashing” those who disagree conducting research about beekeepers and tive Secretary stated that all votes must be with them, the researchers should be con­ their characteristics. The results of this re­ received by March 11th. Any representative cerned with articles like - “Why We Need Bees and More People Becoming Organic search will be used to identify characteris­ not voting would be counted as a “yes” vote. tics of those who chose to become The Board of Managers vote was not unan­ Beekeepers” in Organic Consumers Associ­ beekeepers, to compare various subgroups imous. The representative from the Bee­ ation - Chelsea Green Publishing, Nov. 6, of beekeepers with each other, and to com­ keepers of Putnam County abstained; since 2009. I quote from the article: pare other groups with beekeepers. less than fifteen (15) days had transpired If you are 18 years or older and keep bees, since the call for the vote and the deadline, “Little thought is given to the chemical’s you are invited to be a part of this research she had no time to meet with her association breakdown products which can prove to be by completing a short anonymous survey to determine its position.
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