Winter 2010 1 Volume 30 Winter 2010 Newsletter of the Western Cascade Fruit Society THE ORCHARD WASSAIL By Lorine Brakken, Seattle Tree Fruit Society When I hear the word ‘Wassailing’, I think of people caroling from house to house with hopes of drinking spiced cider. Lately though, I am hearing wonderful stories of another kind of Wassailing - this merriment takes place in the orchard, my favorite place. The Orchard Wassail is held around the Twelfth Inside: Night (Jan 17th) in the cider producing areas of England and might have roots in pagan history. The point was to be merry, sing, drink, and ‘toast’ to the apple Message from Our President p. 3 trees for next year’s good health and bountiful harvest. This merriment in the Figs p. 4 orchard was to stir the trees to good health and chase off any bad energy Summer and Fall Fruit Shows lurking in the orchard. p. 5 The tradition varies by region but most have similar elements. There is a King Bumper Raspberry crop and Queen to lead the festivities from orchard to orchard. The Queen is lifted p. 7 up into the tree where she hangs toasted bread soaked in cider. This is literally Vogel’s Views p. 8 ‘toasting’ the tree. I’m informed that cups are held high in toasts extolling the The Mad Scientist virtues of the fruit. Robins are said to enjoy the soaked bread also getting p. 9 toasted. Everyone is jolly. Book Riview p. 10 Quince Jam p. 11 Once presented with the offerings, blessings and hopes are spoken to Hoop Remesh Compost Bins the tree. Now follows much merriment and a “terrible racket” of drums and p. 12 pots and pans, culminating with the gunsmen giving a grand finale of shots American Japanese Fruit through the branches to chase off the last of the demons. Then on to the next Expedition p. 14 orchard. Haskap Arrives in North America p. 15 What a great racket and celebration of the harvest and bounty from the Winecrisp Apples orchards! I hear this practice is carried on today in England. This sounds like p.17 fun. I’m in. Chapter News p. 18 Try one of these Orchard Blessings on January 17: www.wcfs.org Wassaile the trees, that they may beare You many a Plum and many a Peare: "Apple tree, apple tree, we all come to For more or lesse fruits they will bring, wassail thee, Bear this year and next As you do give them Wassailing. year to bloom and to blow, Hat fulls, cap fulls, three cornered Here's to thee, old apple tree, sack fills, Hip, Hip, Hip, hurrah, Holler boys, The BeeLine is a That blooms well, bears well. [3] quarterly publication of holler hurrah." Western Cascade Fruit Society, Hats full, caps full, Three bushel bags full, a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation in the An' all under one tree. Hurrah! Hurrah!” State of Washington. More on Page 2 Western Cascade Fruit Society www.wcfs.org western cascade 2 Fruit Society Traditional Apple Wassail rhymes Lori Brakken of STFS printed onto tracing paper using her Word program. She slipped the Word Here's to thee, old apple tree, strip under a Maggot Barrier and put a baggie Whence thou mayst bud over the Maggot And whence thou mayst blow! Barrier to keep it And whence thou mayst bear apples enow! dry. She and her Hats full! Caps full! husband then left Bushel--bushel--sacks full, for an extended And my pockets full too! Huzza! — South Hams of Devon, 1871 trip in late August. When Huzza, Huzza, in our good town she came home, The bread shall be white, and the liquor be brown she found this: So here my old fellow I drink to thee And the very health of each other tree. Well may ye blow, well may ye bear Blossom and fruit both apple and pear. So that every bough and every twig May bend with a burden both fair and big May ye bear us and yield us fruit such a stors That the bags and chambers and house run o'er. — Cornworthy, Devon, 1805 Stand fast root, bear well top Pray the God send us a howling good crop. Every twig, apples big. Every bough, apples now. — 19th century Sussex, Sur- rey Apple-tree, apple-tree, Bear good fruit, Or down with your top And up with your root. — 19th century S. Hams. Bud well, bear well God send you fare well; Every sprig and every spray Old apple tree, we'll wassail thee A bushel of apples next New Year Day. — 19th century And hoping thou wilt bear. Worcestershire The Lord does know where we shall be To be merry another year. Here we come a wassailing To blow well and to bear well Among the leaves so green, And so merry let us be. Here we come a wandering Let every man drink up his cup So fair to be seen. And health to the old apple tree. Love and joy come to you, (Spoken) And to you your wassail too, Apples now, hat-fulls, three bushel bag-fulls, And God bless you and send you a happy New Year. tallets ole-fulls, barn's floor-fulls, little heap And God send you a happy New Year. — Somerset, under the stairs. 1871 Hip Hip Hooroo (3 times) Western Cascade Fruit Society www.wcfs.org Winter 2010 3 MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT By Mark Youngs, Seattle Tree Fruit Society Winter is a cold reminder that to everything make this happen, we need 20+ locations to there is a season. This last freeze broke low grow these experimental trees. The specific temperature records going back to 1972. I’m details will be provided by Judy in the near apprehensive about the survival of figs and the future. The research will probably be over a other cold sensitive plants in our landscape. five year period and after completion you will Now is the time to plan for next year’s garden keep the trees! If you or someone you know is and orchard adjustments. Based on last year’s interested in participating, please contact your success stories and failures, we plan to chapter President. Let’s make this happen! increase or decrease, add or eliminate new A special thank you to Carlyn Syvanen, plants, shrubs and trees. who has informed us of her desire to step down You are all invited to our WCFS member from her position of Co-editor of the BeeLine. I meeting which will be held after the Board of had the privilege of touring Italy’s orchards Directors meeting on March 14, 2010 at the UW with her on Dr. Norton’s trip and she is a Center for Urban Horticulture. You are more wonderful person indeed. She has done a than welcome to attend the Board meeting as marvelous job with Marilyn Couture keeping well. Get a close up view of how your our newsletter interesting and informative. organization works. Now we need a replacement to work with At our last Board of Directors meeting, we Marilyn. Having two editors not only divides decided to go ahead with the Cherry trials the workload but will also allow us to do more and use WCFS funds to finance them. This with the BeeLine. Anyone with a desire to learn project will evaluate Cherry rootstocks in our and serve in this area is encouraged to apply. individual areas, specifically Krymsk 5, Gisela 5, Fringe benefit is a free subscription to the and the new Gisela 3 which I’m told is more Good Fruit Grower. dwarfing yet. Variety trials will most likely be My prayer of peace and prosperity goes included at the same time. Here’s your out to you all. May your gardens and orchards chance to be directly involved with a research overflow with quality produce throughout the project that is funded by your WCFS dues. To coming season. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! MOUNT VERSNON FRUIT RESEARCH LEFT WITH NO STAFF Staff positions for the Tree Fruit Gary’s 30th year with WSU and Jacky’s 20th Horticulture program at WSU- year. We are sorry to see the end of the talks, Mount Vernon Northwestern seminars, bulletins, cultural trials, variety Washington Research & Ex- evaluations, scionwood sales and more. Both tension Center have been Gary and Jacky will be working in different ca- eliminated due to lack of pacities at WSU Mt. Vernon. Gary will be in- state funding. Dr. Stephen volved in wheat research with Dr. Jones and Jones, WSU Director, officially Jacky will assist Dr. Carol Miles. closes the program as of WCFS has always given financial and other January 1, 2010. Western support to fruit research organizations. Until the Cascade Fruit Society would WSU administration in Pullman is once again like to thank Gary Moulton able to support fruit research west of the Cas- who led the fruit research program and Jacky cades, perhaps it’s time for WCFS to open a King, program assistant, for all their work and new chapter and consider undertaking its own dedication these many years. This year marks fruit research. Western Cascade Fruit Society www.wcfs.org western cascade 4 Fruit Society FIGS: ONE CROP IS NICE, TWO ARE WCFS NEW MEMBERS BETTER By Chuck Polance, Tahoma Chapter When my King fig tree was finished producing in August, my Neveralla was just getting started, Thus, I was able to have a longer season of nutritious figs to enjoy. It is now the second week of November and Peninsula Fruit Club Tom & Bonita Williams I am still picking from my Neveralla fig tree Gayle Larson Joyce Wojcik daily.
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