Aug15-1891.Pdf (11.59Mb)

Aug15-1891.Pdf (11.59Mb)

IJ A.fflcBAIN, Keal ilstal*, ComyeyaHciM is aud iMsurance ^ /V ru% fsGfeeiteAPraririnisGteeiteAPraririnl 'james ^oung . ---- CAUL cm— fHE PEOPLE’S STORE Smith ^Hague * THjesi fBOCEBUS HawniWxJrw Goftd* d*H»*re«l tnm of cbwo la tA# EXOELsiOB Biycanr,nimiiiiii «fc ''"Vol. XTIIL~~~~"'"------i^iEBMTOH OOLPMBU. BAOTBPAY, APBIJBIlSth.1891 ' Hmber 101. DRY GOODS. EXSmift BUIAYAT. FOmON!;-; DISPATOHE® Aberican Hewi. BpKial toU »E^Pa«»» - Sew Voik, An*. 15.-A tptiM imm The Hoan a> 0ms tho Paat (Mba NEW BRICK BLOCK . OBADI BLETATOB. FWtan PrincA, HafU. to Uw HamldMfB w*n. §L Petersbwr aaTioM ttaiatbAUof -A wrf»r **fc» ol te ChMbcrof opoMB to>rtaUiib B C3H*ea-t SAle of I^ixixiaiatm ! UMpriildpBiportsofci Xrr J. ir. Onduna.IoBMMarolClioiwi atinrt, thia momin* hitclma iq. tbohorm wfaid.c>.MadUm 2o« anit yrntmimr at I SPENCER & PERKINS. Jackva.AlRBr,«iU.<aaoa<hia own, and vnitdowB lo fbo LModovne Bravnay tobriagopioiaahonnlool boar. WWW IMOU. ^:^c'wss:!isr£.'^ThodebdointhoehtMbfryaaa WodiaglbebaartbabofMaboWed ool al ........................... l.mWd !■«. n,- MUTABT BBTIBW. _BTheib AMtriBnAMtrian IxdMaybdidBy mtammaBmtamrrm iaw part ol Saptembervffl hot*- tinded by Iho Andrian and Gormaa WKW ABV»:BTi«ai:JiTB, MBiried. KaiaeiB, and the kingi ol ftixpny aiid lothUdtyBt St Panta church, on NOTICE 5S, ’St.V2.KG.StrowUicrtoHAiiBAh‘£.Sffii5S,'“- r.,.,; o( <>t ward Losls». Kn. * Broadwpll. obbium raaitTBB. I Unie and plaoe,„ll Ihl« (H»turd«T) erenlnB at 7;ai Adthc Dennii, all The Cmcbea eontinno lo Ininlt the New BRICK BLOCK (nil atuiiditic» is r«-quest»d a« GeimaniatPragne. and on Wedocwky Im^rtarce will■■-wsssi hroUBlit up Uatahata OeraianOeraaan *entlennnigantlenaa iremIrem Hantaicuannic kWMc^apw^ GET BltHLE’S PRICES. utHWrm^n a^ “*b* aocoto^TlS the aouBir t««rt or Nanaimo RICKLE Sells the Cheapest. ^ai^^ tooMWlthin the dtp- U holdrn nl Nmnatmo, . BsTwKta ABTii- a Bfu^B *5D Maar t * Inspect Rickie’s newRteck. THE “BOX’ B* ilu»t«b. Otleodant pabne^ggon aroia^ f had come ann^ and impared. IS COMING DOWN ; niKht Uftening to the Tyrol<J:*n land The Greek Crown Prince* Sophia, ,u,J lodtiug Bt the remnanu at 8p« ^.d«igb-------'of- -Qnow------- Victoria and mttaA forA Sc PrrVini. ^oftheSator of the Germanman Kaiaar,UrintKaiaar. bartof been H. V. 0. Oo’ a Bhippiag. converted to the Greek wilh. it we^ Goods Mustbe Cleared Outto make rooom for 1 The bark Oregon and Commodore arc ecrted by loma that abe aronld bsee to HreFlMtiaA. taking on cargocaol New VC Co ’a cod. S>IIciU)Tf rthp|PUitiUfl, Theebip America U at the ballaat wharf. The lollowing rcaaeia are awalUn* ear- goea: — '‘r^bealth of the Grand Dnkeol Meek- nauna were np in mvoia a^mB. w« Tl*o Wilna, I>ogii Walah. and J. B. French. Kin* Fomote dWd on the UUi Stndh^nmi One ol the lattor Brown. ----- The ihip General FaircWM U taking on raaxcH mrAKraT wAanao. London. Ang. 16th.-A St. PMeikbiirg With him waan^Wd Mawmk boOdinf. Mine booto of tbo 15 per cent. Discount will be taken off all i I cargo ol Koftbfieid coal. Tahiti So The biggeet clearance of remiumU eaer thank Wtedln«lm*«lto.a^^dM» ^ Canvass Orders known in Xanaim o^ Sjyncer^_Perkini. CASH PURCHASES. WJl; THKIB OI« BetiBhIc «• tlm Tnmt. Jnit received Irom the Eaat at Whit; MANV FAMOUS SPECIALTIES .Icld’a thoe *hop, a fine aaaortm«t ol tcqniicd lor a prolonged campaifn- Ladic'f. Gcnt’a and Children’i Shoee Discount Cards disconliniied during the wnicawhich will baoa aoldhuu cheapcucb for caah. Ono. atTATaS fOLD. Wiirmtui, Manager. Deblin, Ang 1&-The edatea of Lord Largan a ilnaled in the connUea of Armagji WeUmrtoD ShippiBit- and Down. Clater, has been aold nnder Ttie ahip J. C. Potter ia Uking on a car go of coal. K!£Z,Su‘lS.«^-?S3»*S conMl for PoftTowuicna. The bark Knock Talbot ia diachargin* . Penang, An* Ib-TheEmpreaaol China Gent’8 FuinliUngs S Clothleis. ....... on the third and lad trip around the UCUh O A -A-------- - ’»?'r‘i-*nT7r-A 1.. n ,r. c-1 ________ vat'tr. (ur o h'l part- ■ ( iLf IToTtncf. Wanled-ApprenUces . ---------a Spencer it Perkini. SnFFanciaoo, Ang meetincol lyedrtO^UAfi Berouant Sa le B(^ncerA Perkins. ooehnn- Mchaxdson&Homer ’sIT o-^ght CXTRA rlNE •ale. AH. Gdi. Biter telonnod a Faaa Fkaaa reporter that he «m eotdWBj SAN FRANCISCO Cnneat EyeaU. LAGER BEER The City ol Vancouver end tho ^ received by Hon. Mr, Venon. ChWI ICE COLD always on Dranghtat Commladooer ol Land a end Works, and i WHIFFIN & Co.’B way Company have come to an ami^ Capt BoSf ^ OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Mr. Oote. OoraMoner, when be praeented the peUttowlar lhe:«**to- doee not purchaae. the company la to pay tion olthe Mount BdM BodL they the dty three per cent, oltha Wn» coU- .......................... "TiUHhen--------- Dissolution Sale will, .cartoolcoaltorBanFranci KO. ected. The agreement being lor twenty. ........ Must clear out dock “*« -4,ONTlSfE.« FOt'-------- ro-i>ic>^HT. be LW.Whiirm&l'^.i Tha Cotton Tabernacle. VICTORIA CRESCENT. S..rTlcea will be held at the Cotton T.bemacle, on the Comox Road, on Sun- teervea the eamart thanka the wanted dav next at 3 p. m., thema wUi THIS i WEEK Biide view ol the MUlenninm,’* Bar. 20. *' Bervicea also in th|^venlng « 7^ STEAMSHIP AOEWCY. a v^tethawroma of lu.. pulpit theme-“The Jodgm ent Pay. ;o MadifliaeOo. All i.l»eB »■ »N» *«“•»• rnrwtm. ,t,d.T^JTS;w,.rk. Apply Want a g^ canva»era for tte Cheap clot's. B. YnU A Co. anl4 Scan A Scott haye intorBcd aa thalt their gr eat wffl only oontlMM^M« ; naimo Pharmacy. ” Igg -------- PEBSOIAL. S..u<»1. l..rrb^p«o U«> o omthing at Eton * Measra.T.D. Jonea. E. Oaby, John at-Paul ’s Ohnroli- McCnUh and Andrew Smith, left on the Seott ’e. To;morrow. Ponday, Ang. 10. Ml alter Carpeti away'down at O. A. Oaipian ’*. train thla motnin* lor ATctoria. romten ’PiMdo- Saiinlmn- A«|;.H. l*'l- ^ 8 “r!l ro.-Celebration ol the Holy Cove- Mr. John Matthewe, J. P., i—~ HOTEL AEBIVALS. through thU city on the train to Victoria Wlndior Boo*.'- $20BEWABD. , , Iklwii«Pre tills morning. Her. W. W. Baer woat down the line n and BaBaerettat. ..... on the train this morning. — It) YOU WAXT- TbeMiaeea Bendle, were unon, iSHSSSito; oeMengera on the Uain for Vktorim. ThlaaftemooB lathe UBOrfoo d the fedegroot^met h.” aiiK .V ,i. ,, •'M.YI.ANn. ■ AawmlPiertile nnder the aailtea ofthe Ooort Hanaimo Foreatem ’ Home. So. 11^: 5888. Themembere met at the Court via SOME BARGAINS ? |Free Dance Boom. Bteioo etreet. at three o ’clock, knd then fwmed into proeemloo, cer- Lxl Klot Chriatineon ainved by the London. Aug. 12.-At tho elecUon held —IF. so -----. noon train from Victoria. W Palmer,' Q IVillUma. F B Stew«t. ,t Walaa, Stafford, county, today lor a The Meaare Salisbury rotamed from member of parliament to enccerf the VictorU today. ISOMERSET HOUSE Mre. C. Loat ol Victoria arrired COME BEFORE IT IS TOO LITE. lOon trai n. _______ WELLINGTON. waa defeated, and Mr. Jamea the repi^ rinBi-uvra EUXIK. >orCBW»fcaB««CBMa. O^dSStotHrtSl^'' —ox— Bcnutivc ol the ConacrvaU*c«, won by ^rtdmn.Vcto^i 52S votes. •me «r*Bt a«BSBllaB. ’^erewUl bea v KemnantS ale. Bp^ncer A Pwhinr. Thobandptoyingat the remnant Souvenir Spoons, lee . SATDRDAI .EVENING, at Spencer A Perkmi. ?h “SSv •• ESK’dKiiarssriLsss BakeDishes, Tea bets.. Tha Oar i^aManiAN PACiFIC’y.R The lame Rnt- Mew Weetmlnater, An*. M.-Two oera- August 15th, 1891. waidt. Salad Bowls, mon of OsbrioU Wand. Dignan and Editor Ftai Paaaa; —Inyonr isino of Martin, haya chMlenged Mc^ Bold and SilintSlMdedlCanes, !!)»«> “J f 6'“®*'*' laat night appeared a ao<aUed manUesto and^0.1.*.J.A. Morray, lo----------row a ----doobla- e^ AUF^AMOXUITtlE l,.VTK8T<ARUnAl.S AT all are welcome. to the miners, written by a corteepon- rece on water to be ch^. at any ^ JS.'XS^Ss SSSUftJ’ J. DIXOX.PrBrrlrfr. Thu Firemen* Aunu»i --------------- w ill Uko place this year at Vlcto^ on C techS^fe t^. COUNTER’S Cheap w alcliee at S. B. Yell A Co. Notice to Contractors. Septcmlwr 78th, 29th and 30th. Follow Although the article conuins very unjust i, the (wraonnel of the Nanaimo .ndun^tbfnliUtomwitii and ^d^ Prethytoriaa Okweli. tL). which will contest in all the con- Serricwi both morning and eymte*. JEWELRY STORE 1 S^l^SSdl^llSrexocatte,^ y ^ M^Srwnan. bit expecU to win —Where you will>lao and the- Kima notoriety from this race. Morning snbiect-’The Loat ” ‘"niu^ and ,,'V lucuun- r.n t C ,«i. at B Most Complete Stock of Watches Clocks Spectac es Ihp;, ‘Ooveriimvnt^o;;;;im; ’nt rg;;;rr oTcc!"s;n;in.u! Bua^d iatoh~ .jus'jjtei'ifs.’ U U expected that the rrtntn ^ tall AXP JEWELLEKY IX ,ndguaranteed tile un.ter- Joshua?” _____ mateh between the Victoria and Nam^. gcry : Vialty. ' I- • .'Vu.- ■ r «.> u-.d.r uo. ureisaarily Bam Ball Ninoa, wUl Uke place on Satnr know tho soar« ‘ ^ M. R. COUNTER, —’ ea from. LCTICAL WATCHMAKEB.i^JIgwgLL^^^ | ^ V: rm Rubber Belting at Xlie f^tcjimcr DNIOH STEAMSHIP Co, ■nj> Mrtwtainn wa pTWi Thurtdsr J.H.PLEACE’S, HUBT. DyHSMUlil Mfehl w Ar T««ii B«n n aid ol tH n-K C?|S Britisi. Columbia, (Ltd.) OHuclk^Wud Baadioa FoBd, naita :i>.i.fTirtr ■.-..1 i'lair V>>-. rh** r iHrifiH <l«to •> tt*a> hi tha hta«T «< WaWot- -»v- t<*. Ui*vuttata»«lh»adii«*t>rti« fawfr aa itwnBi c.widcftfy ovtr 300 ‘ Builders’Hardsare, mriet<lrd. sod pt rbapa STR. EKPIREPRECT. httmr k» th«r tao awh . <Ua- SSOUTCH ^ rf.

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