Volume 94 • Number 3 July 2005 ISS N 1475-49 16 • RCT of homeopathy for depression • lnfection, vaccination and atopy • Systematic review of homeopathy in depression • The colour of improvement • Plumbum and proving reproducibility • Vaccine reactions and vaccinosis • Homeopathy and dry mOuth • A systematic approach to the Organon Editor Peter Fisher FRCP FFHom London, UK Editorial Board Bob Leckridge Robert T Mathie Tom Whitmarsh MBChBFFHom BSc (Hans), PhD MA MBBS FRCP FFHom Editorial Advisory Board Cees Baas Edzard Ernst Luisa Queralt Artsenpraktijk voor Horneapathie University of Exeter, UK Acadernia Medico Horneopatica Eindhoven, The Netherlands de Barcelona, Spain Edoardo Felisi Madeleine Bastide CISDO, Milan, ltaly University of Montpellier, France DPRastogi Gentraf Council for Research Iris R Bell Trevor Gibbs in Hornoeopathy, lndia The University of Arizona, USA University of Cape Town, South Africa David Reilly Philippe Belon Robert Gilchrist Glasgow Hornoeopathic Hospital, UK Institut Boiron, France University of North London, UK David Riley Zvi Bentwich German Guajardo-Bernal Rosetta Genornics, Israel University of New Mexico Medical School, University of Baja California, Mexico USA Brian Berman University of Maryland, USA Marianne Heger Horn/nt Research Centre, Gerrnany Jurgen Schulte Martien Brands University of Technology, Sydney, Australia University of Uverpool, UK Jennifer Jacobs University of Washington, USA Michael Carlston TrevorThompson University of California San Francisco, USA Wayne Jonas University of Bristol, UK Diwan Vijay Chand Uniforrned Services University National Centre for Hornoeopathy, lndia of the Health Sciences, USA Andre Thurneysen lC KIKOM, Bern, Switzerland Flavio Dantas Steven Kayne :h University of Uberlandia, Brazil Glasgow Hornoeopathic Hospital, UK Robber! van Haselen Jonathan Davidson David Lilley London,UK Duke University, USA Pretoria, South Africa Michel van Wassenhoven Christopher Day Klaus Linde European Cornrnittee for Hornoeopathy, Veterinary Dean, Technical University of Munich, Gerrnany Belgiurn Faculty of Hornoepathy, UK Menachem Oberbaum Jean-Louis Demangeat Shaare Zedek Medical Centre, Israel Peter Varley Haguenau Hospital, France Horneapathie Dentist, Australia David Peters Christian Endler University of Westrninster, London, UK Harald Walach Ludwig Boltzrnan Institute, Austria University of Freiburg, Gerrnany Bernard Poitevin Madeleine Ennis Association Franr;aise pour Ia Recherche Fred Wiegant Queen's University Be/fast, Ireland en Horneopathie, France University of Utrecht, Netherlands The Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy uk Homeopathy Aims and Scope Homeopathy is published quarterly. lt is an Notice international journal aimed at improving the understanding and No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and/or da­ clinical practice of homeopathy by publishing high quality articles on mage to persans or property as a matter of products liability, negli­ clinical and basic research, clinical audit, evidence-based practice of gence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, homeopathy and refl ective case reports.lt also promotes debate and products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. reviews the homeopathic literature. 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Printed in the UK by Aiden Press Ud. , Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 OEF, UK The Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy Volume 94, Number 3, July 2005 Guest Editorial Depression research in homeopathy: Hopeless or hopeful? IR Bell 141 Original Papers The feasibility of a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial of homeopathic treatment of depression in generar practice T Katz, P Fis her, A Katz, J Davidson and G Feder 145 Homeopathy for depression: a systematic review of the research evidence K Pilkington, G Kirkwood, H Rampes, P Fisher and J Richardson 153 Classical and new proving methodology: Provings of Plumbum metallicum and Piper methysticum and comparison with a c/assical proving of Plumbum metallicum A Signorini, A Lubrano, G Manuele, G Fagone, C Vittorini, F Boso,
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