f 2 w THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAN, rOETLAND, DECEMBER SCENIC WONDERS OF ROCKIES ENJOYED IN TRD? TO PORTLAND FROM MONTANA. wmL DPiEGO in i nisi OUOBILE 1D0S A ROADS PASSABLE UDEL Trip From Butte Made With gmicfSatufxtm 2 l- - Edward E. Cohen Brings No Difficulty. t Word of Brand New Car. f5 CjyOIFER and dependability Buick, J? jfprinciples characterize the new SNOW NOT YET BARRIER '.ft: DEBUT WILL BE AT SHOW Buick Nineteen Twenty One Series .1 as they have distinguished Buick cars for two decades. 4: Former Local Xewppaper 3an and A Xew Line, Result of Long Experi- Added to the service value of the new Wife Caver. Distance With mentation, s Oldsmobilo Buick models is a distinctive beauty of Bnick In Fire Bays. Four, Six and Eight. body lines and appointments. Amongf professional men, the new Buick Large !3fc- 'Si rour Passenger Coupe is especially Motoring1 from the mountain heights Now comes a real surprise for mo popular because of its everyday useful- of Montana, through the panhandle SMI toring circles announcement of a o Idaho and down the lower altitude brand new model of one of the most ness for business and leisure hours. of the Columbia basin to the "near-sea-leve- l" popular makes of standard cars. The ac Portland turned, out to Oldsmoblle eight and the Oldsmobile Reinforcing Buick reliability is Author- be an uneventful triD for Joseph H. six hare long been standard In their ized Buick Service, nation-wid- e Jordan, former newspaper class. Now comes addition of a third man, and his wife, who made the trip car to this line, the Oldemobile four. in extent. recently. All fears of bad roads and E. Cohen of the Oldsmobile Trices of impassable to Edward the New Nineteen Twenty One Bnick Series. stretches were thrown company Oregon, which many One-Fort- y of for Model Twenty Four, tnree-passenir- car. .S'Jnfi'MS wind3 spite of good of One-For- ty the in a deal years has distributed Oldsmobile cars Model Twenty Five, er car. .:'J06S.18 advice to the contrary. and trucks in this territory, has Just Model Twenty One-For- ty Six. f er coupe. .f?0:4.B4 Model One-Fort- y .S-- Winter descends upon the mountain factory Tyenty Peven. f sedan i 224.4 1 returned from a visit to the One-Fort- region a good Model Twenty y Eight, er coupe. s.l4'!.44 deal earlier than it news important new One-For- ty with of this Model Twenty Nine, seven-passeng- car. does on coast, especially pur- One-Fift- y, seven-pasaeng- .S36.S9 the in the - Oldsmobile. He went east on Model Twenty er aedan ....S36G2.91 vicinity of Butte and Anaconda, .. - .3 pose to attend a meeting of all Olds- where the Jordans commenced their mobile distributors at the Olds fac- T. O. B. Pacific Terminal Points. trip. was snowing quite heavily .r Mich, was Coast Prices Include All War Taxes. It tory in Lansing, at which the morning they left Butte in a revealed the company's plans for its Bulck Six and freezing weather ac- four-cylind- er model. mm a mmmmfA companied day, ac- tel5 them all of that This car is no sudden dream carried cording to Jordan's account of the out on the spur of the moment. For MBit, trip. However, after getting well the past two years the OldH Motor SSSK down Deer Lodge valley the sun Works has been experimenting with came out and kept them company for a four-cylind- er model. Mr. Cohen the five days they were on the way. brings the official factory announce- Pend d'Orielle Followed. ment that the Oldsmobile four not On account of the Saltese pass over only is now in production but that the Bitter Root mountains being one carload of the new models al- snowed in. It was necessary to follow ready is en route to Portland. the water grade of the Fend d'Orellle To Make Its Bow at the Show. river to the lake that bears the same The Oldsmoblle four will make its name and thence from Sand Point to debut to Portland and the Pacific Spokane. This route is much longer northwest at the Portland automobile than the Wallace route, inasmuch as show in the city auditorium, January It Is necessary to almost touch the 10 to 17. It is being manufactured in Canadian line in order to get Into roadster, coupe and Washington at this time of the year. sedan models. In appearance It has The National parks highway is the same distinctive features that along this route and is well marked characterize other Oldsmobile models, so that the tourist has little difficulty and the same details in finish and re- In keeping on the main highway. finement. It will not in any way cup-pla- nt These red and white signs were fol- either the Oldsmobile six or lowed. eight, but Is an addition to the line. Roads from Butte to Allssoula The chassis, says Mr. Cohen, who - through Deer Lodge valley and the enjoyed his ride in the four first CB-6- i Eearmouth canyon were found in while at Lansing, has a 115-in- ch 61 good shape and continued on to wheelbase and is equipped with 32x4 Dixon. Through the lower corner of tires. The motor is of the valve-in-hea- d tha Flathead reservation the road ia type with 3 llxl6-inc- h bore by poor and the driver is forced to a 64-inc- h stroke a long stroke with le gait or less. Sharp curves all the flexibility gained by the long Immediate Deliveries on 1921 Models and slow road follow the upper tribu- stroke and the cylinder head Is of ' til-):-- tary of the Columbia through Perma, ' : v special design with three exhaust and opposite Paradise to Plains. Road i ports. construction has been the task of "For power and riding qualities this county commissioners in this section car is a veritable little dream" de- HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. and the motorist is able to make a clared Mr. Cohen. "It has the flexi- ' Largest Distributors Automobiles in the World San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland little time. bility of a six and the easy riding bmmv. iV i" Fourteenth and Davis Sts, Portland, Oregon Highway In Idaho Good. qualities of a big car. It is econom- Thompson to ical In gasoline and oil consumption, From Falls Clark's yet a hear for power, especially on fork is slow going and required care. -. it Tha highway around Lake Pend f . the hills. One simply must ride in WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD d'Orellle is in fairly good shape and to appreciate its qualities. When they THEM the roads from Sand Point to Spokane see this car at the coming chow. Port- all-ye- ar excep- land people will be as enthusiastic are in chape, with the Is saying tion of a few muddy places. about it as I am, and that years The scenery from Missoula to Sand a lot. in the past few has spoiled us but for weeks thereafter, until the either the service or emergencj Looks Like Other Olds. a little. What we must do is to Ret country had caught up with lt3 brake. At the Detroit police test Point carries any amount of interest condi- nickel-radiat- or accustomed to normal business hauling." skilled drivers of two other cars wer for the motorist and surpasses that "It has the same tions. significant of rest of trip ex- same general appear- The fact about this able to stop in a distance of IS feet, the the with the design and the readjustment is that there Is no real LIBERT!" BREAKS RECORD which was the best reported record. ception of the Columbia highway, ance as the other models in the Olds money, in- caps, deep can- in every way a car scarcity of as the fact of Another record was made by the Jordan said. Snow mobile line. It is creased bank deposits, especially sav- Liberty six while at the 20-m- speed. yons, high bluffs and winding river of distinction and class, just what ings deposits, greater num- Stock Car, in Test, Stops In case, are contiiuous over this distance. people have been wanting In the way bank and Detroit this the use of the service all-ye- ber of savings depositors, emphat- brake in stopping car in ar four-cylind- er per resulted the The splendid condition of of a car tiat can ically bear testimony." Within Short Space. a distance of 28 feet. At the police graveled roads from Spokane to Pasco form right along with a six, yet at test, best was 32 As In A Liberty six has hung up a new the record feet. is worthy of particular mention. the price of a four. 10-1A- Y in cases, four-cylind- er AUTO BAN DISASTROUS other the drivers were all the eyes of Mr. Jordan. This stretch "Addition of this recorod for brake ability by stopping men furnished by the factories of tha of road, which goes through a large model makes Oldsmobile dealers the within a space of 4 feet while trav- different cars represented. agricultural country, is in excellent best equipped of them all. When it eling at 10 miles per hour. The test give public Such Action Would Emphasize the ehape. This same class of construc- -- arrives we can the three was officially conducted by the Lib- Ball Bearing Adjustment.
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