喀山國立大學 Kazan Federal University

喀山國立大學 Kazan Federal University

Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 喀山國立大學 Kazan Federal University 校園圖片 校園所在位置 Capital Campus 簡介 1. 喀山國立大學(俄文:Казанский государственный университет,英文:Kazan Federal University,簡稱:喀山大學), 前身為喀山帝國大學(Kazan Imperial Unioversity)由沙皇亞歷山大一世(Alaexander I)於 1804 年 11 月 5 日簽署 批文成立,位於俄羅斯韃靼斯坦共和國(Respublika Tatarstan)首府喀山市 (Kazan)市中心,是俄羅斯繼莫斯科國立大學和聖彼得堡大學之後的第三 所大學。 2. 該校成立之初設有數學、化學、醫學、語言學、地質學(geological)、地植 學(geobotainical)系等專業學科。建校 200 多年來,不僅在自然科學領域 誕生出許多世界知名科學家(詳見傑出校友),在社會科學領域也是人才輩 1 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 出。1 近十年來,奈米新技術領域也取得突出成績,而生物醫學、心理學、 文化學也擁有不錯成就。2 3. 1996 年俄羅斯總統葉爾欽(Boris Yeltsin)將喀山大學列為俄羅斯民族文化 遺產名錄(Register of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Russian Ferderation), 而 2010 年俄羅斯總統梅德偉傑夫(Dmitry Medvedev)授予其為喀山聯邦大學。 4. 學校規定所有無俄語基礎的學生,若要申請入學必須就讀一年或一年半學制 的俄語語言培訓課程。每週課程為 30 小時,包括俄語和基礎學科,如數學, 生物,化學,人文及醫學等。完成預科課程後,需要參加預科畢業考試及俄 語測試(本科需通過俄語一級,碩士需通過俄語二級)。學生持有預科畢業 證及語言等級測試憑證即可順利就讀喀山國立大學相關專業課程。3 背景說明(關係建立) 1. 若為非姐妺校:牽線及緣由: 如:由 XX 老師參加 XX 活動而結識 XX 教授帶 回政大的線。若不清楚,請直接詢問該區域之主動詢問交辦同仁(Caroline/ Claire/Kelly)。 規模(2017)4 1. 學生人數(大學部/研究所):44,000 人,包含 3,638 位研究生。 2. 教師人數:3,964 人。 3. 行政人員:6,597 人。 組織建制5 校長(Rector): Ilshat Gafurov 學制及課程規劃6 1. 學制(semester 制): 9 月-1 月為 Semester 1,2 月-6 月為 Semester 2 2. 開課層級: 學士、碩士、博士 1 https://kpfu.ru/cn/guanyu-daxue/lishi 2 https://kpfu.ru/cn/guanyu-daxue/daxue-jianjie 3 https://kpfu.ru/cn/ruxue/daxue-yuke 4 https://kpfu.ru/portal/docs/F_620275681/KFU.in.2018._.English.pdf (在第 7 頁) 5 https://kpfu.ru/eng/about-the-university/ilshat-gafurov 6 https://kpfu.ru/eng/academics/academic-calendar 2 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 學術特色 1. 語言和學術培訓課程7:針對短期俄語學習的國際學生所開設,課程結束後 會頒發語言培訓證書。學習內容包含語音練習、語音學、語法、閱讀及寫作, 每周共 24 小時。另有夏季的俄語交流課程,需另外收取費用。 2. 全球合作8:自建校以來渴望擴大國際合作並融入全球學術環境,曾擁有過 兩位國際校長分別來自德國和奧地利。目前該校與德國 Justus Liebig University Giessen、法國 Institut supérieur des matériaux du Mans(ISMANS)、 日本 Institute of Physical and Chemical Research 和其他合作夥伴建有雙重文 憑(Cotutelle-de-Thèse-Procedure)的協議。此外每年約有 60-70 位研究生、 研究員和教師贏得國際團隊項目補助(DAAD、DFG、大眾汽車基金會、歐 洲委員會、CRDF、卡內基基金會等)。再者從 2006 年起韃靼斯坦共和國 提供獨特的培訓預算資金計劃,每年約有 50 位喀山大學學生和教職員獲得 出國留學支持,堪稱是俄羅斯內享有最高待遇。 學校認證 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 by Region N/A N/A 52 52 46 QS9 World 601-650 551-600 551-600 501-550 441-450 ARWU World N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Country N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 Webometrics10 Continental N/A N/A N/A N/A 350 World N/A N/A N/A N/A 834 11 THE World N/A N/A 301-350 401-500 401-500 * 在 2018 QS ranking 上獲得四顆星。12 7 https://kpfu.ru/cn/ruxue/yuyan-xueshu-he-peixun-kecheng 8 https://kpfu.ru/cn/guanyu-daxue/quanqiu-hezuo 9 https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/kazan-volga-region-federal-university 10 http://www.webometrics.info/en/detalles/kpfu.ru 11 https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/kazan-federal-university 12 https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/kazan-volga-region-federal-university 3 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 院系所13 14 Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology Institute of Environmental Sciences Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry Higher School of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems Institute of Engineering Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies Nikolai Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Institute of Physics Institute of Management, Economics and Finance Higher School of Business Institute of International Relations Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Institute of Psychology and Education Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications Faculty of Law Higher School of Public Administration Department of Physical Education and Sports Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining Preparatory School for International Students 研究中心15 N.L. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry Vladimir Engelgardt Astronomical Observatory Botanical Garden Centre for Information Technologies 13 https://kpfu.ru/eng/academic-units 14 file:///C:/Users/OIC/Desktop/180719.Full.list.of.structural.units.pdf 15 https://kpfu.ru/eng/research-innovation/research-units 4 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 英語授課之學術課程 下方英語授課學位的學術課程。 英語授課之學位16 English-taught Program: (Master’s Degree) 1) Physics (Condensed Matter Physics) 2) Radiophysics (Physics of Magnetic Phenomena) 3) Geology (Stratigraphy of Oil and Gas Basins) 4) Geology (Complex Data Analysis in Petroleum Geology) 5) Biology (Pharmacology) 6) Software Engineering 7) Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies (Data Science) 8) Management: General and Strategic management* *The interdisciplinary Master programme with Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany. 傑出校友17 19 世紀 1. Ivan Simonov 參與南極探險並開創南極學(Antarctic Studies) 2. Baudouin de Courtney 成立語言學派(Kazan Linguistic School)並掀起歐洲 東方研究學(Oriental Studies) 3. Nikolai Lobachevsky 找到非歐幾里得幾何(non-Euclidean geometry) 4. Karl Ernst Claus 發現化學元素釕(Ruthenium,簡稱:Ru) 5. Leo Tolstoy 於 1847 年完成學業(大文豪) 6. Aleksandr Butlerov 創立有機化合物結構理論 7. Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin 曾就讀過該校(蘇俄與蘇聯統治者) 20 世紀 1. Vladimir Enhelhardt 發現細胞氧化磷酸化現象(Oxidative Phosphorylation) 2. Evgeny Zavoysky 找到在電子顺磁共振现象(Electronic paramagnetic Resonance) 3. Semon Altshuler 提出電子顺磁共振现象理論,為新領域量子聲學(Quantum Acoustics)打下基礎 4. Arbuzovs 父子(Alexander 和 Boris)提出有機磷化合物的化學反應 (Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds) 16 https://kpfu.ru/eng/academics/english-taught-programmes 17 https://kpfu.ru/eng/about-the-university/history 5 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 締約學校18 目前在台灣的姊妹校有:國立成功大學、東吳大學、國立中興大學及實踐大學。 Country Name of University Austria 1. University of Innsbruck 2. University of Salzburg 3. University of Graz 4. Danube University Krems-University for Continuing Education Belgium 1. KU Leuven 2. University of Antwerp Bulgaria 1. Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridsky 2. D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics 3. New Bulgarian University Croatia University of Zagreb Republic of 1. University of Nicosia Cyprus 2. Open University of Cyprus Czech 1. Masaryk University Republic 2. University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno 3. Czech Technical University in Prague 4. Technical University of Brno 5. Mendel University in Brno Denmark 1. Haldar Topsoe 2. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources Estonia Estonia Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences Finland 1. University of Helsinki 2. University of Turku 3. Laurea University of Applied Sciences 4. Lappeenranta University of Technology 5. University of Eastern Finland 6. University of Tampere 18 https://kpfu.ru/eng/international-cooperation/cooperation-development 6 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 France 1. National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations (INALCO) 2. Université Paris III Nouvelle Sorbonne 3. Institute of Materials and Advanced Mechanics ISMANS 4. University of Strasbourg 5. Sigmund Freid University 6. University of Limoges 7. Institute of Genetics, Cellular and 8. Molecular Biology Germany 1. Justus Liebig University of Giessen 2. Free University of Berlin 3. University of Leipzig 4. University of Bamberg 5. University of Augsburg 6. University of Regensburg 7. Max-Plank Institute for Heart and Lung Research 8. University of Passau 9. University of Tubingen 10. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 11. Institute of Caucasica-, Tatarica- and 12. Turkestan Studies, Magdeburg 13. TU Bergakademie Freiberg 14. Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz 15. Bochum University of Applied Sciences 16. Technical University Dresden 17. University of Rostock 18. Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg 19. Ruhr University Bochum 20. Humboldt University of Berlin 21. University of Stuttgart, Institute of Microbiology Hungary 1. Budapest University of Technology and Economics 2. Pazmany Peter Catholic University 3. Szechenyi Istvan University Ireland Trinity College Dublin Italy 1. Tor Vergata University Roma 2. University of Bolongna 3. University of Foggia 4. Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism, Italian National Scientific Council, Parma 7 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 5. University of Parma 6. University of Ferrara 7. University for Foreigners Perugia 8. University of Sassari 9. Sapienza University of Rome 10. University of Messina Latvia 1. International Higher School of Practical Psychology 2. University of Latvia 3. Baltic International Academy Lithuania 1. Kaunas University of Technology 2. Coastal Research and Planning Institute, University of Klaipeda Moldova 1. Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University 2. Moldova Academy of Science Netherlands Centre of Excellence for Epilepsy and Sleep Medicine Poland 1. University of Lodz 2. University of Warsaw 3. Wroclaw University of Economics 4. Silesian University of Technology 5. Gdańsk University of Technology 6. University of Silesia in Katowice Portugal 1. Proto University 2. University of Coimbra 3. Universidade Nova de Lisboa Serbia University of Niš Slovenia University of Ljubljana Slovakia 1. University of Prešov 2. University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra Spain 1. University of Granada 2. University of A Coruña 3. University of Huelva 4. University of Jaen 5. Technical University of Madrid 6. University of Castilla-la-Mancha 7. University of Cadiz Switzerland 1. University of Bern 2. University of Fribourg 3. Computer Simulation and Visalisation Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 8 Created: 2018/7/26 Last updated: 2018/8/1 4. International Academy Montreux Ukraine V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University United 1. Heriot-Watt University Kingdom 2. London School of Hygiene

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