List of Recognized Sororities at Wayne University in good standing November 1, 1937 Name of Sorority Alpha Sigma Tau March 4, 1925- x x' ~Alpha Theta Sigma x I I , /i Del te. Gammi Chi Decen~er 6, 1926 x rI Intersority Council December 6, 1926 x Lambda Kappa Sigma November 12, 1930- x x Mu Phi Epsilom Aprl1 3, 1936 x Omega Delta Chi Februe.ry 25, 1932 Pi. Kappa Sigma November 18, 1937' x I Sigma Rho Chi November 20, 1934 x ~ Zeta Chi December 6, 1926 x *No reports from these organizations for 1937-38. List of Reco€!,nized Fraternities at Wayne University in good stsnding No~ember 1, 1937 . Organization Heports Name of Fraternity Date of Recognition 1936-J7 1937-Ja *Alpha Delta Psi Recognized x Alpha Phi Alpha. Recognized (No date) x Arabs March 4, 1926 x x ·,phege. December 6, 1926 x x ~psilon Sigma December 12, 1926 X X *Gamma Phi Delta Jme 10, 1927 X ~o~a Eps~lon Phi - Probation - April 26, 1932 *Kap:pe. Chi Probation - Me.reh 19, 1926 x . Phi Alpha Recognized (No date) X *l.'i Sigma Alpha November 20, 1931 X raf Delta October u.,. 1934 X X *Rho Pi Phi January 21, 1930 X *Shahs No~ember 15, 1926 X Sphinx February 25, 1927 X X " / ... *No reports from theSe organizations for 19.37-38 Other Student Organizations in regard to whose recognition there is no evidence in the ofrioe of the Dean of Students. Organization Report Name ofOrganizat!on 1936-27' 19;7-J8 Association of Women Students N6 No Engineering Society X No French Club No No Gas House Gang No date X X German Olub No No .-... ; Home Economics ci~ . Deo. 16, 1935 X X 11 Ciroolo Italiano June 6, 1932 X X Interne,tiona1 Re1bt1ons Club X X Mathem.atios Club No X No Health Eduoation Club (College of Eduoation) l .J'1 Sigma Gamma Pi Recognized X No Student C1u1;> Recognized X X Women's Athletic Assoo. Dec. 6, 1926 X X ,I Y.w.C.!. Nov. 25, 1931 X X i 1 \ ) I / I List of' Recognized Clubs at Wayne Univera:1ty $,n good standing. Organization Heports m6-;1'7 l.2JZ-~~ '1/ All Sta:be Club Jan~ry 2" 1936 x x vi Am((~rioan S,tudent. Union X /' <,.j AY$ah\,. Btyt:v A2~'tJI;t.··l'('!'t. October 22, 1934 x vB~~~· ~. /8, IffJ7 *C&.ntpus Club November 12, 1931 X Chese Olub January '7, 19:32 X x '1 X '1 x x *Geog'TD.phy (;1 ub April 29, 19.35 *HemmOd Cluh _----~ay 10, 1932 ~ s-~- ~ ~ , Home Economics Club December 16, 1925 X X t/~/~ 11 Oi1'oo10 Italiano December 6, 1932 x X Internatior~l. 1{e1~1tJi9f1!:! C}ub X X 'd~-<~t... ~ ~. I~. /73 7 ~ Newman Club June 5, 1935 X X PI'e.... Madic cliio Octob(\~r 25; 192.8 X X Sarmatian Club NO'lfembe:r 4, 19.37 X X X X Women 'f; Athletic Association DeCt)mber 16, 1926 X X I.W.O.A. November 25, 1931 nX X I { · . i _ -----' _'_J '" "_l' II,.. July 21, 1938 List of Recognized Sororities at Wayne Univers:Uy (Alpha Beta Phi-Gamma Sigma Chapter (Social) ,/ Alpha Sigma. Tau v/Alpha. Theta· Sigma :j Delta Gamma Chi *Intersorority Council I Lambda Kappa Sigma , ~Fh1Epsil;on vjAfomega·Upsilon-Mu Chapter (Social) V Pi Kappa;s~~ dSj;_G~ vi *Sigma Rho Chi. j Zeta Chi (Mr. MacLachlan has no report) ·34?~t;."P' r , ......... *No organization reports on file 1- - --, -- Ii" .. ".~ July 21, 1938 ... List of Recognized Fraternities at Wayne University Alpha Delta Psi v Alpha Phi Alpha ./Arabs """ Chega Epsilon Sigma ..; Gamma Kappa Chi~ocial fraternity v Gamma Phi Delta. v Iota Epsilon Phi (Mr. MacLachlan has no report, and no organization report) v Kappa Chi v Phi Alpha (Mr. MacLachlan has no report) vPi Sigma Alpha-8igma Chapter vPi Tau Sigma Psi Delta RRePi~i (no organization lepOrt) ;,:'Shahs V'- Sigma. R.'lO Tau (Mr. M. has no report) V Sphinx ( Mr. M. has no report) - -T----'-, ',-,--, l"f'I' ,-- T 6/6/38 -... List of Recognized Clubs at Wayne tJniversity .All State Club American Student Union Association of Women Students Avukah Beta Gamma Business Administration. Club Camera Club Campus Club Chess Club Collegian Press Club Early Elemen.tary Education Majors Engineering SOCiety Gas House Gang Geography Club Germa.n Club Home Economics Club II Circolo Italiano International Relations Cl.ub Later ElementaI"'J Club Litera.ti Natural SCience Cl.Ub Newman Club Pi Sigma Alpha Pre-Medic Club Sarmatia. Club Sigma Gamma Pi Student Club (YMCA) Women's Athletic Association Young Women"s Christian Association T·: fl;:'; n, I I I;'· I Organization Renorts on File as of December 27, 1938 Fraternities * 1. Alpha Kappa Pi 2. Alpha Phi Alpha * 3. Arab -* 4. Chega -x- 5. Gamma Kappa Chi * 6. Gamma Phi Delta 7. Iota Epsilon Phi ~e- 8. Kappa Chi 9. Mu Sigma Pi * 10. Phi Alpha lI. Pi Sigma Alpha Honorary Fraternity - Mixed organization ~- 12. Pi Tau Sigma ,'{- 13. Shahs 14. Sigma P~o Tau (Delta Chapter) 15. Tau Epsilon Rho (Omicron Chapter) On probation beginning Dec. 2, 1938 *Member of Inter-Fraternity Council 1-;- r ".. Orgenization Re-oorts on File as of' December 27, 1938 Sororities l. Alpha Beta Phi-Gamma Sigma Chapter 2. Alpha Kappa Alpha * 3. Alpha Sigma Tau -* 4. Delta Gamma Chi 5. Lambda Kappa Sigma 6. O:mega upsilon -* 7. Pi Kappa Sigma 8. Sigma Pillo Chi 9. Sigma Theta Delta 10. Theta Kappa Sigma -* 11. Zeta Chi \/ '""" I Organization Reuorts on File as of December 27, 1938 Clubs and Honorary Societies * All State Club * PJnerican Student Union .Art Education Club Aurora -~ Avukah /1ESO,,"/<i,p;~ns * Beta Gamma (Honorary Business Administration Society) * Business Administration Club * Campus Club * Canterbury Club * Collegi&~ Press Club * Der Deutsche Verein * Early Elementary Education Majors El Circulo Espanol * Gas House Gang * Gold Key (Women's Honorary Society) * Griffin Swim..l!ling Club * Home Economics Club * 11 Circolo Italiano * International Relations Club -~ Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Wa;yne * Later Elementary Club -~ Les Thelemites -* Literati * Lutheran Students' Club Mathematics Club * Men's Health Education Club * Natural SCience Club * Newberry Club * Newman Club * Sarmatia Club Sigma Kappa Sigma (Luthera.YJ. Stucients' Club) * Sphinx Club * Ukrainian University Club -~ Wayne University Camera Club * Wayne UniverSity Chess Club Wayne University Engineering Society * "ayne University Radio Club * Women's Athletic Association * Recognized Organizations _, __ I --" I"; - ~-- I . - - - 'C' - '-- - I' .. -r- T' Organization Reports Not On File as of December 1, 1938 Sororities Alpha Theta. Sigma Inter-Sorority Council Inter-8orority Fellowship (Bible Study Group) Lambda Kappa Sigma MuPhi.Epsilon Omega Upsilon Sigma Sigma Xi Omicron Fraternit;tes Alpha Deltfl. Psi EpsllonSigma. Gannr.aKappa Chi Phi Alpha Psi Delta Rho Pi Phi Shahs Sphinx Clubs Ass.ociation . of ,Women Students Early Elementary Majors Geogra.phY . Club He.a.lthEci11cation Club (Women's) History Club KrownKlub . Literati Men l s Health Education Club Newman Pre41ed Club Sarmatia Sigma Gamma Pi (Classical Society) Student Club Those Interested in Delta Wayne University Chemistry Club Wayne University Mathematics Club Young Women's Christian Association I: II 11- ~1--~---T - "-·1 - . 1 I ....•. ~ \ 17//-/.0 /3 t _L Honor Fratslllitieg an<i Eorori1jiee at Wo,yne Uniyersit~ .. /131 ~ono~ Fraternitie~ Delta Sigma Rho - Forensics. National Pi Kappa Delta - Forensics - National Sigma Delta Psi - Physioal Education - National Sigma lfuo Tau - Engineering - National HonOr SOrorit1~~ Alpha Chi Alpha - Journalism - National Phi Upsilon-Omicron - Home Economics - National Mu Phi Epsilon - Music - Natidnal BOnOI' SocietlesOpen ~o'B9th Men and Women Collegiate Players - Dramatics - National Pi Sigma Alpha - PolitiGal BCience - National • Social Fratexnities Alpha Delta Psi* Pi PhiOmicron* Alpha Kappa Pi*' - Na,tional Pi Tau Sigma*' Alpha Uu Shaha* Alpha Phi Alpha Sphinx*' Arab* Ohega* * Member of the Inter-Fraternity COUl'Hlil Epsilon Slgma* ~-MembeI'ship restrioted to stUdents in Gamma Kappa Chi* College of Pharmacy Gamma Phi Delt&.* Iota Epsilon Phi Kappa Alpha Psi All fraternities local except where deSignated Kappa Chi* Phi Alpha* - National. Phi Delta Chi* ...... Pi Alpha Phi ijonor Societies - Local Mackenzie Honor Society - Senior Honor Sooiety for Men Karyatides - Senior Honor Society for Women ScholarShip Honor.Sooiety -Senior Honor Societ.y for Men and Women Professional Fraternities Alpha Tau Beta - Journalism -.Looa1 Accemites - Engineering - Local. §goial Sorotities Alpha Sigma Ta~ L - National Alpha Theta Siglna* Delta Gamma Chi* Lambda Kappa· SifPX1Ei - . Iota Alpha Pi*(Nu. Ohapter) Pi Kappa Sigma* J. - National All sororities local except where designated Sigma Rho Chi Sigma Sigma* Sigma Theta Delta Zeta Chi* Xi Omicron *Member of the Inter-Sorority Council J.Membership restricted to stUdents in College of Education --Membership restricted to students in College of Pharmaoy i· ___ .--l:-~ . I National Fraternities President Address Phone No. Alpha Kappa Pi L. Rorers Liddle 553 Forest, Wy. 119S-W (social fraternity) Wyandotte Phi Alpha - Morrey Barak 2642 Clements To. 8-0429 (social fraternity) Phi Delta Chi (Alpha Eta Chapter) Joseph A. Pasztak, Jr. 8926-Mt. Elliott Iv. 1699 (nati.mal phaTmaceutical) Alpha Phi Alpha (negro Have not submitted organization report for 1939-40 fraternity) National Sororities Alpha Beta Phi (Gamma Sigma Ch.) ]liarcia Pilmore 1251 Lawrence To.3-4[!ll (social sorority) Alpha chi Alpha Irene Cornell 15710 Chapel B.e. 2935 J (journalistic honorary) Alpha Sip}il8 Tau Have not ·submitted organization :eport for 1939-40 ( education) Ome~a Upsilon 6244 Hartwell, 01'. 6374 (pr~fes;ional) Dearbo~ , Pi Kappa Sigma Helen Boehmke 1373 Lakewood Mu. $450 ., (social and professional) (education) Alpha Kappa Alpha' No organization report (negro sorority) HonlDI' Societies Gold Key Ann· Nelson 6833 Yinger (Junior women's honorary society) Dearborn Karyatides (Senior women's' honor SOCiety) No report Mackenzie Honor Society (V:ra,iu;lting senior Men's society) " Scholarship Honor Society (Scbolastic Society) -- ----; I List or Fraternity and Sororit;y;Houses Name ,Address President Address Alpha Delta Psi 491 Hancock William Veling 5309 Vancouver Alpha Kappa Pi 641 W.
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