l Mementos for Girl Scouts' 75th Anniversary In anticipation of Girl Scouts' 75th ~--------~--------~----------~.~ anniversary, we feature these new and specially designed mementos. Everything shown here from t-shirts to a poster ... plus 2 new publications not shown: " Girl Scout Uniforms Through the Years", 27-200. and "The 75th Anniversary Projects: Leaders' Guide", 27-201 , each priced at $1.25 a copy. Order now through National Equip­ ment Service, Girl Scout councils council-operated shops or local Girl Scout departments. A. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary T·Shirt. 0. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Mug. H. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Plaque. Adult sizes for women and men S(34-36), Ceramic. 27-108. $11.50 6' ~ a·. 27-111. $13.25 M(38-40), L(42-44), XL(46) 27·100. $8.50. E. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Pencil. J . Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Girls sizes 8(6-8), M(1D-12) L(14-16) Blue or green -leave color cho1ce to us' Tile Plaque. 6 x 6 wl'.h nange back 27-112. $7.00 27-106. 30e each 27-109. S4.00 B. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Balloons. F. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Pin. K. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Plate. 27·113-100. $20.00 pkg. of 100 Silvertone 7t8". 27·101. $2.50 Spun brass 6 round. 27-110. $25.00 C. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Poster. G. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Patch. L. Girl Scout 75th Anniversary Stickers. 17" x 22''. 27·115-024. $30.00 pkg. of 24 Embroidered 3'' round 27-102. $2.50 1V2 • round 27-107-100. $3.75 roll of 100 GSUSA NES NATIONAL EQUIPMENT SERVICE MINIMUM MAIL ORDER. $5.00 PLUS $1 00 HANDLING CHARGE Girl Scout SPRING 1987 FEATURIS ~ 8 A Heritage of Leadership GIRL SCOUTS 12 An Honored Family Tradition President Betty F. Pilsbury 15 Girl Scout Program Then & Now (centerfold) National Executive Director Frances Hesselbein 19 Handbooks Through the Years Director, Communications Rhoda Pauley 21 Traditionally Girl Scouting Managing Ultor carolyn cagglne OrapbJc.s and Design Director l'llchael Chan"'ick 22 Girl Scout Women of Distinction Senior Ultor Marianne llaw Associate Ultors Deborah Craven, Janet Lombardi 24 A Conversation with Juliette Low Contributing Editor Patricia Stoddard Editorial Assistants Colleen floyd, Marie Kary 26 On Millions of Walls Circulation Assistant Millie Freeman 28 Girl Scouting's Special Places Olrl Scout Leader IISSN 0017·05771 Is published quarterly by Oirl Scouts of the U.S.A., ~Third A•enue, "e.o York. t1.Y. 10022. c 1987 b)' Olrl Scouts or the 30 For the Record l>nited States or America. Ail rights resel\ed. This pub· IIC.atlon may not be reproduced. stored in a rettle\lll <)<~em. or transmitted in \Oohole or In pan. In any ronn. or b) any means, electronic. m«hanle.al, phOtocopy· lng. recording. or otherwise \Oo1lhout the prior \OoTIUen penntsslon of Olrl Scouts of the t;nited States or Amer· le.a Send .stamped, self·addre.ssed emelope with un· ~lc ted manuscripts, photos, or an. Olrl Scout Leader annot be responsible for such material In Its ofnce.s or In transit Thlrd·c:lass postage paid at New York City and additional mailing offices. SubKrlpUon.s. $4 yearly (4 Issues), $6.~ for all des· tlnatlons outside U.S.A. and possessions; $1 Senior Olrl Scouts Change ofaddress: Write Oh15cout Leader, ~ Third A\enue, New York. N.Y. 10022. InClude old and ne" address. as well as counciL troop, and ldenUnca· tlon number Alloloo 8 -.-eeks for change. Vol. 64, No. 1, Spring 1987. Cover: Girl Scouting sk}Tockets into its 75th year, and the future looks bright as DEPARTMENTS we head Into the final quarter of our first 100 years. Cover collage created by George President's Message In the News Koizuml for GSUSA. 4 6 ·. ·~· President's Message n important anniversary, like this serving agencies like ours on the part year's 75th, is a time to look back of the corporate world and big and Awith affection and great pride on small businesses look promising. More a remarkable history and heritage. It's business leaders recognize that the also a time to assess how far we've character, skills, and energy of today's come in achieving our basic goals, and developing young people will deter­ to look beyond this birthday year to mine tomorrow's business climate. our challenging future. Environmental concerns will grow along What will be different about Girl with the population, so I believe Girl Scouting as v.-e move into the 2 I st Scout outdoor education will take on century? What about our program new importance, particularly with our content? Will the ways in which we de­ new Girl Scout Outdoor Education liver program to girls change? What Training Center in operation. new sources of funding will prove most One thing is certain: Whatever promising? Who will be the " typical" changes we must make to serve girls Girl Scout b} the year 2000? in a changing world, \.. e will make. Not We find the ans\"ers to those glumly, not dutifully, but with the same questions, of course, in the changes spirit of zest and optimism in which that are reshaping so much of the larger we've anticipated, welcomed, and su­ society today. Developments such as perbly managed change and chal­ the increasing numbers of divorces, lenge throughout the past 75 years. single-parent families, more mothers Happy anniversary to you alii of young children in the work force, economic instability in some regions -8~~P_~ and industries, the move of more of Betty F. Pilsbury our population into cities, are all im­ National President pacting on girls; they will also have an National Pres dent Bett) F. Pilsbury poses with Girl Scouts from Central New York Girl impact on Girl SCOLiting. Scout CoUI c in upstate Syracuse Let's loo~ first at the last question I posed: Will there even by a " typical" Girl Scout by the year 2000? Probably not! Because of the great numbers of immigrants to our shores from Asia, Latin America, and the Mideast. our Girl Scout membership should be-and I hope will be-as marvelous a mix of 10RLSCOUTS races and ethnic backgrounds as the total U.S.A. population, as \\e move into the 21st century. What about changes in Girl Scout program? It \.. ill have e~actly the same developmental aim, of course. But the content will probably look vastly dif­ ferent. with more emphasis on sci­ ence, technology, and non-sex-ste­ reotyped careers, and new attention to the problems girls face in a complex and changing world. It's likely that program will continue to be delivered in varied ways-and places. Prospects for greater funding support for youth- 4 Girl Scout Leader/Spring 1987 ·. I acercarse un aniversarlo tan Detengamonos en mi ultima pre· de los negocios de que de Ia forma· importante como este-el de los gunta: c:,Sera posible que para el ano ci6n de lajuventud, de su cankter, ha­ A75 ai'los-que ahara se cum· 2000 haya en realidad una Girl Scout bilidades y energfa dependera Ia pros­ pie-com ·ene rememorar con en· "tfpica"? Probablemente 1nol Debido· peridad. A Ia par del aumento de Ia orme afecto } orgullo una historia y al enorme influjo inmigratorio a nues­ poblaci6n aumentaran las preocupa­ herenc·a notabilisimas. A Ia vez, nos tras costas desde Asia, Latinoamerica ciones sabre el ambiente que nos ro· corresJX>nde e\aluar el camino hasta y el Media Oriente, en nuestra orga­ dea, de modo que opino que Ia edu· ahora recorrido hacia los objetivos nizaci6n de Girl Scouts hallaremos esa caci6n de Ia naturaleza y del aire libre b.is cos ) am pilar nuestra visi6n m~s misma maravillosa mezcla de razas y cobrara inusitada importancia e fm· ana de este aniversario para vislum· culturas de Ia que sera Ia poblaci6n petu, en particular con nuestro nuevo brcL el futuro que tan halagi.ieilo se total estadounidense en los albores del Centro de Capacitaci6n at Aire Libre noc; presenta. nuevo siglo. para las Girl Scouts, ya en funciona· (.Que sera diferente en Girl Scout· Y, (.que decir de los cam bios en el miento. i 19 al acercarnos al siglo XXl? <.Que programa de las Girl Scouts? Natural· Pero, de esto sf podemos estar se· contendra nuestro prograrna? <.Cam· mente que tendra Ia misma finalidad guras: se haran cualesquiera cambios biara Ia manera de ofrecerlo a las ni· evolutiva. Mas, el contenido sin duda que sean necesarios para ofrecer Ia i'las? <.Cuales fuentes de recursos re· aparecera con grandes diferencias: mas mejor atenci6n a las nii'las en un sultaran m~s prometedoras? <.Quien enfasis en las ciencias, Ia tecnologfa y mundo tan lleno de cambios. Y lo ha· habra de ser Ia Girl Scout "tipica" alia las carreras libres de los clises que las remos no con pesadumbre ni como por el ana 2000? califican de femeninas. A Ia vez, en­ deber, sino con ese mismo espfritu Hallamos las respuestas a lo an· roque mayor a los problemas que las emprendedor y optimista con el cual terior, claro esta, en los cambios que niiias enfrentan en un mundo com· hemos anticipado, aceptado alegre­ a diario reestructuran Ia mayor parte plejo y de grandes cambios. Lo mas mente y enfrentado con toda eficien­ de nuestra sociedad. Acontecimientos seguro es que continuara el programa cia, los cambios y los retos en el curso como el incremento cada vez mayor y se recibira de maneras muy diversas de los pasados 75 aiios. en el numero de divorcios; las famllias y en pluralidad de sitios.
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