S. R. C. PRESIDENT RESIG M. u. Post Vacated By "Butsie" The Gazette has learned that Allan l •• O'Brien (Butsie) will sub­ mit his resignation as Equipm/Cnt .\lanager to this week's meeting of the Students' Council. This posi­ tion is paid by funds from the Council treasury. Butsie told. the Gazette that his wo1·k in the gym 1had become so great that it. was impossible for him to c.ontinue in the post he has held for the past ten years. The Equipment Manager is re­ sponsible for all the equipment of varsity and interfac teams. The Qu('en Carrie Ann is shown above as she rides in state in the Purd~· The above is the black and gold entry in the giant Purdy Cup Council will find it difficult to re­ Oup Day Parade last Satmday morning. She was crowned Miss Purdy Parade. It was one of 25 floats in a most colorful parade through the I plac~ the experience and ability o.f Cup I and ruled oYer the football festh·ities of last week. streets of Halifax. Buts1e. Don't Forget THERE ARE JUST THE DENT BALL 13 DAYS on UNTIL EXAMS; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 2.5 DAYS At The LORD NELSON UNTIL CHRISTMAS Canada's Oldest College Newspaper Vol. LXXXIX HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, NOVEMBER 29, 1956 No. 10 BLOOD DRIV --~ One of the many Dalhousians - who patronized the Red Cross Carrie Anne Chosen Blood Donor Clinic in the Men's Rompkey Quits IResidence last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. With such pretty Miss Purdy Cup 1 attendant it is a pleasure to give After Student Vote blood. Let's hope that this will in­ spire more to give next year. Dalhousie's C a r r i e Ann --- - - - - ~ Matheson was crowned Miss Bill Rompkey, president of Purdy Cup at the first annual the Students' Representative Purdy Cup Dance last Friday Council at the Memorial Uni­ night at the Lord Nelson versity of Newfoundland in llotel. In the contest sponsor­ St. John's, has resigned from ed by the Halifax Junior his position along with several Board of Trade, Carrie Ann, members of the Council. carrying the black and gold of The action came as the 1'esult of the Dalhousie Tigers, com­ a student demonstration that in­ peted against Denise Crousset terrupted a speech by the mayor of representing the Greenwood the Ne>vfoundland capital. The ad­ mittance of a hockey team from Bombers, and the Sheanvater Memorial into the city league had candiate Betty Ann Fitzpa­ been a !burning question with stu­ trick. The dance, which was dents for some time, and when it followed by the playoff game came to a head in the demonsh·a­ tion, Rompkey offered an explana­ on Satunlav bet\veen Green­ tion to tJhe mayor. wood and s'heanvater for the Pu1·y Cup, brought to a climax * * * Some students rupparently thought no explanation was necess.o"lry, and the 19i56 football season. a vote of confidence in ·the Council On Saturday morning, Queen New Professor held. Although it was won p;u·­ was 0 l '7 T7 l Bl d Carrie Ann lead a mammot'h the majority was small_, and sev~ral ~v I I "0 00 ade hroug-h Halifax -treds in the members and the pres1dent res1gn- n 'J 00 unteer co.npanv of 25 float.:>, 12 bands and Of Surgery ed. Rompkey explains that he ' l hun<i1•eds of cal... This was the "thought, for success in the office, ~~ -..ne Day Dr n 1 Blood ·ve !biggest bonanza ever attempted in The appointment of Dr. Ian I should have more support". .1.. 11 I t::/ 1 the ogrid game in these parts and was an imitation of the fa.mou3 :\IacKenzie, M.B.E., F.R.C.S. Rompkey, in a special statement What flows in the veins of Dalhousians? Is it blood? Grey Cup Game Parade in Toronto. (Edin.), as Professor of Sur­ to the Gazette, gO'eS on to say that Judging from the results of the Annual Red Cross Blood Carrie Ann is a third year stu­ gery at Dalhousie University he feels the vote was not a. true dent and lists among her prime expression of campus opinion, and Donor Clinic held last Tuesday, Wednesday and ThuTsday in and Head of the Department llhat he is running for re-election. the Men's Residence, no one will ever know. activities cheerleading. of Surgery at the Victoria !Presented with the Purdy Cup Trophy by l\Ir. Garson Purdy of General Hospital is announced Of the 1957 students emolled at Purdy Motors. Carrie Ann was jointly by President A. E. Dalhousie, only 700 were vvilling to :ll\\"arded a ~·e.turn trip to New York Kerr of Dalhousie and Gordon BLOOD DRIVE RESULTS ov TCA, as well as numerous other S. Cowan, Q.C., Chairman of (incomplete) roll up their sleeves for the worthy gifts. the Hospital Board of Com­ Faculty Enrollment Donations Rejects Under Percent. cause. To make matters worse. of The 1big parade which left the missioners . Age the 700 volunteers, 100 were under • 'orth Commons at 10:30 a.m. and Engineering 9 116 54 6 56% 79 wended its ·ay down-town was one Dr. MacKenzie, who will assume Commerce 120 49 13 60 % age and about were rejeded for of 'the most colorful to be held in his new duties dwing the spring Law 183 8 42.5% medical reasons. Although this this capital for a long time. term, is a graduate of Edinburgh 71 Dentistry 47 22 46.5% year's enrollment is greater than University and served iOJ: several Medicine 229 117 1 51.5% years as a teacher and research Arts & Science last yem·'s, fewer pints of blood worker on the staff of thrut Uni­ 620 273 38 106 65.5% Graduate Nurses 23 14 1 65% were received in last week's clinic. Dr. Kerr Returns; vel·sitv and later rut the University Pharmacy 31 25 4 1 96.7% of Durhan1, Newcastle-on-Tyne. He Education has also had extensive :experience 27 9 1 37% Graduate Studies 57 19 1 35% Causing the sharp decline was Leaves for St.John's in clinical practice as Consultant undoubtedly the pressure of on­ Surgeon to the West Cumberland Dalhousie's President Dr. A. E. Fraternities No. of Donations Rejects Under Percent. coming examinations, the inter­ Group of Hospitals under the Members Age K rr, back from Ottawa where he rupted horu-s of the clinic (11:30- attende<l the annual conference of British Health Service. During the Alpha Gam. Delta 12 11 1 100% Canadian University Presidents, •war he gained distinction for medi­ Tau Epsilon Pi 36 31 4 97.2% 2:30, 4- 5, days; and Wednesday cal services with Montgomery's 8th Zeta Psi 21 17 2 90.4% evening from 7-8), the ~led exami­ left Saturday morning for St. Army in N01th Africa and. wit.h J ohn's, .. 'ev.'foundland, where he Pi Beta Phi 18 11 5 88.8% nations, and the teaching assign­ resistance groups behind the enemy Phi Delta Theta 28 23 1 85.7% attended tl1e annual Central Ad­ ments of the Education students. A visory Committee on Education lines in Yugoslavia and France. Sigma Chi 98 33 3 75% meeting. Commenting on the appointment, Phi Rho Sigma 52 38 72.5% special clinic was held for these Pt•esident Ken- emphasized that P hi Ka ppa Pi 32 19 59.4% groups on Monday of this week. Among suhjects 'being discussed this marks the first time that the Phi Chi 69 30 43% at t he meeting is a recommenda- Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie NOTE: These figures are approximate. There were 681 Repeating their gl01ies of the tion from n. special committee to alii has had a full-time Professor of actual donations ''lvith 73 rejects. Tlre Corpuscle Percentage is universities of the Atlantic Prov- Stu·gery. l\lost modem schools of previous )'l€a.r, Pharmacy again 1 based on a handicap and will he higher than the average of the inces to increase 'entrance require- · .\Iedicine, he said, have adopte<l this above percenta.ges. turned out in full force to lead the ments to 60 pm-cent. policy. interfaculty race. Page Two DALHOUSIE GAZETTE Thursday, November 29, 1956 a very interesting LETTER TO TH E EDITOR from an unhappy student ( Nov. 20, 1956. wrong num'ber of players to be * * * Halifax, N. S. on the field. If coach Thomas has Dear Editor: <lifficwty in counting higher than "The Gazette" Is always happy to Canada's Oldest CoLlege Newspaper receive expressions of student opin­ The oon.tinual failure of the his ten fingers will allow him, I Founded by the students of Dalhousie in 1869 suggest that in the future he re­ ion and, when possible, t-o have and they've regretted it ever since DAA.C to imlProve its penfOl'Ill­ them appear in its pages. Publlca.­ ance seems to point out any one move one shoe so as to enable Member of Canadian University Press him to handle numbers as high tion of course, does not imply en­ thing-that the university as a dorsation or approval. although why, we're not sure whole is obvtious to the state of as fjf.teen in case of emergency. PUbliShed weekly, sometime, and semi-v:eek.ly, some ~t:her times, affairs in t'h.e atlhletic depart­ Certainly he should not have \Ve have heard that one com­ at Dalhousie University, Halifax.
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