REV. EBEN M. MACDONALD -PASTOR REV. CYPRIAN CARLO -PRIEST IN RESIDENCE 15520 VENTURA BOULEVARD • ENCINO • CALIFORNIA • 91436 www.st-cyril.org • 818- 986.8234 LAETARE SUNDAY MARCH 14TH 2021 From the Desk of Father Mac This week we celebrate the feasts of two great saints. Wednesday is feast of Saint Patrick and Friday is the feast Our deepest thanks to those who are of Saint Joseph, which has special significance since Pope continuing to give Francis has declared this to be the Year of Saint Joseph. so generously to support our parish during this challenging time. Sandwiched between those two feasts is the feast of a saint who isn’t as popular or as well-known as St. Patrick and St. Please mail your contribution to the Joseph, but who is important to our parish. Thursday March Parish Office at 4601 Firmament Ave. Encino, Ca 91436 18 is the feast of our patron Saint Cyril of Jerusalem! OR: Make your gift online at https://st-scyril.org/give online Cyril was born around 313 A.D. and was raised in Jerusalem. OR: Drop it into one of the baskets He was well-educated, especially in the Scriptures. He was provided at Mass. ordained a deacon by Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem around Weekly Collection 335 and a priest eight years later by Bishop Maximus. He (Sunday February 28) was given the task during Lent of catechizing those prepar- Total Collected: $8,411 ing for Baptism and catechizing the newly baptized during Weekly Goal: $15,000 the Easter season. We still have these catechetical lectures Weekly Shortfall: -$6,589 of Cyril's that were written down by someone in the congre- gation which are valuable examples of the ritual and theol- If you would like a written acknowledgement of your ogy of the Church in the mid-fourth century. 2020 contributions to Saint Cyril for tax purposes, please contact the parish office at [email protected] In 350 AD, Cyril succeeded Maximus as Bishop of Jerusalem MAY GOD REWARD YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY during a time of great controversy due to the threat posed by the Arian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ and WE NEED YOUR HELP! almost overcame Christianity in the fourth century. MASS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are in need of additional volunteers to assist with Sunday and There are conflicting reports about how of Cyril became daily Masses. Volunteers are needed bishop of Jerusalem. It is certain that he was validly conse- at Sunday and daily Masses to help with visi- crated by bishops of the province. Since one of them was an tor check-in, health symptom check, seating Arian, Acacius, it may have been expected that his people, cleaning and sanitizing after each Mass, and carry- “cooperation” would follow. Conflict soon rose between ing equipment. This will be especially critical once we re- Cyril and Acacius, bishop of nearby rival Caesarea. Cyril was sume Masses inside the church. You can find a signup link summoned to a council, accused of insubordination and of on the parish website or Facebook page. You can also selling Church property to relieve the poor. Probably, how- phone the parish office or send us an email to indicate your ever, a theological difference was also involved. He was willingness to volunteer. [email protected]. condemned, driven from Jerusalem, and later vindicated, not without some association with and help from Semi- Arians. Half his time as bishop was spent in exile. He finally SAFEGUARDING THE CHILDREN returned to find Jerusalem torn with heresy, schism and DID YOU KNOW? strife, and wracked with crime. Even Saint Gregory of HOW PARENTS CAN HELP FIGHT AGAINST SEX TRAFFICKING Nyssa, who was sent to help, left in despair. They both went to the Council of Constantinople, where the amended form of the Nicene Creed was promulgated in 381. Sex trafficking is a serious threat in the U.S. Cyril accepted the word consubstantial—that is, Christ is of and around the world. Parents can make a dif- the same substance or nature as the Father. Some said it ference in their families and in their communi- was an act of repentance, but the bishops of the Council ties by educating themse lves and their children. praised him as a champion of orthodoxy against the Arians. Know the signs of trafficking or abuse, including changes in behavior, nightmares, anxiety, and self-destructive St. Cyril died in 386 A.D. but not before being vindicated. behavior. Fostering trust and communication between Today, Saint Cyril is venerated as a saint in the Roman parents and children is crucial to protecting them from Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Ortho- exploitation. To read more from the VIRTUS® article dox Churches as well as in the Anglican Communion. He was “Sex trafficking: What we can do to help,” visit https:// declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Leo XIII in 1883. lacatholics.org/did-you-know/. In Christ, JOAN VIENNA– REVEREND EBEN MAC DONALD DIRECTOR OF SAFEGUARDING THE CHILDREN PASTOR [email protected] LAETARE SUNDAY MARCH 14TH 2021 “DRIVE-THROUGH” MASS & COMMUNION NOW AVAILABLE! You can participate in Mass from safety of your vehicle or from home and receive Holy Communion afterwards. SATURDAY, MARCH 13TH 4:00 pm - Edward Culleton, RIP LISTEN TO FM BROADCAST Please park in the Ventura Blvd. lot and tune your radio to SUNDAY, MARCH 14TH 88.3 FM. hear the audio feed of Mass. After Mass, please 8:00 am - John King Family, SPEC. INT. pull your car around to the West side of the parish hall to 10:00 am - People of the Parish, SPEC. INT. receive Holy Communion while you remain in your vehicle. 12:00 pm - Armand “Sunny”De Angelis, RIP The FM audio feed will be available for the Saturday 4PM MONDAY, MARCH 15TH Outdoor Mass, the Sunday 8AM and 10AM Outdoor Masses, 7:30 am - Sophia Safarcyk, RIP and the Sunday 12NOON Livestream Mass from inside the TUESDAY, MARCH 16TH church as well as weekday Masses at 7:30AM. 7:30 am - John & Leona Johnston, RIP WATCH THE LIVESTREAM HERE (OR AT HOME) AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17TH RECEIVE COMMUNION AFTERWARDS 7:30 am - Santos Family, SPEC. INT. Please park in the Ventura Blvd. parking lot. From your THURSD AY, MARCH 18TH mobile device, connect to the SCJMass wireless network 7:30 am - Rosalie “Rollie” PIacenti, RIP and navigate to the SCJ Facebook page https:// www.facebook.comStCyrilofJerusalem where you can view FRIDAY, MARCH 19TH livestream Mass on your mobile device. After Mass, please 7:30 am - Mary Margaret Thompson, RIP pull your car around to the steps of the parish hall to receive Communion. SATURD AY, MARCH 20TH 7:30 am -Paul S. Lee, SPEC. INT. STATIONS OF THE CROSS This year, our traditional Friday Lenten Stations of the Cross devotion will take place remotely on Zoom at 7PM every Friday during Lent. To join the Zoom meeting, visit this link on your computer or smart device: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88470856893? pwd=R3pzZ0hTaC91ZnRtWldZVUp4VW1qUT09 Meeting ID: 884 7085 6893 Passcode: 899559 We will also post the Zoom link on the parish website and Facebook page. You can also join by phone by dialing: (669) 900-6833 Strengthen, O God, your Church in the sacraments of your grace, CANDLELIGHT ROSARY AND PRAYER GROUP that we, in union with the teaching meets every Monday at 7 pm by tele-conference. and prayers of you servant All are welcome to join us. Cyril of Jerusalem, may enter more fully into During the season of Lent, we will also pray the Your Paschal mystery; DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET and ask our Heavenly Father to ...have mercy on us and on the whole world…. through Jesus Christ our Lord, TO DIAL IN BY PHONE –DIAL THE 213 AREA CODE NUMBER BE- who lives and reigns with You LOW – ONCE YOU HEAR THE CONFERENCE GREETING, ENTER and the Holy Spirit, one God, THE CONFERENCE ID# FOLLOWED BY THE POUND SIGN, AS SHOWN BELOW: now and for ever. Amen. UNITED STATES - LOS ANGELES, CA + CONFERENCE ID: 588-519-325 # Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Church SUNDAY & WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: by reservation only 4:00 PM Sundays: by reservation only 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12 Noon Mass CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC LIVESTREAMED ON FACEBOOK Vigil of Holy Days 7:00 PM Holy Days 7:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 7:00 PM Weekdays (MON-SAT) 7:30 AM (NO RESERVATION NEEDED) SACRAMENT OF PENANCE/RECONCILIATION Saturday: 8:00-8:30 AM & 3:00-4:00 PM MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS S HOLY ROSARY B -, M 7 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM P P O WEDDINGS M 6 BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL C ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT S Regina Hagan *** All doctors, PrayFor Mickey Pappas nurses, medical workers Sheldon Payne Mary Shartzer **All those who have Bob Farina lost their income Maureen O’Connor due to public health closures** Mamer Marbella Kristin Burgun ** All those who are Dale Jergenson suffering due to the Morgan Stanley pandemic** Valerie Ruelas Mਁਙ, ਈਅਁਔਈ ਏਆ ਔਈਅ ਓਉਃ, ਐਁਙ ਆਏ ਕਓ - Contact Us - PARISH OFFICE ……………………………………………………… 818- 986.8234 RECTORY ………………………………………………………………… 818- 986.8234 SCHOOL ………………………………………………………………… 818- 501.4155 CONVENT …………………………………………………………… 818- 784.1290 BIBLE STUDY ………………………………………………………… 818- 789.5947 RCIA/ RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE …………………………… 818- 789.5947 CHRISTIAN SERVICE PROGRAM …………………………… 818- 981.6832 EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY TO THE SICK ………………… 818- 986.8234 CONFIRMATION PROGRAM/YOUTH MINISTRY ………… 818- 986.8234 PARISH WEBSITE ……………………………………………… www.st-cyril.org PARISH EMAIL ……………………………………………………… [email protected] FACEBOOK …………………………………………….…......… / St C yril O fJerusalem SCHOOL WEBSITE …………………………………………….…… www.stcyril.net SCHOOL EMAIL …………………………………………………… [email protected] PARISH MAIL ADDRESS: 4601 FIRMAMENT AVE., ENCINO, CA 91436 NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin.
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