ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 ECUFLASH v1.44.4799 LATEST 2019 EDITION Download Ecuflash v1.44.4799 (includes drivers for OpenPort 1.3U and Openport 2.0 cables) Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 and Windows10 Buy ECUflash 1.3U and 2.0 USB Programming Cables here Supported ROM metadata XML definition files: (do not try to reflash your car with ecuflash unless your vehicle is listed here) Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 7 (2001, 2002) OpenPort 1.3U recommended. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8 (2003, 2004, 2005) OpenPort 1.3U recommended. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8 MR (2005) OpenPort 1.3U recommended. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 (2005, 2006) OpenPort 1.3U recommended. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 10, EvoX (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) OpenPort 2.0 recommended. Mitsubishi Lancer RalliArt (2012) OpenPort 2.0 recommended. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 5, 6, 6.5 TME (1998, 1999, 2000) OpenPort 2.0 recommended. Mitsubishi Eclipse (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) Mitsubishi Airtrek (2002, 2005) Mitsubishi Mirage (2000) Mitsubishi Lancer (2002, 2003, 2004) Mitsubishi Galant (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003) Mitsubishi Outlander (no ecuflash support, do not try, outlander may not start after you try, use MMCFLASH only) 1 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 Subaru Exiga (2008, 2010) Subaru B9 Tribeca (2006, 2007) Subaru Baja Turbo (2004, 2005, 2006) Subaru Forester (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012) Subaru Forester STi (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) Subaru Forester Turbo (2001, 2002, 2003) Subaru Forester XT (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) Subaru Impreza 2.5i (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011) Subaru Impreza 2.5RS (2005) Subaru Impreza 3.0R (2004) Subaru Impreza SGT (2008) Subaru Impreza STi (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) Subaru Impreza WRX (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) Subaru Legacy 2.0 (2004) Subaru Legacy 2.5i (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012) Subaru Legacy 3.0R (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) Subaru Legacy 3.6L (2011) Subaru Legacy B4 (2002) Subaru Legacy BH (2002) Subaru Legacy GT (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) Subaru Legacy GT spec.B (2006, 2007, 2008, Subaru Legacy(Outback) GT(XT) (2008, 2009) Subaru Liberty 2.5i (2008) Subaru Liberty 3.0R (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) Subaru Liberty B4 (2002, 2003) Subaru Liberty GT (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010) Subaru Outback 2.5 (2008, 2011) Subaru Outback 2.5i (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011) Subaru Outback 3.0R (2004, 2005) Subaru Outback XT (2005, 2006, 2008) Subaru Tribeca (2008, 2009, 2011, 2012) Apple OSX Support EcuFlash 1.44 will work by running parallels on OSX 2 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 HOWTO Guides on ECU REFLASHING (EvoScan Tech Info Section - Understanding EFI Systems) YOUTUBE Intro to EcuFlash (How to Tune an Evo) 16 youtube HD video series. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=13C9F1BF5C03E946&hd=1 http://www.evoscan.com/ecu-mods How to log AEM ugo wideband via EvoScan http://forums.evolutionm.net/lancer-engine-management-tuning-forums/491918-how-log-your-a em-eugo-evoscan.html for Mitsubishi 2006 4G15 Ralliart Colt RG Reflashing Instructions here... for Mitsubishi 2004-2006 Lancer 4G69 Reflashing Instructions here... for Mitsubishi 2009 Lancer Ralliart Reflashing Instructions here... To use this software you will need to purchase an OpenPort 1.3U cable used primarily for Evo 7/8/9 and Subaru( To use this software you can purchase an OpenPort 2.0 cable for Evo5/6/EvoX(2006+) You can Purchase these cables from our product catalog - click here. ECUFLASH Compatability Chart (ECUFlash free with 1.3U and 2.0 cables) Make Market Model Year Memory Model EvoScan USB Reflash Cable Evoscan USB Datalog Cable 3 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 Mitsubishi ALL Ralliart Colt Turbo / CZT Colt2006+ ***NEW*** M32176F6 2.0 1.3D/R/U/2.0 Mitsubishi ALL Lancer / Outlander 4G69 ***NEW*** 2004-2006 M32176F4 2.0 1.3D/R/U/2.0 Mitsubishi ALL AYC/ACD ECU MH7203FA 1998-2005 ***NEW*** H8539FA 2.0 1.3D/R/U /2.0 Mitsubishi ALL 2nd Gen / EVO5-6 MH7202F 1996-2001 H8539F 2.0 1.3D/R/U/2.0 Mitsubishi ALL 2nd Gen / EVO6.5 TME MH7203FA1999-2001 H8359FA 2.0 1.3D/R/U/2.0 Mitsubishi ALL 3rd Gen / EVO7-8 2001-2005 SH7052 1.3R or 1.3U 1.3D/R/U Mitsubishi ALL EVO9 / Eclipse AT 2006 SH7055 1.3R or 1.3U 1.3D/R/U Mitsubishi ALL EVOX / MR / RA / CAN Vehicles 2006+ M32186F8 4 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 2.0 2.0 Subaru ALL DBW models STi/FXT/LGT/Baja 2004 SH7055 1.3U 1.3D/R/U Subaru ALL DBW models WRX/STi 2005-2007 SH7058 1.3U 1.3D/R/U Subaru ALL DBW models FXT/OBXT/LGT/Baja 2005-2006 SH7058 1.3U 1.3D/R/U Subaru ALL CAN Vehicles 2007+ SH7058 2.0 2.0 Subaru USDM Impreza WRX 2002-2003 68HC16Y5 1.3U 1.3D/R/U Subaru USDM Impreza WRX 2004-2005 68HC16Y5 1.3U 1.3D/R/U 5 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 Subaru non-USDM Impreza WRX/STI 2001-2005 68HC16Y5 1.3U 1.3D/R/U MMC FLASHER Compatability Chart more up to date info here: http://www.evoscan.com/mmcflash-mitsubishi-mazda-yamaha-ecu-reflashing 6 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 7 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 MMCFlash USB Module #1 Read*new LatesttoDownloadUseromh8/53x,MH7201FMH7202FMH7203FAMH8206FMH8305FbuyUnlimitedFree HyundaiKia Mitsubishi, reprogramdatalog.MMCFlash tablesSorrentoFreenow 6-8September andVersion SH7052, daySonataCommunity writemetadata ecu. Kia,2.4,ShippingUSB CPUs, 2011*:2.0 SH7055 MagentisHyundai, Module (Korea,XMLs EcuFlash Supports VehiclesCopy.(128k)(256K)(512K)OpenPortMMCFlashECUFlashsupports (value #22.0 Suzuki,Tagaz) of 2000 $37USD)Latest ECUMH7201F 1.3U 2004, Mazda2004; reprogramming EvoScan Santa Mitsubishi Softwareto and-Software Fe 1997TheLancereditMitsubishi 2.4 samemaps.VR4, Space 2001-2004, IX MTATeven modelCarisma, Wagon those as Tiburon the2.4Pajero, OpenPort with 7203GDI; 2.0external Eclipse, GalantMitsubishi, (Cupe), 2.0 memory 4G93Galant Matrix Mazda GDI; 2000,chips. 1.8; Mirage626, 2004; no 1998. need Dingo Montero to 1.5resolder Pajero4G15 norGDI; 3.2 no DID more 4m41 need 2002; to resocket the chips now! reprogram via the openport 2.0 cable. Read LatestMH8302FMH8303FMH8304FbuyUnlimitedFree SupportstoDownloadUseromMH8301F Mitsubishi MMCFlashreprogramdatalog. nowtablesFree 6-8 andVersion day recalculationCommunity write metadata Shippingecu.USB Vehicle Module XMLs EcuFlash of MH8301F,VehiclesCopy.(512K)(768k)(512KOpenMitsubishiMMCFlashECUFlashECUs, (value #3 of Port& $37USD) Latest 768k)ECU MH8302F,2.0ROM reprogramming EvoScan Checksum MH8303F,. Softwareto -Software 2001sincefromedit maps. 20062005 Montero2004 MH8304F, OutlanderGalant Galant Sport 2.4L; MH8201F2.4L 3.5L; AWD ColtMIVEC; 2001 AT; 1.3 *NEW* from Pajero2004-2008;Outlander 2006 3.0; Outlander 2003-2005; 2.4L Outlander 4WD AT CU5WMIVEC; 2.4 AT MIVEC 07/05 - 12/08; from 2003 Montero Sport 3.5L 4WD; from 2004 Galant 3.8L V6; 06-09 Eclipse GT ; 8 / 9 ECU Reprogramming Last Updated Monday, 28 October 2019 11:28 SupportssupportsMitsubisbiMitsubishi buyUnlimitedFree LatesttoDownloadUserom Mitsubishi MMCFlashreprogramdatalog. nowtablesFree6-8 Version day readingCommunityEvoXLancerXOutlander metadata Shippingecu.USB ACD and Module1.5 (JDM) XMLs MH8104F EcuFlash writingMH8104F VehiclesCopy.OpenPortMMCFlashECUFlash (valueLancer #4MH8104F ofECU $37USD)Latest ECU X 2.0 MH8104F1.5 reprogramming EvoScanand Outlander Softwareto Software edit maps.JDM (right hand drive) (MemorySupportssupportsApproximate *NEWbuyUnlimitedFree *LatesttoDownloadUserom Mazda JDMEU Make reprogramdatalog. nowtables Free6-8Mazda SeptemberMazdaVersion day Model) readingCommunity metadata year36CX7 Shipping ecu. 36 MPS MPS of and2011* release XMLs EcuFlashwritingVehiclesCopy.OpenPortMMCFlashECUFlash (valuenowMarket ~ ofECU supports2000-2007 $37USD)Latest ECU 2.0 SH7055 reprogramming EvoScan 2009 * andEU model SoftwaretoMazda SH7058Software edit Modelmazda. maps. 3-6 1,6 Z6 Year CPU Model DatalogReflash MH7201FEvoscanEvoScan Mitsubishi Cable USBUSB 1.3R/U/2.0ALL 1.3D/R/U/2.0 1997 Space Wagon 2.4 GDI, Galant 4G93 GDI, Mitsubishi Mirage Dingo 1.5 4G15 GDI (H8539FA)also(H8539F) 2.0 Mitsubishi supports 1.3D/R/U/2.0 Mitsubishi AYC/ACD1998-2005 ALL ECU MH7203FA. MH7203FA Carisma,2nd Gen /Pajero, EVO5-6 Eclipse, MH7202F 1996-20012000-2004 Galant, 2002MH7202F Montero Pajero 3.2L DID 4m41, 2004 Hyundai Sonata 2.0L, 2001-2004 Santa Fe 2.4L, Tiburon 2.0L, Matrix 1.8L, Kia Sorrento 2.4, 2000-2004 Magentis 2.0L 2.0MH8206F1.3D/R/U/2.0MH8104F2005 Mitsubishi ALL MH8206FLancer X 1.5, 2005 JDM Outlander XL CME 2.4 Mivec 4B12 2.0MH8301F2001 Mitsubishi 1.3D/R/U/2.0 ALL 20042001 GalantMontero 2.4L Sport MIVEC, 3.5L, 2004-2009 20012003-2005 Pajero Outlander, 3.0 2005-2008MH8302F Outlander CU5W 2.4 AT MIVEC, 2003 Montero Sport 3.5L 4WD, 2004 Galant 3.8L V6, 2006-09 Eclipse GT 2.0 Mitsubishi 1.3D/R/U/2.0 ALL 20052006 GalantOutlander 2.4L, AWD 2004-2008 AT, 2004-20082006 2006 Colt Outlander 1.3 2.4L 4WDMH8304FMH8303F AT MIVEC * EU1.3D/R/U/2.02.0 * Approximate2.0EU JDMEUMazdaMitsubishi Mazda Mazda 1.3D/R/U/2.0Mazda 3-6 36CX7 year36MPS 1,6MPS of Z6 release JDMALL ~ 2000-2007 MH8305F MH8305F OlderROMsshi/ SH7058 2000-2007 ecuflash_setup124.exeEcuFlash and XML versionsmetadata definition2.0SH7055 ecuflash_134_osx.dmg 1.3D/R/U/2.0 files available here: http://www.evoscan.com/roms/mitsubi ecuflash_setup129a.exeecuflash_setup128.exeecuflash_setup127.exeecuflash_setup126.exe ecuflash_138_osx.dmg ecuflash_1412343_win.exeecuflash_1402178_win.exeecuflash_138_win.exeecuflash_134_win.exeecuflash_setup130.exe ecuflash_1433000b_win_beta.exeecuflash_1422595_win.exeecuflash_1412483_win.exeecuflash_1412432_win.exe Reflashingrecoveredhigh.Troubleshooting Keep ecuflash_1433252_win_beta.exeecuflash_1433172_win_beta.exeecuflash_1433150_win_beta.exeecuflash_1433095_win_beta.exe your automatically allbattery Mitsubishi Reflash: voltage byecus the levels have EcuFlash highbuilt inwhilst software failsafe reflashing.
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