312T4- F1 Grand Prlx ra.es lor cars wirh 3 lltre en Prix wes1, v rreieuve obla ned the pore posi !round. For a!round effect car rt padicular y glnes were herd lorihe lrrsr rime in 1966. The lion and won the fac€ wilh Scheckter aoa n necessafy 1o providea argespäceatlho's €a. Lotus 72 änd MecLaron hed dominant lakn! second place. Scheokter mana€ed air ourr€r so äs not to dislurb the air low. 1 postions for s€veral seasons,^!23 bu1 wlh n lourth place in Ihe Span sh Grand Pr x, bul n was be.ause th€ c6m coverpo.lron prokuded creäsed perlormanceofthe cärc lhrouAh te.h. lhe BeSian race, ällerhaving been p aced on y ntö Ihe air out €l lhat th€ ho zonlaly opposed ilca improvemenls. noon€ carhas be€nable s€vonth in praclice hogalned h slirslvictory 12.cy ind€r enO ne ol lhe F€rai was thöuQhr lo ead th 6cras6,1979 wa6 no erceplron. Trre ln the Monaco Graid Prx, the Feiraris agaln lo b€ unsullable loruse ln a!round eltecl caf. fnsl lwo racos w€ß won by Ligi6r wllh lh€ir were rrlumphant with scheckrer coming nrst Ihe unique style oi rhe312T4, designed on the new JS-11 and it seemed as ri peifraps Lrc er and Vil€neuve s€cond. Al lhis ha fwayslaoe bas s or w ndlunnellestsal P ninlarina,Tr no, wou d hav€ th€ asc€nd€ncy throughout lh€ n lh€ Gfand ft t championehrp Scheckt€r ained at produc n0 beller eflect by taking in season, but then the Fe(a 312T4becan wln was leading. ln 1979 th€ Championship was as much airas possible Thelowefsurlacesol nlng. ay lhe m ddle ot the seä6on, höwever, de6 ded accordlng toth€ totalpoints obtained |re sid€ ponroons have d€lcal€ cufres to rn. lhe Fenau I, equ pped with al.5lirreiurboen. räces in each ha I ot lh€ crease ln€ v€niurierlect. The po nled €nd ot crne, beqan tö show oveMhelmlng speed and, season. The op€n n! €vent ol the second ha f the nose cone is provided wlh ä s nc e p ece at the same lim€ th€ FW.07WillämB wäs no1 otl979 saw Fe(ar again in second p ace w lh w ns, to increase the oround contact of rhe oflen bealen. Alleravery excilin! s€ason with Vi eneüve at rhe wheer, bur n ihe lorowtns rronl wlieels To mount the enqi.e on rhe many chanoes in the leadeßli p ol the Chah & r sh and G6man rac€s th€ r€sults lorFercri chass s or lhe 312T4. il lras been made nar pionship labl6s, it was lina ly won by Jody wefe unsatisfactory wilh scheckler only rower by mo'rify na the c6m oov€r and cam Scheckler driving lha Ferari312T4 which had manalin! f tlh and iourlh p aces, bül n tlie shäpe. The exhausr pipes are lied loqelher proved a very relrable machlne lhrou€hout lhe Alstralan Grand PrixVi eneuvefin slr€dsec- 1nro6 by tlrreer and afe bent upwad so as nol ond. schecktef added sreadiy to hrs cham lo disturba rllow. Th6 6ngine l Enzo Fe(4 , who had been driver and manag€r ponship po nls bycom nqsecond nlheOutch malmum oulpul o1515 hp. Theligures '312' lorlhe alla Romeo 1eam, stafled lo manuJac- Grand Prrx, On September gth it was the lurn moan lhr€e Lih€ 12cy inder and th€ lellor'T' ture racingcars in1939 and slncerhen he has ol lh€ lalian Grand Prixand, as is quil€ oft€n ständs for lGnsverce, which means that lhe gain6d many victor€s, lhe lnsl b€in9 in the the oase, lhs race courd decide lhe 1979 cearbor develop€d by Fe(ar s mounlod 1949 Grand Prir. Fe(ar dominaled the F1 Champonship. Feifaris were on their home transvers€ly b€h nd the eng ne. The T'serles, cla56 in1952and 1€53, Manyofilsd veßhave ciound and the crowd were very volalie ln wh ch has maintainod lls high pot€nlislslnce becom€ champlonswh sldriving lorthe F€ra lheir encouraqement oJ the I own team. li 1€75aCa nslsuchslroig rvalsastheMa.Laren T€am: Juan Manue Fangio ii 1956, Mike pract ce, scheckler could on y mana€e lhird and Lolus scons der€dlobeoneol Feriar's HawUroh in 1953, Ph I Hl | 196r aud John and VilLe.euve t tth pLac€s lorlh€ grid line up. masleipieces. Wlth ils a€rodynämica ly de. Surt€€s in 1964.Afte.thes€ oarly victories the However, by extrcmely olev€rdrivin! Sch€ck1€r sinqed body,lh€ 312T4 proved in 1979 !hal ir Ferari Team were iot so successlu and n wontheracewrhvl eneuve cominq ln second wasposslbleto mounl thehor zonta lyoppos€d 1967 and 1S6Slh€y w€re nol to hav€ one win and with thls rosulr lh€ 1979 champ onship l2.cylnd€renAineon a €round elfecl car, änd In 19701he Feraa 3128 was compreted. rl had becafre Scheckteas! to the del0frl oJ the ltal. It proved worthy ol th6 name Feriar. an ent ßy n€w horzonra lyopposed 12-cy n. an crcwd. For rhe lrßt r me ln rh fteen years, der enqin€ and n the later hallollhe season F6rar cars cam€ lirsl and s€cond n front ol rm Crand Prix eß.hienen I I terWasen eßtmals bocan to show its potenlial and, with Jacky theirhomecrowd aid th sal addedlolh€€x. r966 Lotrs !rd Nlactä,ei behe(schrei zwar e. lckx or Clay Feguonid vn!,1heleam notched citemenr of this unlorlelab e race The Feirari up rourvrrories and came croselo wrnning the 312T.4 conlln!ed to do we lduring the.esl öl La{unB unn de E.hirchen ve.be$erünsen Champonship. 1971 sla ed ofi well lor F€F the season wlth vileneuve coming second in koßnre re nerdieier wasen die K r.e aiführen rar , but unfortunately rhe car did notshow its the canad an Gränd Prix and n the irnal race Auchr979 ni.rrt D e eßten ba den Reinef sudei 6xpected per,ormance throughoul the season. h€ qained his third viclory. von LiBLermit.en i.uen lsrl8e!lonnen und er 1973 prov€d lo be sdisaslef torlhe Ieam, but in Alhouqh the car on y obläined pole pos lion 1974wilhih€ 312B3lhe FerariT6am came to twic6,lher€ w,cr6on y lour €t remenls during auf die saisoi /9 nehmed würde the rore aqa n. wrlh Nicky Lauda or Fegazzoni the whole ot th€ season and the sl€nq1h oi M re der satron ze gie Renau i mii eriem 1,51 al thewhe€l lhls n€wcaf Oain€d lh.evictoies the31214 ray in rtsrerrab Lty rtisFe(a s fißl Turbonotor übetuäkrgende ce!.hf idicletei and wrh the appearan.e or lhe 312T in 1975, ground eJfecl car. A ground €l16ct.ar ls one uid auch der\! riahs F\r117 war öt'teß vorne Ferar's com€back was comp€te. The 3127 uri z|nq the ventur ertecl obla nin0 a slrong Nui abe, kam Fera,inrft dem nedei 11rT4 aui w(h lls unique aeodynamic desiqn woi sx down iorce by r€€ulal nC and ullizlnO the ak Grand Pix n 1075, with Lauda becomlng lhe rlow uider the chass s. The low€rsurfacos ol Na.h einer au3sez-aichieien 5ä 5on und vieefr chafr pion n 1977and scheckte.lhechanpion lh€ wLde body 6ides are wrna-shaped soas to \\e.hsel n ne, Füh.unc, w!.da lody Sche.kt,r in 1979. Feirari aLso won lhe conslructors' lom a very naiiowspac€,lhe'vanlur between \teltmeisier Dies zeigie, das der Feiiar nrT4 Cup 1975 10 1977 and in 1S7S. The Fetrar fiofr the ower su aces and the road surfac6. A r -a nseh,zuverlä$icerwas3n in alen Rennen war 312T4 made ils debut n the South Atrican |lowinq rcarward rhfough lhe yenturiis acc€|. Enzo Fera,, 5elbsi e i Lad8rähuer Frhre, und Grand Prix h€ld on Mäfch 3,1979 wrth drlvers eGted Th€ body s des afe prcvided witlr skids Manaser der Alfa Romeo Teamr, besani b.rcir5 Jody Scheckter and G lles Vil€nouv€. In an of speclal mate al aid lhese skhs ar6 c ose l9l9RerM4e.zu baue. seidiese.zeiirannte astonishlng Jinisli Villeneuve won tho race to lhe road eurrace thus preveniing air irom de. atrrei m Cödd Prix wilh sch6ckt€f linishrno second and lhls f rst ente nq the venturl lrom lh€ sides. the alr 1gaq Fetra, behens.hre au.h d e tormell Kla$e and second tinish lor a n€w mach ne ln irs rlows r€aNad very rasl and produc€s negaliv€ id den jahien 1e52 und re5r und er sins€n vGle debul rac€ was a recod in FerGr's history ol pressLr€ in lh€ v€nturi which ln t!rn gives a Gfaid Prix racin!. In lhe folowlng Us G.and dowi lorce holdiig the car body close to lhe r956 Juan Manuer F:n3io-1953 MLke Hiwrhorn { r'! rt, TAMITA 1961 Phil Hill-196r rohn S!@ D.n käh€in. rhii.Zeitiür f.r. -6hrcSi.g tnt 1970 s.' d.nn d.' n.u.l.rarilr?t€i.rar2- b€'eat. Oer w.s€. h.t€ ein€.12 Zyli.d..Aor.r li dd l.ui.n Stllt d.r t.hon :.'gte .t t.im slä.k. lnd Leirbm mn lacly l.kr und Clry Rqrrzoni ah Sr.u.r. Da! T.rm .r.i8 a 5i4. und v. .hh. ki.tpdi.Meßt ßch:ft D., jrhr1971 li€$ n.h gut än,.b€rderW.g.. brä.hle ni.hl di€ eN.ft€i.
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