Biosaintifika 10 (2) (2018) 401-407 Biosaintifika Journal of Biology & Biology Education http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/biosaintifika Effect of Red Fruit Oil on Ovarian Follicles Development in Rat Exposed to Cigarette Smoke Isrotun Ngesti Utami, Enny Yusuf Wachidah Yuniwarti, Tyas Rini Saraswati DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/biosaintifika.v10i2.13236 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia History Article Abstract Received 2 January 2018 Red fruit oil (Pandanus conoideus Lam) contains active substances in the form of Approved 12 June 2018 alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene and unsaturated fatty acids that can potentially be Published 30 August 2018 antioxidants. This study aims to examine the effect of red fruit oil (Pandanus conoi- deus) on the development of ovarian follicles of rat exposed to cigarette smoke, (in Keywords increasing the number of primary follicles, secondary follicles, tertiary follicles and Development of ovarian ovarian weight). This study used Completely Randomized Design with 20 female follicles; Red fruit oil; To- bacco smoke; Ovarian weight rats (3 months old) divided into 4 treatment groups: P0 (Positive control), P1 (nega- tive control of exposure to cigarette smoke for 8 days), P2 (exposure to cigarette smoke for 8 days + 0.1 ml red fruit oil) and P3 (exposure of cigarette smoke for 8 days + 0.2 ml red fruit oil) with 5 time repetition and 28 days red fruit treatment for the research parameters were the number of primary follicles, secondary follicles, tertiary follicles and ovarian weight. The data obtained were analyzed using one- way ANOVA with 95% confidence level (P < 0.05). The results showed that the administration of red fruit oil at doses of 0.1 ml and 0.2 ml was not significantly affecting (P > 0.05) the number of primary follicles, secondary follicles, tertiary fol- licles and ovarian weight, so it can be conclusion that the administration of red fruit oil at a dose of 0.1 ml and 0.2 ml cannot increase the number of primary follicles, secondary follicles, tertiary follicles and ovarian weight in rat exposed to cigarette smoke. How to Cite Utami, I. N., Yuniwarti, E. Y. W., & Saraswati, T. R. (2018). Effect of Red Fruit Oil on Ovarian Follicles Development in Rat Exposed to Cigarette Smoke. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 10(2), 401-407. © 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang Correspondence Author: p-ISSN 2085-191X Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia 50275 e-ISSN 2338-7610 E-mail: [email protected] Isrotun Ngesti Utami, et al. / Biosaintifika 10 (2) (2018) 401-407 INTRODUCTION for seven days in a hamster can lead to a deve- lopmental disorder of the ovary follicle up to the Ovaries are a pair of primary reproducti- ovulation stage. The content of nicotine, tar, and ve organs in a female animal located, inside the carbon monoxide in cigarettes causes the occur- abdominal cavity and functioning to produce an rence of free radicals. Free radicals that enter ovum and female reproductive hormone. Ova- the body in excessive amounts causes oxidative ries are the sites of follicular development from stress. It occurs when the number of free radicals primary follicles to, secondary follicles, tertiary is more than the endogenous antioxidants. Pro- follicles and finally de Graaf follicles as the ovu- duction of free radicals that exceed the ability of latory ovum (Mader, 2012). The development of endogenous antioxidants can cause cell damage. ovarian follicle outline is divided into two phases An increase in oxidative stress has a negative ef- i.e. prenatal phase and the antral phase. Preantral fect on some components of the cell membrane or gonadotropin-independent phase is characteri- i.e, damage to lipid membranes form malonalde- zed by the oocyte growth, while the antral phase hyde (MDA), damage to proteins, carbohydrates or gonadotropin dependent phase is characteri- and DNA, which can disrupt all cells and tissues zed by a considerable increase in follicle size of in the body including impaired development of approximately 25 mm. The antral phase is go- ovarian follicles (Surasana et al., 2013). verned by Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Red fruit oil contains beta-carotene 500 and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) as well as other ppm, and alpha-tocopherol 700 ppm, which is growth factors (Gannon, 2013). indicated that red fruit oil can be used as one The follicular phase of the pituitary ova- the source of antioxidants (Budi, 2005). Antio- ry cycle secretes a small portion of the hormone xidants beta-carotene in reducing oxidative stress FSH and LH in response to GnRH from the hy- due to exposure to cigarette smoke is to break the pothalamus. Immature ovarian follicle cell is used chain reaction of peroxidase unsaturated lipids in as FSH hormone receptors. LH hormone acts on the brain. The content of beta-carotene has the theca cells to stimulate androgen production, potential to bind the activity of single oxygen that while the FSH hormone in granulosa cells inc- triggers the formation of free radicals. Beta-ca- rease the conversion of androgens into estrogen. rotene can react with peroxyl radicals which are The estrogen hormone produced by the growing carotenoid peroxide radicals (Rizqi et al., 2016). follicle is released into the blood causing a con- Unsaturated fatty acids contained in red tinuous rise in plasma estrogen levels during the fruit oil can be used as a cholesterol forming follicular phase. The remaining estrogen hormo- agent. Unsaturated fatty acids will be converted ne remains inside the follicle which contributes to cholesterol in the liver. The fatty acids toget- to forming the antrum fluid and stimulates the her with coenzyme form the Ko-A acyl molecule. further proliferation or granulosa cells. During Acyl-KoA is dehydrated in alpha and beta carbon the follicular phase, LH secretion is elevated and to produce double bonds. The hydrogen atom leads to an increase of estrogen concentration binds to the beta carbon. Two hydrogen atoms as well as the growth of de Graaf follicle (Sher- of alpha carbon and from hydroxyl groups bind wood, 2014). to beta carbon. The compound between alpha Chemicals content in cigarettes causes and beta carbon is detached. The long chain part various types of health problems such as distur- binds to the coenzyme A molecule while the short bances in the female and male reproductive sys- chain present in acetyl part remains bonded to the tems. According to Furlong et al., (2017) there coenzyme A forming acetylene-KoA. Mevalnoat are approximately 48.5 million couples in the formed from acetyl-KoA releases CO2 and forms world experiencing reproductive fertility disor- an isoprenoid unit. Six isoprenoid units from a ders. Reproductive disorders can be caused by steroid mother lanosterol that will be converted the presence of free radicals, one of them comes into cholesterol (Na’ima, 2012). from cigarettes. It is because in one cigarette there Cholesterol formed acetyl-KoA forms a are 4000 chemicals such as 90% of gas and 20% steroid hormone extracted from intracell ester of the particle. The gases contained in cigarettes cholesterol stores or absorbed by cells in the form of lipoproteins that are internalized throught a are CO, CO2, cyanide, hydrocarbons, and orga- nic acids, while the other particles contained in process mediated by plasma membrane receptors. cigarette are nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide Biosynthesis of sex steroid in the adrenal cortex (Dwirahayu et al., 2016). and gonads, requires four cytochrome P450 enzy- According to a study conducted by Bordel mes, monooxygeneses, which play a role in the et al., (2006), the provision of nicotine exposure transfer of electrons from NADPH via an inter- 402 Isrotun Ngesti Utami, et al. / Biosaintifika 10 (2) (2018) 401-407 mediate protein transfer of electrons to molecular oil. oxygen that oxidizes (Marks, et al., 2000). Group P1: cigarette smoke without the adminis- The synthesis of steroid hormones will tration of red fruit oil be converted to estrogen and progesterone. The Group P2: cigarette smoke + the administration steroid hormone binds to the plasma protein and of red fruit oil 0.1 ml BB/ day. estradiol binds to a globulin transport known as Group P3: cigarette smoke + the administration hoemone-wall globulin sex and binds weakly to of red fruit oil 0.2 ml BB/ day. albumin, while estrogen binds strongly to albu- The treatment of exposed by cigarette min. The circulation of estradiol is rapidly con- smoke were carried out after the samples try to verted to estrone in the liver with the help of acclimate during a week. Cigarette used with the 17-hydroxysteroid dehidrogenase. Some estrone amount of one cigarette per day. Each treatment into the circulation and some will be metabolized with cigarette smoke was conducted in treatment into hydroxy estrone that is converted to estriol. cage. The base of cigarette takes into the plastics The production of estradiol at the beginning of bottle that has been modifications before burn the cycle will decrease to the lowest point, but be- the tip cigarette. Then, the cigarette keeps into cause of the influence of the hormone FSH est- the treatment cage by placing in the modification radiol will begin to increase. Estradiol levels will in the modification place in each cage. The cage’s increase until ovum maturation and estradiol le- roof was covered by gauze and glass, and also vels will peak until the ovulation, while the luteal equipped with a gap for air circulation. After the phase estrogen levels will decrease. The proges- last cigarette burns out, the samples were taken terone produced by the corpus luteum together out from their treatment cage. Treatment with ci- with estrogen will provide a negative feedback garette smoke was conducted every day for one on the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary (Ra- week start at 10:00 PM until finish.
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